Czytasz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: President Andrew

Temat: Rząd przeprosił za publikację karykatur Mahometa
Wrażliwość na karykatury
Inny przykład do oceny czytelników z dzisiejszego Independenta.

The latest cartoon row centres on the British paper Muslim Weekly. Andrew
Dismore, the Labour MP for Hendon, said the cartoon was "obscene" and in
terribly "bad taste", and has now made a formal complaint to the paper. He
added: "This cartoon depicts people in the most obscene fashion, reminiscent of
Die Sturmer, the Nazi propaganda sheet. It denigrates and incites hatred towards
Jewish people...

O co poszło?
The cartoon, which appeared in last week's edition of the current affairs
publication, shows world leaders, including President George Bush, President
Jacques Chirac, Tony Blair and Iran's new President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and a
caricature of an Israeli figure meant to represent Mr Olmert. The caption reads:
"The nuclear club (US, UK, France and Israel) is angry for Iran's attempt to
enter the nuclear market."

A spokesman for the Muslim Weekly said the cartoon was an "evocative"
caricature, not intended to offend or be "stereotypical".

Temat: poroniona krausada buszytow
poroniona krausada buszytow
Call It a Day
We've Done All We Can Do in Iraq
By Andrew J. Bacevich
was Post. Sunday, August 21, 2005; B01
The banner decorating the USS Abraham Lincoln on May 1, 2003, when President
Bush announced an end to "major combat operations" in Iraq, turns out to have
been accurate after all. If only the president himself had taken to heart the
banner's proclamation of "Mission Accomplished." For by that date, having
deposed Saddam Hussein, the United States had achieved in Iraq just about all
that it has the capacity to achieve. The time has come for Bush to dig the
banner out of the closet, drape it across the front of the White House and
make it the basis for policy instead of continuing under the inglorious
banner of "Mission Impossible."
Ironically, ever since the presidential victory lap of two years ago, the
Bush administration has been in the forefront of those insisting that the
U.S. mission in Iraq is not accomplished

Temat: bardzo proszę o szybciutkie sprawdzenie:((
bardzo proszę o szybciutkie sprawdzenie:((

In my opinion my name hasn’t had on my life/. In fact I never have any
problem’s with my traditional name. As a matter of fact I’m treaty (normal)
how all my peers, sometimes maybe bather.

In fact people haven’t stereotype with my name. From my point of view they can
associate me with saint Thomas from Akwin or unfaithful Tom –this from Jesus.

In addition I have a few nick name. Some wane tell too me: gnome, pegaz,
sailor, young, student, and my grandmother “my tiny”.

I don’t know why, but in Poland: Pauline, Johnny, Thomas, Anne, Agnes and
Justin are very popular names. Unpopular are: Andrew, Roman, Jarosław and
Lech, because in fact that names have unpopular president RP and politic from
ruling coalition.

In fact polish parents have tend to name their children after family members.
For example please look at me. I have 2nd and 3rd name from my grandfather.

I believe that I haven’t negative attitude towards any particular names. Maybe
some times from Roman.

In my opinion parents who takes name’s for his children should take into
account a future is kids. I believe ate name not funny, but seriously. Who
don’t come from TV, sports, and etc…

Z góry bardzo dziękuje

Temat: Premier Miller odwiedzi w czwartek 5 czerwca Lu...
W Lublinie byli już tacy, co uznali pewną bardzo publiczną osobę, za osobę tu

Byli nimi niejaka Helena ex-przewodnicząca Pietraszkiewicz i spółka oraz
president Pruszkowski. Byli tak zgorszeni zachowaniem Kwaśniewskiego, że
widzieć go nie chcieli w Lublinie. No poprostu okropność.

Potem nastąpiła "odwilż".
W ponad rok po tej "bezprecedensowej decyzji" radnych
miejskich, w chwili gdy miastem rządzili jeszcze bardziej wyrazistsi
prawicowcy - decyzję tę uchylono.

W jakim celu tą decyzję podejmowano wówczas? Tego już chyba nikt nie wie. Z
panią Helen i panem Andrew włącznie.

Temat: Uwagi szefa sztabu armii izraelskiej wywołują p...
Buta rządu Izraela? Dlaczego uważa Pan/i/, że Izrael jako jedyne państwo nie
ma prawa do obrony? Od samego powstania ( namocy decyzji ONZ) Izrael jest
atakowany przez panstwa arabskie, ktore odmawiają mu prawa do istnienia i
otwarcie nawołują destrukcji Izraela i jego mieszkańców. Trzeba dużo złej
woli,żeby tego nie widzieć i tchórzostwa,żeby nie nazwać tego po imieniu: to
jest antysemityzm, a nie antyizraelizm. Właśnie stosowanie podwojnych
standartow, innych wobec Izraela, niż stosunku do pozostałych krajów, na to
Ponizej artykuł, wktory jest rozwinięcie tego wątku:

Stop Restraining Israel
By Andrew Bernstein | September 24, 2003

President Bush acknowledges that Yasser Arafat has "failed as a leader" and
recognizes that his promises to fight terrorism are nothing but empty lies. So
why does his administration oppose Arafat's elimination? If Bin Laden or
Saddam Hussein were holed up in a compound surrounded by U.S. troops, is there
any doubt as to what the outcome would be? Why is Arafat different?

The answer is that the Bush administration continues to uphold the absurd
contradiction of appeasing Palestinian terrorism while supposedly fighting the
broader phenomenon of Islamic terrorism elsewhere in the world. According to
Colin Powell, the result of Arafat's removal would be "rage throughout the
Arab world, the Muslim world, and in many other parts of the world." But where
is the rage

Temat: White House and Hill State Support for Israel
White House and Hill State Support for Israel
White House and Hill State Support for Israel
Lobby's Meeting Draws Strong Backing

By Mike Allen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 23, 2002; Page A11

White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. went before one of the nation's
most powerful Jewish groups last night to promise President Bush's unshakable
support for the state of Israel.

Card, speaking to 3,500 delegates at the annual meeting of the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee, received a standing ovation after declaring in
Hebrew, "The people of Israel live."

His comments came 16 days after Bush called on Israel to withdraw "without
delay" from Palestinian territory

Temat: Nikłe szanse Kwaśniewskiego na sekretarza gener...
borrka napisał:

> Uzaleznienie od Rosji gospodarczo ?
> Chyba jako pralnia pieniedzy rosyjskiej szarej strefy (40% gospodarki "na
> o", niezly wynik).
> Nikogo juz nie jestescie w stanie uzaleznic gospodarczo.
> Moze Bat'ke.

By Andrew Osborn in Moscow and Anne Penketh
Published: 05 October 2005
Against a background of increasingly frosty relations between Russia and the
European Union, President Vladimir Putin took time to boast of his country's
economic power during a visit to London yesterday.

Russia provides one-third of the EU's oil supplies, he pointed out, and said
that the country's economic growth in the oil and gas sector "has enabled the
nation to lead a more independent foreign policy".

There have been fears that the EU could become too dependent on Russian energy
supplies. But Mr Putin said Russia was a "very reliable partner" .

"We want to work to take the relationship between Europe and Russia to a new
and more intense and strengthened level," Mr Blair said. " This is a
relationship in economic terms that can only grow and prosper and strengthen."

Temat: Co mi sie nie podobalo w USA ?
> "Korupcja: Lokalny polityk wydaje 5 mln dol. na kampanie wyborcza, by objac
> stanowisko, na ktorym zarobi rocznie 25 000 doal :) "

I znowu wpadka. Podajecie tajniaki swoje przypuszczenia a wystarczy tylko szare
komórki zatrudnić.


Michael Bloomberg, mayor, $1

Dan Doctoroff, deputy mayor, $1

Emma Bloomberg, mayor's daughter and mayoral program coordinator, $1

Marjorie Tiven, mayor's sister and commissioner for the United Nations,
Consular Corps and Protocol, $1

Andrew Alper, city Economic Development Corp. president, $1

Caroline Kennedy, city Department of Education's chief fund-raiser, $1

John S. Reed, former Citicorp chief and New York Stock Exchange interim
chairman, $1
resztę można tu znaleźć.

Temat: Europejczycy twierdzą, że Izrael jest największ...
Po raz trzeci cytuje te dwa teksty, w nieuzasadnionej nadziei,
ze moze dotrze...

Lessons Unlearned

Stop Restraining Israel
By Andrew Bernstein | September 24, 2003

President Bush acknowledges that Yasser Arafat has "failed as a
leader" and
recognizes that his promises to fight terrorism are nothing but
empty lies. So
why does his administration oppose Arafat's elimination? If Bin
Laden or
Saddam Hussein were holed up in a compound surrounded by U.S.
troops, is there
any doubt as to what the outcome would be? Why is Arafat

The answer is that the Bush administration continues to uphold
the absurd
contradiction of appeasing Palestinian terrorism while
supposedly fighting the
broader phenomenon of Islamic terrorism elsewhere in the world.
According to
Colin Powell, the result of Arafat's removal would be "rage
throughout the
Arab world, the Muslim world, and in many other parts of the
world." But where
is the rage

Temat: nowy żuk (gnojak) dostal imię Busha....
Spor o Bush-żuka
Nazwanie nowo odkrytego rodzaju żuka (gnojaka) nazwiskiem US-presidenta
George W. Busha wywołał spór wśród zoologów.
„Religia i polityka winna być wyciszona z nazewnictwa zwierząt” , powiedzial
miedzynarodowemu naukowemu magazynowi "New Scientist" ,sekretarz
miedzynar.komsji d/s nazw zwierząt (ICZN), Andrew Polaszek.
Propozycje nazw podane przez naukowca owadow Quentin Wheeler’a i Kelly Miller’a
narusza „ducha” międzynarodowego kodeksu nazw zwierzat , o którego
przestrzeganie dba londynska organizacja.
Obaj ci naukowci zaproponowali nazwe 65 nowo odkrytych żuków (gnojaków)
nazwać "Agathidium bushi". Dwa dalsze rodzaje wedle nazw podanych w pierwszym

Temat: Prezydenci USA: historia, ciekawostki, tajemnice
Four more years, Mr. President!
Prezydenci dwukadencyjni: (vide infra - patrz nizej)

George Washington: 1789, 1792

Thomas Jefferson: 1800, 1804

James Madison: 1808, 1812

James Monroe: 1816, 1820

Andrew Jackson: 1828, 1832

Abraham Lincoln: 1860, 1864

Ulysses Grant: 1868, 1872

Grover Cleveland: 1884, 1892

William McKinley: 1896, 1900

Woodrow Wilson: 1912, 1916

Dwight Eisenhower: 1952, 1956

Richard Nixon: 1968, 1972

Ronald Reagan: 1980, 1984

Bill Clinton: 1992, 1996 (najwieksza pomylka w historii USA)

George W. Bush 2000, 2004!!! :)))))))

Temat: Dochnal o powodach swego zatrzymania
Mój znajomy z Ukrainy w wielkiej tajemnicy zdradził mi,że pewien agent z CIA
usłyszał od pewnego agenta z KGB(oczywiście przy gorzale),że Kwaszenko to jest
halbbruder(ten z KGB grał na dwa fronty-BND)Janka Kulczykowskiego,któren to
Janek siostrze(Szwajcarce) Kwaszenki pompuje konto tak jak moi koledzy
prezerwatywy wodą na śmingus dyngus
ANDREW MLECZKO FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!(Przeflancować w Białostockie i

Temat: Tayger-bis już zaprasza
A "President"(hahahaha) Nowakowski Andrew pozwolilby postawic ten namiot na
placu przed teatrem....bylo glosowac na niego.."Prezydent (niedo)rozwoju miasta"

Temat: Owacyjne powitanie Leppera w Krakowie
Andrew Lepper for President !!!
Robta co chceta. Mnie juz w tym kraju nic nie zdziwi.

Temat: Demokrata Przeciw Kerryemu
Demokrata Przeciw Kerryemu
Miller, a "Democrats for Bush" group, linked Kerry with his fellow senator
from Massachusetts, liberal Edward Kennedy. He said that for more than 20
years, "on every one of the great issues of freedom and security, John Kerry
has been more wrong, more weak and more wobbly than any other national

Explaining his switch of loyalties, Miller said "today's Democratic leaders
see America as an occupier, not a liberator."

Democrats decried the sharp tone of the speeches by Cheney and Miller, and
noted Cheney had mentioned Kerry by name 14 times but the word "jobs" only

"America deserves better than an attack dog vice president who only tears
people down rather than coming up with ideas that will lift middle class
families up," the Democratic National Committee (news - web sites) said in a

Kerry, interrupting a vacation to make a morning appearance before the
nation's largest veterans' group, offered a tough critique of Bush's
leadership on the war and what Kerry said was a failure to make any plans for
peace in Iraq.

"When it comes to Iraq, it's not that I would have done one thing
differently, I would have done everything differently," Kerry said in
Nashville, Tennessee, in a speech to the American Legion.

The president's leadership after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks has become the
centerpiece of his re-election campaign, and Republicans have reminded voters
of his war on terror and the campaign in Iraq throughout the convention.

"I will never relent in defending America, whatever it takes," Bush told a
campaign rally in Columbus, Ohio, after recalling the moment when he stood in
the rubble of the World Trade Center and vowed to fight back.

But Kerry, a decorated Vietnam War veteran, said Bush had failed to prepare
for a post-war Iraq or secure the country's borders against outside
insurgents. The president's go-it-alone approach had increased the burden on
the U.S. military and budget, he said.

Outside the convention hall, about 5,000 people formed a symbolic
unemployment line from Wall Street to the Madison Square Garden convention
site to highlight the jobs lost under Bush as protests continued on the third
day of the convention.

Security inside the hall was breached when AIDS (news - web sites) activists
briefly interrupted a speech by White House chief of staff Andrew Card to
young Republicans, including Bush's twin daughters.

After Bush's campaign appearance in Ohio he headed to New York, where his
visit with firefighters and supporters in Queens was briefly beamed into the
convention hall before he returned to his hotel to watch Cheney's speech.

Temat: Twoj swiat siem wali , felusiak ,...
Twoj swiat siem wali , felusiak ,...
Kto cie teraz przytuli , gdzie ty sie podziejesz , sieroto ?



Are the Neocons Losing It?
by Patrick J. Buchanan

While President Bush appears serenely confident about Iraq, the same cannot
be said of the War Party propagandists who were plotting this conflict when
Dubya was still a rookie governor of Texas.

William Kristol of The Weekly Standard now demands the firing of Donald
Rumsfeld. William F. Buckley, whose National Review branded the antiwar
Right "unpatriotic conservatives" who "hate" America, now calls upon Bush for
an "acknowledgement of defeat."

Richard Perle says the administration "got the war right and the aftermath
wrong." Self-described "humiliated pundit" Andrew Sullivan confesses to "a
sense of shame and sorrow." Michael Ledeen says of Bush's war, "Wrong war,
wrong time, wrong way, wrong place."

Frank ("The End of History") Fukuyama concedes that "Iraq has now replaced
Afghanistan as a magnet, a training ground and an operational base for
jihadists, with plenty of American targets to shoot at."

But it is a March 20 essay in The Wall Street Journal that suggests the
neocons may be coming unhinged. Written by Weekly Standard Executive Editor
Fred Barnes, the piece urges Bush to begin the "rejuvenation of his
presidency by shocking the media and political community with a sweeping
overhaul of his administration."

The purge Barnes recommends would have caused Stalin to recoil.

Barnes calls on Bush to fire press secretary Scott McClellan, chief of staff
Andy Card, political adviser Karl Rove, National Security Adviser Stephen
Hadley, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Treasury Secretary John Snow – and
Vice President Richard Cheney ,...

Temat: Dzielny szeryf Bush
Honors College Graduates Presented Medallions at President’s Reception

ARKADELPHIA, AR-May 10, 2002— Dr. Charles Dunn, president of Henderson State
University, presented the Honors College graduate candidates with the honors
medallions at a reception held recently at the Newberry House on Henderson’s
campus. During the reception, it was announced that the conference room in the
new Roy and Christine Sturgis Hall: The Honors College will be named in honor
of Dr. David Thomson, professor and director of the Honors College, and the
seminar room will be named in honor of Dr. William Gentry, professor emeritus
of philosophy and the first director of the Honors Program in 1979.
The students receiving the honors medallion were William Abshier, mass
media major from Glenwood; Andrew Almand, accounting major from Prescott;
Tomasz Bugaj, history major from Poland.; Amy Devine, public administration
major from Arkadelphia; Ashli Dykes, English major from Hot Springs; Judith
Flueras, history major from Rumania; Mihai Flueras, business administration
major from Greenwood; Alisa Gallegly, English major from Arkadelphia; Melissa
Glassco, history major from Sheridan; Devon Goodman, political science major
from Bismarck; Jennifer Kern, psychology major from Fulton; Thomas Kreschollek,
chemistry major from Mobile, Ala.; Aleksandra Krstic, computer science-
mathematics major from Yugoslavia; Brian Leonard, mathematics major from
Camden; Patrick McMonigle, history major from Paris, Texas; Daniel Moix,
computer science-mathematics major from Arkadelphia; David Powell, English
major from Benton; Matthew Reed, psychology major from Fort Smith; Joi
Straight, English-Political Science-Communication major from Bismarck and Lacy
Tedder, English major from New Hope.

Temat: Rząd USA manipuluje giełdą.
Rząd USA manipuluje giełdą.
Giełda juz nie jest oczywiscie wskaźnikiem stanu gospodarki, nie tylko ze względu na masowe oszustwa, spekulacje.
To po prostu wskaźnik stanu emocjonalnego ludzi, którzy sie zajmują gra na giełdzie ani esamej gospodarki.
Ale oczywiscie poprzez psychologiczne oddziaływanie giełda ma wpływ na gospodarkę. Dlatego rząd USA nie chce dopuścić do gwałtownych spadków na giełdzie.Stąd, jak już wiele razy eksperci sugerowali, używa pieniedzy rządowych lub prywatnych korporacji do masowago skupowania akcji w momentach kryzysu, żeby do spadku nie dopuscic.

Tak wiec brak krachu na giełdzie nie swiadczy o braku krachu gospodarczego. To tylko propagandowy wskaźnik, który z rzeczywistoscia nie ma wiele wspolnego.

John Embry and Andrew Hepburn provide a valuable entry into the world of finance. The two analysts illuminate the shadowy trail of the "Plunge Protection Team" in its apparent mission to rig the American stock markets.
Their account is backed up by considerable indirect evidence, as well as statements by credible insiders. If their account is correct, it means that US markets look a lot like the Japanese markets that were long derided for being subject to repeated official manipulation. A more important conclusion may be that US markets are even shakier than many believe.
It was after this crash that the President's Working Group on Financial Markets was put in place to prevent destabilizing declines. The Plunge Protection Team was institutionalized in 1989 as a follow-up from this working group, and originally included the top public-sector financial authorities.

Its role was apparently tested with the Friday, October 13, 1989 stock crash. In this case, too, a sudden rush of aggressive buying of index futures contracts via the MMI saved the day. There appear to have been a considerable number of interventions in the wake of that, with the group expanding to include the heads of major banks.

Thus, for example, the markets after September 11, 2001, received a heavy dose of intervention. The need for this intervention was so great that its outlines emerged quite clearly in the press.

Temat: Ostatni partyzant
and thats to let you know i know my history:) , hahaha, daleko mi do komucha,
co? pozdrowka dla wszystkich zakow z krakowa, macie jeszcze sporo godzin
studiow przed soba...
ARKADELPHIA, AR-May 10, 2002— Dr. Charles Dunn, president of Henderson State
University, presented the Honors College graduate candidates with the honors
medallions at a reception held recently at the Newberry House on Henderson’s
campus. During the reception, it was announced that the conference room in the
new Roy and Christine Sturgis Hall: The Honors College will be named in honor
of Dr. David Thomson, professor and director of the Honors College, and the
seminar room will be named in honor of Dr. William Gentry, professor emeritus
of philosophy and the first director of the Honors Program in 1979.
The students receiving the honors medallion were William Abshier, mass
media major from Glenwood; Andrew Almand, accounting major from Prescott;
Tomasz Bugaj, history major from Poland.; Amy Devine, public administration
major from Arkadelphia; Ashli Dykes, English major from Hot Springs; Judith
Flueras, history major from Rumania; Mihai Flueras, business administration
major from Greenwood; Alisa Gallegly, English major from Arkadelphia; Melissa
Glassco, history major from Sheridan; Devon Goodman, political science major
from Bismarck; Jennifer Kern, psychology major from Fulton; Thomas Kreschollek,
chemistry major from Mobile, Ala.; Aleksandra Krstic, computer science-
mathematics major from Yugoslavia; Brian Leonard, mathematics major from
Camden; Patrick McMonigle, history major from Paris, Texas; Daniel Moix,
computer science-mathematics major from Arkadelphia; David Powell, English
major from Benton; Matthew Reed, psychology major from Fort Smith; Joi
Straight, English-Political Science-Communication major from Bismarck and Lacy
Tedder, English major from New Hope.

Temat: Andrew Hingston - Amerykanin w Poznaniu
What the lnterior looked like from 1907 to 1914
Text of Letter to Piotr Sztyma (Vice President of the "Filia" in Poznan):

Andrew Hingston
ul. Garbary 71, lok. 117
PL 61-758 Poznań
Skype: ahingston1492
Tel: +48.61.853.2315

Poznań, 27 August 2006

Mr. Piotr Sztyma
Związek Gmin Wynaniowych Żydowkich w RP
„Filia” w Poznańiu
ul. Stawna 10, I pt.
PL 61-759 Poznań

Re: The original appearance of the interior of the Wroniecka Street Synagogue

Dear Mr. Sztyma

I was intrigued by our conversation of a few weeks ago concerning the appearance
of the interior of Wroniecka Street synagogue at the time it was opened (1907).
You have, I am sure, seen most (perhaps all) of the available photographs.
Naturally, they were all made with black & white film. Had they been made a few
years earlier, they might have provided some clues as to color – since early
black & while film was not equally sensitive to all colors. However, all the
photographs I’ve seen appear to have been made with pan-ortho-chromatic film –
so that there are few clues to colors.

I have some other ideas of how you can get some very authoritative information.
It will, by its nature, be an approximation. But it should be a very close
approximation and as reliable as possible under the circumstances.

As you know, the synagogue in Poznań was a German synagogue – by which I mean
that it was designed by German architects, built (in part) by German builders,
and decorated by German decorators (reputedly the same directors that did the
original interior of the Zamek, built at the same time).

In the early part of the 20th century, there was far more convention in the
designs of religious buildings than there is today. This, and the fact that
German synagogues of the period have been very well studied, is what will allow
you to make same educated guesses. You need only contact any of the following
experts – all of whom will be happy to help you as much as possible – to learn
as much as possible. If writing to them in English is a problem, I would be
glad to help. If writing to them in German is a problem, then I can try to find
you a translator.

I believe you have already contacted Dr. Eleonora Bergman at the Jewish
Historical Institute in Warsaw. If you haven’t already spoken to her with your
questions, she can be reached at:

Others to contact:

Prof. Dr. Manfred Koob
Department of Architecture – Computer Assisted Design
Technical University of Darmstadt
Article about his work:
His email address:
(Ursula Daigger is Prof. Koob’s assistant)

Prof. Dr. Harmen Theis
Department of Architecture and Construction
Director of: Bet Tfila – Center for the Study of
Jewish Architecture in Europe
Technical University of Braunschweig

Prof. Dr. Harold Hammer-Schenk
Faculty of the History of Art
Free University of Berlin
Prof. Hammer-Schenk is widely regarded as the world’s authority on 19th and
early 20th century synagogue design in Europe.
(with link to CV)
His email:

Prof. Dr. Carol Herselle Krinsky
Institute of the History of Art
New York University
Prof. Krinsky is the author of European Synagogues (1986); she has also written
about the Poznań synagogue for an upcoming issue of Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry.
She is very helpful by nature, and will, I am sure, do her best to answer your
questions – or to tell you where to go to get them answered.
Her email:

Best wishes with your project to learn, in detail, what the interior of the
Wroniecka Street synagogue looked like in the first few years of its existence –
including colors. I feel sure you will discover that the color plan was mostly
blue and gold, on a background of white, but of course, that is not enough
detail for what you are trying to do.

I have one other idea that may be helpful in your search. The Rykestrasse
synagoge in the Prenzlauer Berg district of Berlin was built at nearly the same
time (1904) as the Poznań synagogue. During Kristallnacht it was hardly damaged
– saved by its location in a residential district with many wooden houses. It
is, I believe, the only Berlin synagogue to have survived the war intact. I
have not seen the interior – the building was closed on the day I went to see it

Temat: jak zastopowac neandertalskich cowbojow
jak zastopowac neandertalskich cowbojow
Britain fights to restrain US over combative UN resolution
By David Usborne in New York Andrew Grice and Ben Russell
26 September 2002
Internal links

Britain fights to restrain US over combative UN resolution

Eighty more Labour MPs ready to rebel, Blair is warned

British dossier is scorned as 'propaganda'

March 'will be biggest anti-war gathering'

Russia fears US oil companies will take over world's second-biggest reserves

US claims proof of Iraq terror link

Democrat leader rages at Bush's 'patriot' claim

Deadpan Rumsfeld digs in over Germany

Donald Macintyre: Mr Blair would be wise not to ignore the unease over his
Iraq policy

Anita Roddick: How I became a target for America's zealots

Peter Carrington: Regime change is all very well, but who will replace

Leading article: Both sides must share the blame for the breakdown in German-
US relations
The common front between Britain and the United States against Iraq was under
strain last night as crucial differences emerged over a new UN resolution
aimed at resolving the crisis.

Britain has mounted a behind-the-scenes effort to dissuade the White House
from seeking a resolution on Iraq that would be so belligerent as to make its
passage through the UN Security Council virtually impossible.

President George Bush was expected to sign a draft text for the Security
Council's consideration last night or today. But there is anxiety in London
that it may overstep what other members, notably France and Russia, would
find palatable.

Those fears were heightened today when Russian President Vladimir Putin
called for a quick solution to the Iraqi crisis using political and
diplomatic means, and suggested no new UN resolutions were necessary.

"We favour a rapid resolution of the situation by political and diplomatic
means, on the basis of existing UN Security Council regulations and in line
with the principles of international law," Mr Putin said.

"The decision to resume the activities of U.N. inspectors in Iraq opens up
the possibility for this decision to be put into action rapidly and allows
the concerns of the international community to be allayed."

Tony Blair is determined to secure the unanimous backing of the five
permanent members of the Council. He believes that abstentions when demands
were last made on Iraq made it easier for Saddam Hussein to flout the UN's

Britain is prepared to co-sponsor with the US a tough resolution saying that
President Saddam must give UN inspectors full and unfettered access to any
sites in Iraq they wish to visit. But divisions have emerged with the Bush
administration about how specific the threat of military action should be.
One draft warns that any "failure" to comply will result in "international
action" under Chapter VII of the UN charter, which provides for military
intervention to enforce decisions. However, Britain believes that Russia
holds the key to winning unanimous support and is unlikely to back such an
open threat of war. London may propose a less explicit motion in the hope of
bringing Moscow onside.

Diplomats at UN headquarters in New York warned that an overly aggressive
draft resolution could quickly doom all hope of seeing a return of the arms
inspectors to Iraq. Such an outcome would have unprecedented diplomatic
consequences and leave the US free to pursue war, giving Mr Blair an
agonising dilemma over whether to join military action.

"The most crucial task is to get something that all five countries can agree
on," one British source said last night. Britain hopes that agreement with
the US can be reached by the weekend. A possible compromise is a text that
makes it clear to Iraq that war will be the consequence of not co-operating
over inspections but which does not seem to give America a pretext at the
first sign of trouble. "In no way can it contain triggers that would allow
one member state to rush off to war," one Western diplomat warned.

Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, insisted last night that Britain and
America already had "ample power" to justify military strikes. He told the
Commons Foreign Affairs Select Committee: "We do not regard it as absolutely
essential that there should be a new Security Council resolution – we regard
it as desirable."

Mr Straw is to visit key states in the Gulf, including Iran,after next week's
Labour Party conference in an attempt to build support for military action.

Temat: Bilderberg Klub
Gość portalu: V.C. napisał(a):

) Lista gości na spotkaniu Klubu Bilderberg w dniach 14-17 Maja 1998 roku w
) hotelu Turnberry w Ayshire w Szkocji. Na liście dwa, znane, polskie nazwiska.
) Wyjaśnienie skrótów:
) A=Austria; B=Belgia; CDN=Kanada; CH=Szwajcaria; CZ=Republika Czeska;
) DK=Dania; E=Hiszpania; F=Francja; FIN=Finlandia ; GB=Wielka Brytania;
) GR=Grecja; I=Włochy; INT=International (no national loyalty); IRL=Irlandia;
) N=Norwegia; NL=Holandia; P=Portugalia; PL=Polska; RUS=Rosja; S=Szwecja;
) TR=Turcja; USA=Stany Zjednoczone.
) (GB)Peter Carrington-former chairman of the board, Christie's International
) plc, former secretary-general, NATO.
) (NL)Victor Hallerstadt-professor of public economies, Leiden University
) Alphabetical list of attendees:
) Agnelli, Giovanni(I), honorary chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
) Allaire, Paul A.(USA), chairman, Xerox corporation.
) Balsemao, Francisco Pinto(P), professor of communication science, New
) University, Lisbon; chairman, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S., former prime minister.
) Barnevik, Percy(S), chairman, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
) Bayar, Ugur(TR), chairman, Privatization Administration.
) Bernabe, Granco(I), managing director, ENI S.p.A.
) Bertram, Christoph(D), director, Foundation Science and Policy, former
) diplomatic correspondent Die Zeit.
) Beugel, Ernst H. van der(NL), emeritus professor of international relations,
) Leiden University, former honorary secretary-general of Bilderberg meetings
) for Europe and Canada.
) Black, Conrad M.(CDN), chairman, The Telegraph plc.
) Bonino, Emma(INT), member of the European Commission.
) Brittan, Leon(INT), vice president of the European Commission.
) Browne, E. John P.(GB), group chief executive, British Petroleum Company plc
) Bruton, John(IRL), leader of Fine Gael.
) Buchanan, Robin W.T.(GB), senior partner, Bain & Company Inc. UK.
) Burda, Hubert(D), chairman, Burda Media.
) Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime(E), chairman, Dresdner Kleinwoort Benson SA.(Spain).
) Cavalchine, Luige G.(I), permanent representative to the European Union.
) Cem, Ismall(TR), minister for foreign affairs.
) Chretien, Raymond A.J.(CDN), ambassador to the U.S.
) Chubais, Anatoli B.(RUS), former first vice prime minister, chairman, RAO
) EES.
) Clarke, Kenneth(GB), member of Parliament.
) Collomb, Bertrand(F), chirman and CEO, Lafarge.
) Courtis, Kenneth S.(INT), first vice president, research department Deutsche
) Bank Asia Pacific.
) Coutinho, Vasco Pereira(F), chairman, IPC Holding.
) Crockett, Andrew(INT), general manager, Bank for International Settlements.
) David, George A.(GR), chairman of the board, Hellenic Bottling Company S.A.
) Davignon, Etenne(B), executive chairman, Societe Generale de Belgiue; former
) vice chairman of the Commission of the European Communities.
) Deutch, John M.(USA), institute professor, Massachusetts Institute of
) Technology, Department of Chemistry; former director general, central
) Intelligence agency; former deputy secretary of defense.
) Dion, stephane(CDN), Queen's Privy Council for Canada and minister of
) intergovernmental affairs.
) Donilon, Thomas e.(USA), partnner, O'Melveny & Myers; former assistant
) secretary of state and chief of staff, U.S. Department of state.
) Ellemann-Jensen, Uffe(DK), chairman, Liberal Party.
) Engelen

Temat: Bilderberg Klub
Bilderberg Klub
Lista gości na spotkaniu Klubu Bilderberg w dniach 14-17 Maja 1998 roku w
hotelu Turnberry w Ayshire w Szkocji. Na liście dwa, znane, polskie nazwiska.

Wyjaśnienie skrótów:
A=Austria; B=Belgia; CDN=Kanada; CH=Szwajcaria; CZ=Republika Czeska;
DK=Dania; E=Hiszpania; F=Francja; FIN=Finlandia ; GB=Wielka Brytania;
GR=Grecja; I=Włochy; INT=International (no national loyalty); IRL=Irlandia;
N=Norwegia; NL=Holandia; P=Portugalia; PL=Polska; RUS=Rosja; S=Szwecja;
TR=Turcja; USA=Stany Zjednoczone.

(GB)Peter Carrington-former chairman of the board, Christie's International
plc, former secretary-general, NATO.

(NL)Victor Hallerstadt-professor of public economies, Leiden University
Alphabetical list of attendees:
Agnelli, Giovanni(I), honorary chairman, Fiat S.p.A.
Allaire, Paul A.(USA), chairman, Xerox corporation.
Balsemao, Francisco Pinto(P), professor of communication science, New
University, Lisbon; chairman, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S., former prime minister.
Barnevik, Percy(S), chairman, ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd.
Bayar, Ugur(TR), chairman, Privatization Administration.
Bernabe, Granco(I), managing director, ENI S.p.A.
Bertram, Christoph(D), director, Foundation Science and Policy, former
diplomatic correspondent Die Zeit.
Beugel, Ernst H. van der(NL), emeritus professor of international relations,
Leiden University, former honorary secretary-general of Bilderberg meetings
for Europe and Canada.
Black, Conrad M.(CDN), chairman, The Telegraph plc.
Bonino, Emma(INT), member of the European Commission.
Brittan, Leon(INT), vice president of the European Commission.
Browne, E. John P.(GB), group chief executive, British Petroleum Company plc
Bruton, John(IRL), leader of Fine Gael.
Buchanan, Robin W.T.(GB), senior partner, Bain & Company Inc. UK.
Burda, Hubert(D), chairman, Burda Media.
Carvajal Urquijo, Jaime(E), chairman, Dresdner Kleinwoort Benson SA.(Spain).
Cavalchine, Luige G.(I), permanent representative to the European Union.
Cem, Ismall(TR), minister for foreign affairs.
Chretien, Raymond A.J.(CDN), ambassador to the U.S.
Chubais, Anatoli B.(RUS), former first vice prime minister, chairman, RAO
Clarke, Kenneth(GB), member of Parliament.
Collomb, Bertrand(F), chirman and CEO, Lafarge.
Courtis, Kenneth S.(INT), first vice president, research department Deutsche
Bank Asia Pacific.
Coutinho, Vasco Pereira(F), chairman, IPC Holding.
Crockett, Andrew(INT), general manager, Bank for International Settlements.
David, George A.(GR), chairman of the board, Hellenic Bottling Company S.A.
Davignon, Etenne(B), executive chairman, Societe Generale de Belgiue; former
vice chairman of the Commission of the European Communities.
Deutch, John M.(USA), institute professor, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Department of Chemistry; former director general, central
Intelligence agency; former deputy secretary of defense.
Dion, stephane(CDN), Queen's Privy Council for Canada and minister of
intergovernmental affairs.
Donilon, Thomas e.(USA), partnner, O'Melveny & Myers; former assistant
secretary of state and chief of staff, U.S. Department of state.
Ellemann-Jensen, Uffe(DK), chairman, Liberal Party.

Temat: Artur Płatek. Dobry trener, ale nie spełnia prz...
Artur Płatek. Dobry trener, ale nie spełnia prz..
To oczywiste, ze trzeba miec jakies wymagania i minimum kwalifikacji
do prowadzenia dzialalnosci, jak w kazdym zawodzie. Ale dlaczego np.
instruktor pilkarski, z odpwiednim papierem uznawanym przez PZPN,
nie moze prowadzic druzyny 1-ej ligi. To powinno tylko zalezec od
wladz klubu.
A UEFA i FIFA nic tu nie pomoga bo tam tez pelno kombinatorow na
czele z Blatterem, jego pupilem Platinim , a Listkiewicz jest jednym
z nich.
Listkiewicz jest członkiem FIFA Confederations Cup i Referees'
Committee. Czy ktoś się orientuje jak dużo dostaje do własnej
kieszeni za pełnienie tych funkcji? Czy płaci podatki z tego
dochodu? Wiadomo ogólnie, że Blatter hojnie płaci osobom go
popierającym. FIFA członkom komitetów daje przynajmniej US$500
dziennie kieszonkowego i dodatkowo pokrywa wszelkie wydatki jak
hotele (5 gwiazdek to minimum), wyżywienie, przejazdy itp. kiedy
podrórzują reprezentując FIFA. Zresztą nie muszą przedstawiać
żadnych kwitów rozliczając się po delegacji. Wystarczy delegatów
oświadczenie, że tyle i tyle wydali. Ale ile dostaje z UEFA gdzie
jest 2 Vice-President Referees Committee?
Warto dodać, że w FIFA i UEFA reprezentuje Polskę jeszcze Boniek , a
w UEFA Zdzisław Kręcina. Czy wiemy co oni tam robią dla polskiej
W maju 2006 ukazala sie ksiazka FOUL! The Secret World of FIFA:
Bribes, Vote Rigging and Ticket Scandals (Faul! Tajemniczy swiat
FIFA, Lapowki, manipulacje glosowaniami I skandal biletowy).
Andrew Jennings, znany dziennikarz śledczy, współpracownik BBC, od
lat rozpracowuje układy i korupcje w światowym sporcie. Wedlug jego
opinni FIFA jest tak samo skorumpowana, jak niektóre federacje
piłkarskie: "Blatter jest bardzo przebiegłym przeciwnikiem. Wydaje
się być właściwie nietykalny. Na szczęście są jeszcze niezależne
Andrew Jennings opowiada o paradoksalnym układzie w FIFA: - Problem
wewnątrz FIFA polega na tym, że na Blattera głosują szefowie
krajowych federacji, które bardzo często są skorumpowane. Gdy rząd
danego państwa próbuje zawiesić federację, wtedy wkracza FIFA i
mówi: "Nie możecie ingerować.
Brytyjski dziennikarz, który w kilku książkach udokumentował
nieprawidłowości w FIFA, nie waha się powiedzieć, że podejście szefa
FIFA do poszczególnych federacji piłkarskich to szantaż.
- Działacze używają swojego słynnego sloganu: "zabierzcie politykę
od sportu". Po co? By chronić pewne układy korupcyjne. Zawsze gdy
słyszę, jak ktoś mówi, że "sport i polityka muszą być oddzielone",
robi mi się niedobrze. Przecież to my wybieramy polityków, chcemy
aby bronili naszych interesów, takich jak chociażby czystość w
sporcie. A jaki mamy wpływ na władze światowego sportu? Żaden. My
nie wybieraliśmy Blattera... Za nas wybierają szefowie krajowych
federacji, którym Blatter oferuje luksusy takie jak darmowe podróże,
bilety na mecze. Jedyna szansa, aby go pokonać, to wyczyścić władze
krajowych federacji, pozbyć się zepsutych działaczy, wyznaczyć
czystych ludzi. Jego polityka polega na tym, by utrzymywać swoich
ludzi przy władzy, bo to oni oddadzą na niego głos. Stąd groźby
wykluczenia z rozgrywek.

Temat: Jutro 19.09 - Staffordshire przypominam
Jutro 19.09 - Staffordshire przypominam
Przypominam, jutro 19 wrzesnia, odsloniecie pomnika Polskich Sil
Zbrojnych, Alrewas, Staffordshire gdyby ktos chcial zobaczyc.

Pomnik Polskich Sil Zbrojnych

A tutaj lista paru innych osob, ktore zapowiedzialy swoj udzial :-)

Mr Stanislaw Komorowski
HE Archbishop Szczepan Wesoly
President Ryszard Kaczorowski
Mr Czeslaw Maryszczak
Mr James Hawley
Dr Jan Ciechanowski
Mr Richard Barnes
Gen. The Lord Charles Guthrie
Lady Catherine Guthrie
Dr Marek Stella-Sawicki
Mrs Teresa Stella-Sawicka
Col. John Barkshire
Mrs Audrey Barkshire
Mr George Coelho
Mrs Irena Anders
Mr Andrzej Morawicz
Lady Rose Cholmondeley
Mr Robert Sobocinski
Mrs Barbara Kaczmarowska Hamilton
Mrs Alexandra Sobocinska
Miss Joanna Sobocinska
Col. Michael Beatty
Air Commodore Ch. Green
Miss Jan Langford
Mrs Johanna Tyler
Maj. Gen Tim Tyler
Com. Charles Bagot-Jewitt
Mrs Marzenna Schejbal
Col. Andrzej Jeziorski
Col. Krzysztof Szymanski
Co. Stanislaw Berkieta
Mr Mark Pritchard
Mrs Anita Meeson
Dr Andrzej Meeson
Col. Wieslaw Misztal
Col. Wieslaw Wolwowicz
Mr Tomasz Kozlowski
Lord Nicholas Windsor
Mr Norman Armstrong-Kersh
Lady Jean Timmins
Win. Com. David Forbes
Ms. Wendy Smith
Sir John Timmins
Mrs Sheila Stoller
Dr Norman Stoller
Mr Philip Armstrong-Kersh
Mr Christian Wewer
Rev. Bronislaw Gostomski
Mrs Diane Wewer
Rev. Wladyslaw Wyszowadzki
Mrs Barbara Korzeniowska
Mr Jacek Korzeniowski
Bishop Walter Jagucki
Mrs Frances Beatty
The Rt. Hon. Michael Palliser
Mrs Susan Hawley
Cpt. Lord Ramsay
The Rt. Hon Lord Parkinson
Lady Ann Parkinson
Lord Robin Bellhaven and Stanton
Lady Bellhaven and Stanton
Sgt. David Breen
Rev. Rector Tadeusz Kukla
Mrs Karolina Kaczorowska
Dr Krzysztof Stolinski
Mrs Celina Juhre
Mr Tadeusz Juhre
Rear Admiral Stephen Lloyd
Col. Tomasz Kalina
Mr Krzysztof Barbarski
Maj. Gen Hincke
Mrs Jaroslaw Garlinski
Ms Virginia Snider
Admiral Adam Mazurek
Mrs Krystyna Mazurek
Mr Stefan Mucha
Mr Charles Crawford
Mrs Ann Ciaglinski
General Sir Peter Wall
Col. Richard Ciaglinski
Maj. Gen John Drewienkiewicz
Mrs Christine Drewienkiewicz
Dr Andrew Benc
Mr Pierre Jungels
Mrs Caroline Jungels
Mr Ivone Peter Kirkpatrick
Mrs Krystyna Kirkpatrick
Mrs Ivone William Kirkpatrick
Mrs Joanna Kirkpatrick
Mr Michael Moszynski
Col. Mieczyslaw Jarkowski
General Lech Majewski
Mrs Gillian Maryszczak
Col. Mieczyslaw Wartalski
Mrs Jean Wartalska
Count Koziell Poklewski
Countess Koziell Poklewska

Temat: Doradca Giertycha chce wycofania tabletki "po s...
Najswiezsze info o popisach PiSiorow w Brukseli!
Poles risk losing cash over stance on treaty
By George Parker in Brussels and Andrew Bounds in Strasbourg

Published: June 20 2007 03:00 | Last updated: June 20 2007 03:00

Poland was yesterday given a thinly veiled warning it risks losing cash and
solidarity from other European Union members if it blocks a deal on a new
EU "reform" treaty at a Brussels summit starting tomorrow.

Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission president, said it was in the
interests of new member states such as Poland to show that the EU's recent
enlargement had not stopped the Union taking big decisions.

"I believe it would be in their interest for them to show that their membership
of the EU is not making the Union's life more difficult," he told a press
conference in Strasbourg.

Britain, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic are also fighting for changes
to the draft new treaty - a replacement for the defunct EU constitution - which
was circulated to national capitals last night by the Union's German presidency.

But Mr Barroso is most worried about Poland, which is battling with Germany
over relative voting power in the EU's council of ministers, the Union's main
decision-making body.

He warned that without agreement on a new treaty, "the mechanisms of coherence
in the European Union . . . the mechanisms of solidarity will naturally be

The EU uses the words "coherence" and "solidarity" to describe its programme of
federal transfers, which shifts billions of euros from richer western countries
to poorer regions, including the former communist bloc.

A review of the Union's budget will begin next year and Poland would be the
biggest single loser if EU paymasters such as Germany decided to scale back
support in the next budget period beginning in 2013.

Mr Barroso has also said that Poland is less likely to enjoy EU support in its
disputes with Russia - particularly from Germany - if it continues to fight
Berlin over voting power.

"Failure would set back our work across the board - all the progress of the
last year would be at risk," he said.

Diplomats in Brussels still believe Poland could back down in its demand for a
new EU voting system, narrowing the power differential between large and small
member states.

Warsaw is furious that while Berlin is prepared to consider concerns about the
new treaty from London and The Hague, the outline of the new treaty does not
offer Poland the chance to reopen the voting issue.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Polish prime minister, told a press conference that Poland
had no Plan B and that its call for a new voting system would be defended
with "full ruthlessness".

Meanwhile, Mr Barroso defended the right of Britain to seek "opt-outs" of
sensitive parts of the new treaty relating to criminal justice as a "last

But he rejected London's last-minute questioning of the status of a proposed
new EU foreign minister.

Temat: jak to naprawdę było na tej Białorusi?
Virtual politics?
Polecam artykuł w dzisiejszym Guardianie na ten temat. No ale Ty Bazyliszku4
zmienić poglądów nie możesz, bo co by w końcu robił- jeśli Cię wyrzucą z posady
i zostaniesz na bruku? A co Ty potrafisz w życiu robić poza uprawianiem
demagogii pod nazwą "demokratycznych rewolucji"? Ja przynajmniej mam dystans do
tych spraw, a że to moje oceny były prawidłowe i że to ja przewidziałem rozwój
sytuacji na Ukrainie jeszcze w 2004? Jak juz tu napisałem jestem w tych sprawch
niezależny i dlatego stać mnie na logiczny i niezakłamany osąd.
Życzę miłej lektury.,,1744422,00.html
Virtual politics

James Harkin
Saturday April 1, 2006
The Guardian

If you feel too confused about current political events in Ukraine or Belarus
even to offer a dinner-party opinion, don't fret. According to Andrew Wilson,
an academic at London's School of Slavonic and East European Studies, we are
perfectly right to be a little perplexed, because nothing is as it seems. In
his book Virtual Politics, Wilson argues that much of what passes for
democratic participation in most of the countries of the former Soviet Union is
entirely fake, a carefully choreographed performance designed to maintain the
political status quo.

A decade ago, most political scientists liked to talk animatedly about "post-
Soviet transitions to democracy" as though this were a natural process in which
they might lend a hand. Nowadays, their mood is more circumspect. After a brief
flurry of popular protest in Russia and its neighbours after the implosion of
the Soviet Union, Wilson argues, political elites entrenched their position and
democratic impulses ossified into scorn for politics of all stripes. In a world
in which a return to totalitarianism is considered unacceptable, says Wilson,
virtual politics "is the way that elites seek to manage, manipulate and contain
How does it all work? The democratic process, according to Wilson, is
choreographed by a cadre of "political technologists" - many of whom learned
their craft as apparatchiks in Soviet times. Whole parties and politicians are
launched as TV projects, and then dropped as soon as they outlive their
usefulness; electoral rolls are tinkered with; fake opinion polls and
sociological surveys are drummed up to intimidate and demoralise
opponents; "shell parties" are regularly constructed out of thin air, or real
parties cloned to confuse the electorate. The politicians are usually only
avatars, says Wilson, like the easily clickable icons of cyberspace.

For the most part, Wilson's ire is directed at authoritarian governments in
Moscow, Minsk and Kiev, but it might just as easily apply to the "movements
within civil society" that are sponsored not by Russia but by Europe and
America. Western commentators, for example, became curiously dewy-eyed when
Viktor Yushchenko won the Ukrainian election from the pro-Russian Viktor
Yanukovich in the "orange revolution" of 2004. Now that the party of his former
opponent has triumphed in this week's parliamentary elections, however, many of
them are lost for words. Likewise, last week's re-election of President
Alexander Lukashenko in Belarus was widely and rightly condemned as fishy by
western governments, but it is often forgotten that he has a good deal more
popular support than his opponents. In this new phoney war, democracy and civil
society are the plaything not only of the FSB (the successor to the KGB), but
of the CIA and MI6, too.

Such is our inability to see through the political fog, according to Wilson,
that the study of post-Soviet politics might soon revert to something similar
to Kremlinology - the painstaking study of Soviet announcements and rituals
that was used to divine what was really happening in the corridors of Soviet
power. One way out of the shadows might be to agree a ceasefire on claims that
one's own political clique is the authentic voice of "civil society" - a
scoundrel concept if ever there was one.

Temat: Young Israelis Dance in Protest Against Occupation
Young Israelis Dance in Protest Against Occupation
Young Israelis Dance in Protest Against Occupation of Palestinian Territories

TEL AVIV, May 24 - In a fresh twist for Israel's peace movement, thousands of
young people put on their dancing trainers in Tel Aviv Thursday night to
protest against the occupation of Palestinian territories.

The dance party at the plaza of the city's art museum drew more than 3,000
people, mostly over-twenty who want a peace between Israel and the
Palestinians, but find the usual slogan-shouting protests too boring,
organizers told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

"For many people in Israel, having a left-wing agenda is really not cool. It's
supposedly one of the most naive things people can think," said one of the
protestors, 25-year-old Aviad.

Like many of the others dancing around him, the musician said he had refused to
serve in the army because of the military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza
Strip, which has sparked the 20-month Palestinian Intifada.

"There's nothing strange here except there's a war going on a few kilometers
away from here," he told AFP.

The protestors danced for several hours to thumping techno music played from a
DJ booth on a stage beside two large video screens which showed spliced images
of the occupation and violent children's cartoons.

Many wore the outlandish or revealing outfits which have become standard at
raves around the world. Several protestors dressed in mock army uniforms walked
on stilts and fired water pistols at the sweating dancers.

A macabre "Miss Israel" paraded through the crowd with a "bouquet" of flowers,
a plastic gun and a stump of a mannequin's leg painted with fake blood, said

Miss Israel, Yamit Har-Noy, wore a controversial dress in the National Costume
show for Miss Universe delegates at Bellas Artes in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Tuesday, May 21, showing a map of Israel on the front and the Israeli flag in
the back, in a flagrant rejection of the West Bank and Gaza Strip as the
territories of a future Palestinian state.

Har-Noy’s dress, which ran counter to U.S. President George W. Bush’s demand
for a Palestinian state and came as a disappointment for the young Israeli
peace protestors, reflected the hardline Likud Party’s Central Committee’s
rejection of establishing a Palestinian state in the re-occupied West Bank and
Gaza Strip.

About halfway into the protest in Tel Aviv, a minute of silence was held in
memory of the more than 2,000 people, the overwhelming majority Palestinians,
who were killed since the outbreak of the second Intifada.

"Young people are fed up with politics. This experiment was trying to bring
politics [into their lives] through the back door," said Dima, a 30-year-old
graduate student.

"The rave idea brought many people here today who are not identified with
activism, to bring in clubbers and ecstasy eaters," he said.

Scores of police were deployed in the area to protect demonstrators from
attacks by Jewish extremists, said AFP.

Both the organizers and protestors also said they hoped the protest would add
momentum to the peace movement, which had been flagging after a wave of deadly
Israeli offensives in the Palestinian territories and an ensuing wave of
Palestinian martyr bombings.

Left-wing groups made a strong comeback earlier this month after the occupation
army's Operation Defensive Shield in the West Bank which marked its largest
military offensive since the 1967 war.

More than 60,000 demonstrators turned out in Tel Aviv earlier this month for
the largest peace rally to protest Israeli the deadly Israeli offensives
against Palestinians in the West Bank and the massacre of the Jenin refugee

"Israel has many people who are involved [in the peace movement], but as more
time passes they become apathetic. You go to protests and it's very serious and
heavy and maybe this is a chance to bring a little light into it," said Andrew
Lanezos, a 29-year-old doctoral student in anthropology.

"The hope is that more and more people might join parties and realize there's
more to life than killing and fighting," he said

Temat: tez cos wykopalem: FBI Arrests New York Gem Dealer
tez cos wykopalem: FBI Arrests New York Gem Dealer
He's linked with arms dealer's terrorist missile plot

Yehuda Abraham, 76, president of Ambuy Gem Corp., was arrested Aug. 12 and
charged with operating an unlicensed money-transmitting business in
connection with a plot to sell a shoulder-fired Russian antiaircraft missile
capable of downing commercial airliners for use by terrorists. The arrest was
made at Abraham’s office at the 580 Fifth Ave. building on the corner of 47th
Street in New York City. He was arraigned Aug. 13 in federal court in
Manhattan. Bail was set at $10 million, which he posted with the help of
friends and family on Aug. 20.

Moinuddeen Ahmed Hameed, 38, an Indian citizen living in Malaysia, also was
arrested Aug. 12 at Ambuy’s offices on similar charges.

The arrests were made in connection with an FBI sting operation that also
captured Hemant Lakhani, an Indian-born British citizen the U.S. describes as
a significant international arms dealer. He is charged with trying to provide
material support and resources to terrorists and acting as an arms broker
without a license. Hameed and Lakhani were being held without bail at press

The Sting

In the sting operation that led to the three arrests, an FBI undercover agent
posed as a buyer looking to obtain portable missiles capable of bringing down
commercial airliners. Lakhani is alleged to have brokered the sale with
Russian suppliers who were actually Russian government agents working with
the FBI. Abraham is accused of accepting an initial downpayment of $30,000 on
Lakhani’s behalf. Hameed allegedly was brought into the plot to help launder
an additional $500,000 payment for 50 more missiles.

In the Aug. 11 criminal complaint filed against Abraham in U.S. District
Court in Newark, NJ, the FBI says Abraham met with its undercover agent at
his Fifth Ave. offices in October 2002, where he counted out the money before
taking it. Subsequent taped conversations between the FBI agent and Lakhani
recorded Lakhani reassuring the agent that Abraham would transfer the $30,000
to Lakhani in London through an untraceable hawala money network. Hawalas
provide low-cost money transfers to various Middle Eastern populations,
particularly in areas where no formal financial services are available.

Abraham’s four children, his rabbi and about a dozen other supporters
attended his Manhattan court appearance but did not speak to reporters
afterward, according to the Associated Press. His lawyer, Larry Krantz, told
U.S. Magistrate Andrew Peck his client is in poor health. Arguing for a lower
bail, Krantz noted the FBI charge did not say Abraham knew he was dealing
with terrorists.

No Direct Connection to al Qaeda

Lakhani, the arms dealer, is not thought to be directly involved with al
Qaeda or any other known terrorist group, federal officials say. Authorities
also stress there is no specific credible threat to shoot down an airliner in
the United States. But the understanding between Lakhani and the undercover
FBI agent was that the missile needed to be capable of bringing down a
commercial airliner to cause economic harm in the U.S., according to an FBI

The Bush administration has issued warnings that terrorists might use
portable missiles against commercial aircraft. Recent attempted or alleged
attacks on aircraft internationally are believed to have been instigated by
terrorist groups that either used or planned to use these missiles. The
administration opposes legislation in the U.S. Congress, however, that would
require the government to spend billions of dollars to outfit thousands of
passenger planes in the U.S. with anti-missile technology.

– by Peggy Jo Donahue

Temat: 40 lat po śmierci Luthera Kinga w USA nadal str...

By Mark Gribben

The Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Was it a Conspiracy?

It’s almost too perfect.

A racist petty criminal looking to make a name for himself stalks a
well-protected black civil rights leader and finally slays him, then
manages to make an almost-clean getaway – but not before dropping
the murder weapon (with prints) and his personal radio with his
prison ID engraved on it.

It’s almost too perfect because nobody would be that stupid. It must
be a CIA-FBI-White House plot. Has to be. There is no way that James
Earl Ray, the high-school dropout, Army throw-away, petty thief
could stalk Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., kill the most influential
civil rights leader of the era and evade an international manhunt
for more than two months, only to be busted by Scotland Yard going
through a customs checkpoint he wasn’t supposed to be at.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson says it’s a plot: “I have always believed
that the government was part of a conspiracy, either directly or
indirectly, to assassinate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,” he wrote in
the forward to James Earl Ray’s autobiography Who Killed Martin
Luther King Jr.? Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and
Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young believes the government was responsible
for King’s death, as well. “I’ve always thought the FBI might be
involved in some way,” he said. “You have to remember this was a
time when the politics of assassination was acceptable in this
country. It was during the period just before Allende’s murder. I
think it’s naïve to assume these institutions were not capable of
doing the same thing at home or to say each of these deaths (King
and the two Kennedys) was an isolated incident by ‘a single
assassin.’ It was government policy.”

Even Dr. King’s family believes that Martin was killed as the result
of a conspiracy involving government officials. Dexter King met with
the man convicted of killing his father and later said he believed
Ray was not the shooter.

There are two issues here that need to be examined. First, did James
Earl Ray kill Dr. Martin Luther King in Memphis, Tennessee on April
4, 1968, and second, was the assassination the culmination of a
conspiracy to silence the leader of America’s non-violent civil
rights and anti-war movement? There are a number of different
possible answers. Perhaps Ray was a patsy for a wide-reaching
conspiracy. Maybe he was in Memphis on April 4 but didn’t fire the
shot. It could be that he was an unwitting pawn in a plan that
involved agents of the highest levels of government, up to and
including the Johnson White House.

Or it could be that a black-hating sociopath with delusions of
grandeur managed to get himself close enough to Dr. King to fire a
shot with a scope-equipped high-powered rifle that would have
dropped an elk at the same distance.

In comparison to the earlier assassination of President Kennedy, the
questions surrounding the murder of Dr. King are a little more clear
cut. Witnesses (for the most part) do not quibble on the number of
shots fired, or from the originating area. There are few credible
conspiracies that claim multiple gunmen, and no evidence that more
than one person was on hand in Memphis that day who planned to kill
King. Conspiracy theorists must base their accusations on the word
of Ray, who pled guilty to the murder in return for a guarantee from
Tennessee authorities not to seek the death penalty. Once sentenced
to 99 years, Ray immediately began retracting and changing his story
that he acted alone.

On the other hand, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the
Johnson Administration were clearly on the record in opposing King’s
resistance to the Vietnam War and J. Edgar Hoover wanted King
disgraced or rendered impotent by any means necessary. The comments
of Young and Jackson do not seem as alarmist when one examines the
record of harassment, slander and abuse government bodies
accumulated in their pursuit of Dr. King. If Hoover wanted King
taken out of the picture, could he have authorized assassination? As
history has shown, with J. Edgar Hoover, the ends justified the

So, who killed Dr. King? Was it a conspiracy? Or was it a single,
angry young man acting on his own hatred that ended the life of one
of America’s greatest leaders? After thirty years of investigations,
theories and speculation, the evidence has pretty much all been
gathered and it is possible to draw a conclusion that satisfies the
reasonable observer.

Temat: Caly swiat protestuje wojne... a Polaczki ?
Caly swiat protestuje wojne... a Polaczki ?
Jak zwykle popieraja jedynie sluszna linie wielkiego narodu...tym razem

Tens of thousands rally against war
New Zealanders kick off weekend of global protests


WELLINGTON, New Zealand, Feb. 15 ? Tens of thousands of New Zealanders demonstrated Saturday against a war in Iraq, kicking off rallies planned around the world this weekend. The peace movement is expected to spread to more than 600 towns and cities stretching from the far south to Iceland in the north.
ACTIVISTS IN Britain ? the key U.S. ally in the effort to disarm Iraq ? prepared for a rally in London?s Hyde Park on Saturday that organizers hoped would draw 500,000 people.
War opponents also planned a protest of up to 100,000 people Saturday near the United Nations in New York. Police were planning extensive security that included snipers and radiation detectors.
New Zealanders chanted slogans like ?One, two, three, four, we don?t want your bloody war!? Over Auckland harbor, a plane trailed a huge banner reading ?No War ? Peace Now,? at the international sailing competition.

War protesters play political card

The New Zealand antiwar protesters flew a peace banner at the America?s Cup.
On Friday, at least 150,000 people packed the streets of Melbourne, Australia, to protest any war on Iraq, to which Australia has already committed 2,000 troops, jet fighters and warships.
About 16,000 activists gathered Saturday in the Australian capital of Canberra, three times more than organizers had expected.
In Sydney, two activists from an opposition party scaled an awning of a prominent building around the site of the U.S. consulate-general to unfurl a banner that read, ?No U.S. Oil War ? The Greens.?
An estimated 6,000 people joined a protest march Friday night in Tokyo, and a similar number marched to the U.S. Embassy in the Philippine capital, Manila. About 500 people demonstrated peacefully in Sarajevo, Bosnia. Around 2,000 anti-war protestors rallied in front of the U.S. and British embassies in Bangkok.


The three main organizers of London?s march ? the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, the Stop the War Coalition and the Muslim Association of Britain ? predicted it would outstrip the anti-war march last autumn in which 400,000 people took part.
?It?s going to be a fantastic day, with blue sky,? said Andrew Burgin of the Stop the War Coalition as he helped erect the stage and two large screens in Hyde Park. Organizers hoped to have a satellite link with fellow protesters in Europe.
About 70 singers, including performers from the shows ?Les Miserables,? ?Chicago,? ?Rent,? ?The Lion King? and ?Taboo,? took to the stage Friday at the Criterion Theatre in central London to sing ?Seasons Of Love,? from ?Rent.?
Poetry readings and speeches were planned Friday night.
Hundreds of thousands of people are expected at protests around the world.
A march in Glasgow, Scotland, was to converge on a Labor Party conference in time for Prime Minister Tony Blair?s speech.
The anti-war demonstration has not only irked the British government but also Iraqi opposition groups who hope to unseat Saddam.

Ahmed Agha Chalabi, human rights coordinator of the opposition Iraqi National Congress in London, accused protesters of aiming to prolong ?the life of Saddam and extending the misery of the Iraqi people.? He said only war would end Saddam?s repression.
?We all have families in Iraq. If anyone is killed it won?t be a cousin or relative of a demonstrator, but ours,? said Chalabi.
Myers, a 20-year member of the anti-nuclear campaign, said it was the first time the group had marched against a Labor Party government.
?I never thought that leaders of Germany and France would be speaking for the people of Britain,? Myers said.
Blair has been President Bush?s strongest supporter in his threats to go to war with Iraq if Saddam Hussein does not get rid of his weapons of mass destruction. A British government spokesman said Friday the way to prevent war was for Saddam to cooperate with U.N. inspectors.

Temat: ###Książki
Contemplative Science - B. Alan Wallace
Contemplative Science:
Where Buddhism and Neuroscience Converge
by B. Alan Wallace
(Columbia University Press, 2007)

Science has long treated religion as a set of personal beliefs that have little
to do with a rational understanding of the mind and the universe. However, B.
Alan Wallace, a respected Buddhist scholar, proposes that the contemplative
methodologies of Buddhism and of Western science are capable of being
integrated into a single discipline: contemplative science.

The science of consciousness introduces first-person methods of investigating
the mind through Buddhist contemplative techniques, such as shamatha , an
organized, detailed system of training the attention. Just as scientists make
observations and conduct experiments with the aid of technology, contemplatives
have long tested their own theories with the help of highly developed
meditative skills of observation and experimentation. Contemplative science
allows for a deeper knowledge of mental phenomena, including a wide range of
states of consciousness, and its emphasis on strict mental discipline
counteracts the effects of conative (intention and desire), attentional,
cognitive, and affective imbalances.

Just as behaviorism, psychology, and neuroscience have all shed light on the
cognitive processes that enable us to survive and flourish, contemplative
science offers a groundbreaking perspective for our capacity for realizing
genuine well-being. It also forges a link between the material world and the
realm of the subconscious that transcends the traditional science-based
understanding of the self.

B. Alan Wallace spent fourteen years as a Buddhist monk and was ordained by H.
H. the Dalai Lama. The founder and president of the Santa Barbara Institute for
Consciousness Studies ( ), he has translated a number of
Tibetan Buddhist texts and is the author of several books, including Choosing
Reality: A Buddhist View of Physics and the Mind , The Taboo of Subjectivity:
Toward a New Science of Consciousness (Oxford), Buddhism and Science: Breaking
New Ground (Columbia), Genuine Happiness: Meditation as the Path to Fulfillment
(John Wiley & Sons), and The Attention Revolution: Unlocking the Power of the
Focused Mind (Wisdom).

Praise for Contemplative Science
“Contemplative Science is a must read for anyone interested in consciousness.
Alan Wallace challenges neuroscientists, cognitive scientists, and Buddhists,
with lucid, provocative scholarship.”

—Paul Ekman, Emeritus Professor of Psychology, University of California, San
Francisco, and author of Emotions Revealed

“In Contemplative Science , Alan Wallace forcefully and properly challenges the
materialistic presuppositions held by many scientists. He goes on to argue
convincingly for the development of a contemplative science of consciousness
based on a highly-trained faculty of attention that can investigate the mind
firsthand. Using his unique mastery of Buddhist philosophy and meditative
practice, Wallace sketches for us the value of integrating contemplative
methods with empirical research. I share his view of the unique importance of
such an integration and recommend Contemplative Science as one of the first
comprehensive presentations of that view.”

—Arthur Zajonc, Andrew Mellon Professor of Physics, Amherst College, and the
author of The Dalai Lama at MIT.

“Provocative, challenging and engaging, Contemplative Science should be read by
all serious students of the mind, scientists, contemplatives and religious
scholars alike. Alan Wallace has a breathtaking command of knowledge rooted in
Buddhism but embracing the physical and cognitive sciences and most importantly
informed by meditation practice. This book will help set the stage for a
unique development in the 21 st century—a genuine collaboration between the
contemplative traditions and Western science.”

—Richard J. Davidson,William James and Vilas Distinguished Professor of
Psychology and Psychiatry,University of Wisconsin-Madison.

CyberSangha - buddyzm w Polsce

Temat: Coś dla niewierzących w pułapki
From: Polish Community Council of Australia
From: Polish Community Council of Australia

To: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Barton ACT 2600

Attention Ms Margaret Twomey,
Assistant Secretary Eastern Europe Branch

Dear Sir,

I am writing on behalf of our Council to seek your Department's urgent
intervention in the case of Mr Rafal Weiss, an Australian Citizen and Brisbane
resident, who was issued a visa to travel to Poland as a matter of urgency but
who now finds that he is unable to leave Poland to return to Australia without
first obtaining a separate Polish passport.

Our Council is concerned with the general approach of the present Polish
Government, which is insisting that all Polish born people planning to visit
Poland, regardless of their current citizenship status, obtain separate Polish
passports for the purpose of entering and leaving that country. Concurrently
with this demand there is a clear expectation that such citizens, once they
enter Poland, will not have the right to seek consular assistance from the
Australian Embassy in Poland. We will be taking this matter up both here and in
Poland through political and administrative channels but in the meantime find
ourselves drawn into the situation encountered by Mr Weiss, which though
different because Mr Weiss entered Poland on an Australian passport,
exemplifies the unacceptable and we believe unjustified attitude of current
Polish authorities. We are aware that Polish born Canadian and UK citizens have
encountered difficulties similar to those encountered by Mr Weiss in the past
two/three years.

Because he had to travel to Poland urgently, Mr Weiss was issued with a ten-day
visa by the Polish Consul General in Sydney. He travelled on an Australian
passport. He was informed, however, that should there be a need he would have
no difficulty in having the visa extended in Poland. However, when he applied
for a visa extension on arrival in Poland he was informed, after a week that,
as he was Polish born and therefore a Polish citizen, he would not be able to
leave Poland without first obtaining a Polish passport. This process normally
takes many months yet he has a return ticket for 2 July.

We understand that Mr Weiss has been in contact with the Australian Embassy in
Warsaw but was not able to obtain any assistance from them.

Given the unusual circumstances and the fact that Mr Weiss is an Australian
citizen, who travelled to Poland on an Australian passport our Council seeks
your Department's intervention with Polish Government authorities both here and
in Poland with a view to achieving an appropriate resolution to this issue.

Your assistance will be much appreciated by the entire Polish community in

Yours sincerely,
Andrew Alwast
Vice President
19 June 2003

Temat: Michnik pyta o Europę
Antyamerykanizm? Defetyzm? Czarna reakcja?
Nearly 800,000 jobless lose aid
In California, 100,000 are affected. Congress could restore
funds next month.
The Orange County Register

Nearly 800,000 jobless Americans - already facing a bleak
hiring outlook - are today losing their federal unemployment

A temporary law that allowed workers who had exhausted their 26
weeks of regular unemployment-insurance benefits to get an
additional 13 weeks of payments expires today. Congress was
unable to agree on a continuation of the program before
adjourning this month.

About 100,000 Californians who have been collecting
unemployment on the 13-week extension will lose their benefits,
said Suzanne Schroeder, a spokeswoman for the state's
Employment Development Department. Schroeder didn't know how
many of those people are in Orange County.

Unemployment in Orange County stood at 3.9 percent, or 61,000
people, in November, according to state figures released this

Alfred Carrillo, a 44-year-old father of four from Orange who
lost his $18-an-hour machinist job in July, still has a month
of benefits left under the regular 26-week program. But he will
stop getting the $330 weekly checks next month unless Congress

"I don't see why they can't do it," he said. "There's money
everywhere. There's money in the budget for this, money in the
budget for that. We ought to be able to get money out of the
pot for an extension."

Democrats and labor unions, sensing political opportunity, are
blaming the cuts on President George W. Bush and Republicans in
Congress. Bush, in a late show of support for an extension,
urged Congress last week to get it done when lawmakers return
to work next month.

"Regrettably, the House Republican leadership refused to act,
and the administration chose not to intervene before Congress
adjourned," Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle said.

Bush has now sent a "very strong message" to Congress to extend
the benefits and make them retroactive, said Labor Department
spokeswoman Kathleen Harrington.

The agency is confident that benefits will be extended, she
said, and has been relaying that to many governors who are
calling with questions.

Some states will continue to process claims for benefits and at
least one state, Idaho, will keep paying them with the
expectation that funding will be available early next year, she

California has no plan to extend the benefits until Congress
acts, said EDD's Schroeder. "Congress will be meeting about it
shortly and presumably will pass something. It could be
retroactive, but at this point we just don't know," she said.

Scott Carmichael, 45, of Rowlett, Texas, was laid off in June
from his job at WorldCom, where he had worked for 17 years.

Carmichael's state benefits are running out and he had counted
on an extra 13 weeks of federal benefits that he now won't get
because of Congress' inaction on the extension. The biweekly
check of $574 helped him and his wife, Laurie, pay the mortgage
and health-care costs for their two children, ages 1 and 3.

"It's really an act of discrimination," Laurie Carmichael said,
expressing anger at Congress. "They give themselves a raise
before they leave and they leave all of us Americans high and

Congress authorized a 3.1 percent pay raise for themselves to
$154,700 next year. Lawmakers' salaries have risen $18,000
since 1999.

Catolina Campbell, 60, has been living part-time with her
daughter in Anaheim and part-time in her car since losing her
job with a medical insurance billing company a month ago. "I'm
beating the bushes again," looking for a new job, she said.

She's still getting $500 a month in unemployment benefits, but
said the money doesn't go very far. "I can't live on $500 a
month. It's pathetic."

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