Czytasz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: Present Perfekt

Temat: Reported Speech - no changes in the past?
In spoken English a sentence in The Simple Past quite often remains unchanged
in reported speech, if it does not cause confusion regarding the time of the
In other words - when it is not essential to the meaning of a sentence to
uderline that one action happened at an earlier point of time than another
action, then the Simple Past remains the Simple Past. In spoken English.

In written English, however, it is correct to change into the Past Perfect.

But because at school we learn a less formal English, simply spoken English,
it is possible not to change, unless necessary, also in a written exercise (as
explained above).

I have an example here from A.J.Thomson and A.V.Martinet,"A Practical English

He said, "I loved her."

this must be changed into:

He said he had loved her.

As otherwise there would be a change of meaning.
Can you detect this change of meaning?
Normally you would say:

"I love her.", not "I loved her."

So in the original sentence "he" wanted to say that: either he does not love
her anymore, or, perhaps, that she is now dead.

If the sentence remained unchanged in the reported speech, it would be
identical with:

He said, "I love her." the Simple Present tense which routinely changes into
the Simple Past:

He said he loved her.

And here confusion would arise.

As to your examples - well, I am not a native speaker of English. To me these
sentences sound nearly identical in meaning. Perhaps

"He said he had bought that car."

sounds somewhat more emphatic than

"He said he bought that car."

Here on the forum there seem to be several native speakers.
They might have a different interpretation.


P.S. There are a couple of other exceptions from this routine change of tense
in reported speech. But they do not occur that often. And too many exceptions
might confuse you now.
I can refer you to Thomson and Martinet grammar handbook I mentioned above.

Temat: Polish system of teaching languages
Polish system of teaching languages
I just thought that the entire Polish system of teaching English and
langauges in general sucks.
People tend to overly appreciate Cambridge exams, and treating these as the
only motivation and objective to achieve. Abroad people don't usually take
those exams, yet they manage to develop language skills at a good level
which let them communicate effectively. Let's take Scandinavians or the
Dutch. At least they are able to communicate, but usually they can actually
converse without problems, express their opinion so that they get the
message across, and normally some accent (mainly American) can be identified.

While in Poland although people can show the required certificate (even
Proficiency) they underestimate the significance of speaking. We are quick
to read, expand vocabulary passively, solve grammar exercises correctly and
understand the listening comprehension. However, when it comes to watching
movies and striking up a conversation problems arise. Suddenly we become
reticent for fear that we might come out with something incomprehensible.
Most people are embarrassed to produce the right sounds in English and
prefer to speak Polish English with strong Polish r and not paying attention
to vowels.

At school transformations are mastered, the importance of learning future
perfect continuous or third conditonal is emphasized. After graduating
highschool most students know that we should add -s to the verb for 3rd
person singular i present simple, but they cannot answer a question like how
are ya doing?

Therefore, I strongly urge all the students and teachers to give up this
fascination with Cambridge exams and concentrate on really vital issues.
Such as teachin/learning to spak, take part in a discussion and convey your
point of view effectively, be able to write an email in an appropariate
style, understand real language (e.g spoken in movies)

That was long...


Temat: materiały do speakingu-poziom intermediate
ja najczęściej używam zdjęć, mam taki zestaw powycinanych z
magazynów różnych fotek przedstawiających sytuacje, ludzi,
pomieszczenia itd i do tego dobieram zadania.

małe dzieci pytam jakiego koloru pan i pani mają ubranka, jakie
widzą przedmioty, czy im się podoba zdjęcie itd. na tym etapie
bardziej liczy się to, że dziecko rozumie pytania i potrafi krótko
odpowiedziec. nie wymagam cudów i skomplikowanych zdań, często nawet
wystarczy jeśli dziecko powie yes/no. dużo razy powtarzam te same
zwroty na różnych lekcjach i w róznych kontekstach żeby się dobrze
utrwaliły. bo dzieci mają super pamięc ale bardzo krótką.

młodzież opowiada: co ci ludzie robią (present cont.), przy
historyjkach obrazkowych - simple past, lub co oni własnie zrobili
(p. perfect) lub co mają zamiar zrobić (going to), + opisy
szczegółow wyglądu, stroju, kim mogą być i jakie mogą mieć
zainteresowania, cechy charakteru + do tego zawsze jakas dyskusja
czyli kilka pytań typu: co jest ważniejsze wygląd czy charakter i
dlaczego, czy ubraniem pokazujemy nasz charakter i dlaczego, jaki
jest twój ulubiony strój i dlaczego, szkolne mundurki - za czy
przeciw i dlaczego itd pytań jest milion, szczególnie przydatne są
osobom małomównym, zmuszają do wypowiedzenia się uzywając więcej niż
2-3 wyrazów :)

przy dorosłych podobnie jak z młodzieżą, ale tematyka bardziej
biznesowa, pracownicza i ogólnie inna.

bardzo często korzystam też ze "speakingów" które zaczerpniętych z
testów FCE - tam zwykle jest jakaś historyjka obrazkowa do
odpowiedzenia lub poukładania w kolejności albo trzeba wybrać jakąś
ofertę z podanych i uzasadnić dlaczego, + pytania dot. poruszanego

Temat: Poszukiwanie MLM kontaktów - W Języku angielskim?
Poszukiwanie MLM kontaktów - W Języku angielskim?
W Języku angielskim? W Niemcu?


I represent a 13 year old, over a $ 600 million strong, worldwide acting
network-company in Telecommunication & Energie and I would like to meet
serious networkers in Poland with some degree of experience in the MLM business.

We have a great and unique opportunity to offer.

The timing is perfect: the company (operating in Europe since 1999) is not
present on the polish market yet.
But it is planing to launch it's services soon.

My target is to meet experienced networkers only, who are interested in
participating in the pre-launch phase coming soon.

Maybe you are the one?
Maybe you know someone??

The "Right Stuff":
If you are interested and think you have the right qualifications, please send
a mail to with your contact details and a telephone
number (very important, otherwise I cannot contact you).

I will answer all inquiries.

If you are the one, we need to talk !



Ich repräsentiere ein 13 jahres altes Netzwerk Marketing Unternehmen im
Bereich Telekommunikation & Energie.

Dieses Unternehmen, das weltweit in 18 Länder operiert, setzt heute über $ 600 um.

Ich suche nun seriöse und motivierte Kontakte in Polen; Menschen die bereits
über einen gewissen Grad an Erfahrung im Bereich MLM besitzen.

Wir haben bald eine wahrhaft großartige und sogleich einzigartige
Geschäftsmöglichkeit anzubieten.

Das Timing ist perfekt: Das Unternehmen (das seit 1999 in Europa tätig ist)
ist noch nicht aktiv in Polen.
Aber es plant seine Dienstleistungen in Kürze auf dem polnischen markt anzubieten.

Mein Ziel ist es NUR erfahrene Netzwerker zu treffen, die interessiert wären
bereits in der baldigen Pre-Launch phase (Vor-Einführungsphase) zu partizipieren.

Vielleicht sind Sie interessiert?
Vielleicht kennen Sie jemanden?

The "Right Stuff"
Wenn Sie interesse haben sollten und wenn Sie denken Sie über die nötigen
Qualifikationen zu verfügen, senden Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbung an mit Ihren Kontaktdetails, Telefonnummer etc. (Ohne
ihre telefon nummer kann ich Sie nicht anrufen!)

I beantworte selbstverständlich alle Anfragen.

Wenn Sie "derjenige" sind, dann müssen wir unbedingt reden.


Temat: Ile ang uzywacie naprawde podczas lekcji?
glajda napisała:

> Czy na pewno dotyczy to CALEJ klasy, czy tylko garstki najzdolniejszych?

Zapewniam Cie, ze nie dotyczy to jedynie najzdolniejszych. Leopiej mowic
prostymi slowami, ale po angielsku, niz po polsku.

> skad wiesz, ze nie chodza na dodatkowy angielski?

Bo wiem i juz. Takie rzeczy sie wie. przydaje sie tu dialog z uczniami, a takze
wywiad u wychowawcy. Nauczyciel powinien miec rozeznanie w takich sprawach.
Wiem tez kto jest biedniejszy i nie stac go na podrecznik, i takiemu komus
robie ksero.

> > Bo jest to mozliwe. Przeciez do obajasnia
> > gramtyki, raz wporwadza sie troche jezyka meta, czyli subject, verb, obcj
> ect,
> > question itp., a potem sie tych slow w kolko uzywa, wiec przy skupieniu u
> wagi
> > kazdy wreszcie rozumie.
> Poważny metodyczny błąd.

powaznym metodycznym bledem jest dezorientacja ucznia i wybijanie z myslenia po
angielsku przy uzywaniu na zmiane polski, angielski, polski angielski.

Stwarzasz studentom podwójną trudność - wykładasz
> coś zupelnie nowego,

Wybacz, ale jezyk meta typu subject, verb+ed nie jest nowoscia w gimnazjum, bo
program zdaje sie trzeciej klasy podstawowki przewiduje nauczenie sie co to
czasownik, rzaczownik itp. Jezeli ktos tego nie wie w gimnazjum, to dobrze
sobie taka wiedze odswiezyc, chocby na kompetencje przed liceum.

np.Present Perfect ktorego nie ma w j.polskim,

Cos jak Present Perfect jest w jezyku polskim, np. Mam to zrobione, jestem
wyjechana (zly polski, ale u nas na kaszubach uzywane).

> objasniając używasz meta.

NIe tylko meta. Podaje prosta strukture + przykład + diagram + polskie
tłumaczenie, jezeli ono pomaga. Dla kazdego cos milego. Plus drills dla

Najzdolniejsi byc moze sobie z tym poradzą, reszta
> popadnie w rodzaj letargu i bedą czekać na koniec lekcji.A potem zapiszą sie
> korki.

Poradza sobie z tym wszyscy przy minimum uwazania na leckji. A ci co nie
uwazaja, to wyjasnienia w zadnym jezyku nie pomoga.

Postępy osiągna, tylko ze nie Tobie będą to zawdzieczać.

Postepy uczniowie głownie zawdzieczaja sobie.

> Nie ma powodu, by nie sluchali. Mów po angielsku, ale zejdź czasami ze
> swego "angielskiego" piedestału i zniz sie do tych "opornych". Czy nie
> pomyślałaś, ze ich "oporność" moze wynikać z niewiary w siebie?
> Pozdrawiam, A.

Droga Galjdo, nie prosiłam o porady metodyczne. Napisalam moje zdanie na ten
temat. Jak trzeba, to przechodze na polski, co napisalam, ale ograniczam to do
absolutnego minimum. Ja nie krytykuje Twoich metod, a tez bym mogla napisac
napuszonym tonem, ze z metodycznego punktu widzenia nalezy mowic non-stop po
angielsku, nie przechpdzac na polski w ogole.

Moje metody dzialaja. Ucze tez doroslych na kursach, i to takich, ktorym
zupelnie obce jest "communicative approach", bo pamietaja jeszcze tlumaczenie
zdan typu Czarny kot siedzi na zielonym plotku. CZy czarny kot siedzi na
zielonym plotku? NIe, czarny kot nie siedzi na zielonym plotku. MOwie do nich
prawie caly czas po angielsku, tez tlumacze gramatyke po angielsku. I jaki
efekt? Tylko jedna osoba nie lapie. Ale jest to uczen mniej zdolny niz
przecietna i nie odrabia zadan domowych, ani nie powtarza nic w domu. Reszta,
choc niektorzy zaczeli sie uczyc angielskiego dopiero w wieku lat 50-paru,
czterdziestu-paru zaczynaja rozumiec i mowic. I robia to chetnie.


Temat: Jerzyk to jehowita!
Gość portalu: Naiwny napisał(a):
> Statement of Faith of Colin Melbourne
K: To jerzyk tez jest z Melbourne? Ma lacze do Bielska? ;)

> Host of and English Missionary in Asia
> Copyright Š 98-02 All rights reserved
> We Believe;
> That the Scriptures of the Holy Bible, are the Holy Word of Almighty God, and
> are free from error.
> We consider the Holy Bible our final and absolute Authority, above and beyond
> all other authorities on earth.
> God is One, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
> who are infinite in glory, wisdom, holiness, justice, power and love.
> Jesus Christ is both Man and God (Almighty God in the Flesh), who in His
> incarnation was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin, Mary.
> In His earthly ministry He lived a sinless life, performed miracles, and died
> on the Cross as a sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures.
> By the power of God, He was raised from the dead in the same body now
> glorified. He ascended into Heaven where, at the right hand of God the Father,
> He continually makes intercession for us.
> The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son; regenerates the
> believing sinner; indwells, guides, instructs and empowers the believer for
> Godly living and service; comforts the children of God. The Holy Spirit guides
> and gives power to the Church, the Body of Christ, to fulfill the Great
> Commission, and convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
> Man was created in the image and likeness of God; but through the sin of Adam,
> mankind fell into sin and is, therefore, lost apart from Christ. Unless a
> person is born again, they cannot see the kingdom of God.
K: Dopiero tu sa istotne roznice miedzy tym credo a credo KK!

> Salvation is the gift of God and includes the forgiveness of sins, the
> imputation of the Righteousness of Jesus Christ, and the gift of eternal life.
> Union with the triune God provides all blessings in this life and the life
> hereafter.
> Salvation is received by faith in Christ's finished work alone, apart from all
> good works and merit.
> A believer is saved by the washing of rebirth and renewal of the Holy Spirit
> (Titus 3:4-7), and is baptised into Christ (1 Co 12:13, Eph. 4:5) the instant
> a person genuinely repents and wholeheartedly trusts in Him as Lord (God) (Ro.
> 10:9-10).
K: Znow sekciarstwo...
> Water baptism is for born again believers only, and does not save. It is
> essential for obedience to Christ.
K: Baptysta? :)
> The redemptive work of Christ on the Cross provides perfect healing of the
> human body in answer to believing prayer.
> The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers
> who ask for it, with the Bible evidence of tongues. It is essential to be an
> effective witness of Christ.
K: To chyba Zielonoswiatkowcy "mowia jezykami"? ;)
> The Church is composed of all those regenerated by the Spirit of God by whom
> they have been baptized into one Body of whom Christ is the Head. The purpose
> of the Church is to witness concerning Jesus Christ according to the
> Scriptures, and to preach the Gospel among all nations.
> The Blood and Body of Christ are not physically present in the Lord's Supper,
> which is given to remind believers of His Sacrifice of which they partake
> spiritually.
K: Jak sie to ma do dogmatow KK?
> Jesus Christ will come again to receive to Himself those who believe in Him,
> that where He is, they may be also. He will come again personally and visibly
> to establish His kingdom.
> The resurrection of the believers will be to eternal glory in Heaven, and the
> resurrection of the unbelievers will be to eternal punishment in Hell.
K: Brrr...:( Widze, ze bede mial duzo roboty w piekle, jako asystent Szatana...;)
> Colin Melbourne (Vel Jerzy Chrzescijanin)

Temat: Jerzyk to jehowita!
Tu macie credo Jerzego (niestety po angielsku)!
Statement of Faith
of Colin Melbourne

Host of and English Missionary in Asia

Copyright © 98-02 All rights reserved

We Believe;
That the Scriptures of the Holy Bible, are the Holy Word of Almighty God, and
are free from error.

We consider the Holy Bible our final and absolute Authority, above and beyond
all other authorities on earth.

God is One, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
who are infinite in glory, wisdom, holiness, justice, power and love.

Jesus Christ is both Man and God (Almighty God in the Flesh), who in His
incarnation was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin, Mary.

In His earthly ministry He lived a sinless life, performed miracles, and died
on the Cross as a sacrifice for our sins according to the Scriptures.

By the power of God, He was raised from the dead in the same body now
glorified. He ascended into Heaven where, at the right hand of God the Father,
He continually makes intercession for us.

The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son; regenerates the
believing sinner; indwells, guides, instructs and empowers the believer for
Godly living and service; comforts the children of God. The Holy Spirit guides
and gives power to the Church, the Body of Christ, to fulfill the Great
Commission, and convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God; but through the sin of Adam,
mankind fell into sin and is, therefore, lost apart from Christ. Unless a
person is born again, they cannot see the kingdom of God.

Salvation is the gift of God and includes the forgiveness of sins, the
imputation of the Righteousness of Jesus Christ, and the gift of eternal life.
Union with the triune God provides all blessings in this life and the life

Salvation is received by faith in Christ's finished work alone, apart from all
good works and merit.

A believer is saved by the washing of rebirth and renewal of the Holy Spirit
(Titus 3:4-7), and is baptised into Christ (1 Co 12:13, Eph. 4:5) the instant
a person genuinely repents and wholeheartedly trusts in Him as Lord (God) (Ro.

Water baptism is for born again believers only, and does not save. It is
essential for obedience to Christ.

The redemptive work of Christ on the Cross provides perfect healing of the
human body in answer to believing prayer.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers
who ask for it, with the Bible evidence of tongues. It is essential to be an
effective witness of Christ.

The Church is composed of all those regenerated by the Spirit of God by whom
they have been baptized into one Body of whom Christ is the Head. The purpose
of the Church is to witness concerning Jesus Christ according to the
Scriptures, and to preach the Gospel among all nations.

The Blood and Body of Christ are not physically present in the Lord's Supper,
which is given to remind believers of His Sacrifice of which they partake

Jesus Christ will come again to receive to Himself those who believe in Him,
that where He is, they may be also. He will come again personally and visibly
to establish His kingdom.

The resurrection of the believers will be to eternal glory in Heaven, and the
resurrection of the unbelievers will be to eternal punishment in Hell.

Colin Melbourne

Temat: Okinawa ma dość Amerykanów
Servus, Mr.V.C.!
Mieszkancy Okinawy, podobnie jak innych krajow maja ambiwalentne uczucia wobec
pobytu wojsk USA na ich terytorium ("czyli uczucia ktore masz widzac swoja
tesciowa spadajaca z klifu w Twoim nowym Porsche"). Poludniowi Koreanczycy
podobno ich nienawidza. Niemcy tez ich nie lubia, przyznaja jednak, ze
Amerykanie zostawiaja ok 4mld $ rocznie i to tylko w formie prywatnych
wydatkow. Mieszkancy Okinawy najwyrazniej niczego podobnego nie zauwazyli.

Mam dla Pana podobna anegdotke, z drugiej strony (dostalem ja od kogos e-
mailem). Oto ona:
Subject: Robin William's plan

> Leave it to Robin Williams to come up with the perfect plan... what we =
> need now is for our UN Ambassador to stand up and repeat this message.
> I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan =
> for peace. So, here's one plan
> 1. The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in their =
> affairs, past and present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, Noriega, =
> Milosovich and the rest of those 'good ole boys.' We will never =
> "interfere" again.
> 2. We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with =
> Germany, South Korea and the Philippines. They don't want us there. We =
> would station troops at our borders. No one sneaking through holes in =
> the fence.
> 3. All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and =
> leave. We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder =
> will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of who or where =
> they are. France would welcome them.
> 4. All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days =
> unless given a special permit. No one from a terrorist nation would be =
> allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't =
> hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don't need any =
> more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.
> 5. No "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they =
> don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.
> 6. The US will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy =
> wise. This will include developing non-polluting sources of energy but =
> will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The =
> caribou will have to cope for a while.
> 7. Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for =
> their oil. If they don't like it, we go some place else. They can go =
> somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells =
> filling up the storage sites would be enough.)
> 8. If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we =
> will not "interfere." They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, =
> rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is =
> stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very =
> little, if anything.
> 9. Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island some place. We don't =
> need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building =
> would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
> 10. All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one =
> can
> call us "Ugly Americans" any longer.
> The Language we speak is ENGLISH.....learn it...or LEAVE...
> Now, ain't that a winner of a plan.
> "The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me your poor, your =
> tired, your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and she's =
> yelling, 'You want a piece of me?'" -

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