Czytasz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: privay Statement
W 2 dni podpisało ponad 550.000 ludzi z 200 krajów
Zatem jeszcze tylko do poniedziałku można podpisywać petycję do Rady
Bezpieczeństwa ONZ:
"The U.N. Security Council should back tough inspections, not war."
Do: Członków Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ
Temat: Skuteczne inspekcje, a nie wojna
Szanowni Członkowie Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ,
Jesteśmy obywatelami różnych państw całego świata. Mówimy jednym głosem,
ponieważ wszyscy odczujemy efekty decyzji, w której wasz kraj odgrywa główną
rolę - decyzji co do sposobu rozbrojenia Iraku.
Naczelny powód powołania ONZ jest podany w Preambule do Karty Narodów
Zjednoczonych i brzmi on: "dla uchronienia przyszłych pokoleń od zmory wojny,
która dwukrotnie za naszego życia przyniosła niewypowiedziane cierpienia
Jeśli wasze Państwo popiera rezolucję Rady Bezpieczeństwa, która
autoryzowałaby wojnę w Iraku, pozostaniecie w bezpośredniej sprzeczności z tą
kartą. Poprzecie w ten sposób niepotrzebną wojnę - wojnę, która bezpośrednio
i w obliczu trudnych do przewidzenia konsekwencji, może po raz kolejny
przynieść "niewypowiedziane cierpienia ludzkości.".
ONZ została utworzona aby uczynić możliwymi rozwiązania pokojowe konfliktów.
Trwające inspekcje rozbrojeniowe stanowią doskonały przykład takiej właśnie
alternatywy, a ich rosnący sukces stanowi memento dla potencjalnej potęgi,
jaką ONZ stanowi. Poprzez udzielenie poparcia skutecznym inspekcjom w
miejsce wojny, możecie wskazać światu prawdziwą drogę rozwiązania konfliktu
bez rozlewu krwi. Jeśli jednak poprzecie wojnę, podkopie to najistotniejsze
przesłanki, na których zbudowana została ONZ.
Prezydent Bush argumentuje, że Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych może
udowodnić swoją doniosłość jedynie poprzez udzielenie poparcia wojnie w
Iraku. Nasze argumenty są wprost przeciwne. Jeśli Rada Bezpieczeństwa pozwoli
sobie na zupełne podporządkowanie się jednej nacji członkowskiej, w obliczu
realnych alternatyw, zdrowego rozsądku i opinii publicznej, wówczas ulegnie
ona umniejszeniu, jeśli chodzi o jej rolę i efektywność, jak również w opinii
Nie popieramy tej wojny. Dla miliardów obywateli setek państw i dla
przyszłych pokoleń, życie których ukształtuje wybór, którego dokonacie,
prosimy o zajęcie twardego stanowiska w obliczu nacisków Administracji Busha
oraz o poparcie skutecznych inspekcji Iraku. Oczy całego świata zwrócone są
na was.
Z poważaniem
[Liczba] obywateli świata.
OPIS poszczególnych pól formularza:
Your Name = Nazwisko
Your Street Address = Adres zamieszkania (ulica)
City= miasto
State or Province = Stan lub region
Zip/Postal Code= Kod pocztowy
Country= Kraj
Personal note to Security Council members = osobista uwaga do członków Rady
(optional - to be added before your petition signature)= (opcjonalna - do
dodania przed twoim podpisem pod petycją)
Send statement = wyślij oświadczenie
(see privacy policy below)=(patrz zasady przestrzegania prywatności poniżej)
Zatem jeszcze tylko do poniedziałku można podpisywać petycję do Rady
Bezpieczeństwa ONZ:
"The U.N. Security Council should back tough inspections, not war."
Do: Członków Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ
Temat: Skuteczne inspekcje, a nie wojna
Szanowni Członkowie Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ,
Jesteśmy obywatelami różnych państw całego świata. Mówimy jednym głosem,
ponieważ wszyscy odczujemy efekty decyzji, w której wasz kraj odgrywa główną
rolę - decyzji co do sposobu rozbrojenia Iraku.
Naczelny powód powołania ONZ jest podany w Preambule do Karty Narodów
Zjednoczonych i brzmi on: "dla uchronienia przyszłych pokoleń od zmory wojny,
która dwukrotnie za naszego życia przyniosła niewypowiedziane cierpienia
Jeśli wasze Państwo popiera rezolucję Rady Bezpieczeństwa, która
autoryzowałaby wojnę w Iraku, pozostaniecie w bezpośredniej sprzeczności z tą
kartą. Poprzecie w ten sposób niepotrzebną wojnę - wojnę, która bezpośrednio
i w obliczu trudnych do przewidzenia konsekwencji, może po raz kolejny
przynieść "niewypowiedziane cierpienia ludzkości.".
ONZ została utworzona aby uczynić możliwymi rozwiązania pokojowe konfliktów.
Trwające inspekcje rozbrojeniowe stanowią doskonały przykład takiej właśnie
alternatywy, a ich rosnący sukces stanowi memento dla potencjalnej potęgi,
jaką ONZ stanowi. Poprzez udzielenie poparcia skutecznym inspekcjom w
miejsce wojny, możecie wskazać światu prawdziwą drogę rozwiązania konfliktu
bez rozlewu krwi. Jeśli jednak poprzecie wojnę, podkopie to najistotniejsze
przesłanki, na których zbudowana została ONZ.
Prezydent Bush argumentuje, że Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych może
udowodnić swoją doniosłość jedynie poprzez udzielenie poparcia wojnie w
Iraku. Nasze argumenty są wprost przeciwne. Jeśli Rada Bezpieczeństwa pozwoli
sobie na zupełne podporządkowanie się jednej nacji członkowskiej, w obliczu
realnych alternatyw, zdrowego rozsądku i opinii publicznej, wówczas ulegnie
ona umniejszeniu, jeśli chodzi o jej rolę i efektywność, jak również w opinii
Nie popieramy tej wojny. Dla miliardów obywateli setek państw i dla
przyszłych pokoleń, życie których ukształtuje wybór, którego dokonacie,
prosimy o zajęcie twardego stanowiska w obliczu nacisków Administracji Busha
oraz o poparcie skutecznych inspekcji Iraku. Oczy całego świata zwrócone są
na was.
Z poważaniem
[Liczba] obywateli świata.
OPIS poszczególnych pól formularza:
Your Name = Nazwisko
Your Street Address = Adres zamieszkania (ulica)
City= miasto
State or Province = Stan lub region
Zip/Postal Code= Kod pocztowy
Country= Kraj
Personal note to Security Council members = osobista uwaga do członków Rady
(optional - to be added before your petition signature)= (opcjonalna - do
dodania przed twoim podpisem pod petycją)
Send statement = wyślij oświadczenie
(see privacy policy below)=(patrz zasady przestrzegania prywatności poniżej)
Dear MoveOn member,
The response to our emergency petition to the U.N. Security
Council has been nothing short of extraordinary. Less than
two days after the petition was launched, over 550,000 people
have signed, from over 200 countries. It's a strong message
from the peoples of the world that the Security Council
should support tough inspections in Iraq, not war. It's also
the fastest-growing online petition we've ever seen
Jeszcze tylko do czwartku można podpisywać petycję do Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ:
Do: Członków Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ
Temat: Skuteczne inspekcje, a nie wojna
Szanowni Członkowie Rady Bezpieczeństwa ONZ,
Jesteśmy obywatelami z państw całego świata. Mówimy jednym głosem, ponieważ
wszyscy odczujemy efekty decyzji, w której wasz kraj odgrywa główną rolę -
decyzji co do sposobu rozbrojenia Iraku.
Naczelny powód powołania ONZ jest podany w Preambule do Karty Narodów
Zjednoczonych i brzmi on: "dla uchronienia przyszłych pokoleń od zmory wojny,
która dwukrotnie za naszego życia przyniosła niewypowiedziane cierpienia
Jeśli wasze Państwo popiera rezolucję Rady Bezpieczeństwa, która autoryzowałaby
wojnę w Iraku, pozostaniecie w bezpośredniej sprzeczności z tą kartą.
Poprzecie w ten sposób niepotrzebną wojnę - wojnę, która bezpośrednio i w
obliczu trudnych do przewidzenia konsekwencji, może po raz kolejny
przynieść "niewypowiedziane cierpienia ludzkości.".
ONZ została utworzona aby uczynić możliwymi rozwiązania pokojowe konfliktów.
Trwające inspekcje rozbrojeniowe stanowią doskonały przykład takiej właśnie
alternatywy, a ich rosnący sukces stanowi memento dla potencjalnej potęgi, jaką
ONZ stanowi. Poprzez udzielenie poparcia skutecznym inspekcjom w miejsce
wojny, możecie wskazać światu prawdziwą drogę rozwiązania konfliktu bez rozlewu
krwi. Jeśli jednak poprzecie wojnę, podkopie to najistotniejsze przesłanki, na
których zbudowana została ONZ.
Prezydent Bush argumentuje, że Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych może udowodnić
swoją doniosłość jedynie poprzez udzielenie poparcie wojnie w Iraku. Nasze
argumenty są wprost przeciwne. Jeśli Rada Bezpieczeństwa pozwoli sobie na
zupełne podporządkowanie się jednej nacji członkowskiej, w obliczu realnych
alternatyw, zdrowego rozsądku i opinii publicznej, wówczas ulegnie ona
umniejszeniu, jeśli chodzi o jej rolę i efektywność, jak również w opinii
Nie popieramy tej wojny. Dla miliardów obywateli setek państw i dla przyszłych
pokoleń, życie których ukształtuje wybór, którego dokonacie, prosimy o zajęcie
twardego stanowiska w obliczu nacisków Administracji Busha oraz o poparcie
skutecznych inspekcji Iraku. Oczy całego świata zwrócone są na was.
Z poważaniem
[Tu liczba] obywateli świata.
OPIS poszczególnych pól formularza:
Your Name = Nazwisko
Your Street Address = Adres zamieszkania (ulica)
City= miasto
State or Province = Stan lub region
Zip/Postal Code= Kod pocztowy
Country= Kraj
Personal note to Security Council members = osobista uwaga do członków Rady
(optional - to be added before your petition signature)= (opcjonalna - do
dodania przed twoim podpisem pod petycją)
Send statement = wyślij oświadczenie
(see privacy policy below)=(patrz zasady przestrzegania prywatności poniżej)
Jewish Intellectuals Says Israel’s War Is ‘Not In Our Names’
A man holds a torn poster of President Bush, as he shouts slogans during a pro-
Palestinian march in Paris
PARIS, April 7 – Twenty one French Jewish intellectuals called on Israel to
stop its military aggression against the Palestinians and called Israeli prime
minister a war criminal because of the massacres done to the Palestinians by
the Israeli occupation forces.
The French Jewish intellectuals published Saturday, April 6, a statement in the
French daily newspaper, Le Monde, titled “Israel’s Support Is Not In Our
They said in the statement that the United Nations got used to continuous
accusations of the Palestinians, and those (U.N.) who claim they run the
world’s judgment must turn their eyes and see the outlawed Israeli aggression
committed by the war criminal Sharon.
They also called on Israel to comply with the U.N. resolutions, including the
unconditional withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territories and the
dismantling of Jewish settlements.
The Jewish intellectuals called on the U.N. to adopt serious measures against
the Israeli government which does not respect international laws.
“Israeli leaders are manipulating the collective memory of the Nazi atrocities
and violate the Palestinian democratic and national rights, claiming that the
aim is guaranteeing Jewish safety worldwide,” the statement said.
“Violating the Palestinian right appears clearly in the Israeli leaders’
decisions, they [Israeli leaders] are not only justifying the return of the
Jews to Israel depending on the history belonging to this land [Palestinian
territories],and they are refusing to admit the Palestinians history right in
living on their own land, But the [Israelis] liquidate and deport the
Palestinians,” the statement added.
The statement also described the current policy as being “evil”, confirming
that such policy would bring a catastrophe to the Middle East, not just for the
Palestinians but for the Israelis too, who are faced by the resistance
The French Jews also protested besieging Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in
Ramallah, describing the siege as a humiliation to the Palestinian Authority.
The statement was signed by the previous chairman of the Medecins Sans
Frontieres, Roni Broman, a French lawyer Jesel Helimi, an academic professor,
Wily Rosenbom and the French historian, Pierre Fidal Naki.
Meanwhile, thousands of protesters took to the streets in Paris Saturday to
denounce the Israeli blitz on the West Bank, in a massive but peaceful show of
support for the Palestinians.
Nearly 20,000 people heeded a call by labor unions and human rights groups,
with other rallies around France, as well as in Bahrain, Chile, Jordan, Turkey
and the United States.
A large group of women in traditional black Arab headscarves marched to the
central Bastille Square along with leading French union and pacifist figures,
some of whom had until recently been holed up in Yasser Arafat's besieged
headquarters in Ramallah, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported.
To the cries of "Sharon and Bush - murderers", referring to the Israeli and
U.S. leaders, protesters at the head of the march carried a banner
reading "Support the Palestinian resistance against the occupation."
In Paris, Christophe Aguiton of the anti-globalization organization ATTAC
said "you can't deny people their human rights," commenting on the Israeli
reoccupation of Palestinian territories March 29.
Anna, a philosophy student in Paris, was worried that Israel would "take the
same liberties with the Palestinians as the United States did in Afghanistan."
One demonstrator, wrapped in a Palestinian flag, was carried on a stretcher
through Parisian streets, similar to a ceremonial burial of Palestinians who
have died as martyrs fighting Israel.
Rallies elsewhere in France mobilized thousands in Nantes, Rennes and Rouen in
the west, Lille in the north, Strasbourg and Metz in the east, Grenoble in the
southeast and Marseille in the south.
The marches were also to protest all racist acts at a time when anti-Semitic
acts have increased in France. Jewish organizations plan their own protests
across the country on Sunday, April 7, with a Jewish sports club in southern
France firebombed in the latest attack
Jewish Intellectuals Says Israel’s War Is ‘Not In Our Names’
A man holds a torn poster of President Bush, as he shouts slogans during a pro-
Palestinian march in Paris
PARIS, April 7 – Twenty one French Jewish intellectuals called on Israel to
stop its military aggression against the Palestinians and called Israeli prime
minister a war criminal because of the massacres done to the Palestinians by
the Israeli occupation forces.
The French Jewish intellectuals published Saturday, April 6, a statement in the
French daily newspaper, Le Monde, titled “Israel’s Support Is Not In Our
They said in the statement that the United Nations got used to continuous
accusations of the Palestinians, and those (U.N.) who claim they run the
world’s judgment must turn their eyes and see the outlawed Israeli aggression
committed by the war criminal Sharon.
They also called on Israel to comply with the U.N. resolutions, including the
unconditional withdrawal from the occupied Palestinian territories and the
dismantling of Jewish settlements.
The Jewish intellectuals called on the U.N. to adopt serious measures against
the Israeli government which does not respect international laws.
“Israeli leaders are manipulating the collective memory of the Nazi atrocities
and violate the Palestinian democratic and national rights, claiming that the
aim is guaranteeing Jewish safety worldwide,” the statement said.
“Violating the Palestinian right appears clearly in the Israeli leaders’
decisions, they [Israeli leaders] are not only justifying the return of the
Jews to Israel depending on the history belonging to this land [Palestinian
territories],and they are refusing to admit the Palestinians history right in
living on their own land, But the [Israelis] liquidate and deport the
Palestinians,” the statement added.
The statement also described the current policy as being “evil”, confirming
that such policy would bring a catastrophe to the Middle East, not just for the
Palestinians but for the Israelis too, who are faced by the resistance
The French Jews also protested besieging Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in
Ramallah, describing the siege as a humiliation to the Palestinian Authority.
The statement was signed by the previous chairman of the Medecins Sans
Frontieres, Roni Broman, a French lawyer Jesel Helimi, an academic professor,
Wily Rosenbom and the French historian, Pierre Fidal Naki.
Meanwhile, thousands of protesters took to the streets in Paris Saturday to
denounce the Israeli blitz on the West Bank, in a massive but peaceful show of
support for the Palestinians.
Nearly 20,000 people heeded a call by labor unions and human rights groups,
with other rallies around France, as well as in Bahrain, Chile, Jordan, Turkey
and the United States.
A large group of women in traditional black Arab headscarves marched to the
central Bastille Square along with leading French union and pacifist figures,
some of whom had until recently been holed up in Yasser Arafat's besieged
headquarters in Ramallah, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported.
To the cries of "Sharon and Bush - murderers", referring to the Israeli and
U.S. leaders, protesters at the head of the march carried a banner
reading "Support the Palestinian resistance against the occupation."
In Paris, Christophe Aguiton of the anti-globalization organization ATTAC
said "you can't deny people their human rights," commenting on the Israeli
reoccupation of Palestinian territories March 29.
Anna, a philosophy student in Paris, was worried that Israel would "take the
same liberties with the Palestinians as the United States did in Afghanistan."
One demonstrator, wrapped in a Palestinian flag, was carried on a stretcher
through Parisian streets, similar to a ceremonial burial of Palestinians who
have died as martyrs fighting Israel.
Rallies elsewhere in France mobilized thousands in Nantes, Rennes and Rouen in
the west, Lille in the north, Strasbourg and Metz in the east, Grenoble in the
southeast and Marseille in the south.
The marches were also to protest all racist acts at a time when anti-Semitic
acts have increased in France. Jewish organizations plan their own protests
across the country on Sunday, April 7, with a Jewish sports club in southern
France firebombed in the latest attack
Temat: Niemcy - zbombarduhja nas jak niedawno Jugoslawie!
Niemcy - zbombarduhja nas jak niedawno Jugoslawie!
“They will bomb us like they did Yugoslavia!”
It is difficult to say whether the Federal Republic of Germany is triumphant
or sad because of the victory of the coalition of Germany’s Social Democratic
Party and the Greens, and Gerhard Schroeder is to keep his post at that.
Analysts say that world financial markets will hardly become enthusiastic
about the victory. Moreover, during the elections, European shares dropped to
the lowest level registered within the past five years. Experts are sure that
Schroeder’s unconvincing triumph may result in the collapse of the euro.
Europe is actively discussing the victory of light-minded Schroeder (Germans
themselves call him this way) and the economic consequences that may follow.
Analyst with DZ Bank Dorothea Hutannus says as quoted by RBC that “the
unconvincing results of the elections are the worst possible outcome for the
euro.” Economist with DekaBank Andreas Schuerle says that it would be better
if only one party won the elections.
The skeptic opinions among the majority of European economists are based upon
the fact that the economic reforms carried out by Gerhard Schroeder before
the elections were not distinct and marketable enough. The Federal Republic
of Germany is one of the most economically developed EU members. However, all
efforts of the federal government headed by Schroeder aimed at the reduction
of the unemployment rate came to nothing: the unemployment rate is still not
lower than 10% of the able-bodied population of Germany. What is more, there
is no doubt that it will increase. This is because of American investors who
have turned against the chancellor, but who are at the same time known as a
strong determinant of the economic climate in the Old World.
RBC thinks that a statement by one of New York’s Citibank top managers and
President of the US Chamber of Commerce, Fred Irvin, is just more evidence of
such dislike. He said that American investors are not going to invest in
Germany’s economy. Fred Irvin is sure that US companies are unlikely to
invest in Germany, as no economic reforms are being carried out.
American investors are probably suspicious of the German Social-democratic
leader because of his attempts to build a truly German foreign policy. Even
though the newly elected chancellor usually denies any serious discrepancies
between the USA and its European allies, he always insists that Europe (and
Germany as well) has its particular place in the world and, consequently, its
particular role.
Strict criticism of the US-British military operation against Iraq can hardly
win US sympathies for Gerhard Schroeder. The recent comparison of George W.
Bush with Hitler by Schroeder’s closest associate, Minister of Justice Herta
Daubler-Gmelin, caused hails of protest and anger in the USA. No matter how
absurd it may sound, it seems that Gerhard Schroeder and his party, trying to
build a truly German foreign policy, became an enemy of America.
It looks as though Germany has finally awakened from its 50-year-long sleep,
which had crept over the country after Germany's defeat in WWII the abundant
American investments that made for the German economic wonder.
As it turned out, Germany doesn’t really like “Great America” and wishes to
follow its own path, not instructions from Washington. However, Germany's is
only now awakening.
We remember a discussion by the German political scientist and philosopher
Anne Roerig two years ago, when she was asked why Germany wasn’t expanding
obviously profitable political and economic relations with Russia and wasn’t
following a more independent policy. The woman exclaimed: “But the Americans
will then bomb us the same way they did Yugoslavia!” It is a rather
significant answer.
In any case, experts say that Schroeder’s victory is unlikely to have
positive results. A sudden drop in the euro rate is the least we should be
ready for.
Dmitry Slobodanuk
Temat: Jean Charles Menezes - Brazylia -informacja
prawda wychodzi na wierzch. Brazylijczyk juz siedzial na lawce w metrze kiedy
siepacze policyjni go pchneli i zabili 8 mioma strzalami
Leak disputes Menezes death story
An image leaked to ITV shows Mr de Menezes lying dead in a train
Leaked documents appear to contradict the official account of how police
mistook a Brazilian man for a suicide bomber and shot him.
The papers, from the probe into Jean Charles de Menezes' death, and leaked to
ITV, suggest he was restrained before being shot eight times.
Mr de Menezes, 27, was killed at Stockwell Tube station on 22 July.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has said it will not
comment on its investigation.
Public inquiry
The documents, including witness statements, also suggest Mr de Menezes did not
hurdle the barrier at Stockwell tube station and was not wearing a padded
jacket that could have concealed a bomb, as eyewitness reports previously
The family of Mr de Menezes has called for a public inquiry into his death.
The leak suggests the electrician was restrained before shot
His cousin Allessandro Pereira said: "My family deserve the full truth about
his murder. The truth cannot be hidden any longer. It has to be made public."
He said the police should have stopped his cousin before he got to the bus stop
after leaving home in Tulse Hill. "He would have helped the police," he said.
"They killed my cousin, they could kill anyone, any English person."
In a statement, the IPCC said it does not know where the documents came from
and that its priority was to keep Mr de Menezes family informed.
'Acting suspiciously'
The shooting occurred the day after the failed bomb attacks of 21 July.
The latest documents suggest Mr de Menezes had walked into Stockwell Tube
station, picked up a free newspaper, walked through ticket barriers, had
started to run when he saw a train arriving and was sitting down in a train
when he was shot.
In the immediate aftermath of the incident, police said Mr de Menezes had been
acting suspiciously.
The IPCC made it clear that we would not speculate or release partial
information about the investigation, and that others should not do so
IPCC statement
Despite the eyewitness reports that Mr Menezes had worn a large winter-style
coat, the leaked version suggested he had in fact worn a denim jacket.
The leaked version said Mr de Menezes was being restrained by a community
officer when he was shot by armed police.
'High security'
The IPCC would not comment on the details of the leak.
What sort of society are we living in where we can execute suspects?
Harriet Wistrich
The commission said the family "will clearly be distressed that they have
received information on television concerning his death".
Its statement added: "The IPCC made it clear that we would not speculate or
release partial information about the investigation, and that others should not
do so. That remains the case."
The commission said it operated a "very high degree of security" on all of its
'Great embarrassment'
Harriet Wistrich, solicitor for the family of Mr de Menezes, said the
information the leaked documents contained was "terrifying".
She urged the government and police to review the shoot-to-kill policy.
"What sort of society are we living in where we can execute suspects?" she
"First of all it tells us that the information that was first put out, which
was first reported in the news, is almost entirely wrong and misleading.
"There was no suggestion that this person was a suspect in any way, that he was
running from the police".
She said it also suggested the information given to the pathologist who carried
out the post-mortem examination on Mr de Menezes was incorrect.
Former Flying Squad commander John O'Connor told the BBC the leaked report
would cause "great embarrassment" to Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian
Blair, adding he would be under pressure to "go".
He also said it was "very difficult" to blame individuals for the death of Mr
de Menezes.
"Simply because it would appear that they were acting on information that this
was a positive identification of Osman [Hussain], one of the suspect bombers.
"But had the normal procedures taken place in which a warning is given and
officers wear specially marked clothing then this young man may not have been
Scotland Yard and the Home Office have so far said it would be inappropriate to
Temat: Izraelskie UB i Dziennikarze =zbrodnia bez swiadka
Izraelskie UB i Dziennikarze =zbrodnia bez swiadka
17 000 dziennikarskich akredytacji Izraelski Urzad Prasy przeslal dzisiaj
do zydowskiej bezpieki ,czyli do Shin Bet w celu zweryfikowania i wychwycenia
podejrzanych dziennikarzy .Do tej pory tej procedurze poddawani byli jedynie
palestynscy reporterzy .Zydzi twierdza ,ze wielu , zwlaszcza zagranicznych
dziennikarzy aktywnie wspolpracuje z arabskimi terrorystami przemycajac dla
nich nawet rozne materialy .
Miedzynarodowa Organizacja Dziennikarzy : " Reporters without Borders " (
Reporterzy bez Granic ) okreslila te dzialania wladz Izraela , jako
ekstrymalnie niebezpieczne i zupelnie sprzeczne z wolnoscia prasy .
Podaje za kanadyjskim dziennikiem Toronto Star z wtorku .
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Nov. 4, 2003. 01:00 AM
Israel boosts scrutiny of press
Journalists face security checks Policy denounced
as `veto' on media
JERUSALEM—Israel will force journalists to undergo stringent checks by its
Shin Bet security service as a requirement for accreditation, the head of the
Government Press Office said yesterday.
Israeli and foreign journalists criticized the decision as an attempt to
inhibit freedom of the press.
The Foreign Press Association said that while it understands Israel's
security problems, there is no evidence journalists pose a risk. The new
policy gives Israeli authorities "unreasonable veto power" over who can serve
as a foreign correspondent, the association said in a statement.
Citing security concerns, Government Press Office director Daniel Seaman said
he decided to hand a list of more than 17,000 accredited journalists to the
Shin Bet for security checks beginning Jan. 1.
Until now, only Palestinian journalists were checked by the Shin Bet, Seaman
said. Under the new policy, Israeli and foreign journalists will also have to
go through a security check, although it will not be as thorough as that for
Palestinians, he said.
The Government Press Office is responsible for overseeing the needs of all
journalists in Israel, both domestic and foreign. The office issues
credentials, helps arrange visas for foreign journalists and distributes
information about news conferences and other events.
Seaman said that after journalists are accredited under the new system, the
Shin Bet will evaluate them and tell the press office if they pose a threat.
Based on that assessment, the press office will decide whether journalists
can keep the credentials, Seaman said. The credentials are necessary to enter
government buildings, attend news conferences and meet government officials
in their offices. The Israeli military requires journalists to present
government press cards to travel in the West Bank and Gaza.
Seaman said he hoped the restrictions would reduce the number of press cards
issued to Israeli and foreign journalists. He maintained many card-holders
had forged their credentials and said several were suspected of using them to
get past checkpoints in the Palestinian territories to help militants
involved in attacks on Israelis.
Reporters without Borders, a Paris-based group that monitors issues
concerning press freedom, denounced the measures. "The intervention of the
Shin Bet seems to us on this occasion to be extremely dangerous and totally
contrary to press freedom," the group said.
With files from Reuters
Temat: Niemcy - zbombarduhja nas jak niedawno Jugoslawie!
Gość portalu: Prawda napisał(a):
> ?They will bomb us like they did Yugoslavia!?
> It is difficult to say whether the Federal Republic of
Germany is triumphant
> or sad because of the victory of the coalition of
Germany?s Social Democr
> atic
> Party and the Greens, and Gerhard Schroeder is to keep
his post at that.
Tak moze sie stac.Powiedzmy,ze polski narod zaczyna
widziec i myslec i zamierza wykopac magistra,a na jego
miejsce wybrac Polaka z krwi i kosci.Zostaniemy
okrzyknieci antysemitami i osciwiscie
terrorystami.zadanie do wykonania moze dostac
bundeswera.maja doswiadczenie,znaja geografie...odgrzebia
stare ma py z naniesionymi strzalkami i lubudu......
> Analysts say that world financial markets will hardly
become enthusiastic
> about the victory. Moreover, during the elections,
European shares dropped to
> the lowest level registered within the past five years.
Experts are sure that
> Schroeder?s unconvincing triumph may result in the
collapse of the euro.
> Europe is actively discussing the victory of
light-minded Schroeder (Germans
> themselves call him this way) and the economic
consequences that may follow.
> Analyst with DZ Bank Dorothea Hutannus says as quoted
by RBC that ?the
> unconvincing results of the elections are the worst
possible outcome for the
> euro.? Economist with DekaBank Andreas Schuerle says
that it would be bet
> ter
> if only one party won the elections.
> The skeptic opinions among the majority of European
economists are based upon
> the fact that the economic reforms carried out by
Gerhard Schroeder before
> the elections were not distinct and marketable enough.
The Federal Republic
> of Germany is one of the most economically developed EU
members. However, all
> efforts of the federal government headed by Schroeder
aimed at the reduction
> of the unemployment rate came to nothing: the
unemployment rate is still not
> lower than 10% of the able-bodied population of
Germany. What is more, there
> is no doubt that it will increase. This is because of
American investors who
> have turned against the chancellor, but who are at the
same time known as a
> strong determinant of the economic climate in the Old
> RBC thinks that a statement by one of New York?s
Citibank top managers an
> d
> President of the US Chamber of Commerce, Fred Irvin, is
just more evidence of
> such dislike. He said that American investors are not
going to invest in
> Germany?s economy. Fred Irvin is sure that US companies
are unlikely to
> invest in Germany, as no economic reforms are being
carried out.
> American investors are probably suspicious of the
German Social-democratic
> leader because of his attempts to build a truly German
foreign policy. Even
> though the newly elected chancellor usually denies any
serious discrepancies
> between the USA and its European allies, he always
insists that Europe (and
> Germany as well) has its particular place in the world
and, consequently, its
> particular role.
> Strict criticism of the US-British military operation
against Iraq can hardly
> win US sympathies for Gerhard Schroeder. The recent
comparison of George W.
> Bush with Hitler by Schroeder?s closest associate,
Minister of Justice He
> rta
> Daubler-Gmelin, caused hails of protest and anger in
the USA. No matter how
> absurd it may sound, it seems that Gerhard Schroeder
and his party, trying to
> build a truly German foreign policy, became an enemy of
> It looks as though Germany has finally awakened from
its 50-year-long sleep,
> which had crept over the country after Germany's defeat
in WWII the abundant
> American investments that made for the German economic
> As it turned out, Germany doesn?t really like ?Great
> and wishes to
> follow its own path, not instructions from Washington.
However, Germany's is
> only now awakening.
> We remember a discussion by the German political
scientist and philosopher
> Anne Roerig two years ago, when she was asked why
Germany wasn?t expandin
> g
> obviously profitable political and economic relations
with Russia and wasn?
> 7;t
> following a more independent policy. The woman
exclaimed: ?But the Americ
> ans
> will then bomb us the same way they did Yugoslavia!? It
is a rather
> significant answer.
> In any case, experts say that Schroeder?s victory is
unlikely to have
> positive results. A sudden drop in the euro rate is the
least we should be
> ready for.
> Dmitry Slobodanuk
Temat: No to ladnie Wiarusa deportowali
No to ladnie Wiarusa deportowali
Immigration admits citizen deported
By Frank Walker
May 1, 2005
The Sun-Herald
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The Federal Government has expanded its inquiry into immigration detention
centres after discovering it had deported an Australian citizen four years ago
and also wrongly held several other Australians in detention.
The cases have been passed to former Federal Police commissioner Mick Palmer,
who is conducting a closed inquiry into the 10-month detention of Australian
permanent resident Cornelia Rau, which included four months at the
top-security Baxter centre in South Australia.
Acting Immigration Minister Peter McGauran said yesterday the Immigration
Department only became aware of the deportation of an Australian citizen when
it was contacted by a family member after the revelations of the Rau case.
"In one instance, four years ago, a person subsequently found to be an
Australian citizen was removed from Australia," Mr McGauran said in a statement.
His office refused to release any details such as where the person was
deported to, how long they were deported for and whether they returned to
Mr McGauran said several other cases had emerged since the Rau case in which
Australian citizens or people lawfully in Australia had been locked up in
immigration detention centres.
They had come to light during an internal departmental review of detention
cases between July 2002 and February this year.
"To protect the privacy of individuals the Government does not propose to
release further details of individual cases," Mr McGauran said.
He said as they raised issues similar to those in the Rau case, it was best if
they were referred to Mr Palmer to include in his investigation.
A ministerial spokesman said Australians could have been detained if they were
under suspicion of being in the country unlawfully and could not produce
identification. They would have been recorded as wrongfully detained if it had
been a few minutes, a month or years.
He said data from the department indicated some situations where Australians
may have been held. "We don't know if that is factually correct or not,
whether there was a departmental error or reporting errors of how those people
were recorded in the system.
"Small numbers of people are from time to time held. Under the act any
departmental officer can hold somebody in detention if they think they are in
the country unlawfully."
Mr Palmer's inquiry is due to be completed by the end of May.
Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone will ask Mr Palmer after she returns from
overseas on Friday whether he needs more time to examine the new cases.
He said the department would look into its records before 2002 if Mr Palmer
thought it was necessary.
Refugee Action Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul said the department statement
was a shocking revelation.
"We always knew what they did was bad, but their willingness to act in this
way without fully knowing what they are doing is astounding," he said.
"This proves there should be a royal commission into the detention centres and
the way the department detains people, rather than holding an inquiry behind
closed doors."
Temat: Afera milosna :Wolfowitza z muzulmanka!
Afera milosna :Wolfowitza z muzulmanka!
Wolfowitz Dating Muslim Woman Causes Stir
Barbara Ferguson, Arab News —
WASHINGTON, 23 March 2005 — Here’s a bit of news that had Washingtonians
choking on their coffee this morning: President Bush’s neoconservative hawk
Paul Wolfowitz, the Pentagon’s architect of the US invasion of Iraq, is dating
a Muslim!
While battle lines have hardened over President Bush’s nomination of Wolfowitz
to become president of the World Bank, what many say is really fueling the
controversy is concern within the bank over Wolfowitz’s reported romantic
relationship with Shaha Ali Riza, an Arab feminist who is the acting manager
for External Relations and Outreach for the Middle East and North Africa
Region at the World Bank.
Political foes of Wolfowitz portray him as a leader of Washington’s Jewish
neo-conservatives driving a blindly pro-Israel policy in the Middle East.
Critics have also noted that his sister, Laura, a biologist, lives in Israel
and has an Israeli husband.
But Wolfowitz, a married father of three, is said to be so blinded by his
relationship with Riza, that influential members of the World Bank believe she
played a key role in influencing the Pentagon official to launch the 2003 Iraq
war. As his trusted confident, she is said to be one of most influential
Muslims in Washington.
What they are said to share is a passion to establish democracy in the Middle
Riza, in her mid-fifties, was born in Tunis and grew up in Saudi Arabia. Her
childhood is said to have done much to shape her commitment to democracy,
equal rights and civil liberties in the Arab world based on her first hand
She brought those beliefs with her when she joined the World Bank in 1997.
Riza studied at the London School of Economics in the 1970s before taking a
master’s degree at St. Anthony’s College, Oxford, where she met her former
husband, Turkish Cypriot Bulent Ali Riza, from whom she is now divorced.
After they moved to America, Riza worked for the Iraq Foundation, set up by
expatriates to overthrow Saddam Hussein after the first Gulf War. She
subsequently joined the National Endowment for Democracy, created by President
Ronald Reagan to promote American ideals.
It was this time that Riza, a British citizen eight years younger than
Wolfowitz’s wife — started to meet with Wolfowitz about reforming the Middle
East. They allegedly began dating two years ago.
Even by the discreet standards of Washington’s powerful inner circle, their
relationship is a remarkably closely guarded secret. The Washington Post says
the couple rarely goes out together or demonstrates affection publicly,
according to friends who are aware of the relationship. They attend low-key
Washington social events and visit friends’ homes together and Riza also
sometimes goes to official functions and dinners with him, but is not
identified as his partner, an acquaintance said.
“His womanizing has come home to roost,” a Washington insider told reporters.
“Paul was a foreign policy hawk long before he met Riza but it doesn’t look
good to be accused of being under the thumb of your mistress.”
A Wolfowitz opponent at the World Bank told a reporter: “Unless Riza gives up
her job, this will be an impossible conflict of interest.”
Wolfowitz married his wife Clare Selgin in 1968. But they have lived
separately since 2001, after allegations he had an affair with an employee at
the School of Advanced International Studies where he was dean for seven
years. They are now believed to be legally separated.
The World Bank’s staff association has told executives it has been swamped
with complaints from employees about Wolfowitz.
However, Wolfowitz’s only comment on the complaints has been a terse statement
issued through a Pentagon spokesman. He said: “If a personal relationship
presents a potential conflict of interest, I will comply with bank policies to
resolve the issue.”
As it seems to me, Jaruzelski is displaying a certain degree of slyness. He
wants to make excuses for himself by coming forth with requests, which he
presents to the Soviet Union. These requests, naturally, are beyond our
physical capacity to fulfill, and Jaruzelski then says: well, look here, I
turned to the Soviet Union and requested help, but didn't receive it.
At the same time, the Poles say directly that they are opposed to the
introduction of troops. If troops are introduced, that will mean a
catastrophe. I think we have reached a unanimous view here on this matter, and
there can be no consideration at all of introducing troops.
As far as the provision of assistance to Poland is concerned, we have
given that country more than a billion rubles. Not long ago we adopted a
decision to ship 30 thousand tons of meat to Poland, of which 16 thousand tons
have already been delivered. I don't know whether we'll be able to ship the
full 30 thousand tons, but in any event we apparently are obliged by this
decision to give a further definite number of tons of meat as assistance.
With regard to the PZPR and the creation of a new party to replace it,
I believe it would be inappropriate to disband the PZPR. Those who spoke here
were correct in arguing that this would be a completely unhelpful action.
GRISHIN. The situation in Poland is getting steadily worse. The line
of our party toward the Polish events is entirely correct. With respect to the
proposal by Jaruzelski to disband the PZPR and create a new party, one cannot
agree with that. There can be no talk at all of introducing troops. We will
have to look at economic questions and at what can be given to the Poles.
SUSLOV. In the press we must expose the intrigues of "Solidarity" and
other counterrevolutionary forces.
CHERNENKO. I fully agree with what the comrades have said here. It is
clear that the line of our party and of the CC Politburo vis-a-vis the Polish
events, as formulated in the speeches of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev and in the
decisions of the Politburo, is entirely correct and in no need of change.
I believe that today we could adopt the following decision:
1. Take under advisement the information provided by Comrade Baibakov.
2. In our relations with the PPR in the future, abide by the general political
line on this matter laid down by the CPSU CC, and also abide by the
instructions from the CPSU CC Politburo on 8 December 1981 and the exchange of
opinions that occurred at the CC Politburo's session on 10 December 1981.
3. Instruct Comrades Tikhonov, Kirilenko, Dolgikh, Arkhipov, and Baibakov to
continue studying questions of economic assistance to Poland, taking account of
the exchange of opinions at the session of the CC Politburo.
BREZHNEV. How do the comrades feel about this?
EVERYONE. Comrade Chernenko has very properly formulated all the
proposals, and now it is time to adopt them.
The decree is adopted.
1. Translator's Note: It is curious why in this secret forum Brezhnev used
dollars (instead of, say, transferable rubles) as the unit for measuring the
size of Poland's request.
2. Translator's Note: The term Baibakov uses here, prodrazverstka (a
contraction of prodovol'stvennaya razverstka), refers to the policy introduced
by Lenin during the period of "War Communism" to force peasants to turn over
their produce to the state. The policy led to great bloodshed, upheaval, and
3. Translator's Note: Either because of a mistake by Rusakov or because of a
typographical error, the Russian text gives Boris Aristov's surname as
Arestov. The error was corrected in the Polish translation.
4. Translator's Note: Marshal Josef Pilsudski was the military ruler of
Poland during the interwar period, presiding over a regime that became
increasingly tyrannical.
5. Translator's Note: The Russian word Rusakov uses to describe a unanimous
vote, edinoglasno, is stronger than another word, edinodushno, which also is
translated as "unanimous." Rusakov's statement indicates that no abstentions
or dissenting votes were cast. It should be noted, however, that most
subsequent speakers (Andropov, Gromyko, etc.) used the word edinodushno when
referring to the PZPR Politburo vote, though Ustinov used edinoglasno.
6. Translator's Note: The transcript of "the previous session of the
Politburo" (apparently of 8 December) has not yet been released."
Subject: Brezhnev,Poland 1980-81 Bulletin 5 - Cold War Crises Pact
Keywords: Cold War Crises Collection ID:
Geographic Subject: Poland Document Author:
Document Origin: USSR Published:
Document Date: 12/01/81 Document ID:
Document Type: Memorandum of Conversation Archive: TsKhSD
Christian Ostermann, Director
Nancy L Meyers, Project Associate
Mircea Munteanu, Project Assistant
Richard Thomas, Production Editor
Cold War International History Project
Woodrow Wilson Center
One Woodrow Wilson Plaza
1300 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004-3027
Tel: 202/691-4110
Temat: Israeli Attorney General Opposes Expulsion, France
Israeli Attorney General Opposes Expulsion, France
Israeli Attorney General Opposes Expulsion, France Warns Israel
The Israeli government's legal adviser Friday opposed a plan to expel to the
Gaza Strip the families of West Bank Palestinian resistance activists linked
to anti-Israeli attacks. Meanwhile, France warned that if Israel went ahead
with the forced expulsion, it would be violating the Geneva Conventions.
Elyakim Rubinstein, Israel’s Attorney General, said the expulsion of family
members was only possible in cases of "tangible evidence of their direct
involvement in terrorist activity", Israel’s Radio said, reported Agence
France-Presse (AFP).
He voiced his opposition to the controversial proposal during a meeting with
the army's chief military prosecutor and security officials.
The officials of Israel's Shin Beth internal security services, who took part
in the meeting, were in favor of expelling the families of suspected
militants as a deterrent for future "human bombs", the radio added.
Rubinstein said that he would be holding emergency consultations with senior
figures in the Israeli Defense Ministry 'in the very near future,' to discuss
the legality of the planned expulsions, according to Israeli daily newspaper
Early Friday in the West Bank, the Israeli army seized 21 male relatives of
resistance activists linked to the anti-Israeli attacks during the past week
and threatened to deport them to the Gaza Strip.
Rubinstein, however, gave his green light to the destruction of homes
belonging to relatives of bombers or other Palestinian activists suspected of
planning attacks, AFP reported.
Marking the seriousness of the Israeli illegal practices against the
Palestinians, France Friday warned that expelling relatives of Palestinian
freedom fighters would be a violation of the Geneva Conventions.
"The 4th Geneva Convention applies in this case," French Foreign Ministry
spokesman Francois Riveasseau told a media conference, according to AFP.
Article 147 of that convention, which protects civilians during conflicts,
states that the "unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement of
a protected person" would constitute a grave breach.
Rivasseau stressed, however, that Israel had not yet taken that action and
that "as of right now, there is nothing to say about it".
A senior Israeli security official said Friday that his country was examining
the possibility of expelling the detainees to the Gaza Strip but admitted
there may be "legal problems".
Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, for his part, said the authorities
were awaiting the green light for the move from a government legal adviser.
"We have no choice, and terrorism is pushing us to take measures that we
would prefer to avoid," Peres said on public radio.
Perez and other Israeli officials ignore the fact that any people under
occupation are entitled to resist that occupation until the liberation of
their homeland.
In another development, the Israeli forced expulsion announcement sparked
Palestinian anger and threats of bloody retaliation from the resistance Hamas
"This dangerous measure is against the Geneva Convention, and transferring
Palestinian citizens is a war crime," chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb
Erakat told AFP.
Nabil Abu Rudeina, a top aide to Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, also
warned the Israeli government not to deport the detained families, saying it
would lead to further explosions of violence.
"This policy of transferring Palestinians will not help international efforts
to protect the peace process, but will lead to more violence and an explosion
in this area. We ask the Israeli government to stop this policy," he said.
Hamas, which carried out the bulk of bombings against Israel during the
Intifada, was swift to vow revenge.
"Our answer to the Zionists will be strong and bloody, we will send explosive
messages to the Zionists everywhere we can get to," said the Ezzedine al-
Qassem Brigades, the group's armed wing, in a statement to AFP in Gaza City.
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) already warned last month
that such expulsions would be a form of "collective punishment" banned under
the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Those arrested are relatives of activists linked to Wednesday's twin Tel Aviv
bombing that killed three people, and bus ambushes in December and last
Tuesday that left 20 Israelis dead outside the Emmanuel settlement.
The attacks shattered four weeks of relative calm and shocked Israelis who
hoped the army's reoccupation and closures of the West Bank, launched June
19, would grant them security.
Temat: Jean Charles Menezes - Brazylia -informacja
Sergio Vieira de Mello
Victim of Terror or US Foreign Policy?
But for George W. Bush's illegal and misguided war on Iraq, Sergio Vieira de
Mello, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, would be alive
today. Mr. de Mello devoted most of his life to the U.N.'s mission to protect
human rights and achieve international peace and security. He served in some of
the toughest trouble spots in the world, including Lebanon, East Timor,
Yugoslavia, Peru, Bangladesh, Cyprus, Sudan, Cambodia and Mozambique.
Sergio Vieira de Mello went to Iraq at the request of U.N. Secretary General
Kofi Annan for a four-month humanitarian commitment. One month short of his
return to Geneva, Mr. de Mello was buried alive in rubble from a suicide truck
bomber who targeted the United Nations in Baghdad.
Ignoring the pleas of millions of people around the world and most of the
United Nations members, Bush had persisted in his march to war. Contrary to
Bush's assertions, Saddam Hussein never posed an imminent threat to the United
States. Until Bush unleashed "almost biblical" firepower on Iraq, al Qaeda was
not operating there. Yet since the U.S./U.K. became the occupying power, Iraq
has become fertile ground for outside jihadis.
Many Saudi Arabian Islamists have crossed the border into Iraq to prepare for a
holy war against the U.S./U.K. forces, according to The Financial Times. The
Arab satellite television channel al-Arabiya broadcast a statement purportedly
from al Qaeda, which urged Muslims around the world to travel to Iraq to fight
the U.S. occupation, and claimed that recent attacks on U.S. forces had been
carried out by jihadis.
The blast that killed Mr. de Mello and 19 others, and wounded more than 100 in
the U.N. compound in Baghdad Tuesday, was likely the handiwork of the same
forces that bombed the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad 12 days before, killing 11
people. Osama bin Laden has long decried the United States' role in the first
Gulf War, the punishing sanctions against the people of Iraq, and the United
Nations for "supporting the oppressive, tyrannical and arrogant America [in
Afghanistan] against those oppressed who have emerged from a ferocious war at
the hands of the Soviet Union."
In the twisted minds of the terrorists who likely executed the worst attack on
a U.N. civilian operation in its 58-year history, the United States and the
United Nations are linked. Yet Bush's new doctrine of "preemptive war" is a
clear violation of the U.N. Charter. And in spite of intense pressure by Bush,
including threats and bribes, the members of the Security Council refused to
hand him a resolution sanctioning his war on Iraq. Bush accused the United
Nations of becoming "irrelevant."
When he was sent to Baghdad, it was Sergio de Mello's dream "to assist the
Iraqi people and those responsible for the administration of this land to
achieve freedom, the possibility of managing their own destiny and determining
their own future." He empathized with the Iraqi people who resented the foreign
occupiers. "It is traumatic," he said. "It must be one of the most humiliating
periods in their history. Who would like to see their country occupied?" He
wanted "to make sure that the interests of the Iraqi people come first" as they
rebuild their country.
Sergio de Mello's death is an unspeakable tragedy for the cause of world
peace. "I can think of no one we could less afford to spare," observed Kofi
Annan. And Salim Lone, Mr. de Mello's spokesman in Baghdad, said, "He was a
wonderful guy. He was the U.N. in a way." Mr. Lone added, "I grieve most of all
for the people of Iraq because he was really the man who could have helped
bring about an end to the occupation. An end to the trauma the people of Iraq
have suffered for so long."
We must emerge from this tragedy by redoubling our support for the United
Nations. As Iraqis, Americans, and many from other countries continue to die in
Iraq, Bush must relinquish control of Iraq to the United Nations. It is the
arrogance of occupation that creates roiling hatred against the occupier. Mr.
de Mello was confident that Iraqis distinguished between the U.N. and the
foreign occupiers. The end of the occupation would empower the people of Iraq
to take control of their own destiny. Then Sergio Vieira de Mello will not have
died in vain.
Marjorie Cohn, a professor of law at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San
Diego, is executive vice president of the National Lawyers Guild.
Temat: pamietacie hotel Dawida?
Lzesz , lzesz w zywe oczy , zio-nazistko bez wstydu ,...
nie my zaczynalismy zamachy, mordy, kradzieze i wojny.
The terror of Deir Yassin
The Palestinians, of course, have been the greatest victims of this half a
century of Israeli terror. In fact, Israel carved its state out of Palestine
through a deliberate policy of mass terror against the Palestinians. It was the
method by which they drove 800,000 of them from their homes, businesses and
farms. In his book The Revolt, former Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, boasts
about his role in the massacre of the 254 Palestinians at Deir Yassin. (Most of
the victims were elderly men, women and children who remained in the Israeli-
occupied village) In his book, Begin points out that Deir Yassin and other
massacres caused panic among the residents, causing them to flee in terror from
their homes. This intentional mass terror enabled the Zionists to take control
of Palestine. And, it should be noted that the refugees are still not permitted
to return home after more than half a century!
What did the Zionist terrorists actually do at Deir Yassin and at other
villages that caused the Palestinian people to flee in fear? A Red Cross
doctor, Jacques de Reynier, chief representative of the International Committee
of the Red Cross in Jerusalem gave a shocking account of the massacre in his
official report.
De Reynier arrived at the village on the second day and saw “the mopping up,”
as one of the Israeli terrorists put it to him. It had been done with machine
guns, then grenades, and was finished off with knives. The Jews decapitated
some of the victims and fatally maimed 52 children in sight of their mothers.
They cut open 25 pregnant women’s wombs and butchered the babies in front of
Israelis present at Deir Yassin have confirmed these atrocities. After his
retirement in 1972, Israeli Haganah officer, Colonel Meir Pa’el, stated the
following about Deir Yassin in Yediot Ahronot, a major Jewish publication:
The Irgun and LEHI men came out of hiding and began to ‘clean’ the houses. They
shot whoever they saw, women and children included, the commanders did not try
to stop the massacre…they were taken to the quarry between Deir Yassin and
Giv’at Shaul, and murdered in cold blood…
The commander of the Haganah unit that controlled Deir Yassin after the
massacre, Zvi Ankori, made this statement in the Israeli newspaper Davar:
I went into six to seven houses. I saw cut off genitalia and women’s crushed
stomachs. According to the shooting signs on the bodies, it was direct murder.
Have you seen any TV documentaries or any Hollywood movies about the Israeli
terror of Deir Yassin or of many thousands of other Israeli acts of terror
against the Palestinian people? You have heard plenty of violin music for
Jewish victims of Hitler, but have you heard any violins for the women at Deir
Yassin who had their babies cut from their wombs by Jewish supremacists? Have
you heard any violins for any of the other thousands of Palestinian victims of
Begin, Shamir, Barak and Sharon? Befitting Israel’s long record of terrorism
against the Palestinian people, Israel has the nasty habit of electing its most
notorious terrorists and mass murderers as its head of state ,...
Temat: Arbstwo dlaczego Jestecie Araby... przydoty i zaco
Arbstwo dlaczego Jestecie Araby... przydoty i zaco
7 Israeli Arabs arrested for aiding Meron junction bomber
By Uri Ash, Ha'aretz Correspondent
Police and the Shin Bet Security Service arrested seven Israeli Arabs several
weeks ago on suspicion that they assisted in carrying out the August 4 Meron
junction bus bombing, in which nine people were killed and dozens were
injured. The arrests were made public on Monday.
Two of those arrested, 21-year-old Ibrahim Mohammed Bakri and his nephew,
Yassin Bakri, are suspected in having a central role in planning the bombing.
A third suspect was named as Mohammed Bakri.
Police said they consider Ibrahim Bakri the main suspect in the case, and
that he gave a full confession regarding his role in the bombing, Israel
Radio reported.
According to the investigation, the suicide bomber, who was identified as
Hamas member Jihad Hamada, had in the past worked in Bana, where he met the
suspects. Two days before carrying out the bombing, he asked Ibrahim Bakri
for help, and he in turn called Yassin. The three met, and during the course
of the meeting Hamada displayed the explosive device, a gun, clothing, and a
camera, which were to give him the appearance of a tourist. The three debated
the location of the attack and agreed that it should be carried out on a bus
transporting IDF soldiers.
According to the allegations, Hamada, who blew up Egged bus line 361, slept
at Ibrahim Bakri's house. Bakri also purchased two batteries for the suicide
bomber, which were intended to be used to activate the explosive device.
On the morning of the attack, the three allegedly left the village. Ibrahim
and Yassin Bakri drove to Karmiel to choose the bus on which the attack would
take place, relayed the information to the bomber, drove him to a bus stop on
the way, and made sure that he boarded the bus.
The remand of the seven was extended several times in recent weeks.
Over a two week period, the Shin Bet security service forbade the Bakris'
attorney, Bakri Bakri, from meeting with the jailed family members.
Senior Shin Bet official discusses arrests with Interior Minister Yishai
A senior Shin Bet Security Service official met with Interior Minister Eli
Yishai (Shas) to discuss the arrests after they were made public. Yishai, in
his capacity as interior minister, has called for stripping the citizenship
from Israeli Arabs involved in terror. The Shin Bet gave Yishai information
on the investigation against the suspects, and the interior minister will
decide soon on the steps he will take.
The Shin Bet believes that stripping citizenship of Israeli Arabs is one of
the factors deterring Arab citizens from participating in Palestinian terror
attacks. The senior Shin Bet official expressed support for Yishai's recent
actions regarding the policy. The interior minister refrained from issuing a
clear statement on the arrests, because it still not clear if the suspects
were directly involved in the bombing.
Temat: Pechowa seria Putina
The mystery of Litvinenko's death
By Tom Geoghegan
BBC News
The death bed statement by Alexander Litvinenko blamed Russian President
Vladimir Putin for the poison he believes took his life. But will we ever know
with certainty who was responsible?
While the Health Protection Agency says it believed Mr Litvinenko was poisoned -
probably with the radioactive substance polonium-210 - the question of who was
responsible persists.
The former spy's two meetings in central London on 1 November, in Piccadilly and
Mayfair, may hold the key to the identity of his killer.
Alexander Litvinenko
The former KGB agent made enemies
Friends of the 43-year-old have blamed the Russian security service (FSB), as Mr
Litvinenko accused it of many abuses, including the bombing of a block of flats
in 1999, killing 300 people.
Others had linked his sickness directly to another focus of his criticisms,
former KGB agent Putin.
Any involvement has been dismissed by the Kremlin as "nonsense", a sentiment
echoed by Russia's foreign intelligence service.
The matter is now in the hands of Scotland Yard, which is investigating the case
as an "unexplained death".
Security analyst Glenmore Trenear-Harvey, who met Mr Litvinenko several times,
said the media focus on the Kremlin was "lazy" and bore the hallmarks of a John
Le Carre novel.
"We have to put this in a historical context," he said.
"Litvinenko's last job within the FSB was heading up the anti-corruption unit
and he discovered a lot of corruption there and made a lot of enemies within the
When Yeltsin broke the KGB into different agencies such as the FSB and the SVR,
the majority of its members stayed on but some went into the Duma and a third
group went into legitimate business, he said.
But a "murky bunch" went into what was known as the Russian mafia.
Sophisticated poison
"My own belief, and this is speculation, is that it's not inconceivable that
Anna Politkovskaya in her search for murderers within the Russian bank system
discovered the contract killings were these former KGB people.
"She was killed and if Litvinenko indeed was privy to her investigations then it
could well be that they will emerge as his killers."
Although the sophisticated nature of the poison suggested it could have come
from the state, there was no motive, he said.
Media pack
The case has caused huge interest in the UK
"There was no benefit to Putin or Russian intelligence services to have a highly
publicised operation like this."
And despite the continued claims linking Putin, diplomatic relationships between
the UK and Russia were unlikely to be affected, he said.
Other experts believe high-level Russian involvement is likely.
The Sunday Times journalist, David Leppard, who broke the story, points to the
fact that three weeks of investigations have not identified the ingested substance.
"I think it suggests the development of possibly new toxins or new agents, and
that sort of thing can only really be done by a sophisticated, possibly highly
organised state agency," he said.
I think we have to wait until there's better evidence
Alex Pravda
Russia expert
But Alex Pravda, an expert in Russia foreign policy and a member of
international analysis organisation Chatham House, believes it is too early to
say who was responsible.
"There's a lack of clarity in all this. It's a matter of speculation and I think
we have to wait until there's better evidence," he said.
And the lack of coordination between Russian government and other agencies made
it difficult to point the finger with any certainty, he said.
What has characterised the Litvinenko case from the start has been the way one
explanation has been quickly replaced by another.
It was thallium. No, it was radioactive thallium. No, it was a cocktail of
drugs, No, it was a mystery object...
Most of the theories have been ruled out by the clinical director of care at the
hospital, Geoff Bellingan, although police are keenly investigating the
radioactive explanation.
Given the uncertainty about what killed him, the matter of who killed him may
never be resolved.
Temat: Baker - Bez Israel'a !!! ,...
There is much more at stake for America than Iraq
By Zbigniew Brzezinski
Published: December 4 2006 19:17 | Last updated: December 4 2006 19:17
This is the week in which a painful truth finally came calling on power in the
Oval Office of the White House. The president, though still mouthing his self-
reassuring slogans to the public, has on his desk two documents, each telling
him in effect that “mission accomplished” has turned into mission bust.
Superficially, the two documents could not be more different. Donald Rumsfeld’s
memo on the conduct of the military operations in Iraq, submitted just prior to
his sudden dismissal, is a very brief and highly personal summary of the
various tactical adjustments that might be considered in the light of the
setbacks in fighting the Iraqi insurgency. It conveys anxiety but offers no
strategic alternative.
The long-awaited Baker-Hamilton Study Group report assessing broader US policy
options in Iraq is a lengthy compromise statement reflecting a typical, middle-
of-the-road consensus among an elite Washington “focus group”, composed of
esteemed individuals not handicapped by much historical or geopolitical
familiarity with the region’s problems.
Arguing for conditional military redeployment from Iraq, it offers sound advice
on the desirability of wider diplomatic initiatives to engage Iraq’s neighbours
in a collective search for regional stability, including the belated need to
tackle seriously the lingering Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The real importance of both documents is in what they do not say explicitly but
implicitly convey: that the war has been a disaster; that the US must find a
way to disengage by handing over the mess it created to the Iraqi leaders that
the US itself had elevated to power; and that eventually the US may have to
leave while blaming those same leaders for the US failure to cope. That notion
is implicit even in some of Mr Rumsfeld’s options and it is inherent in the 16-
months deadline set by the Baker-Hamilton group for eventual US military
Neither document faces squarely two basic and troubling realities: that since
in Iraq (except for Kurdistan) real power is not in the hands of the Iraqi
politicians resident in the US-protected Green Zone in Baghdad, any political
solution must engage the Shia theocracy, with its militias; and that the longer
the American occupation continues, the already declining US influence in the
Middle East will give way to regional extremism and instability, especially if
continuing indecision over the basic strategic choices in Iraq continue to be
matched by US unwillingness to address the negative regional consequences of
Israel’s prolonged and increasingly repressive occupation of the Palestinians.
The combination of the two has already elevated Iran’s geopolitical power in
the region. Hence the need of the moment is not for tactical tinkering or long
consensus reports. Can one imagine Charles de Gaulle in the late 1950s waiting
weeks for a long study by French public figures on how to end the Algerian war
that was damaging France’s national unity and international reputation?
Leadership derived from a sense of history requires sometimes the cutting of
Gordian knots, not tying oneself up in knots.
The president, and America’s political leadership, must recognise that the US
role in the world is being gravely undermined by the policies launched more
than three years ago. The destructive war in Iraq, the hypocritical
indifference to the human dimensions of the stalemate in Israeli- Palestinian
relations, the lack of diplomatic initiative in dealing with Iran and the
frequent use of Islamophobic rhetoric are setting in motion forces that
threaten to push America out of the Middle East, with dire consequences for
itself and its friends in Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
America needs a strategic change of course, and it has to be undertaken on a
broad front. It must accept the fact that real leadership in Iraq should be
based on a coalition of the Shia clergy commanding the loyalty of Shia militias
and of the autonomous Kurds and that the sooner a date is set for US departure,
the sooner the authentic Iraqi leaders will be able to enlist Iraq’s neighbours
in a wider regional effort to promote a more stable Iraq. It must also engage
its allies in a joint definition of the basic parameters of an Israeli-
Palestinian settlement, for the two parties to the conflict will never do so on
their own. Last but not least, the US must be ready to pursue multilateral and
bilateral talks with Iran, including regional security issues.
In brief, the immediate dilemma is Iraq but the larger stake is the future of
the Middle East.
Temat: Wywlaszczenia w Izraelu ala judo-komuna
Wywlaszczenia w Izraelu ala judo-komuna
Jak wiemy, tysiace Zydow z US i innych krajow posiada ziemie w Izraelu. Ich
wlasnosc nie jest zagrozona. Ale wlasnosc prywatna ziemi przez Palestynczykow
jest zagrozona nowym prawem w Izraelu. Otoz, jezeli Palestynczyk nie mieszka
dokladnie tam gdzie lezy jego ziemia w East Jeruzalem, to zostanie
wywlaszczony przez rzad Izraelski. Jest to dosyc drastyczne ze wzgledu na
sztucznie ustanowione przez Izrael rozgraniczenie miedzy Izraelem a
Automonia, gdzie np: Palestynczyk z Bethelejem ktorego podworko wrecz
graniczy z jego ziemia w East Jeruzalem moze stracic ziemie w East Jeruzalem
poniewaz formalnie on w East Jeruzalem nie mieszka. To jest najwieksze
ERUSALEM, Jan. 24 - The Israeli government secretly approved a measure last
summer that says it can seize land in East Jerusalem owned by Palestinians
who live elsewhere, the government and a lawyer for the Palestinians said
The lawyer said the decision could affect hundreds of Palestinian property
owners and thousands of acres of land.
"This is state theft, pure and simple," said Hanna Nasser, the mayor of
neighboring Bethlehem, home to many of the Palestinians who could lose land
they own in Jerusalem. The mayor linked the Israeli decision to the West Bank
separation barrier that Israel is building in the same area. "When Israel
started building this wall, they stopped letting people use this land," he
For many years Palestinian landowners living in the West Bank generally had
access to their property inside the Jerusalem boundaries that Israel
unilaterally established after capturing the eastern part of the city in the
Arab-Israeli war of 1967.
In the last two years, access has become difficult if not impossible because
of Israel's West Bank separation barrier, which includes walls and fences
separating Jerusalem and Bethlehem. But until recently the Palestinians still
believed that they retained ownership of the property, most of it olive
groves and grape orchards that have been in the families for generations.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's government approved the confiscation measure in
July as a clarification of the Absentee Property Law, which has been on the
books since 1950. Israel has invoked the law to seize thousands of homes and
parcels of land that belonged to Palestinians who fled or were driven out
during the 1948 war over the founding of the state of Israel.
The government did not announce the move, which requires no compensation for
the land, when it was made, but acknowledged the new policy after a report
last week in the daily Haaretz.
"All the government decisions on this issue are made secretly," said Daniel
Seidemann, an Israeli lawyer representing many of the landowners. "It is
treated like a security issue, not a property issue." He said he intended to
file suit unless the government rescinded its decision.
Jerusalem's fate is one of the most complex and incendiary issues in the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Israel claims all of Jerusalem as its capital,
though its annexation of East Jerusalem has never been recognized
internationally. The Palestinians seek the eastern sector for the capital of
a future state.
In many cases the Palestinian landowners in the Bethlehem area live only a
short distance from their Jerusalem property, and in some cases are right
next to it.
Johnny Atik lives in a house next to his eight acres of olive trees. His
house is in Bethlehem, while the olive grove is on land that is part of
Jerusalem, according to Israel. The Israeli separation barrier runs through
Mr. Atik's backyard, separating him from his olive trees, Mr. Seidemann said.
In November the military sent a letter telling Mr. Atik that his grove now
belonged to the Custodian of Absentee Properties in Israel, according to Mr.
Israeli officials declined to comment, though the prime minister's office
issued a brief statement on Monday citing the action taken by the
government's Ministerial Committee for Jerusalem Affairs.
Temat: Izrael Państwo Frajerów!!!!!Zydy Frajerzy daja Sie
Naprawde ABuarba ma Racje !!!!!
Araby do Piekla !!!!!!!
7 Israeli Arabs arrested for aiding Meron junction bomber
By Uri Ash, Ha'aretz Correspondent
Police and the Shin Bet Security Service arrested seven Israeli Arabs several
weeks ago on suspicion that they assisted in carrying out the August 4 Meron
junction bus bombing, in which nine people were killed and dozens were injured.
The arrests were made public on Monday.
Two of those arrested, 21-year-old Ibrahim Mohammed Bakri and his nephew,
Yassin Bakri, are suspected in having a central role in planning the bombing. A
third suspect was named as Mohammed Bakri.
Police said they consider Ibrahim Bakri the main suspect in the case, and that
he gave a full confession regarding his role in the bombing, Israel Radio
According to the investigation, the suicide bomber, who was identified as Hamas
member Jihad Hamada, had in the past worked in Bana, where he met the suspects.
Two days before carrying out the bombing, he asked Ibrahim Bakri for help, and
he in turn called Yassin. The three met, and during the course of the meeting
Hamada displayed the explosive device, a gun, clothing, and a camera, which
were to give him the appearance of a tourist. The three debated the location of
the attack and agreed that it should be carried out on a bus transporting IDF
According to the allegations, Hamada, who blew up Egged bus line 361, slept at
Ibrahim Bakri's house. Bakri also purchased two batteries for the suicide
bomber, which were intended to be used to activate the explosive device.
On the morning of the attack, the three allegedly left the village. Ibrahim and
Yassin Bakri drove to Karmiel to choose the bus on which the attack would take
place, relayed the information to the bomber, drove him to a bus stop on the
way, and made sure that he boarded the bus.
The remand of the seven was extended several times in recent weeks.
Over a two week period, the Shin Bet security service forbade the Bakris'
attorney, Bakri Bakri, from meeting with the jailed family members.
Senior Shin Bet official discusses arrests with Interior Minister Yishai
A senior Shin Bet Security Service official met with Interior Minister Eli
Yishai (Shas) to discuss the arrests after they were made public. Yishai, in
his capacity as interior minister, has called for stripping the citizenship
from Israeli Arabs involved in terror. The Shin Bet gave Yishai information on
the investigation against the suspects, and the interior minister will decide
soon on the steps he will take.
The Shin Bet believes that stripping citizenship of Israeli Arabs is one of the
factors deterring Arab citizens from participating in Palestinian terror
attacks. The senior Shin Bet official expressed support for Yishai's recent
actions regarding the policy. The interior minister refrained from issuing a
clear statement on the arrests, because it still not clear if the suspects were
directly involved in the bombing.
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