Czytasz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: Present Tense

Temat: Be fluent in english
maggie7 napisała:

> well, going back to the original question... :o)
> > Is this possible to be fluent in english, and can not pass any gramatical
> > exams, with the minimum score?
> what do you mean by "any gramatical exams"? some are easier, some are
> but listen to this:
> I asked my American friend a few grammar questions. For example how he would
> explain the present perfect tense; or present progressive vs. present simple;
> or what modal verbs are; or auxiliary verbs... not difficult questions,
> But guess what, he didn't know the answers! He had no idea what all the
> technical terms meant. He didn't even know such things as present perfect or
> present progressive tenses existed!
> So he failed the test I gave him. Yet,he speaks beautiful, fluent English...
> :o) take care

That is extremely right!!!!!!!!!!, my roommate form students hostel, when I've
asked him how to spell "Awesome" because he had been using it all the time, he
couldn’t answer he was thinking all night and next day he almost figure out!!!
I have more examples like this, so what should I say are they dumb? No I think
we overestimate the grammatical issue

stay warm (or something like that)


Temat: Be fluent in english
well, going back to the original question... :o)

> Is this possible to be fluent in english, and can not pass any gramatical
> exams, with the minimum score?

what do you mean by "any gramatical exams"? some are easier, some are harder...

but listen to this:

I asked my American friend a few grammar questions. For example how he would
explain the present perfect tense; or present progressive vs. present simple;
or what modal verbs are; or auxiliary verbs... not difficult questions, right?
But guess what, he didn't know the answers! He had no idea what all the
technical terms meant. He didn't even know such things as present perfect or
present progressive tenses existed!
So he failed the test I gave him. Yet,he speaks beautiful, fluent English...

:o) take care

Temat: Tryby warunkowe. Czy ktos wie moze....?
> Proszę o korektę, gdy zdecydowanie popełniłem jakieś błędy.

Tłumaczenie Almost Blue jest poprawne, Twoje nie. Dlaczego? Bo tłumaczysz to tak jakby to był okres warunkowy. A nie jest.
Nie zawsze kiedy w zdaniu jest 'if' będzie to okres warunkowy.

A jako wyjaśnienie dwa cytaty z książki, bo nie chce mi się tego opisywać:
(zwróć uwagę na ostatni przykład, jest niemal identyczny jak ten, o którym rozmawiamy)

"Some students' grammars concentrate on three common patterns with 'if', which are often called the 'first', 'second' and 'third' conditionals. Althought these are useful structures to practice, it is important to realise that there are many different structures with 'if', and that they do not really divide into three main kinds".

"IF: ordinary tense-use
When we do not want to suggest that a situation is unreal or imaginary, we use ordinary tenses with 'if'- the same tenses as with other conjunctions. Present tenses are used to refer to the present, past tenses to the past, and so on.
If you want to learn a musical instrument, you have to practice.
If you didn't do much maths at school, you'll find economics difficult to understand.
!! If that was Mary, why didn't she stop and say hello?

Temat: pytanie do nauczycieli angiel. z doswiadczeniem
Po czesci zgadzam sie poprzednimi radami, ale po czesci nie.

PO pierwsze w kilka miesiecy, przy typowym trybie spotkan, czyli 2xtydz., mozna
przerobic o wiele wiecej struktur niz present tenses. Mozna opanowac te
struktury, ktore sa najczesniej uzywane do komunikajci:

present simple/continuous/past simple i going to (min.) inne, jak starczy
czasu. Oczywiscie chodzi o prezentacje glownych i najwazniejszych sytuacji w
jakich poslugujemy sie tymi strukturami, a nie wszystko na temat kazdego z nich.

Gramtyka faktycznie jest istotna, ale cwiczyc ja sugeruje przede wszystkim
przez mowienie. Cwiczenia tez, ale krotkie i w domu, a nalekcjach proponuje
skupic sie na mowieniu. Czyli przy okazji present simple, niech ucnziowie
opowiadaja jak wyglada ich dzien, a jak dzien kogos z rodziny, niech zadaja
sobie po kilka pytan (poprawnie skonstruowalnych, zeby ten czas wycwiczyc) itd.

Co do podrecznika to polecam English File. T podrecznik typowo dla doroslych,
ma duzo cwiczen na listening i speaking.


Temat: Tenses
Mam problem, otóż natknęłam się na 2 niekajo zprzeczne ze sobą reguły użycia
tego czasu. Pierwsza brzmi, że używa się go do opisywania doświadczeń
życiowych osoby żyjącej (do doświadczeń życiowych osoby nieżyjącej
analogicznie Past Perfect). Druga, że Present Perfect używamy do mówienia o
rzeczach, które mogą ponownie zdażyć się w przyszłości, a Past Simple do
mówienia o rzeczach, które nie mogą ponownie zdażyć się w przyszłości.
I tu mam takie przykłady na potwierdzenie tej zasady z książki Oxford Practice
Grammar Advanced:
She wrote several books of poetry in the last years of her life.
He was a teacher in Zambia.
A wg. zasady o doświadczeniach życiowych powinno być:
She had written several books... i He have beeen a teacher...
I czym się kierować, którą zasadą???
Z góry dziękuje za sugestie.

Temat: Your favourite place/s :)
waldek1610 napisał:

> Ok, but who cares about past tense, there's little chances that Wales or
> Scotland will be independent in the future so why bother.

Borrow yourself a grammar book, learn the difference between past and present
tenses, then read my post again.
On the other hand, as a "Mazovian" you obviously know a lot more about Scotland
and Wales than, for example, Scottish or Welsh people.

Temat: Can you help me with the grammar?
Can you help me with the grammar?
I have a problem with choosing right tense (Present Simple or Continuous) in
these sentences:
The fishing unions (negotiate) with their employers for apay rise. If there
is no agreement by next week, they (threaten) to strike and even (talk) about
blockading ports around the country.

What I (say) is that you (do) well in your job. Really! I (tell) you the

Temat: Can you help me with the grammar?
> I have a problem with choosing right tense (Present Simple or Continuous) in
> these sentences:
> The fishing unions (negotiate) with their employers for apay rise. If there
//are negotiating (TEMPORARY SITUATION)//

> is no agreement by next week, they (threaten) to strike and even (talk) about
> blockading ports around the country.
//are threatening (are) talking//

Temat: Past tenses
Past tenses
I wnna ask if somebody of you - dear readers, whenever thought about tenses
in English. I bet you did! But I wanna know, do you really feel differences
using Past tenses while speaking? I wonder if Poles can really use proper
tense in proper conditions. For example. I know how to say a sentence:
Dzisiaj kupiłem gazetę - I have bought a newspaper today. But when you say -
Kupiłem gazetę dziś rano, you must say - I bought a newspaper today morning.
In the first case the time is not finished, so we must use Present Perfect.
But in the second one we must use Simple Past, the time is finished! But both
cases refer to the same day! Isn't that a little bit weird?
I think it's really tough for Poles. I wonder what're your ways to learn
these tenses? But for me it's really hard!
Regardz, Bronek.

Temat: difference between sentences

There is a general rule to apply with the sequencing of tenses from
direct to indirect speech, namely the one tense further back rule…ie
when we use a reporting verb in the past, the verbs used in the
original tense are usually moved one tense further back:

will / shall future = would
is going to future = was going to
can / may = could / might
present progressive = past progressive
present simple = past simple
present perfect = past perfect
past simple = past perfect

You also note that we can use tell + object + infinitive with orders
and instructions. For example:

I told my son to stop moaning.
She told me to stop moaning

1) I was (told) to contact you.
2) I was (told) to contact you.
3) I have been (told) to contact you.
4) I was told to contact you.
5) I have been told to contact you.
6) I have been (told) to contact you.
7) I had to contact you.

Hope this helps. :)

Temat: Past tenses
Here's what the main difference between the past and the present perfect tense

- if the effect of the action is important and/or known (e.g.: you have the
news paper in your hands) but the moment in the past is not defined then you
should use the present perfect tense. The same is true when you say “I’ve
heard this song before” (it sounds familiar), or “somebody has opened a window”
(and it’s cold in this room now). In all cases the moment in the past may be
close (a few minutes ago) or very remote as in “I’ve been to London before”.

If you specify the moment in time your action took place, you should use the
past tense as in “I bought a news paper this morning” (although I don’t do it
too often) or “I opened this window at noon” (it could as well be closed again
by now).

I hope it helps


Temat: Dlaczego w Polsce ucza tenses tzn czasow
For goodness sake I really really realllllly am proud of you that you have
learned all 24 (?) tenses in high school....great...and of course Canadian
schools are so much better than the US ones because they teach tenses....right
(FYI a runoff sentence :)
"Wlasnie zauwazam. Ludzie na uniwersytecie, jak chca uczestniczyc w zajeciach
lingwistycznych, musza sie uczyc, co to jest zdanie podrzedne, a ja to wiem z
podstawowki, ponadto wiem, jak sie je okresla w innych jezykach niz polski,
ktorych sie uczylam. "

Ahaaaa...please note that this is useful ONLY in linguistics and not for ANY
OTHER coursework in college or high my point has just been proven.

I just want to say that there are three main tenses: past, present and future.
The correct usage comes with....usage, when you speak and write the language
you will learn the correct way of speaking / writing and you will not have to
thnik whether it is present perfect or what not....


Temat: Past tenses
Gość portalu: BRONEK napisał(a):

> Hi!
> I wnna ask if somebody of you - dear readers, whenever thought about tenses
> in English. I bet you did! But I wanna know, do you really feel differences
> using Past tenses while speaking? I wonder if Poles can really use proper
> tense in proper conditions. For example. I know how to say a sentence:
> Dzisiaj kupiłem gazetę - I have bought a newspaper today. But when you say -
> Kupiłem gazetę dziś rano, you must say - I bought a newspaper today morning.
> In the first case the time is not finished, so we must use Present Perfect.
> But in the second one we must use Simple Past, the time is finished! But both
> cases refer to the same day! Isn't that a little bit weird?
> I think it's really tough for Poles. I wonder what're your ways to learn
> these tenses? But for me it's really hard!
> Regardz, Bronek.

I bought a paper THIS morning. "today morning" is never used.
Wanna is spelt want to.

Temat: W jakmim czasie uzywa sie "now" i "a the moment"?
Jako regula, "now" i "at the moment" uzywa sie TYLKO w Present Continuous

I chociaz ktos na sile znajdzie jakis specjalny kontekst, gdzie, w drodze
wyjatku, "now" bedzie uzyte w Simple Present, to jednak regula jest:

"Now" i "at the moment" JEDYNIE przy Present Continuous Tense, Aga.

Temat: I can't belive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here you go:

Present Simple: I write.
Present Continuous: I am writing.

Present Perfect: I have written.
Present Perfect Continuous: I have been writing.

Past Simple: I wrote.
Past Continuous: I was writing

Past Perfect: I had written.
Past Perfect Continuous: I had been writing

Future Simple: I will write
Future Continuous: I will be writing

Future Perfect: I will have written
Future Perfect Continuous: I will have been writing

Future Simple in the past: I would write
Future Continuous in the past: I would be writing

Future Perfect in the Past: I would have written
Future Perfect in the Past: I woudl have been writing

So 16 tenses altogether. Have fun ;-)

Temat: Which situation can I use it in?
What if two different person ask the same question at the same day but they use
different tenses? I thought I knew when I should use Present Perfect and Past
Simple tense, but one night one manager came to me and asked me if I had seen a
new blue legal book. A few minutes later another manager asked me the same
question using Past Simple tense. I'm confused which tense I should use, which
one is correct.

Temat: Dlaczego w Polsce ucza tenses tzn czasow
Gość portalu: Lukasz z USA napisał(a):

> I just want to say that there are three main tenses: past, present and future.

I am afraid you mix tenses with time.
> The correct usage comes with....usage, when you speak and write the language

Yes, it comes with practice. :)

> you will learn the correct way of speaking / writing and you will not have to
> thnik whether it is present perfect or what not....
You are correct again. But it takes ages using your method only.

Temat: Pytani o zdanie w stronie biernej (angielski)
No to i tu wkleję odpowiedź, ktOrą ATA i tak już dostała na innym forum- ale
może jeszce komuś się przyda:

Przejrzałam sobie podręczniki napisane przez rodowitych anglików i oto do
czego doszłam:

W dwóch książkach było mnóstwo przykładów na passive voice, ale żaden nie
zawierał formy "perfect progressive" w stronie biernej. W trzeciej ( Practical
English Usage autorstwa Michael'a Swan'a) znalazłam to, co niniejszym cytuję:

Passive verb forms are made with the different tenses of "to be" followed by a
past participle. The tenses and their rules are the same as for active verb-
forms. Note , however, that we usaually avoid saying "be being" and "been
being", so that future progressive and perfect progressive passive tenses are
very uncommon

A poniżej jest podany przykład na Present perfect progressive:
How long has the research been being done?

Reasumując: wszyscy mają rację, teoretycznie i na upartego można tworzyć formę
ciągłą, ale jest ona sztuczna, unikana w praktyce i stanowi swoistą sztukę dla
sztuki. Rzadkim wyjątkiem jest przykładowa sytuacja, w której budujemy pytanie
o zakres czasowy czynności i wtedy forma ciagła brzmi naturalnie.

Temat: Simple Past or Present Perfect?
Gość portalu: alienfiend napisał(a):

> I think you'd better use nouns after 'such'; generally adjectives are
> preceded by 'so'

Yes, that's my fault. Firstly it was "you are such a stubborn man", then I
changed it into above version with a mistake.

> > decision. When analyzing reported conditions as PAST events the author
> > uses PAST TENSE. In contrast, when analyzing CURRENT tendencies the author
> > uses PAST PERFECT (to create 2nd sentence only), because an industry
> > output
> I haven't noticed any PAST PERFECT there.

And this is your mistake. Suppose you are going to say that industry output
started to increase and its increase is still remarkable. What sentence would
you produce?

> If you had been more attentive, you'd have noticed that the author was
> referring to the third quarter of the year and we have the fourth one since
> October started.

When analyzing the third quarter only as a past - my "yes" goes for PAST TENSE
as I said before. But what I comprehended was the author tended to say that an
industry output started to increase reported time and this process is not
finished. By the way - your last opinion means you agree with the rules of use
PRESENT PERFECT which I mentioned.
Do you know when the report was published and have you read the whole text?

> cool down, man (or woman)

I am cool.

Temat: gdzie jest blad
When we don't say a time we use the Present Perfect Tense.

She has said that she likes chocolate ice cream -
Ona powiedziała (ale nie wiadomo kiedy - czy godzinę temu, kilka dni temu, czy
może rok temu),że (ona - w domyśle) lubi lody czekoladowe.

Mamy tu zdanie złożone -1 w czasie Present Perfect, a 2 w Present Simple.

Temat: Past tenses
I think you should be very careful about learning English from lyrics. Very
often they are not just slang, but simply gramatically incorrect (perhaps Sting
is an exception). "Gonna", "wanna", or "gotta" may be used often in speech (I
have even heard G. W. Bush using "gonna" in a fairly formal speech) , but I
think you should never use them in writing. Even "normal" abbreviations such
as "it's", "don't", "won't" etc. are usually not used in writing, especially in
letters; instead, you should use "it is", "do not" etc. At least, that is what
I have been taught and it seems to be true.
As far as tenses are concerned, I do not think Present Perfect is used very
often, even if you talk about events that happened just a while ago and do not
specify time. If you hear an unexpected noise, you are more likely to ask "what
was that" than "what has that been", aren't you? I believe no one says "I have
bought a newspaper today". I think Present Perfect is more suitable in
sentences such as "I've heard this song before" or "I've been a teacher for 4
years now" etc.

Temat: Present Perfect or Past Simple ???
If your "when" is supposed to mean "what time was it
when..." substitute it for "when":

What time was it when you got to/arrived at work this

Now you have a time adverbial clause that calls for the
simple past tense – if the time of arrival is crucial for
you, the present perfect tense would be out of place.

It doesn't matter whether you ask the question before the
morning is over or after 12 noon as long as the time
adverbial "this morning" refers to the time that is, at
least partly, past. You don't need a wristwatch to say it.

Temat: I'm lovin' it
You are correct that love is a state verb (not expressing an action)and cannot
be used in the present continuous tense. Recently state verbs such as love and
like have been used in popular culture in the present continuous to add
emphasis- meaning I really love it. Nonetheless, the slogan "I'm lovin' it!"
is grammatically incorrect.

Temat: Passive voice - a question
Gość portalu: NO! napisał(a):

> soup_nazi napisał:
> > Gość portalu: Bartek napisał(a):
> >
> > > Present Perfect Continous Tense:
> > > The letter has been being written.
> >
> > Mechanically correct, but I'd like to see a native speaker anywhere using
> this
> > structure in writing or speech. Doesn't sound like real life.
> I have a news for you. Its not correct. Not even remotely!

I have news for you. You stink. Of ignorance and arrogance.

Note: The progressive/continuous forms of the perfect aspects/tenses are hardly
ever used in the passive voice.
"hardly ever" <> "never"

"I have a news for you" - hehehe - "I have news for you"

"Its not correct" - hehehe - "It's not correct"


Temat: Simple Past or Present Perfect?
wiberg napisał:

> What is a difference between these two tenses with regard to past? Which of
> them should be used in reports describing past actions?
> For example - how to translate?
> 1. W trzecim kwartale 2003 roku zaobserwowano oznaki poprawy sytuacji
> gospodarczej.
> In the third quarter of 2003 signs of upturn in economy "were observed"
> or "have been observed"?
> 2. W tych warunkach nastąpił wzrost produkcji przemysłowej. (dalszy ciąg
> myśli ze zdania 1)
> Under these conditions industry output "increased" or "has increased".

Blah blah blah. That's a load of baloney. This sentence doesn't make any sense in the first place. What conditions are they talking about? Industry output doesn't increase because of signs of upturn in economy.

As to PP and PS the rules are simple. You use PP to talk about the present and PS to talk about the past.

Temat: Simple Past or Present Perfect?
Simple Past or Present Perfect?
What is a difference between these two tenses with regard to past? Which of
them should be used in reports describing past actions?

For example - how to translate?

1. W trzecim kwartale 2003 roku zaobserwowano oznaki poprawy sytuacji

In the third quarter of 2003 signs of upturn in economy "were observed"
or "have been observed"?

2. W tych warunkach nastąpił wzrost produkcji przemysłowej. (dalszy ciąg
myśli ze zdania 1)

Under these conditions industry output "increased" or "has increased".

Temat: przeszly czy terazniejszy
Reading plot lines from TV guide, you can QUICKLY see that the simple present
is used in plot summaries. Of course, one can use the past for movie/book/story
reports. What's important is that you stick to ONE tense and not jump from past
to present and back into the future. GOT IT?!
Or would you like me to go S-L-O-W-L-Y, eh?
Some people really ARE hung up on "textbook" correctness!

Temat: wyrazenie przyszłosci / dylemat 2
I'll go there (if I feel like it)- zwykly tryb oznajmujacy.
I'll be going there soon (some time in the future). It's casual. Nie
zobowiazujace..bede w okolicy w odroznieniu do pojde tam. Naznaczenie blizej
nieokreslonej, niesprecyzowanej w czasie czynnosci przyszlej, np. I'll be going
shopping soon. Do we need anything? Czyli "Bede na zakupach" w odroznieniu od
pojde na zakupy. When in doubt, use the simple tenses! Kiedy nie wiesz, uzyj
czasow "prostych" czyli nienaznaczonych ASPEKTEM czynnosci, tylko czasem
gramatycznym: past...present...future
I'll be seeing you soon! Do zobaczenia!
I'll see you soon! Zobacze Cie wkrotce.

I'll be thinking about you. Bede o Tobie myslal.
I'll think of you. Pomysle o Tobie.

Temat: cold turkey
cool, thanks a lot.
Last year I was to Bodrum, this year I was to Fethiye. Two absolutely different
(with culture, surroundings, architecture) places and I think same - Turkey is
Efes... I seen this beer in bottle in few shops in UK. If you really like it,
probably you can find in tesco (there is lot of world beers)

Yes, with "after drunk" I mean like you guess.
And here I have next question:
to get drunk - mean "be a strange hold over alcohol" (and after than when
alcohol is stoped i am cold turkey)?
In this - if is (in grammar) construction "to get <something>" how to understand
that with present/past participle tense? "I get drink" is a bit different with "
I get drunk".
Am I correct with use this construction to other verbs?

PS. grrrrrr, I will never know correct English. Yes, i know - read, watching,
listen to... and ask an Englishman :)

Temat: Passive voice - a question
soup_nazi napisał:

> Gość portalu: Bartek napisał(a):
> > Present Perfect Continous Tense:
> > The letter has been being written.
> Mechanically correct, but I'd like to see a native speaker anywhere using
> structure in writing or speech. Doesn't sound like real life.

I have a news for you. Its not correct. Not even remotely!

Temat: Passed CAE!
"I passed" bo (wklejam):

How to use the Past Simple Tense

Past Simple używamy mówiąc o czynnościach,
które miały miejsce w określonym czasie w przeszłości:

* czynność dokonana w określonym momencie przeszłości;
czas jest znany lub wynika z kontekstu
(dla mnie wynika z kontekstu, bo egzamin CAE był w grudniu, w pierwszej połowie
grudnia, a konkretnie 10 grudnia).

Nie przygotowywałam się nijak, ale 15 lat zajęło mi zebranie się i zgłoszenie
na egzamin. I pomyśleć, że mieszkam 30 min. drogi od British Council....
Jako niedolatka chodziłam do szkół w USA, Anglii i Arabii Saudyjskiej. Widać,
że jeszcze nieźle pamiętam.

Albo i "I have just passed", no bo generalnie było to chwilę temu.
Generalnie na gramatyce się nie znam i wszelkie określenia czasów (present
perfect) są dla mnie abstrakcyjne.


Temat: bardzo prosze o tlumaczenie
w kwestii formalnej:
seni ozledim - patrzac od strony gramatyki to forma czasu przeszlego
dokonanego, wiec nie powinno sie tego tlumaczyc jako "tęsknilem" (co
jest forma niedokonana), ale jako "stęsknilem się" - mamy wtedy
formę dokonaną. Forma dokonana ma z kolei bliski zwiazek z
terazniejszoscią, wiec mozna w zaleznosci od kontekstu przetlumaczyc
jako "tęsknię". Ogolnie mozna te kwestie porównac do angielskiego "I
have longed" (The Present Perfect Tense).
Gdy ktos "tęsknil" w przeszlosci, nalezaloby uzyc formy "ozluyordum"
lub do ozledim dodac przyslówek precyzujacy przeszlosc, np. O zaman
seni ozledim. (Wtedy (o zaman) za tobą tesknilem). Mozna tez uzyc
czasu zaprzeszlego i powiedziec: Seni ozlemistim.

Temat: how long have you been learing english?
think I`ve learn English quite well :)
The sentences reveals the present perfect tense, which means more or less that
the process of learning is still under way!
The passage "quite well" also leaves some incorrect feeling to the reader. Think
twice before you pour your words into the form or paper !:)

Temat: Which situation can I use it in?
Yes, sometimes English grammar can seem to be confusing. As I am
sure you know, we use the Past Simple Tense (also known as 'the
simple past')for past actions that happened either at a specific
time (in which we introduce a time phrase such as 'last
year'...'yesterday'...and so on)or for actions that can be
understood by the context.

The important thing to note is this: after the auxillary verb
did/didn't, it returns to its base form: eg Did you take it?

The present perfect can also be used when the time is not mentioned.

Have you seen the new blue legal book?
Did you see the new blue legal book?

Temat: Test SGH - help
Test jest idiotyczny. Zmiast uczyc konwersacji i zrozumienia trudniejszych
tekstow (fachowych i z prasy codziennej oraz z radia i TV), bawia sie w
gramatyczne subtelnosci, w czasy (tenses, czy jak im tam), ktorych ponad 90%
tzw. native speakers NIGDY nie uzywa, ani w mowie, ani w pismie...
Rezultat taki, ze Polacy, jak Hindusi, uzywaja z luboscia present continous
(jak to sie to chyba madrze nazywa), czyli nawet jak mowia o czynnosci,
ktorej akurat nie wykonuja w danej chwili, to powiedza "I am working at
the X university", zamiast "I work at the X uni"... :(
Ta nauka polega na analizie pojedynczych drzew, a nie zauwaza lasu...

Temat: "As if" I cannot get it
a cookie for
ktora napisała:

> as if she were going

Yes, because the verb preceding as if/as though can be in the pas or present
without affecting the tense of the subjunctive, thus: 'She has/had so many
suitcases as if she were going for a few months and not two days...' Typical

Temat: It's is 5 days since... / It's been 5 days since..

It is + period + since + past or perfect tense - is the standard rule...

It's five days since I had a/(my last) drink. Thomson and Marinet allow for
present perfect after 'since', which sounds a bit strange to me.

It's + period (not has been + period) + since is an accepted phrase, a sort of
answer to an implied question How long is it since...?

Don't pay attention to kk, trust Murphy!

Temat: Passive voice - a question
Gość portalu: kidding napisał(a):

> Gość portalu: Bartek napisał(a):
> > Present Perfect Continous Tense:
> > The letter has been being written.
> The letter has been being written???????????
> I hope you're kidding.

He is not. Stop translating those things to Polish and then understand. You'll
find yourself in dead end street too often. Just feel it - and hit the books,

Temat: Relocation
The problem with the Quebecois, as I see it, is this mental/historic complex
shared with some other perpetually "hurt" nations (yes, Poland comes to mind
quite often- call it a "waldo syndrome")- they dislike English Canada for all
true and imaginary injustices past, present and future (in spite of two fully
democratic sovereignty referenda and another one in sight, most likely), they
dislike France for "having abandoned" them ...nearly 300 yrs ago.

In that respect I find the Quebecois the only European (in the "tribal" sense)
nation in North America.
Up here you can't take a piss without taking a political stand!
Past is the tense of the local mind.

Temat: Cover letter - jakiego czasu używać
Gość portalu: Kingfish napisał(a):

> Jak napiszesz “I have been working ...< to będziesz mówił o pracy
> kontynuowanej, bez przerwy. Nie kiedyś, nie raz ale przez długi czas.
I nadal tam pracujesz. Jesli wiec juz tam nie pracujesz, to nie uzywaj I have
been working.

In all the cover letters that I've written and I've seen (about 100 or so),
Simple Past tense was used mostly. In some sentences Present Perfect may be
used, but it all depends on the context.

Temat: pytanie banalne a jednak dyskusyjne
A good explanation can be found here:
Itappears, that it is possible to use "have got" for illness but it's rarely
used in tenses other than the present simple. So you won't say "I had got a

Temat: Test SGH - help
Gość portalu: Kagan napisał(a):

> Test jest idiotyczny. Zmiast uczyc konwersacji i zrozumienia trudniejszych
> tekstow (fachowych i z prasy codziennej oraz z radia i TV), bawia sie w
> gramatyczne subtelnosci, w czasy (tenses, czy jak im tam), ktorych ponad 90%
> tzw. native speakers NIGDY nie uzywa, ani w mowie, ani w pismie...
> Rezultat taki, ze Polacy, jak Hindusi, uzywaja z luboscia present continous
> (jak to sie to chyba madrze nazywa), czyli nawet jak mowia o czynnosci,
> ktorej akurat nie wykonuja w danej chwili, to powiedza "I am working at
> the X university", zamiast "I work at the X uni"... :(
> Ta nauka polega na analizie pojedynczych drzew, a nie zauwaza lasu...

I couldn't have agreed more with the above. As everybody knows (or at least 90%
of so called native speakers), pidgin English is quite appropriate for most
everyday situations. (i.e. "He come quick?" She asked in pidgin English")

Temat: Work sought - czy ktosc moze to przetlumaczyc?
seek sought sought - szukac, poszukiwac

Czy juz nikt tego nie wkuwa na pamiec? :)

Pamietam jak w czasach juz prehistorycznych mialam kartki w zeszycie podzielone
na trzy kolumny - w pierwszej byl Present Simple, w drugiej Past Tense a w
trzeciej Past Participle. I sie kulo a potem recytowalo jak katarynka.

Temat: Co robia Amerykanie po pracy?
Gość portalu: Push Down & Turn napisał(a):

> You happen to be right! I lived here for 25 years, am not an American, nor do
> wish to be one!!!
> Many thanks for the kind response!!!

I przez tych 25 lat nie udalo ci sie zaprzyjaznic z PRESENT PERFECT TENSE? A to
taki fajny czas, zapewniam! Nigdy nie jest za pozno na ESL.

Temat: hahhaha kaliska uczelnia wyzsza daleko w tyle
Masz rację o tyle, że od kilku lat obserwujemy dramatyczny spadek poziomu
wykształcenia maturzystów. Nie jest winą szkół wyższych, że ich przyjmują (a
przyjmują, bo muszą), ale regulacji wynikających z ustawy. W konsekwencji, na
przykład studenci pierwszego roku anglistyki w IFA UAM (uchodzącej za najlepszą
w kraju) mają problemy z koniugacją w the Present Simple Tense. Ich też na tych
studiach być nie powinno, ale są, i będą.

Temat: Kobietki (ale nie tylko) proszę o pomoc. Angielski
Uparcie uzywasz past tense, czemu nie present perfect tense?
Nie ma co sie bac ppt.:))

Temat: co jest w enterprise do bylej 4 klasy w unicie 2?
Jesli chodzi ci o 4 czesc (taka zielona?), to w unicie 2 z gramatyki sa past
tenses (wszystkie), present perfect, present perfect continuous i relative
clauses. :-) Hope it helps! ;-)

Temat: Jakie czasy trzeba znacz na rozmowie w Tesco....
Future zawsze tense. Present zazwyczaj perfekt.

Na serio. Jesli bedziesz znal proste czasy

Temat: Co naprawde myslicie o powracajacych emigrantach ?
Bullshit. Past perfect is the right tense when discussing a past
action in present context/past action that has consequences in the
present. Maybe you're the one who should hit the books.

Temat: translation helpppppppppppp
You aren't right because both forms are correct. The second one is used when
you want to put emphasis, you really want to know who did it. It is the same as
with the example in the present simple tense: "I do like you", meaning: "I like
you very much".

Temat: correct?? male zdanko!:)
correct?? male zdanko!:)
Complete the following sentences using the Present Perfect Tense. Then write
negative and question sentences. Give 2 answers Yes/No.

is it correct?

Temat: Oszczędnościowa dieta polskich emigrantów
Dear nadmanganian, why don't you just go and learn some English
before you start producing this kind of bloody grammar?
Have you ever heard of the Present Perfect tense, e.g.?

Temat: I can't belive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, no! Please!
Gość portalu: m.a napisał(a):

> Well, if you mean 'tenses' there are only two: past and present. That's all.
> But there are many aspects.

Yet another idiot jumping in here to slap on some crap and run away!

Temat: Passive voice - a question
Present Perfect Continous Tense:
The letter has been being written.

Temat: Passive voice - a question
Gość portalu: Bartek napisał(a):

> Present Perfect Continous Tense:
> The letter has been being written.

Mechanically correct, but I'd like to see a native speaker anywhere using this
structure in writing or speech. Doesn't sound like real life.

Temat: I can't belive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, if you mean 'tenses' there are only two: past and present. That's all.
But there are many aspects.

Temat: przeszly czy terazniejszy
easystreet napisała:

"...Of course, one can use the past for movie/book/story reports. What's
important is that you stick to ONE tense and not jump from past to present and
back into the future. GOT IT?!
Or would you like me to go S-L-O-W-L-Y, eh? :)
Some people really ARE hung up on "textbook" correctness!..."

"...What's important is that you stick to ONE tense and not jump from past to
present and back into the future..." Ehhhh!!???

Wlasnie dzisiaj przeczytalem ciekawy artykul, goraco Ci polecam bo ciekawy:
Przeczytaj uwaznie trzy pierwsze zdania tego artykulu:

1. George Bush told Palestinian leaders that God had instructed him to invade
Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a new BBC television series.
(PAST PERFECT, ...had instructed.../REPORTED SPEECH)

2. The revelation will be seized on by his detractors - at home and abroad -
who fear that the president of the United States is waging a religious war in
emulation of the Crusades.
(FUTURE, ...will be seized...; PRESENT and PRESENT CONTINOUS in Relative
Clause, ...fear... & waging...)

3. His remarks are also bound to cause embarrassment for Tony Blair, his chief
partner in the war on terror, who has sought to play down the religious
tensions underscoring operations in the Middle East.
(PRESENT SIMPLE, uzyty do wyrazenia przyszlosci (...are also bound to cause...)
+ PRESENT PERFECT in the Relative Clause ...who has sought... + jeszcze do
tego te knabrne " play")

Mr Bush's remarks were made at a meeting with Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian
prime minister, and his then foreign minister in June 2003.
(i znow PAST SIMPLE (...made...), ale w stronie biernej)

Czyli jak widzisz niezle poplatanie z pomieszaniem. Ale sie czyta sie to bardzo

Temat: Forma kauzatywna- pilne
etbl napisała:

There's something wrong in this picture.

>> 2) I will ask somebody to install the pipes in the bathroom.

> I am having the pipes installed in the bathroom.

Right now? Why do you change the tense to Present Continuous? It changes the
meaning of the sentence, doesn't it?

>> 3) We are going to ask someone to mend the shoes.

> We are having our shoes mended.

Again, why the tense change? Right now, waiting in the shop?

> We have the windows cleaned every month.
> Forme czasu przybiera: "have"
> 1)
> Simple Past Simple Past od "have"=had
> stole (II forma) -> had + it + stolen (III forma)
> 2)
> The Future Simple forma "going to" od "have"= am having
> will ask -> am having them installed (zamiast "are going to have"
> ktore tez jest mozliwe, ale mniej eleganckie)
> 3)
> tzw. forma "be going to" forma "be going to" od "have" are having
> are going to ask -> are having (zamiast "are going to have" - ktore rowni
> ez
> jest mozliwe, ale stylistycznie mniej poprawne)

Very questionable.

> 4)
> The Simple Present The Simple Present od "have" = have (calkiem po
> we pay -> have the windows cleaned
> Uzywa sie tej konstrukcji dla celow stylistycznych, by zgrabniej sie wyrazic.

So you change the meaning of the sentence "by zgrabniej sie wyrazic"? What if
we have our windows cleaned every month by the janitor and we don't have to pay
because it is one of his regular duties? Use of "we will (or any other tense)
have sth. done" does not automatically imply automatically that we have to pay
for that. What now?

> Wazne, by zachowac kolejnosc elementow tej konstrukcji ( by uniknac
> nieporozumien w znaczeniu).

Right. Unfortunately you could cause miscommunications because of something
> Forme "will" zamieniasz na am/is/are having + object + past participle c.


Excuse me, but this is a very bookish approach. I'm not buying your
explanations - yes, they're theorethically correct, but... more common sense
and real life! At least in case of AE.

Temat: bez mowienia o stanach
ianek70 napisał:

> piotrek_van napisał:
> > to zdanie moze byc poprawne. chodzi tutaj o "context". nie chce tutaj nik
> omu
> > mieszac, ale czasami najlepiej poprostu (specjalnie dla dzieci) zapamieta
> c
> > przyklad, najlepiej cale zdanie. naprzyklad: "Guess what,
> > while we were out for lunch, Jane has quickly painted the entire door"...
> Albo poprawniej:
> "Guess what, while we were out for lunch, Jane quickly painted the entire door.
> "
> While we were out for lunch = specific time reference, past simple.
> "While we've been out for lunch, Jane's painted/been painting the door" jest
> możliwe, a tu nie chodzi o context, tylko o contrast - the opposition pomiędzy
> WE did this a SHE did that.

ianek 70, you are trying to correct me, when you are wrong, it's a bit funny and
i gona tell you why. The three perfect tenses divide time into present, past,
and future as you know. They show more complex time relationships than do simple
The perfect tenses generally describe actions or occurrences completed, ot to be
completed, before a more recent point in time.
example: "our government has offered to help" (action completed but condition
still in effect)
"while we were out, Jane has painted the house" (condion completed and still
One should use the present perfect tense to show a period of time extending from
some point in the past to the present often accompanied by "for", "since",
"while", or and indefinte past time.
Now going back to the "context". what you want to convey in that sentence is not
that the door were painted by Jane, but that that action occurred while the
other lazy bastards were stuffing themself with food....yep!
cheers bro!

Temat: Present Perfect
kazdy czas (tense) "continuous", rowniez czas "Present Perfect Continuous",
wyraza akcje trwajaca przez pewien okres czasu.
Natomiast czas "non-continuous" wyraza akcje jednorazowa.

To jest zasadnicza roznica miedzy czasem "continuous" a czasem "non-continuous".

Present Perfect Continuous wyraza czynnosc, ktora rozpoczela sie w jakims
punkcie w przeszlosci i trwala w sposob ciagly az do chwili kiedy sie o tejze
czynnosci mowi. Lub trwa nadal. Czas continuous podkresla wlasnie te ciaglosc.

I have been waiting for you since 11 o'clock.

"Czekam na ciebie od jedenastej." Zauwaz, ze po polsku uzywamy tu czasu

We have been working for four hours now.

Po polsku: "Pracujemy juz od czterech godzin."

Okreslenia czasu stosowane w Present Perfect Continouos to:

ever since
for the last... two hours, days, etc.

Czasu Present Perfect natomiast uzywa sie

1) dla wyrazenia czynnosci "jednorazowej", ktora juz sie odbyla, juz sie
zakonczyla, kiedy o niej mowimy, ale ktorej skutki maja wplyw na chwile obecna
i skutki te niejako trwaja.

I have sent him an e-mail about this problem.

"Wyslalem mu e-mail o tym problemie." Ma to taki skutek i wplyw na chwile
obecna, ze on ten problem teraz juz zna i, na przyklad , jest w stanie sie na
ten temat wypowiedziec.
Zauwaz, ze tlumaczy sie to zdanie na polski przy pomocy czasu przeszlego.

Alice has come to see you.
"Alice przyszla, by sie z toba zobaczyc."

Ma to taki skutek i wplyw na chwile obecna, na przyklad, ze Alice siedzi teraz
w pokoju obok i czeka na ciebie.

Okreslenia czasu stosowane przy uzyciu Present Perfect to okreslenia
sygnalizujace, ze akcja odbyla sie w niedawnej przeszlosci:

this ...morning, month, week, etc
not yet

2)dla wyrazenia czynnosci, ktora rozpoczela sie w przeszlosci i nadal trwa w
chwili, kiedy mowimy o niej:

I have lived in Brussels for many years.

Mieszkam w Brukseli od wielu lat. Na polski tlumaczymy przy uzyciu czasu
terazniejszego, ale juz w zdaniach przeczacych za pomoca czasu przeszlego.

I haven't been here since the war.
Nie bylem tu od czasu wojny.

He has been ill since last Sunday.

Jest chory od zeszlej niedzieli.

Okreslenia czasu:


Mam nadzieje, ze zdolalem rozwiac nieco watpliwosci.
Czasy angielskie roznia sie sporo od tych uzywanych w jezyku polskim.
Sprawiaja wiec uczacym sie nieco klopotow.



Temat: gerundium
> ehm, zupełnie nie tak liczy się sposób użycia, suffix "-ing" nie jest
> właściwy wyłącznie gerundowi. może być gerund, może być present participle ,
> może być adjective

No i powiedzcie, czy to całe gramatyczne nazewnictwo nie jest w przypadku
angielskiego przerostem formy nad treścią? Dla czasowników regularnych mają
wszystkiego 4 formy (,,walk'', ,,walks'', ,,walked'' i ,,walking''). Bez żadnej
szkody dla Sprawy mogliby je ponumerować (pierwsza, druga, ...) albo pokolorować
(niebieska, czerwona,...). Zamiast tego importują z łaciny naukowe terminy,
których nikt w całej AngloSasji nie rozumie, i tak, tak, mamy złożoną gramatykę,
odmianę przez persons (,,I walk'', ,,you walk'', ...) i przez tenses (,,walk'',
,,will walk'', ...) i jeszcze on top of this mamy tryby (,,would walk'',
,,walk!'', ,,'d rather walk'', ...). A kiedy przechodzień jest już całkiem
zatkany z podziwu, to dobijają go gerundem ,,walking'' i participlem

A czy dany czasownik jest w formie supinum czy stupidinum, tego nie da się
poznać po jego kształcie, tylko trzeba mu policzyć sposób użycia.

Gdybyśmy tak liczyli dla języka polskiego, to powinniśmy w czasie teraźniejszym
rozróżniać rodzaj czasownika (,,Zosia idzie'', ,,Marek idzie''); a poza tym
czasowniki by się nam odmieniały przez kierunki (,,idzie na wschód'', ,,idzie na
północ'') i stopniowały: (,,idzie lekko'', ,,idzie z trudem'', ,,ledwo idzie'').
Końcówka ,,-e'' nie jest w tym przypadku właściwa żadnemu konkretnemu rodzajowi,
kierunkowi ani stopniowi, za każdym razem liczy się sposób użycia.

- Stefan

Temat: pytanie do nauczycieli angiel. z doswiadczeniem
Przede wszystkim , nie daj się zwieść , temu ,że osoby te chcą się
uczyć "praktycznego" języka =zero gramatyki + wkuwanie na pamięć
niezrozumiałych dla nich zwrotów i konstrukcji .Często ludzie wyjeżdżający
mają taki "pomysł" na swoją edukację językową .Wybij go im z głowy . Jeśli
osoby te nie miały kontaktu z językiem wcześniej , muszą przejść przez
podstawy.Stosuj po wprowadzeniu to be , to have , liczebników , oznaczania
godziny , dat , dni tygodnia i Present Tenses (więcej chyba nie zdążysz w
kilka miesięcy , chyba ,że będziecie się spotykać bardzo często ).Rób dużo
ćwiczeń dialogowych , organizuj scenki : przedstawiają się ,kupują bilet na
stacji metra , gazetę , artykuły spożywcze , pytają o drogę , cenę czegoś
itd , zamawiają w restauracji .Nie stosuj jakiegoś jednego podręcznika ,ale
materiały kserowane , bo w podręcznikach gotowych układ treści często wyklucza
rezygnację z jakichkolwiek ,nawet szczegółowych zagadnień (że nie wspomnę ,iż w
większości nadają się do uczenia dzieci )ale z kilku wybranych .Nie upieraj się
za bardzo przy intensywnych ćwiczeniach gramatycznych (opanowali daną strukturę
idź dalej , nie zagłębiaj się ).Na każdych zajęciach zaczynaj od tego na czym
skończyłaś poprzednie np . mów: Maria teraz przedstawi się , Ania zapyta jak
dojechać do centrum itd ...Jeśli mają trudności z pozbieraniem słów i
skonstruowaniem wypowiedzi proś o tłumaczenie dialogu: ty podajesz zdanie z
dialogu po polsku , oni tłumaczą na angielski , następnie mówią sami , bez
wspomagania . Upewniwszysię ,że opanowali to co dotychczas , wprowadź coś
nowego , przećwicz, podaj zwroty , wyjaśnij dlaczego mówimy tak , a nie
inaczej .Niech spróbują poprawiać swoje błędy wzajemnie ,więcej się
nauczą .Powtarzając materiał sięgaj głębiej niż tylko do ostatnich zajęć ,
żeby wiedza się nie ulotniła .Dawaj po pewnym czasie do przesłuchania ćwiczenie
ze słuchu( ale niezbyt ,złożone -jak to będzie nagranie wiadomości z BBC
przestraszą się , zwątpią w to ,że cokolwiek umieją -proste scenki na ulicy , w
sklepie , czyli to czego się uczyli ). Reaguj zdecydowanie , gdy nie uczą się
słówek , bez nich nie pojadą dalej , zaproponuj by w domu nazywali różne rzeczy
w obcym języku , mówili do rodziny , przyjaciół(bardzo proste rzeczy muszą to
być inaczej , gdy powiedzą źle , będą utrwalać błędy).Wprowadzaj takie zwroty ,
określenia , które będą im przydatne w codziennym funkcjonowaniu (nie
wiem :jadą do pracy , będą jej szukać , znają kogoś , będą zdani na siebie ,
mają mieszkanie , będą szukać , musisz o to wszystko zapytać ).Nie naciskaj na
poprawność pisania , na to przyjdzie czas . Uświadom im ,że sukces zależy tyleż
od twoich starań , co od nich samych . Powiedz ,że po wyjeździe muszą jak
najszybciej dołączyć do szkoły językowej. Chwal nawet najmniejsze postępy , nie
dziw się błędom , to co dla Ciebie oczywiste dla nich takie nie jest .Muszą
czuć się bezpiecznie , wiedzieć ,że nikt nie będzie się znich śmiał:)
Powodzenia !A.

Temat: angielski w Polsce i w Europie
nie rozumiem w czym się nie zgadzasz ?
bambolina1 napisała:

> hmm troche się nie zgodze z unsatisfied6.
> Pierwszym pytaniem dzieci/młodzieży na lekcji jest: a czy to jest na ocenę?
> większości nie liczy się wiedza, ale ocena. Raz przyszedł do mnie uczen i
> że on chce mieć 5 z j.ang., bo on chodzi do szkoły językowej, a mama
> go "zabije" jak on nie będzie miał 5. Powiedziałam, że nie bo jego wiedza nie
> jest wystarczająca na 5. Większość rodziców interesuje się ocenami,a nie tym
> ich dzieci mają w głowach.
wg twojej relacji ty oceniasz wg wiedzy - więc nie rozumiem w czym się
nie zgadzasz ?

> Jeśli chodzi o podział w/g stopnia zaawansowania to jest to raczej
> W mojej szkole jest ponad 1000 uczniów,zajęcia trwają od 8 (czasami 7)rano do
> 18. Taki podział wprowadziłby tylko zamieszanie.

to zupełnie inna sprawa - jakość a ilość . jasne , że w tak upchanej szkole
pracującej na dwa etaty podział na zaawansowanie jest niemożliwy i prościej
jest podzielić na klasy i wepchać do jednej maksymalną ilość uczniów , bo
to taniej i nie wymaga myślenia .

> Także na podział klas: słabsi-lepsi nie ma co liczyć. Właśnie skończyłam
> sprawdzać test diagnostyczny przeprowadzony w klasach pierwszych.Jestem w
> szoku, jak nie gorzej. Niektórzy nie umieją się przedstawić nie mówiąc o
> zapytaniu która godzina czy jak gdzieś dojść.
to tylko wynik "ekonomicznej szkoły" poprzednich etapów - taka ta
ekonomia szkolnictwa , która liczy tylko oszczędności a nie liczy
fatalnych jej skutków które w rezultacie przynoszą wielkie straty zaangażowanych
środków w postaci wysiłku uczniów i pracy ludzi zajmujących się szkolnictwem .

> Dziś na lekcji porosiłam ucznia by przetłumaczył zdanie: Dziewczynka czyta
> książkę. Nie wiedział ani jak jest dziewczynka ani ksiązka, o cztaniu nie
> wspomnę. Jednak największy szok przeżyłam w klasie maturalnej (przejęłam po
> innej nauczycielce), w której maturzysta nie umiał odmienić czasownika 'to

zdarza się - miałem podobne doświadczenie .

nie zadawałbym ćwiczeń z tłumaczeniami , bo jest mały problem - można nawet
proste zdanie , które podałaś przetłmuczyć na kilka
poprawnych sposobów w zależności od niezwerbalizowanej treści domyślnej
w języku polskim .

nie istnieje dobre tłumaczenie które w pełni oddaje treść - treść tłumaczenia
zawsze w dużej mierze musi odbiegać od treści orginału . uważam , że
można wskazywać te różnice ucząc języka angielkiego różnych interpretacji
tego samego zdania ale bez sesnsu wydaje mi się sprawdzanie wiedzy na podstawie
umiejętności tłumaczeń ( a faktycznie intepretacji )

> Dzieci przychodzą z gimnazjum z wyuczonymi takimi błędami, że włos się jeży
> głowie. Nie wiem kto ich uczy.

fakt - włos na głowie się jeży . podawanie np regułek wg których
uczeń obowiązkowo ma zmieniać zdanie w mowie niezależnej na zdanie
w mowie zależnej ( bezmyślność kompletna ) here->there , today->that day itp -
po prostu horror . często zmusza się ucznia do stosowania następstwa czasów ,
niezależnie od tego czy treść zdarzenia zdania podrzędnego jest aktualna czy
nieaktualna . definicja Present Pefect to często myląca terminologia , brak
przykładów i wyraźnego powiązania z czasem teraźniejszym ( w języku polskim
czas teraźniejszy występuje w domyśle , w angielskim podany a priori za
pomocą kontrukcji Present Perfect ) . Mylne traktowanie tenses jako czasów -
są trzy czasy ( a może nawet dwa:)) a nie 12 ( a wg innych źródeł 16 ) , tak
jak w języku polskim są trzy czasy a nie ma czasu "dokonany" lub "niedokonany"
lub osobnego czasu na "idę" i "chodzę" lub "jem" i "jadam". ogólnie rzecz
biorąc brak logiki w tej wykładanej w szkołach gramatyki - prowadzi często do
sprzeczności i zniechęcenia gdy spotykane w praktyce zdania okazują się
być "wyjątkami" tego , co uczeń poznał w teorii .

Temat: Potrzeby
Wklejam - w j. ang. - do przetłumaczenia:

Need: What Is It?
A need is something we require for our well-being, like food,
sunlight, contact with other humans; our needs should be non-
negotiable, things we cannot do without. But sometimes we get so
wrapped up in life, in surviving, in getting ahead, in taking care
of others, we lose sight of these basic requirements. Don't let that
happen! Healthy self-care begins with checking to see if YOU are
meeting YOUR basic needs and then working to fulfill them.
You can copy and paste this into your text editor, and answer the
questions in that mode.
You should take this test when you are vaguely dissatisfied,
depressed or tense - when you can't remember the last time you got a
good night's sleep, relaxed or ate a healthy meal. These mindsets
will yield the most accurate answers.
What To Do - Checklist:
This list will help you create a picture of your lifestyle.
•Are you satisfied with where you presently are in life?
•Do you usually get six to eight hours of sleep?
•Do you eat something fresh and unprocessed every day?
•Do you allow time in your week to touch nature, no matter
how briefly?
•Do you get enough sunlight, especially in the wintertime?
•Do you drink enough water?
•Do you see your gynecologist (or the equivalent) at least
once a year?
•Do you see a dentist every six months?
•Do you know enough about your body and health needs?
•Are you currently in a loving relationship with a sexual
•If you're not currently involved in a relationship, do you
yearn for one?
•If living alone, do you enjoy your own company?
•What things would you change about if you could?
•Do you get regular sexual thrills?
•Do you feel you get enough fun exercise?
•Do you have friends you can call when you are down, friends
who really listen?
•Do you regularly release your negative emotions?
•Can you honestly ask for help when you need it?
•Do you feel the only way something will get done right is if
you do it?
•Do you forgive yourself when you make a mistake?
•Do you live in the past, or are you making efforts to enjoy
the present and plan for the future?
•Do you do things that give you a sense of fulfillment, joy
and purpose?
•Is there abundant beauty in your life? Do you allow yourself
to see beauty and to bring beauty into your home and office?
•Do you make time for solitude?
•Are you getting daily or weekly spiritual nourishment?
•Can you remember the last time you laughed until you cried?
•Do you accept yourself for who you are?

These questions are not intended to make you feel bad or guilty.
They should serve as reminders in helping you see how you are
currently caring for yourself.

Reference: Jennifer Louden's, "The Woman's Comfort Book: A Self
Guide To Restoring Balance To Your Life"
You'll be fascinated and inspired by the series of chats with Family
Therapist, Stephanie Marston, Author of the bestselling book,"If Not
Now, When? Reclaiming Ourselves At Midlife

Read Will I Ever Be Happy?

Temat: Jak żyć z rakietami
Sugary dreams of a better world fade

Ed O'Loughlin Herald Correspondent in Tyre
July 26, 2006

IT USED to be said that no two countries which both have McDonald's hamburger
restaurants have ever gone to war with each other.

If that were ever true, it ceased to be two weeks ago, when Hezbollah's sneak
border raid sparked a massive Israeli reprisal, plunging the region into crisis.
Israel opened its first McDonald's in October 1993, while Lebanon followed suit
five years later.

Another popular maxim suggested that no two democracies have ever been in armed
conflict. That, too, no longer holds water: Lebanon voted in its present
government in fair and peaceful elections in May last year. Israel's political
leadership was elected last March.

The same general point lurked behind both these factoids: the notion that the
world was getting better, that the spreading post-World War II Western model of
consumerism, democracy, human rights and globalisation was making the world
safer, comfier. Grab a burger. Have a vote.

Few non-Western countries were more sold on this fuzzy idea than was Lebanon.
Beirut is the "Paris of the Middle East", the most European city in the region.

After the 1975-1990 civil war, the Berlusconi-esque billionaire Rafiq Hariri
sought to unite the country with myths - not of religion or nationalism or
military power - but of getting rich, quick. His assassination in February last
year, probably by Syrian agents, led to a huge internal convulsion. Hundreds of
thousands of Lebanese took to the streets to demand that Lebanon shake itself
free of Syrian domination: only Hezbollah, the Syrian- and Iranian-backed Shiite
militia, was opposed.

Out of this tense, but ultimately non-violent, confrontation came one of the
Bush Administration's few diplomatic triumphs. With close support from the
French, the US orchestrated a popular campaign at the United Nations that
quickly bundled Syria's troops and spies back across the eastern border.

The subsequent elections produced a cabinet dominated by Western-backed
"progressive forces". Pressure grew on Hezbollah to disarm.

Then two weeks ago Hezbollah mounted one of its occasional border raids, this
one more successful than most. In return, Israel began a massive wave of bombing
and shelling against what one Israeli commentator chillingly called "Lebanon's
material and human infrastructure".

In the space of two days, 15 years of painful progress were undone, and Lebanon
ceased to exist as a functioning state and economy.

Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese civilians have been driven from their homes by
Israeli threats of annihilation. For every Israeli civilian killed by random
Hezbollah fire, Israeli shells, bombs and precision guided missiles have killed
20 innocent Lebanese.

All this has been done with America's full diplomatic and military backing,
while the rest of the West looks on - and either wrings it hands (the Europeans)
or nods its approval (Australia).

As one young Lebanese remarked last week: "The Americans never gave a shit about
us. They only did it for Israel." McDonald's can still sell you a hamburger, but
the fat, sugary dream is no longer in stock.

Temat: ============aQUaNET=2996==============

Helpful Response

We can help our nervous system recuperate its balance by understanding how it
discharges when it is over-stimulated. Some examples of this are:

* trembling, shaking or sweating

* warmth in our body

* stomach gurgling

* breathing deeply

* crying or laughing

These are good, it means that we are discharging some of this the energy and
coming back into balance. Mostly, we want to just observe what's happening in
our body without judgment, just watching and understanding that our body has the
innate ability to regain its balance if we just let it feel what it feels, and
give it the time to do what it wants to do.


What to Do

It is very important to stay 'grounded.' If you are feeling disoriented,
confused, upset and in disbelief, you can do the following exercise:

* Sit on a chair, feel your feet on the ground, press on your thighs, feel
your behind on the seat, and your back supported by the chair; look around you
and pick six objects that have red or blue. This should allow you to feel in the
present, more grounded and in your body. Notice how your breath gets deeper and
calmer. You may want to go outdoors and find a peaceful place to sit on the
grass. As you do, feel how your bottom can be held and supported by the ground.

* Here is an exercise that will allow you to feel your body as a 'container'
to hold your feelings. Gently pat the different parts of your body with your
hand, with a loose wrist. Your body may feel more tingling, more alive, sharp,
you may feel more connected to your feelings.

* Another exercise is to tense your muscles, each group at a time. Hold your
shoulders with arms across your chest, tighten your grip on them and pat your
arms up and down. Do the same with your legs, tighten them and hold them from
the outside, patting through their length. Tighten your back, tighten your
front, then gently release the tension. This may help you or your loved one feel
more balanced.

* Sports, aerobics and weight training help avoid depression and are a
channel for aggression.

* If you believe in prayer or in some sort of greater power, pray for the
rest of the souls of the dead, for the healing of the wounded, for consolation
for the grieving. Pray for peace, for understanding and wisdom and for the
forces of goodness to prevail. Do not give up faith in the ultimate goodness of
being and keep your trust in humanity.

* And last, just know that we, humans, are extremely resilient and have been
able to recuperate from the most horrendous tragedies. Furthermore we have the
ability to let ourselves be transformed by our traumas, when we heal them and
open ourselves to the possibility.

...Wojna z Terrorem trwa.....
DEBKAfile Exclusive Military Sources:
Powell Refocuses on
Tehran-Baghdad-Beirut-Damascus-Ramallah Axis Ahead of Arafat Issue
13 April: Two events on Friday, April 12, reshaped US Secretary of State Colin
Powell’s conception of his peace mission to the Middle East: his tour of
Israel’s tense northern border region, which he termed “an eye opener”; and the
suicide bombing attack in Jerusalem that blasted a bus line - just as his
helicopter lifted off from the Knesset helipad only a quarter of a mile away,
killing six Sabbath Eve market shoppers and injuring 89.
Landing in the Israel-Lebanese border sector, he was greeted by a group of
generals past and present like himself: defense minister Binyamin Ben Eliezer,
the designated (currently deputy) chief of staff Maj.-Gen. Moshe Yaalon and OC
Northern Command Maj.-Gen Gaby Ashkenazi.
DEBKAfile ’s military sources report that the briefings the visitor from
Washington received covered the following developments:
A. The Iranian missile and ammo airlift to the Hizballah, which is running
from Bandar Abbas via Damascus military airport. Tehran is keeping the
Lebanese Shiite group amply re-supplied with the means to keep up the almost
daily cross-border barrage into Israel. The offensive was launched two weeks
ago, with the 8,000 rockets the Hizballah received from Iran. The Iranian
transports are allowed to cross Iraqi airspace and refuel at Iraqi bases.
B. Iran has stuffed Hizballah accounts in Syrian banks with millions of
dollars to fund operations.
C. Iranian Revolutionary Guards, several hundred of whom are posted in
Lebanon, have helped Hizballah mortar and rocket crews improve their accuracy
manifold. The wonder is that there have been no more than half a dozen Israeli
D. Iraq and Iran are bound by secret military pacts, as are Iraq and Syria.
Both have been activated to coordinate the operations of their air and missile
E. Despite their public denials, both Syria and Iran continue their active and
direct sponsorship of terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda. Ahmed
Jibril’s hardline Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestinian – General
Command, which is controlled by Syrian military intelligence, has been given
free rein to launch Katyusha attacks against and terrorist incursions into
Israel from Syrian soil, in unison with Hizballah assaults. Syrian intelligence
used terrorist elements in Lebanon last month for a deadly ambush on a main
highway in north Galilee, in which seven Israelis were shot dead.
Syria has also become a back door for smuggling Hizballah and al Qaeda fighters
into the West Bank through the Golan Heights - as well as weapons and
In Lebanon, agents run by the senior al Qaeda operations officer, the Iranian-
Lebanese terror master Imad Mughniyeh, are busy plotting terrorist strikes
against US and Israel targets around he Gulf and Middle East, as part of the
overall campaign. Al Qaeda militants transferring from Iraq, Iran and the Gulf
to Lebanon are granted free passage through Damascus. They are limited to a 12-
hour stay and forbidden to use the Syrian capital’s hotels.
F. Some of the al Qaeda groups, including Kurdish tribesmen, have joined the
ranks of the Hizballah and the Palestinian units based in Palestinian refugee
camps in south Lebanon.
G. Baghdad regards the Palestinian confrontation with Israel in the West Bank
and Gaza Strip as Iraq’s first line of defense against a US assault; Iran views
Lebanon in similar terms.
Arafat is kept in the picture by his allies - Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and the
When the secretary of state said he had been given an eye opener, Yasser
Arafat, understood his allies had been handed a grave caution. From his place
of siege in Ramallah, the Palestinian leader therefore produced a lukewarm,
equivocal condemnation of terror – not in his voice and without mention of
suicide bombers. While the White House spokesman emphasized its condemnation by
referring to those terrorists as “homicide bombers”, in the sense of murderers,
Arafat regards them as martyrs.
The homicidal-suicidal bombing attacks will therefore go on. Israeli security
is back on high alert, especially in Jerusalem, after the few days’ respite
granted by Israel’s military operation against Palestinian cities, on guard for
trouble as Israel’s Independence Day approaches on Tuesday April 16.
With the same sort of double standard, the Syrian and Iranian governments
insist that they are not involved in terror.
DEBKAfile’s sources report that for the first timePowell may have realized that
the rapid war escalation in the Middle East has gone too far to be stopped by
words and diplomacy. This acceptance will affect the Bush administration’s
determination to avoid its global war on terror bringing Washington into
collision with the Arab world, whose leaders told Powell they did not consider
Arafat’s suicidal killers to be terrorists and murderers.
It is too soon to tell if Powell’s change of perception is fundamental or
subject to the Bush administration’s policy vacillations. For now, Washington
appears to have pulled away from the Arab-European efforts to rescue Arafat and
his shrinking clique. In the view of DEBKAfile’s Middle East experts,
therefore, whether or not the Powell-Arafat encounter in Ramallah comes off or
not is of diminishing consequence given the large picture of events marching
forward in the region. Washington has reshuffled its agenda and placed high up
the goal of breaking – or at least fracturing – the Iran-Iraq-Syria-Palestinian
alignment ranging itself as a forward bulwark against an American attack on
The Palestinian military line was cracked in the middle when Jenin fell to the
IDF this week. Now the Hizballah line in Lebanon comes into US focus.