Czytasz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: privay Statement

Temat: Darmowa Opera 8.50 - a szpiegi i regulamin
Privacy statement: Opera Software ASA strives to protect the security and privacy of the users of its products, and will strictly protect the security of the users’ personal information, within the confines of the Opera domain. The Opera Software ASA privacy statement found at <>, is incorporated in this Agreement by reference.

i po co ta panika??? Forum Onetu?? To przeciez sami pryszczaci tam sie udzielaja

Temat: Boeing nie umie przegrac z honorem
Felusiak juz tu mieszkalem i pamietam jak ludzie byli wku#wieni z
tego powodu - Chodzilo o nowsza generacje AWACS montowana na Boeing
767 a te ktore kupili w '81 byly mniej sophisticated i montowane na
A-3 ,...

No charge ,...


Policy Statement, 1987* The people of the United ... The transfer of
arms to the Saudis, such as the AWACS in 1986 and the sale ...

Temat: Boeing nie umie przegrac z honorem
No proszę od "niezbitych faktów" szybka wolta do "prawdziwej"
hipotezy. Saudyjczycy wiedzieli nad czym Boeing pracował i chcieli kupić.... a
ty sam widziałeś na własne oczy, że było wieksze od A3(??)
Zapewne chciałeś powiedzieć E-3 ale powiedziałeś A-3 bo tak u was na
I-5 mówiono.
No widzisz split, najpierw niezbitym faktem było zablokowanie AWACS/F-16 dla
Arabii Saudyjskiej po czym okazało się, że "niezbity fakt" jest wytworem twojej
wyobraźni a teraz twoja wyobraźnia tworzy hipotezy co saudyjczycy wiedzieli i
czego chcieli i zablokował to Ajpak. A jak ktoś nie wierzy to może sobie
poczytać Policy Statement a tam wszystko jest napisane. I ja tam byłem i miód i
wino piłem....

Temat: spanie z noworodkiem - jak zorganizować?
sered napisała:

> > A ja ci powiem ze jak sobie przeczytasz powody o smierci
> > lozeczkowej, to znajdziesz w tej liscie spanie w lozku z
> to teraz ja ci coś powiem nie doczytałaś chyba do końca...
> śmierć łóżeczkowa z rodzicami może się zdarzyć - owszem, pod
warunkiem, że rodz
> ice są pod wpływem alkoholu lub środków odurzających czy innych

TO moze poczytaj jeszcze raz dokladnie .

Tu dla zainteresowanych o smierci lozeczkowej:
Zwroc uwage:
A controversial approach to lowering SIDS rates is limiting co-
sleeping. A 2005 policy statement by the American Academy of
Pediatrics on sleep environment and the risk of SIDS condemned all
co-sleeping and bedsharing as unsafe.
Nalezaloby tez zwrocic uwage na pozycje spania dziecka...w Polsce
nadal wciaz popularna na boczku lub brzuszku...a swiat robi kampanie
zeby ukladac na pleckach:
The incidence of SIDS has fallen sharply in a number of countries in
which the back to bed recommendation has been widely adopted, such
as the US and New Zealand

Temat: Boeing nie umie przegrac z honorem
Ten fragment "which consider themselves in state of war with Israel"
czytaj ; Kraje ktore grajdolek uwaza za nieprzyjazne (Praktycznie
wszyskie na Bliskim Wschodzie) ,...

W ten sposob jedynemu produktowi na ktory mamy zbyt zamknieto droge
do klientow a otworzono naszym rywalom bo nie mamy monopolu na te
bron i kto chce to kupi jak nie u nas to w Rosji , Francji , Chinach
kosztem amerykanskiego robola - Powiedz nam czy to jest w interesie
Stanow ??? ,...

AIPAC policy statement 1987

Kontynuowali i kontynuuja ,...

opposing U.S. sales of sophisticated weapons to Arab countries
which consider themselves in state of war with Israel or do not
make peace with Israel ;

Przepchneli ,...

amending the Arms Export Control Act to restore of majority rule
of Congress in controversial arms sales ;

Temat: Europa sie zapada
...a tymczasem w Australii
... RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) przewiduje wzrost bezrobocia ale
nie recesje:

RBA slashes growth forecast The Reserve Bank has slashed its growth and inflation forecasts, but predicts Australia will avoid a recession resulting from the global financial crisis even as the jobless rate climbs.The central bank says its round of cash interest rate cuts since September - which this week cut the rate to a 45-year low of 3.25% - and a further large fiscal stimulus proposed by the Federal Government should help cushion the economy.The RBA sees GDP growth remaining positive, albeit at just 0.25% for the year to June 30, before ticking up to an annual pace of 0.5% by the end of 2009 and quickening further to 1.25% by the June quarter of 2010, according to its quarterly monetary policy statement released today.

Trwa lato, ocean jest cieply, jest dobrze.


Temat: SP 2 dla Windows XP nie dla piratów
Ale Microsoft tu pisze

treść tego
12 maja 2004

Windows XP Service Pack 2 dla wszystkich

Autor: Imperator
Kategoria: Microsoft
Data publikacji: 2004-05-10 01:41
Ilość odsłon: 2206

Windows XP Service Pack 2 będzie dostępny dla wszystkich użytkowników - zarówno tych z licencją jak i bez niej. W praktyce oznacza to, że SP2 będzie można zainstalować na wszystkich "piratach", między innymi z popularnym kluczem FCKGW-...

"Była to trudna decyzja, ale ostatecznie stwierdziliśmy, że nawet jeśli ktoś posiada piracką kopię systemu Windows, ważniejsze jest bezpieczeństwo użytkownika niż strata pieniędzy" - stwierdził Barry Goffe z MS.

"W SP2 nie ma ani jednego zabezpieczenia przed instalowaniem go na 'pirackim' systemie" - dodał.

Barry Goffe powiedział, że do takiej decyzji przyczniło się coś więcej niż altruizm ze strony Microsoftu. "Obecność niezabezpieczonych użytkowników, znacznie zwiększa pole działania wszelkich robaków oraz wirusów - uderza to w Internet oraz w konsekwencji w legalnych użytkowników" - stwierdził.

Źródło: Computertimes


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Temat: Benedykt XVI w Walencji: Nic nie zastąpi rodziny

"A rabbi accused of molesting three boys at a Chabad elementary school was
arrested Dec. 3 and remained at the L.A. Men’s Central Jail in lieu of $500,000
bail as The Journal went to press. Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov’s arrest on 10 felony
counts of committing lewd acts with children came following an investigation by
the LAPD after three boys, ages 8 to 10, reported last month that Yomtov was
keeping each of them alone in the classroom and molesting them while the other
children were at recess. Yomtov, 36, an Australian-born rabbi with a wife and
four children, pleaded not guilty. A preliminary hearing in Los Angeles
Superior Court is set for Dec. 17. Yomtov has taught 8- to 10-year-olds for six
years at Cheder Menachem, a school with 220 boys, kindergarten through eighth
grade, on Melrose Avenue in the Beverly Boulevard-La Brea Avenue neighborhood.
The school issued a written statement following the arrest: 'Due to the
sensitivity of the issues involved and to protect the privacy of our students,
parents, teachers and staff, the school will be making no public comment.' The
statement went on, 'We request that our privacy be respected. The school is
cooperating fully with all applicable authorities.'"


Temat: Soja GMO - Genetycznie zModyfikowany Organizm
Ani jednym słowem nie odniosłaś się do:
<<The FDA does not require any safety tests on genetically modified foods. If
Monsanto or other biotech companies declare their foods safe, the agency has no
further questions. The rationale for this hands-off position is a sentence in
the FDA's 1992 policy that states, "The agency is not aware of any information
showing that foods derived by these new methods differ from other foods in any
meaningful or uniform way."[1] The statement, it turns out, was deceptive.
Documents made public from a lawsuit years later revealed that the FDA's own
experts agreed that GM foods are different and might lead to hard-to-detect
allergens, toxins, new diseases or nutritional problems. They had urged their
superiors to require long-term safety studies, but were ignored. The person in
charge of FDA policy was, conveniently, Monsanto's former attorney (and later
their vice president). One FDA microbiologist described the GM food policy
as "just a political document" without scientific basis, and warned that
industry would "not do the tests that they would normally do" since the FDA
didn't require any.[2] He was correct.
Czy to tylko przypadek? Czy może jednak podsunąłem Ci jakiś niewygodny dla
Ciebie argument, który zwyczajnie próbujesz zbyć milczeniem? To istotnie
pytanie o zaufanie! Tym razem do Ciebie i Twojej faktycznej bezstronności ?

Temat: LPR: Kara śmierci dla pedofila - zabójcy
cenzorze, stalinowskimi metodami nie zatkasz Katolikom ust. KTo moczem wojuje
ten moczem smierdzi. Zamiast ukrzyzowac prawde, nauczcie swoich forumowiczow
jak dyskutowac. Katolicy nie chca dewiantow w Kosciele. To globalisci
niePOLACY na sile chca narzucic nam ich akceptacje

"A rabbi accused of molesting three boys at a Chabad elementary school was
arrested Dec. 3 and remained at the L.A. Men’s Central Jail in lieu of $500,000
bail as The Journal went to press. Rabbi Mordechai Yomtov’s arrest on 10 felony
counts of committing lewd acts with children came following an investigation by
the LAPD after three boys, ages 8 to 10, reported last month that Yomtov was
keeping each of them alone in the classroom and molesting them while the other
children were at recess. Yomtov, 36, an Australian-born rabbi with a wife and
four children, pleaded not guilty. A preliminary hearing in Los Angeles
Superior Court is set for Dec. 17. Yomtov has taught 8- to 10-year-olds for six
years at Cheder Menachem, a school with 220 boys, kindergarten through eighth
grade, on Melrose Avenue in the Beverly Boulevard-La Brea Avenue neighborhood.
The school issued a written statement following the arrest: 'Due to the
sensitivity of the issues involved and to protect the privacy of our students,
parents, teachers and staff, the school will be making no public comment.' The
statement went on, 'We request that our privacy be respected. The school is
cooperating fully with all applicable authorities.'"

Temat: In God we trust

On February 9, 1917, Congressman Oscar Calloway of Texas put the
following statement into the Congressional Record:

“In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, ship building
and powder interests and their subsidiary organizations, got
together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to
select the most influential newspapers in the United States and
sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the
daily press in the United States.

“These 12 men worked the problems out by selecting 179 newspapers,
and then began, by an elimination process, to retain only those
necessary for the purpose of controlling the general policy of the
daily press throughout the country. They found it was only necessary
to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.
Jak wiele sie od tego czasu zmienilo? Ano "forth estate" (media)
staly sie piata kolumna i o tym trzeba pamietac.

Temat: taserowe historie, bez komentarza...
za_morzem napisał:

> “Police zapped him twice with the taser,” she said. Mr. Peters also
> claims one
> of the officers punched him.

zwroc uwage na to:

RCMP also released a statement from Knipstrom's father, Robert
Thurston Knipstrom, that appealed for the media to respect the
family's privacy.

"The family is shocked and saddened by the recent incident between
our son and the Chilliwack RCMP. We apologize on behalf of our son
to the staff of the EZ Rentals for any distress that was caused
because of this incident," the family statement said.

Police use of force is governed by the Criminal Code, which
states "as much force as is necessary" can be used to make an

Policja uzywajaca sily postepuje zgodnie z Kodem Kryminalnym
(Kanady - moj dodatek) ktory doslownie stwierdza "tyle sily ile jest
konieczne" uzywac aby aresztowanie bylo skuteczne ...

tak jak pisalem gdzies tam ... nawet z zastosowaniem przemocy
powodujacej pogwalcenie podstawowych praw czlowieka ...
interpretacja zawsze nalezy do uzywajacych sily

Temat: Sukces polityki Busha w Libanie

To tez jego sukces :))) ,...


Newly Announced Israel-Syria Peace Talks Run Against Grain of
Washington's Anti-Engagement Policy

Just a week after President Bush, speaking at Israel's Knesset,
likened those who would advocate engagement with "terrorists and
radicals" to Nazi appeasers, the governments of Israel and Syria—a
close ally of Iran—have announced that official peace talks are
underway between their nations, mediated by Turkey. "It is better in
this situation to speak rather than to shoot," declared Israeli
prime minister Ehud Olmert in a statement Wednesday. "This is what
the sides agreed."

Noted the Syrian foreign ministry in a similar statement: "Both
sides have expressed their desire to conduct the talks in good will
and decided to continue dialogue with seriousness to achieve
comprehensive peace."

The Bush administration, which was informed of the planned talks by
Israel and Turkey, offered reluctant support. "It is our hope that
discussions between Israel and Syria will cover all the relevant
issues," a State Department official, speaking on background, told
Mother Jones. He outlined Washington's outstanding concerns with
Syria, including its "support for terrorist groups, facilitation of
the passage of foreign fighters into Iraq, and intervention in
Lebanon, as well as repression inside Syria.

Temat: Pentagon !!! Jednego likudnika mniej ,...
Kto jest bardziej wiarygodny w wydanej opinii ?
Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld ?

"Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld praised Feith, the undersecretary of defense
for policy, as having contributed to U.S. security and said he would be missed.

Feith “is creative, well organized and energetic, and he has earned the respect
of civilian and military leaders across the government,” Rumsfeld said in a

Czy General Tommy Franks ?

"Commenting on his relationship with Feith, he told veteran US journalist Bob
Woodward: "I have to deal with the [expletive] stupidest guy on the face of
the earth almost every day."


Temat: co jest najważniejsze dla Polski
onufry.zagloba napisał:

> w tym tekscie az tak bardzo nie podoba? A papiezem to sobie pyska
> nie wycieraj

Znając gudłaja <onufrego>, oraz jego antypolskie i antykatolickie
wypowiedzi, nie ma się co dziwić, że nie widzi nic zdrożnego w
wypowiedzi gudłaja Friedmana:

Rabin Friedman NY:
It is your responsibility to fax the president of the United
States, and I want you to know what ladies and gentlemen. That this
same dumb Pollack John Paul the Second /Jan Paweł II, stated that
Jerusalem's future must not be declared by Israel, the Vatican said
calling such a policy "morally and legally unacceptable". This was
a statement by the Vatican commie/communist from the Pope.
Insulting Jews again, Jerusalem is our capital, King David made it
our capital, it belongs to no one. Not to the dumb Pollack, not the
Muslim Arab, and this dumb Pollack, this stinking old COCKER/H.. ,
the stinking old COCKER has the goal, come to Jerusalem at
the memorial for this experience and he has the nerve to come
this .....cocker has the nerve to come and and say for us not to
kabash/murder Christians, that's the problem, we've never killed
them, we've never massacre them, that's the problem , they've
always killed us and they have told us to this very , very day.

Temat: Prezydent Iranu chce zniszczenia Israela!!!!!!
Prezydent Iranu chce zniszczenia Israela!!!!!!
Ahmadinejad stressed "Our dear Imam [Khomeini] ordered that the occupying
regime in Jerusalem be wiped off the face of the earth. This was a very wise
statement. The issue of Palestine is not one which we could compromise on ...
I warn the heads of all nations of the Islamic world to beware of this trap.
If some, who are under pressure by the dominating powers, follow a misguided
policy or are naive, or selfish or have earthly desires, recognize this
regime (Israel), they should know that they would be burnt in the fire of the
Islamic Ummah (Nation) and will bear an eternal stigma on their foreheads."
He further expressed his firm belief that the new wave of confrontations
generated in Palestine and the growing turmoil in the Islamic world would in
no time wipe Israel away.


Mam wiadomosc do tzw. prezydenta Iranu____!!!!!

Jezeli nas zaatakujesz to gwarantuje, ze ososbiscie wpakuje ci kulke w leb ty
zgnojona kreaturo!!!!!!

Temat: Continental Airlines, pilots' union sign accord to
Continental Airlines, pilots' union sign accord to
CONTINENTAL Airlines has signed a "Partnership Accord" with its pilots'
union, the Air Line Pilots Association, Int'l (ALPA), as part of efforts to
codify key aspects of its new approach to labour/management relations.
The agreement between the airline and ALPA, which represents 4,000
Continental pilots, paves the way for a new type of working relationship that
recognises that "the old ways of confrontational labour relations are
detrimental to both sides' interests," particularly in the prevailing, tough
economic climate for major US airlines.
A statement from the carrier said that more than a year ago, Continental
Airlines and the union began to develop a relationship based on providing
each other with "accurate, factual information and considering each other's
input regarding operational and other issues."
The newly signed accord formalises this process and commits the carrier and
the union to a partnership relationship "based on mutual respect and trust."
It also assures that each party will receive "a fair share of the financial
and economic rewards."
"This agreement further reflects Continental's policy of open, honest and
direct communication with all employees," said Gordon Bethune, Continental's
chairman and CEO. "Additionally, treating each other with dignity and respect
has become a cornerstone of our success. Working together works for us and
this agreement will ensure that everybody wins together."

Witam wszytkie Panie, witaj Amigo,

to Ty czytujesz Financial Review Amigo, widze ze jestes up to date :)
dzieki za uznanie, ale wiesz mojego wkladu ;) to tak niewiele jeszcze.
interesujacy statement about strong and confident country, no no, ciekawe jaki
wplyw na to maja braki w tegorocznym budget i zaginione miliony?
czy ten Concord Oval cos mi ma tu zasugerowac Amigo, nie bardzo zrozumialem
Twoj przekaz. ja osobiscie wolalbym mieszkanie z widokiem na park, plaze itd,
nie stac mnie jednak na drogie apartamenty, a slowo sie rzeklo, usiluje wiec
przycumowac moja lodeczke gdzies w poblizu, ale nie za blisko. szanuje privacy.

jak tam samopoczucie? masz wirusa mowisz, to bardzo powazna choroba,
specjalista musi tym sie zajac.
popieram Cie absolutnie w Twojej opinii na temat teatru. brawo Bubu, zawsze w
Ciebie wierzylem, ze jestes szczera dziewczyna/kobieta. teatr i chodzenie do
teatru nie bylo nigdy moja mocna strona i nie jest zadnym miernikiem poziomu

jeszcze tak w smetnym nastroju, spojrzalem na siebie dzisiaj przy goleniu.
spojrzalem do gory, w lustro: moje oczy byly tam gdzie trzeba, ale twarz nadal
zwisala w umywalce! przerazilem sie nie na zarty, zaczynam sie starzec!
polecialem czym predzej do sypialni, bo tam jest jeszcze wieksze lustro i co
widze: jakis zmeczony stary facet mi sie przyglada, a ja tu pelen energii,
ludzie co tu sie porobilo. czas jest nieublagany. Oj, mysle sobie Gunther,
pofolguj sobie, wiec Amigo, braterska milosc mi zostaje....nie do Ciebie,nie.
todo el la mejor

Temat: Bush kontra Kerry - starcie na polu nauki
Ogniwa paliwowe
Gość portalu: californian napisał(a):
> W Stanach wszystkim zainteresowanym, lacznie z samym Bushem, wiadomo ze jest
> on naukowym ignorantem.

To jest prawda.

> Fueling the flames are two documents released by the Union of Concerned
> Scientists (UCS), a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based advocacy group, on 18
> February. One is a two-page statement on "restoring scientific integrity in
> policy making" signed by 20 Nobel laureates ...

To jest angielski, ktorego czesc dyskutantow moze nie rozumiec.
Opinia laureatow nagrody Nobla wydaje mi sie nie istotna zarowno dla Busha jr
jak i wiekszosci dyskutantow na tym forum. Richard Russell, BS, jest
wystarczajacym ekspertem dla Busha jr w dziedzinie technologii (bachelor
uzyskuje sie po 4 latach studiow przed-dyplomowych w USA). Nic dziwnego, ze
wodorowe ogniwa paliwowe sa wytypowane jako alternatywa dla ropy naftowej.
Poniewaz szanse, ze wejda one do uzycia w samochodach jest tego samego rzedu co
moja wygrana w toto lotka, to szefowie przemyslu naftowego moga spac spokojnie.
Jak dlugo Bush rzadzi nic benzyny nie zastapi. Naklady $300 mln, czyli 0.2%
tego co Bush wydal na wojne w Iraku zapewniaja, ze zaden istotny postep nie

Temat: a tymczasem Bank Światowy
no, masz Franek
z innego serwisu, ale dane te same:
World Bank expects growth in Poland in 2009
21 May 2009

"Given the signs that we've seen, we are still very hopeful for
Poland in fact to manage for 2009 a positive GDP growth, which would
probably make it the only country in the EU10 to achieve that,"
Kaspar Richter, a senior economist for the World Bank's Europe and
Central Asia Region told journalists.

"And for 2010 we would probably see a number that may not be very
different than the number in 2009, that is up to 1.0 percent or so
of GDP growth in 2010," Richter said.

"Meanwhile, Poland, where macroeconomic fundamentals are much
stronger, may still see positive growth this year," Laursen said in
a statement.
Richter explained Poland's relatively good outlook by the fact that
its economy is less open and therefore less affected by the decline
on its export markets and by the government's "very timely policy
response" to the crisis.
"The fact that the exchange rate has adjusted by about 35 percent
since September has helped to support exports and at the same time
consumption is still holding up quite well," Richter noted referring
to the slump in the value of the Polish currency, the zloty, against
major currencies.
"Poland has managed to limit better some of the phenomena of
overheating that we've seen in the other economies," he said.

Potrzebujesz tłumaczenia, czy sam dasz radę?

Temat: Nie jest dobrze NY po decyzji -0,2 na DJ i SP500
cytuję za reutersem:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve officials, meeting for the first time
under new chief Ben Bernanke, lifted U.S. interest rates on Tuesday a 15th
straight time and said further moves may be needed to keep inflation at bay.

As widely expected, the U.S. central bank's rate-setting Federal Open Market
Committee voted unanimously to raise the benchmark federal funds rate target a
quarter-percentage point to 4.75 percent, the highest level since April 2001.

In a statement announcing its action, the Fed repeated that further policy
firming may be needed, suggesting it was comfortable with financial market
expectations for rates climbing to 5 percent in coming months.

Temat: Czy ktos pracowal/pracuje jako SENCO?
Jako SENco nie pracuję, ale byłam na kursie Effective SEN Policy; Inclusion -
kurs dla kandydatów na SENco (jako szkolenie zawodowe, na które się zresztą sama
wysłałam, bo moja szkoła nie za bardzo się zajmuje dokształcaniem personelu, ale
to 'temat na poemat') i ...
nigdy w życiu nie chciałabym być SENco.
- Tony roboty papierkowej
- Zarządzanie personelem różnego sortu (ja się do tego nie nadaję)
- buforowanie napięć między rodzicami (najczęściej napierającymi na uzyskanie
statement of SEN przez dziecko) a borough ze wszystkimi jego policies,
- tysiące spotkań z Educational Psychologists, Inclusion Officers, Social
Services, Ethnic Minority Rep. i innymi tabunami tzw. external agencies z
którymi trzeba uprawiać grę pod hasłem 'good liaison between professionals', a
co nie jest takie proste ze względu na ... politykę (czyli każdy ciągnie w swoją

Mam dwie SENco nad sobą (dwie szkoły) i widzę, że tylko latają jak z piórem w te
i we wte.

Poza tym nie wiem, jakie masz doświadczenie, ale dla mnie to właśnie ta dogłębna
znajomość tutejszych regulacji (a raczej jej brak) ciągle odbija się czkawką na
kolejnych (nieudanych) rozmowach o pracę.

Ja bym się nigdy takiej pracy nie podjęła, ale jeśli się czujesz na siłach, to
dlaczego nie?

Rozumu nie można zastąpić wiedzą o tym, jak należy myśleć.

Temat: Proof of residency
Na moj rozum to odpowiednik proof of address... Ale dlaczego to sie residency
nazywa nie wiem. Wyszlo mi ze to moze byc np.:
Recent utility bill (within the last six months) - gas, electricity, water or
land-line telephone, (not a mobile phone bill)
Council or housing association rent book
A valid flat or house contents insurance policy
Benefits or pension book
Current Council Tax bill
Formal tenancy agreement
Recent (within the last six months) Bank or Building Society statement
Medical card
Moze sprawdz dzwoniac na helpline 'to avoid disappointment'...

Temat: We wtorek zapadnie kolejna decyzja FOMC
"Zasugerowano jednak, że jeśli zajdzie taka potrzeba bank zdecyduje się na
bardziej radykalne zmiany stóp."

NIE. Nie zgadzam sie. Nikt w to nie wierzy. NIE BEDZIE podwyzek o 1/2 pktu.


"The FOMC caught the market by surprise, keeping the pace of rate
hikes "measured", but warning on company pricing power and possibly more
aggressive Fed policy."


"The Fed did keep the "measured" word in describing the pace of rate
hikes so despite the market"s severe reaction to the statement it is very
unlikely the Fed will move to 50 bp hikes in the months to come unless
inflationary pressure really start to bite. The strong reaction is a bit
surprising given the fact that a few analysts were looking for the Fed to remove
the "measured" word and the Fed"s comments about inflation were merely stating
the obvious and were intended to show the markets that they weren"t turning a
blind eye to inflationary pressures."

Temat: Polska - informacyjna
Press and Information Office of the Federal Government

German parliament approves EU constitution
Published on 17/05/05
Last modified 17/05/05

"The German Bundestag today approved the European constitutional treaty by an
overwhelming majority. A total of 569 representatives voted in favor, 23
against, and two abstained. In a policy statement Chancellor Schröder referred
to the European constitution as a document of epoch-making importance".

Data jak byk - 17 maja.
Zagladam ja do serwisów GW i co znajduję pod linkiem NIEMCY - ano, ze ...12
maja parlament RFN przyjął traktat konstytucyjny!

Temat: Boeing nie umie przegrac z honorem
Rzeczywiscie warte podkreslenia (przejezyczenie) godne a rasowego
beancounter i nie po to zeby podkreslic , ale po to zeby puscic
odpowiedz w maliny - Jesli juz cie to az tak meczy to moge ci
zpowiedziec ze moj piecioletni junior odroznia 700's na wyrywki
w locie nie tylko na ziemi i we wszystkich siedzial na siedzeniu
pilota (rowniez w Concorde) , byc moze dla ciebie jest trudne do
przelkniecia ale rozrozniamy je tak jak wy w NYC odrozniacie
Epire State Building od innych skyscrapers ,...
a ty sam widziałeś na własne oczy, że było wieksze od A3(??)
Zapewne chciałeś powiedzieć E-3 ale powiedziałeś A-3 bo tak u
was na I-5 mówiono.

Jeszcze raz pajacu , jesli nie rozumiesz - Chodzi o smrodek AIPAC ,
w naszej foreign policy w relacji interesu nomadow koczujacych
obecnie na ziemi Izraelitow w Palestynie ,... Tu ci dalem dowody
ze tak bylo i jest* - W nich masz wzmianke ze chodzilo o AWACS i
F-16 , to ty wpieprzyles te "niezbite" ,...

* Ostatnim szantazem ze zablokuja nastepna dostawe do Saudis i
Egiptu wydebili od twego guru nastepne 30 miliardow USD na 10 lat
i gwarancje na dostawy ostatniej wersji F-22 (no string attached)
po czym zrobili go w ciula bo sprawa ostatniej propozycji zakupow
wisi w Congress'sie z ich inicjatywy ,...
No widzisz split, najpierw niezbitym faktem było zablokowanie
AWACS/F-16 dla Arabii Saudyjskiej po czym okazało się, że "niezbity
fakt" jest wytworem twojej wyobraźni a teraz twoja wyobraźnia tworzy
hipotezy co saudyjczycy wiedzieli i czego chcieli i zablokował to

A co mam ci durniu podac , dla ciebie wszystko jest niewiarygodne
jesli podwaza twoj unconditonal support dla zio-grajdolka - Podalem
ci AIPAC Policy Statement ze zjazdu , po tym jak zdolowali Reagana
3-razy pod rzad (czarne na bialym) z mysla ze to cie przekona ,...

Przyjalem do wiadomosci pod warunkiem ze nie bedziesz wtykal nosa
w moje posty probujac rozgrzeszac V-ta kolumne w tym kraju czy w
kraju nad Wisla - Next time oberwiesz z fleka bez uprzedzenia ,...
A jak ktoś nie wierzy to może sobie poczytać Policy Statement a tam
wszystko jest napisane. I ja tam byłem i miód i wino piłem ....

Temat: Anglia - Argentyna 3:2. Dwie bramki Owena
nie wiem skad masz te statystyki, skysport tak podaje
Argentina Team Statistics England
2 Goals 3
1 1st Half Goals 1
7 Shots on Target 8
3 Shots off Target 11
6 Blocked Shots 2
7 Corners 5
15 Fouls 14
4 Offsides 1
2 Yellow Cards 3
0 Red Cards 0
83.6 Passing Success 77.5
16 Tackles 14
81.2 Tackles Success 85.7
50.5 Possession 49.5
52.8 Territorial Advantage 47.2

Story Tools:
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Match factsMatch facts Argentina England
Hernan Crespo 34
Walter Samuel 53 2-3 Wayne Rooney 39
Michael Owen 86
Michael Owen 91
16:45, Saturday, 12th November 2005
Int Friendly
Attendence: 29000
Referee: Philippe Leuba
Match Features
Match LineupTeam Lineups Argentina England
1 Roberto Abbondanzieri
2 Roberto Ayala
3 Juan Sorin
4 Javier Zanetti
21 Martin Demichelis
6 Walter Samuel
8 Juan Riquelme
Esteban Cambiasso
19 Maxi Rodriguez
11 Carlos Tevez
9 Hernan Crespo
1 Paul Robinson
2 Luke Young
6 John Terry
5 Rio Ferdinand
Wayne Bridge
4 Ledley King
8 Frank Lampard
7 David Beckham
4 Steven Gerrard
9 Wayne Rooney
10 Michael Owen

Leo Franco
15 Diego Placente
14 Gabriel Milito
Fabricio Coloccini
15 Lucho Gonzalez
5 Sebastian Battaglia
Julio Cruz
9 Javier Saviola
David James
Robert Green
14 Paul Konchesky
6 Sol Campbell
12 Philip Neville
7 Shaun Wright-Phillips
11 Joe Cole
Michael Carrick
14 Jermaine Jenas
16 Peter Crouch
18 Jermain Defoe
15 Alan Smith

Match TimelineMatch Timeline Argentina 2-3 England
26' Young
32' Samuel
34' Crespo
39' Rooney
46' Bridge
48' Lampard
53' Samuel
58' King
68' Cole
70' Crespo
74' Ayala
79' Rodriguez
80' Tevez
80' Young
84' Riquelme
86' Owen
91' Owen

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Temat: Amerykański politolog: Polska chce mieć w USA s...
Problem podwójnej lojalnosci Żydów,2.html?f=50&w=21088538

To nie tylko problem wywiadu, ale w ogole problem podwójnej lojalnosci Żydów.
Komu są oni lojalni? Panstwu w tkórym mieszkaja, czy Izraelowi i syjonizmowi?

Własnie w USA toczy sie śledztwo przeciw lobbystom izraelskim, którzy szpiegowali USA dla Izraela.
Jeden agent został już aresztowany.

A policy analyst who worked in the office of the undersecretary of defense was arrested today and charged with illegally disclosing classified information relating to "potential attacks" on U.S. forces in Iraq, the Justice Department announced.

In a statement and an FBI affidavit, the government said Lawrence Franklin, 58, passed information to two unnamed individuals at a restaurant in June, 2003. He also is accused of disclosing information to an unspecified "foreign official" and to unnamed members of the news media.

The Associated Press reported that a law enforcement official said the people at the lunch were employees of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Neither the statement nor an accompanying affidavit mentions AIPAC.

Franklin is a career analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency who specializes in Iran and has served in the Air Force Reserve, rising to colonel. Early in the Bush administration, Franklin moved from the DIA to the Pentagon's policy branch headed by Undersecretary Douglas J. Feith, where he continued his work on Iranian affairs.

The investigation of Franklin had been previously reported in connection with the April dismissal of two senior employees of AIPAC, one of Washington's most influential lobbying organizations. The employees were reportedly suspected of passing classified information received from Franklin to the government of Israel.

Temat: Propaganda Blitz ,...


"Hamas' continued rocket attacks into Israel must cease if the
violence is to stop. Hamas must end its terrorist activities if it
wishes to play a role in the future of the Palestinian people.

"The United States urges Israel to avoid civilian casualties as it
targets Hamas in Gaza."


"We are very concerned at the events in Gaza. We call for an
immediate ceasefire and urge everybody to exert maximum restraint."


"We are facing a continuing spectacle which has been carefully
planned. So we have to expect that there will be many casualties. We
face a major humanitarian catastrophe".


"Egypt condemns the Israeli military attacks."

"Egypt will continue its contacts to prepare an atmosphere conducive
to restoring the period of calm and achieving reconciliation between
the Palestinian groups."


"Iran strongly condemns the Zionist regime's (Israel) wide-ranging
attacks against the civilians in Gaza."

"The raids agains innocent people are unforgiveable and


"Moscow deems it necessary to stop large scale military action
against Gaza, which had already led to big casualties and suffering
among civilian Palestinian population. At the same time we call on
Hamas leadership to stop shelling Israeli territory."


"He (French President Nicolas Sarkozy) demands an immediate stop to
the firing of rockets on Israel and to the Israeli bombings in Gaza
and calls for all parties to use restraint."


"The only way to achieve lasting peace in Gaza is through peaceful
means. Whilst we understand the Israeli government's obligation to
protect its population we urge maximum restraint to avoid further
civilian casualties"

"We also call on miltants in the Gaza Strip to immediately cease all
rocket attacks on Israel."

AlertNet news is provided by Reuters.

Temat: Czy pan prezydent elekt Obama miał prawo ujawniać
xenocide napisał:

> A jaka jest prawda. ty ja znasz ? Byles przy tej rozmowie czy masz ta wiedze o
> d
> dziennikarzy np. tvn24 szklane oko ?
Po pierwsze od dziennikarzy:
Po drugie, wskazuje na to następstwo zdarzeń.
Najpierw rozmowa, potem relacja z rozmowy przeprowadzona Kownackiego, potem
zaprzeczenie Amerykanów

"Obama ‘no commitment’ on missile shield

Barack Obama has made no commitment that a missile defense shield in eastern
Europe will go ahead, an advisor to the president-elect said Saturday, in
apparent contradiction of statements by Poland.

Earlier, a statement from Polish President Lech Kaczynski after the two men
spoke by telephone said Obama had said he would go ahead with plans to build a
missile defense shield in eastern Europe despite threats from Russia.

But Obama had given no such clear cut undertaking on the controversial program,
his senior foreign policy advisor Denis McDonough said in a statement.

(The) “president-elect had a good conversation with the Polish President and the
Polish Prime Minister about the important US-Poland alliance,” McDonough said in
a statement.

“President Kaczynski raised missile defense but President-elect Obama made no
commitment on it."

.... i wreszcie kilka
jednobrzmiących zaprzeczeń urzędników Kancelarii Kaczyńskiego.

Przy rozmowie oczywiście nie byłem - rozumiem, że jako zwolennik Lecha K. ty
masz na to znacznie większe szanse.

Temat: zamach w Haifie
Too bad that Arabs understand ONLY the language of force

It is astonishing how such a small racist remark could affect all sectors of
the Israeli society, especially its effect on the Israeli Army where most
Israeli policy makers graduate. It is also astonishing how often Israelis,
Zionists, and many Jews repeat such a racist remark without comprehending its
racist and dangerous outcomes. If the statement was slightly changed, but
instead of saying Arabs let us use Israelis or Jews instead, the statement
would become:

"Israelis or Jews understand only the language of force."

If any person dares to publish such a racist statement, he or she will be
automatically Black Listed (which is the Zionist version of McCarthyism) and
tagged with being an anti-Semite. This double standard is a way of life among
many Israelis and Zionists, and it is time for Israelis, Zionists, and Jews to
look in the mirror and see their condoned racism towards others. No question of
the fact that Jews were the victims of vicious racism through out history,
however, Zionist and Israeli racism is never a subject of discussion in many
Jewish communities, and for justice sake such healthy debate must start as soon
as possible.

The hard truth, which is often feared in Israel, is that all people (regardless
of their color or religious backgrounds) understand the language of force,
which was often the case through out history. It is true that Arabs, like many
others in the past, submitted to the language of force. On the other hand,
many other people submitted to the Arabs force as well, for example the
Crusades, Persian, Byzantium, and Mongols to name a few. Similarly, the French,
Russian, Greek, Polish Jews during the famous Warsaw uprising or Intifada, ...
etc. submitted to the Nazi might during WW II. In other words, force does not
and will not discriminate between an Arab nor a Jew PERIOD.

Racism breeds racism, and terror breeds terror.

Temat: Glosuje na McCaina'a :))) ,...
Glosuje na McCaina'a :))) ,...

Lobama "przewiozl" zionistow ,... That's not nice :((( ,...

Bu-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha :))) ,...


Obama clarifies united J'lem comment

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama did not
rule out Palestinian sovereignty over parts of Jerusalem when he
called for Israel's capital to remain "undivided," his campaign
told The Jerusalem Post Thursday.

"Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain
undivided," Obama declared Wednesday, to rousing applause from the
7,000-plus attendees at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
policy conference.

But a campaign adviser clarified Thursday that Obama believes
"Jerusalem is a final status issue, which means it has to be
negotiated between the two parties" as part of "an agreement
that they both can live with." ,...

Many on the right of the political spectrum among America's Jews
welcomed Obama's remarks at AIPAC, but the clarification of his
position left several cold ,...

"The Orthodox Union is extremely disappointed in this revision of
Senator Obama's important statement about Jerusalem," said Nathan
Diament, director of public policy for the Union of Orthodox Jewish
Congregations. He had sent out a release Wednesday applauding
Obama's Jerusalem remarks in front of AIPAC ,...

Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America and
another Jewish activist who had originally lauded Obama's statement,
now called the candidate's words "troubling." ,...

Temat: Rejestracja podroznych z USA do Europy
Przechowywanie danych w EU przez 15lat.
*** EC cuts replacement deal with US on passenger dataData kept for
- Out-Law.Com

The European Commission and US security authorities have agreed a new
deal on the handover of airline passenger information. Data will now
be kept for 15 years, far longer than the three-and-a-half year limit
in an earlier agreement.

Passenger Name Records (PNR) are transferred to US authorities by
every commercial airline flying from Europe to the US under a deal
struck between the commission and the US in the aftermath of the
terrorist attacks in the US in September 2001.

Data protection officials have expressed concern about the deal
because the US does not have as strict data protection measures as
European Union.

The first deal was ruled illegal on a technicality by the European
Court of Justice and was opposed by the European Parliament. An
interim deal runs out on 31 July and will be replaced by the
just-approved agreement.

"The EU welcomes the new agreement which will help to prevent and
combat terrorism and serious transnational crime, while ensuring an
adequate level of protection of passengers' personal data in line
European standards on fundamental rights and privacy," said a
statement from the European Union's Presidency, Council, and

The deal will last for seven years and actually reduces the amount of
data transferred. It requires 19 pieces of data per passenger to be
handed over as opposed to the 34 contained in the previous

Other parts of the deal could worry privacy activists, though. The
data can be kept for seven years in an active database. It can then
be kept for a further eight years in what the agreement calls
"dormant, non-operational status".

The data can also be used for non-terrorism related offences as long
as they take place on an international scale. "The data will be used
only for the purpose of preventing and combating terrorism and
offences and other serious offences that are transnational in
said the EU statement.

The PNR data includes some information classified as sensitive, such
as information that reveals the racial or ethnic origin, political or
religious views, or health details of travellers. Though the deal
says the US authorities must filter and delete this material, it also
says it can be used in exceptional cases.

The EU parliament, which has opposed the transfer of PNR data, said
that it had "concern" over the fact that "these data may be used by
the DHS in exceptional cases".

Temat: Rosyjski myśliwiec rozbił się w Armenii
Zmian tematu: Greg Zorba i Reszta Swiata

JERUSALEM, Israel (CBS) Recent comments by Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis
that Jews are the "root of all evil" resemble the kind of anti-Semitism
espoused by Nazi leaders Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, an Israeli
Cabinet minister said Thursday.

Theodorakis, best known for the score of the 1964 film "Zorba the Greek,"
made the comments in the presence of senior Greek government officials at a
Nov. 4 news conference to promote his book "Where Can I Find My Soul."

The comments, which were first reported in Israel this week, have caused an
uproar, and the Israeli Embassy in Athens complained to the government.

Theodorakis, a strong advocate of the Palestinian cause, said the
accusations of anti-Semitism against him are "slander" and said his comments
are consistent with his support of the weak.

Theodorakis, who referred directly to Jews in his initial speech, said in a
statement that Israeli policies are the "root of all evil."

"I am totally opposed to (Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon's policy and I have
stressed this repeatedly, just as I have repeatedly condemned the role of
prominent American Jewish politicians, intellectuals and theorists in the
shaping of today's aggressive Bush (administration) policy," Theodorakis
said in the statement, which appeared in Greek newspapers Thursday.

Greek government spokesman Christos Protopapas said Greece "doesn't endorse
or agree with the opinions" of Theodorakis.

Israeli Interior Minister Tommy Lapid said Theodorakis was not being
critical of Israel's policies against the Palestinians in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip, which would be legitimate, but rather had attacked Jews

"Today it is not acceptable in the world and we don't normally hear an
expression that is unabashed anti-Semitism. He doesn't say that the Israelis
are occupiers, he says that the Jews are the 'root of all evil' in the
world," Lapid told Israel Radio.

"These are statements of the type made by Goebbels and Hitler," said Lapid,
who is a Holocaust survivor and leader of the secular Shinui Party in

Temat: Święty Mikołaj tonie
skad te 95%? oczywiscie przyblizenie
trudno znalezc powazna organizacje, ktora jest w opozycji, napowazniejsza lista
naukowcow opowiadajacych sie przeciwko wplywowi czlowieka na ocieplenie klimatu
(Heartland Institute's list) nie jest zbyt wiarygodna:

On April 29, 2008, environmental journalist Richard Littlemore revealed that a
list of "500 Scientists with Documented Doubts of Man-Made Global Warming
Scares" propagated by the Heartland Institute included at least 45 scientists
who neither knew of their inclusion as "coauthors" of the article, nor agreed
with its contents. Many of the scientists asked the Heartland Institute to
remove their names from the list; for instance, Gregory Cutter from the Old
Dominion University was reported by Littlemore as saying,
“ I have no doubts ..the recent changes in global climate are man-induced. I
insist that you immediately remove my name from this list since I did not give
you permission to put it there. ”

However, the Heartland Institute refused to remove any names from the list. In a
statement on May 5, 2008, Institute CEO Joseph Bast said that the title of the
September 14, 2007 news release announcing the list had been changed to "500
Scientists Whose Research Contradicts Man-Made Global Warming Scares." In the
same statement, Bast also charged that the outraged scientists:
“ ...have crossed the line between scientific research and policy advocacy.
They lend their credibility to politicians and advocacy groups who call for
higher taxes and more government regulations to “save the world” from
catastrophic warming ... and not coincidentally, to fund more climate research.
They are embarrassed

Temat: dzisiaj uslyszalam dobra wiadomosc.....
czyz to nie brzmi jak poezja?! CUS SIE RUSZYLO!!

Jews speak out against unconditional support for Israel

March 06, 2007

Independent Australian Jewish Voices, in a statement released at, calls for a Middle East debate
WE are Jews with diverse opinions on the Middle East who share a deep concern
about the current crisis in the region and have formed a group, Independent
Australian Jewish Voices. We are committed to ensuring a just peace that
recognises the legitimate national aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians
with a solution that protects the human rights of all.
We condemn violence by all parties, whether state-sanctioned or not. We believe
that Israel's right to exist must be recognised and that Palestinians' right to
a homeland must also be acknowledged.
As Australians, we are privileged to live in a democratic state that embodies
the principles of tolerance and free speech. We feel there is an urgent need to
hear alternative voices that should not be silenced by being labelled disloyal
or "self-hating".

Uncritical allegiance to Israeli government policy does not necessarily serve
Israel's best interests. Our concern for justice and peace in the Middle East
is a legitimate opinion and should be met by reasoned argument rather than
vilification and intimidation. In particular, we are concerned that the Jewish
establishment does not represent the full range of Jewish opinion. Contrary to
widespread concerns, anti-Semitism is not fuelled by Jews who publicly disagree
with actions of the Jewish state. Jews understand what it is to suffer racism
and victimisation and therefore we are not only concerned about anti-Semitism
but also the demonisation of all other minorities. We call upon fellow Jews to
join us in supporting free debate to further the prospects of peace, security
and human rights in the Middle East by signing our statement at

Peter Slezak, Jim Levy, Antony Loewenstein, Peter Singer, Robert Richter,
Louise Adler, Eva Cox, Dennis Altman, Arie Freiberg, Ian Cohen, Ivor Indyk,
Moss Cass, Geoffrey Brahm Levey, Andrew Benjamin, Henry Rosenbloom, Andrew
Jakubowicz, Ephraim Nimni, David Goodman, Hashomer Hatzair and 100 other

Temat: Jak sie pozbyc 130 000 dolarow ??
Jak sie pozbyc 130 000 dolarow ??
It is everyone's greatest fantasy, found money, but for one Queens woman it
is a huge headache and she says the government is to blame. NY1’s Susan Jhun
filed the following report.

Fatima Contes could not believe her eyes when she recently opened her bank
statement, and saw about $130,000, deposited into her account from the
government. $114,000 from the U.S. Treasury for a 220 Tax Refund, and the
remaining $16,000 an SOM Income Tax Refund. Unfortunately for Contes, neither
amount belongs to her.

“This is a wonderful dream come true but something is wrong here, and I have
a feeling I will be penalized for it if it's not taken care of,” said Contes.

The full-time student immediately went to Citibank and was told the money
would be deducted from her account and returned to the depositor within a
couple of days. When that did not happen she went back to the bank and
requested an investigation. A week later, Contes received a letter from

“They're telling me that they've washed their hands of the situation,” said
Contes of the letter from Citibank. “That they have nothing to do with it,
that in good faith they make these investigations for their customers, but
that they do not handle whatever ends up coming out of that investigation.”

This, in Contes’ case, was nothing. At that point, she went to the Internal
Revenue Service only to have a representative tell her she did not know where
the money came from within the agency, and that Contes had to have her bank
wire the money back.

“The lady said, ‘well we can't handle your case, there is absolutely nothing
we can do, there is no record that that money is in your account. There is no
record that you should have gotten that money it so it's not your money,’”
said Contes.

After a month and a half of calls and visits to the IRS and Citibank, Contes
says an IRS agent finally told her to send a cashier's check for $114,000 to
him. That is when she called NY1. We first called the IRS and a spokesperson
said due to privacy concerns they would not discuss Contes' case with us but
agreed to look into the matter. We then called Citibank to see why the bank
could not just return the money. After our call, Citibank agreed to return
both amounts to the government.

“We regret if this customer experienced any inconvenience,” said Citibank in
a statement to NY1. “We are pleased we were able to resolve her concerns.”

Although Contes still marvels at the disorganization of the IRS, she says she
is happy just to finally have the money out of her hands.

Temat: kto wpuścił Claire
Nie ma tym nic dziwnego. Tzw. aircraft pregnancy policy zawiera paragraf, że
kobietom po 34 tygodniu trwania ciąży stanowczo odradza się latanie.
Zakładając, że Claire była na początku 8 miesiąca (czyli 32 tydzień) i byłą w
posiadaniu glejtu od swojego ginekologa, to miała jeszcze dwa dopuszczalne
tygodnie na powietrzną podróż.

Flying during pregnancy.

It is commonly recommended that women not fly at all during their last six
weeks of pregnancy. Northwest Airlines' policy states that pregnant passengers
traveling within 30 days of expected delivery must provide a doctor's statement
dated within 72 hours of departure indicating the due date and indicating that
air travel does not pose a health risk. Women in labor will be denied boarding
for safety reasons.

Pregnant women should always consult their obstetricians or midwives before
traveling. Traveling during the second trimester of pregnancy is often easier
as morning sickness will most likely have subsided, energy levels are up and
you are still a comfortable distance from your due date. Here are some
additional tips for staying comfortable on your flight:

Reserve an aisle seat so that you can easily access the bathroom and move about
the cabin. Getting up and walking regularly will help combat swelling and
Bring a copy of your medical records and ask your doctor for a referral in case
of an emergency while you are away.
Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes and flat shoes. Wear layers if you are
prone to body-temperature fluctuations.
Keep your seatbelt low around your hips, not around your abdomen.
Get a small pillow from the flight attendant and place it under your lower back
to avoid back strain.
Drink plenty of water-at least one liter for every two hours in flight.


Patrick Cocburn - The Independent: SADDAM FREES THOUSANDS OF POLITICAL
PRISONERS - 21 October 2002
CHURCH HEAD - Jim Winkler: "The Methodist Church rejects war as a usual means
of national policy. Methodist scriptural doctrine specifies war as a last
resort, primarily a defensive thing. And so far as I know, Saddam Hussien has
not mobilized forces along the borders of the United States, nor along his
own border to invade a neighbouring country, nor have any of these countries
pleaded for our assistance, nor does he have weapons of mass destruction
targeted at the United States." " The war preparations against Iraq are
without any justification according to the teachings of Christ." - 20 October

Editorial - Ha'aretz: WESTERN IRAQ FIRST - Once again, Sharon managed to
induce the complete submission of the U.S. foreign policy to Israeli's
strategic interests: "Start the invasion of Iraq with the destruction of the
rocket launchers in West Iraq which could reach Israel and then talk about
a 'roadmap' to establish a Palestinian state at the Greek Calends." To
paraphrase war criminal Sharon's press statement : "Israel has never had a
more dedicated servant of Israel's interests than George W. Bush and his
Neanderthalian administration..."
Let's remember all of them in our daily prayers for the annihilation of ALL
obstacles to world peace! - 19 October 2002

Rupert Cornwell - The Independent: U.S. CLAIMS PAKISTAN GAVE NUCLEAR AID TO
THE NORTH KOREANS - So what? Pakistan is a key member of the defunct "anti-
terror alliance". What do we need to do? Bomb Baghdad, obviously! Kill Saddam
or at least one of his three look alikes... - 19 October 2002

Staff - The Guardian: STRAW: U.K. AND U.S. READY TO ACT ALONE - We knew that
all along, Mr. Straw. The enemies of world peace are Bush, Sharon and
Blair... - 19 October 2002

Temat: nowe prawo pracy w Australii
nowe prawo pracy w Australii
Sick days: We will no longer accept a doctor's statement as proof of
sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.

Personal days: Each employee will receive 104 personal days a year. They are
called Saturday and Sunday.

Bereavement leave: This is no excuse for missing work. There is nothing you
can do for dead friends, relatives or co-workers. Every effort should be made
to have non-employees attend to the arrangements. In rare cases where
employee involvement is necessary, the funeral should be scheduled in the
late afternoon. We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour
and subsequently leave one hour early.

Toilet use: Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilet. There is now
a strict three-minute time limit in the stalls. At the end of three minutes,
an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll will retract, the stall door will
open, and a picture will be taken. After your second offence, your picture
will be posted on the company bulletin board under the "Chronic Offenders
category". Anyone caught smiling in the picture will be sanctioned under the
company's mental health policy.

Lunch break: Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch, as they need to eat
more, so that they can look healthy. Normal size people get 15 minutes for
lunch to get a balanced meal to maintain their average figure. Chubby people
get five minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to drink a

Death clause: Any worker found dead at their desk will be promptly fired. All
deaths will need to be applied for in advance and will only be approved if
you can show that your death will not affect productivity.

Thank you for your loyalty to our company. We are here to provide a positive
employment experience. Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns,
complaints, frustrations, irritations, aggravations, insinuations,
allegations, accusations, contemplations, consternation and input should be
directed elsewhere.

Temat: Czy jest moralne krytykowac Windows jesli ukradlo
Jezeli kupiles KOMPUTER to byl kupiony z WINDOWS bo bylo nie legalne
sprzedawanie komputerow bez WINDOWS.

W ten sposob LEGALNIE zaplaciles za prawo do uzywania tego scierwa.
W zwiazku z tym ze kupiles WINDOWS i zaplaciles za nie (to nie jest LICENCJA
tylko zakup) masz prawo wymienic sobie WINDOWS na takie jakie chcesz
(prawo do wolnego wyboru ystemu operacyjnego, czy Macro$haft to lubi czy

Prawo Amerykanskie ZABRANIA (Moss Mangusson Act) sprzedrzy BUNDLED products!
Tak ze Macro$haft pogwalcilo prawo Amerykanskie uzywajac MONOPLOLY kiedy
sprzedalo BUNLED produkt nie dajac wyboru uzytkownikowi ktory system
operacyjny on chce!

Tak ze nie mozna traktowac ludzi ktorzy zaplacili Macro$haft podatek za
piratowanie systemu operacyjnego!

Nie mozesz ukrasc od zlodzieja tego co nalezy do ciebie!

Licencja Microsoftu jest legalnie nie wazna bo uzaleznia posiadanie
software od hardware z ktorym zostalo kupione!

How to get a refund for Windows - Toshiba/Microsoft Saga:

Tak ze NIE ma PIRACKICH Windows jest PIRAT Macrpo$haft!

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Department (news - web sites)'s
antitrust chief said on Wednesday that the huge fine European regulators
imposed on Microsoft Corp. (NasdaqNM:MSFT - news) was "unfortunate" and other
sanctions against the company could have "unintended consequences."

"Sound antitrust policy must avoid chilling innovation and competition even
by 'dominant' companies," Assistant Attorney General Hewitt Pate said in a

Unfortunate is the unlawful MONOPLOLY!

Temat: US marionetka - Allawi gorszy od Sadama
Spyware cleansing software
Kiedy ostatnio sie logowałem na Moje Forum, to pojawił sie popup typowo
spyware'owy "Skanuj komputer, bo masz spyware, jak
Ad-Aware". To typowa zagrywka hakera.

You are right, never ever use software from a vendor you don't know well. It's
indeed a good policy to turn down any unsolicited offer, Sir.

Idiotą nie jestem,

Well, over the period I worked on monitoring the GW Forum, I noticed that many
Forum people would not agree with you regarding the above statement.

wiec nie skorzystałem z zaproszenia.
Ale to widać, jakich bandytów ma Wyborcza jako Adminów.
Już parę lat temu próbowali sie włamywać do komputera forumowiczom..

W pierwszej chwili myslałem, że to znowu Cesio, ale chyba nawet ten nieuk nie
używa tak żałosnego angielskiego. To musi być jakis
Admin z Wyborczej używający kalekiego angielskiego...

yeah... You must have some British ancestors, Sir. The Brits say bnad things
about our English, I know. The future King of GB a few years ago in one
interview said: "The language spoken in America is CORRUPTED English". Then some
English professors from Yale University thoroughly examined the texts of some
twenty plus speaches recent speaches he had given, and they found a number of
sentences in which HRH Duke of Wales Prince Charles had violated English grammar
so badly that even our dear Dubya seldom makes such errors! So, I undrstand that
your caustic comment is caused by the old Brits' envy towards America, nothing
else. But you are absolved. I like you, Limeys, ol' chaps!

BTW, Mr. Watto, Sir, still no word about the beautiful joke I have sent you?

Perhaps you could not understand why it's funny? Shall I explain that to you?

"an old junk" he he he

Temat: Mission accomplished! zwyciestwo w Iraku
maja byc chowani skrycie
Lawsuit Forces Release of More Casualty Images
By Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, August 5, 2005; A03

In response to a lawsuit, the Pentagon has released a few dozen new and
uncensored images of flag-draped coffins of U.S. troops and agreed to
process "as expeditiously as possible" future Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
requests for photo and video images of returning war casualties.

The decision was called a victory for open government by the National Security
Archive, a nongovernmental research group here that helped the litigation. "We
forced the Pentagon to admit that release of these images was not a mistake but
was in fact required by law," said Thomas Blanton, director of the archive,
which posted the images on its Web site yesterday. As a result, he said the
parties to the suit agreed July 28 to dismiss the case.

University of Delaware professor Ralph Begleiter sued in October 2004, and in
April the Pentagon released 721 images of coffins taken by military
photographers in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. The latest release includes
five new images as well as 27 others that had been censored with black
rectangles, obscuring the faces of chaplains and service members in honor

Since the Persian Gulf War, the government has gradually tightened restrictions
on the public release of images of returning war casualties, most recently at
the onset of the Iraq war. The policy has sparked intense debate among the
public and military. Some contend the images honor U.S. military sacrifice;
others consider them tantamount to an antiwar statement.

The latest controversy arose after Dover Air Force Base, the main port for
returning U.S. military remains, released 350 images

Temat: I po co im ten Eretz Isroel ???
I po co im ten Eretz Isroel ???
Zionce dostaja w tylek na wszystkich frontach - Przyrost naturalny lezy ,
imigranci wola inne kraje , Zydzi wola gojki , jako narod nie potrafia sie
utrzymac z pracy wlasnych rak, jeszcze pare dekad i po ptokach ,...

Powolna agonia ,... Oj dana , dana :(



Last update - 11:08 24/06/2005

Katsav: World Jews, Israel have failed to stop falling population

By Amiram Barkat

The Jewish establishment and the State of Israel have failed in their
attempts to halt the decline in the worldwide Jewish population, President
Moshe Katsav said yesterday during a special meeting at his official
residence called to discuss what he defined as the Jewish people's "deep and
ongoing crisis."

Katsav noted that the intermarriage rate worldwide has reached 70 percent,
while only one-fourth of Jewish children receive a full Jewish education.

Several dozen Jewish leaders from Israel and abroad attended the meeting,
which Katsav called as part of his "second house" initiative.

Avinoam Bar-Yosef, director general of the Jewish People Policy Planning
Institute, told the meeting that Diaspora Jews fear that participating in a
worldwide Jewish parliament would lay them open to charges of dual loyalty.
That provoked an angry response from Katsav, who said that arguments of this
sort merely serve the anti-Semites and that fear of anti-Semitism must not be
allowed to dictate Jewish behavior.

However, he added, the body he wants to establish would not be a parliament
with binding powers; it would merely be an advisory body, where the best
Jewish minds would meet to draft proposals for solving problems that threaten
Jewish continuity, such as assimilation, intermarriage, anti-Semitism and the
aging of the Jewish population.

The meeting will end today with a joint summary statement by all the

Temat: Psychopaci z ADL rekomendują
Psychopaci z ADL rekomendują
If it is true, as President Kaczynski has repeatedly stated, that there is no
place for anti-Semitism and racism in today's Poland, immediate and long-term
measures need to be taken, among them:

* Roman Giertych should be removed from the position of Education
Minister. The leader of a party steeped in anti-Semitism and intolerance
should not be influencing education policy and curricular reform in a
democratic country which is also a member state of the European Union.

* Andrzej Lepper should issue a statement forcefully condemning
anti-Semitism and return the honorary doctorate conferred upon him by MAUP.
Both Lepper and Giertych should announce their commitment to take disciplinary
action against members of their parties who promote hate or incite hate crimes.

* The provisions of the Polish Constitution and Penal Code which deal with
racism and anti-Semitism should be fully implemented. Radio Maryja, which has
consistently violated these provisions by broadcasting hate speech, should be
held to account in a court of law. The station should not receive funds from
individuals whose racist and anti-Semitic activities are in breach of Polish law.

* Poland's leaders should stop giving Radio Maryja legitimacy. They should
refuse to appear on its programs until such time as the station offers an
explicit commitment to stop broadcasting hate speech.

* Poland's government should renew its commitment to promoting a tolerance
agenda in education, the media and other sectors.
Cały raport o dramatycznym wzroście polskiego antyczegośtam na przestrzeni
ostatnich kilku miesięcy po prawej (PDF). Kuriozum na rzadko spotykaną skalę.

Temat: Ale Hutzpiarz !!!!
Ale Hutzpiarz !!!!

Netanyahu porownal dojscie Hamasu do wladzy z dojsciem do wladzy faszyzmu w
Niemczech !!!! Na takie porownanie to trzeba miec tupet !!! Zapowiedzial tez
iz skonczy oddawanie ukradzionej ziemi Palestynczykom (Talmud sie klania) i
bedzie sie staral blokowac transfer pieniedzy dla nich.
W przeciwienstwie do Ciucki ktora chce niepodleglej Palestyny i ich armii
( aby ich bylo latwiej wycinac rybenku)
Mr N bedzie robil wszystko aby tak sie nie stalo.
Teraz Mr N powinien zostac wybrany premierem i mamy takie jatki jakich swiat
nie widzial !
Wycieczke na BW szczerze odradzam

Netanyahu compares Hamas election win to rise of Hitler

By Lilach Weissman, Haaretz Correspondent

While stumping in Netanya on Sunday, Likud Chairman MK Benjamin Netanyahu
compared Hamas' victory in Palestinian parliamentary elections last week to
the rise of the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s.

"A few days ago, a new foe arose," Netanyahu said at a campaign stop at the
Park Hotel. "When Hitler rose to power, it was said that ruling would
moderate him, and it was also said in regards to the Ayatollahs regime and
the Taliban. There are urgent warning signs that [scream] out a lust for
murder and destruction."

"The Likud will not continue transferring territory, [we] need to stop giving
them money - neither ours nor the world's - and [we] must prevent them from
establishing an army any which way possible," Netanyahu said, adding that the
Likud will derail Hamas' continuing ascent.

"We will ratchet up international pressure so that the Palestinian government
will change direction and will not threaten us," Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu was accompanied at the event by Likud No. 2 MK Silvan Shalom. Both
candidates took to the podium and praised one another in a display of unity.

The former foreign minister assailed the policy of Acting Prime Minister Ehud
Olmert, namely his decision to allow Hamas to participate in the elections.

"On our own volition we made a wrong decision and brought about the rise of
Hamas," Shalom said. "And now the intelligence services are blamed for not
anticipating the result in advance."

"What, does intelligence view the future through coffee?" Shalom said. "Does
intelligence [serve as] an astrologist? If so, it should tell us what is
going to happen on March 28 (the date of general elections)."

"[People] are looking for someone to blame, but Olmert, with his own hands,
brought about the rise of Hamas by allowing elections in east Jerusalem,"
Shalom said.

In response, Kadima issued a statement saying the State of Israel "remembers
very well Benjamin Netanyahu's resounding failure as prime minister."

Jeszcze tylko do czwartku można podpisywać petycję do Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ:

Do: Członków Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ
Temat: Skuteczne inspekcje, a nie wojna

Szanowni Członkowie Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ,

Jesteśmy obywatelami różnych państw całego świata. Mówimy jednym głosem,
ponieważ wszyscy odczujemy efekty decyzji, w której wasz kraj odgrywa główną
rolę - decyzji co do sposobu rozbrojenia Iraku.

Naczelny powód powołania ONZ jest podany w Preambule do Karty Narodów
Zjednoczonych i brzmi on: "dla uchronienia przyszłych pokoleń od zmory wojny,
która dwukrotnie za naszego życia przyniosła niewypowiedziane cierpienia
Jeśli wasze Państwo popiera rezolucję Rady Bezpieczeństwa, która
autoryzowałaby wojnę w Iraku, pozostaniecie w bezpośredniej sprzeczności z tą
kartą. Poprzecie w ten sposób niepotrzebną wojnę - wojnę, która bezpośrednio
i w obliczu trudnych do przewidzenia konsekwencji, może po raz kolejny
przynieść "niewypowiedziane cierpienia ludzkości.".

ONZ została utworzona aby uczynić możliwymi rozwiązania pokojowe konfliktów.
Trwające inspekcje rozbrojeniowe stanowią doskonały przykład takiej właśnie
alternatywy, a ich rosnący sukces stanowi memento dla potencjalnej potęgi,
jaką ONZ stanowi. Poprzez udzielenie poparcia skutecznym inspekcjom w
miejsce wojny, możecie wskazać światu prawdziwą drogę rozwiązania konfliktu
bez rozlewu krwi. Jeśli jednak poprzecie wojnę, podkopie to najistotniejsze
przesłanki, na których zbudowana została ONZ.

Prezydent Bush argumentuje, że Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych może
udowodnić swoją doniosłość jedynie poprzez udzielenie poparcia wojnie w
Iraku. Nasze argumenty są wprost przeciwne. Jeśli Rada Bezpieczeństwa pozwoli
sobie na zupełne podporządkowanie się jednej nacji członkowskiej, w obliczu
realnych alternatyw, zdrowego rozsądku i opinii publicznej, wówczas ulegnie
ona umniejszeniu, jeśli chodzi o jej rolę i efektywność, jak również w opinii
Nie popieramy tej wojny. Dla miliardów obywateli setek państw i dla
przyszłych pokoleń, życie których ukształtuje wybór, którego dokonacie,
prosimy o zajęcie twardego stanowiska w obliczu nacisków Administracji Busha
oraz o poparcie skutecznych inspekcji Iraku. Oczy całego świata zwrócone są
na was.

Z poważaniem
[Liczba] obywateli świata.

OPIS poszczególnych pól formularza:
Your Name = Nazwisko
Your Street Address = Adres zamieszkania (ulica)
City= miasto
State or Province = Stan lub region
Zip/Postal Code= Kod pocztowy
Country= Kraj
Personal note to Security Council members = osobista uwaga do członków Rady
(optional - to be added before your petition signature)= (opcjonalna - do
dodania przed twoim podpisem pod petycją)
Send statement = wyślij oświadczenie
(see privacy policy below)=(patrz zasady przestrzegania prywatności poniżej)


Temat: w 2 dni podpisało ponad 550.000 z 200 krajów
w 2 dni podpisało ponad 550.000 z 200 krajów
W 2 dni podpisało ponad 550.000 ludzi z 200 krajów
Zatem jeszcze tylko do poniedziałku można podpisywać petycję do Rady
Bezpieczeństwa ONZ:
"The U.N. Security Council should back tough inspections, not war."

Do: Członków Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ
Temat: Skuteczne inspekcje, a nie wojna

Szanowni Członkowie Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ,

Jesteśmy obywatelami różnych państw całego świata. Mówimy jednym głosem,
ponieważ wszyscy odczujemy efekty decyzji, w której wasz kraj odgrywa główną
rolę - decyzji co do sposobu rozbrojenia Iraku.

Naczelny powód powołania ONZ jest podany w Preambule do Karty Narodów
Zjednoczonych i brzmi on: "dla uchronienia przyszłych pokoleń od zmory wojny,
która dwukrotnie za naszego życia przyniosła niewypowiedziane cierpienia
Jeśli wasze Państwo popiera rezolucję Rady Bezpieczeństwa, która
autoryzowałaby wojnę w Iraku, pozostaniecie w bezpośredniej sprzeczności z tą
kartą. Poprzecie w ten sposób niepotrzebną wojnę - wojnę, która bezpośrednio
i w obliczu trudnych do przewidzenia konsekwencji, może po raz kolejny
przynieść "niewypowiedziane cierpienia ludzkości.".

ONZ została utworzona aby uczynić możliwymi rozwiązania pokojowe konfliktów.
Trwające inspekcje rozbrojeniowe stanowią doskonały przykład takiej właśnie
alternatywy, a ich rosnący sukces stanowi memento dla potencjalnej potęgi,
jaką ONZ stanowi. Poprzez udzielenie poparcia skutecznym inspekcjom w
miejsce wojny, możecie wskazać światu prawdziwą drogę rozwiązania konfliktu
bez rozlewu krwi. Jeśli jednak poprzecie wojnę, podkopie to najistotniejsze
przesłanki, na których zbudowana została ONZ.

Prezydent Bush argumentuje, że Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych może
udowodnić swoją doniosłość jedynie poprzez udzielenie poparcia wojnie w
Iraku. Nasze argumenty są wprost przeciwne. Jeśli Rada Bezpieczeństwa pozwoli
sobie na zupełne podporządkowanie się jednej nacji członkowskiej, w obliczu
realnych alternatyw, zdrowego rozsądku i opinii publicznej, wówczas ulegnie
ona umniejszeniu, jeśli chodzi o jej rolę i efektywność, jak również w opinii
Nie popieramy tej wojny. Dla miliardów obywateli setek państw i dla
przyszłych pokoleń, życie których ukształtuje wybór, którego dokonacie,
prosimy o zajęcie twardego stanowiska w obliczu nacisków Administracji Busha
oraz o poparcie skutecznych inspekcji Iraku. Oczy całego świata zwrócone są
na was.

Z poważaniem
[Liczba] obywateli świata.

OPIS poszczególnych pól formularza:
Your Name = Nazwisko
Your Street Address = Adres zamieszkania (ulica)
City= miasto
State or Province = Stan lub region
Zip/Postal Code= Kod pocztowy
Country= Kraj
Personal note to Security Council members = osobista uwaga do członków Rady
(optional - to be added before your petition signature)= (opcjonalna - do
dodania przed twoim podpisem pod petycją)
Send statement = wyślij oświadczenie
(see privacy policy below)=(patrz zasady przestrzegania prywatności poniżej)


Dear MoveOn member,

The response to our emergency petition to the U.N. Security
Council has been nothing short of extraordinary. Less than
two days after the petition was launched, over 550,000 people
have signed, from over 200 countries. It's a strong message
from the peoples of the world that the Security Council
should support tough inspections in Iraq, not war. It's also
the fastest-growing online petition we've ever seen

  • Strona 1 z 3 • Wyszukiwarka znalazła 73 wypowiedzi • 1, 2, 3