Czytasz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: Preparing For War

Temat: "Sunday Times": "żywe tarcze" wracają z Iraku d... &
Śmiać się można jedynie z podłości podżegaczy wojennych (lub
płakać nad tą podłością)
"The Truth Justice Peace Human Shield"

Jeśli chcesz pomóc; If you'd like to join this campaign, donate
sorely needed funds for vehicles
and expenses, or you'd just like to know more please visit:

50 "żywych tarcz" wyjechało do Iraku
PAP, mat /2003-01-25 17:05:00

50-osobowa grupa przeciwników wojny z Irakiem wyjechała w
sobotę trzema
autobusami z Londynu do Bagdadu. Osoby te zapowiedziały, że w
ewentualnych amerykańskich i brytyjskich nalotów wystąpią tam
jako żywe tarcze.

Faktycznie grupa liczy na to, że sama jej obecność zapobiegnie
wojnie i zmobilizuje
międzynarodową opinię publiczną do wystąpienia przeciwko niej.

Grupę "żywych tarcz" założył były żołnierz amerykańskiej
piechoty morskiej
i weteran wojny w Zatoce Perskiej z 1991 roku, Ken Nichols

Po przybyciu do Iraku zamierza przystąpić do głodówki i
zapowiada, że będzie ją
kontynuował do czasu aż do swojej sprawy nie przekona 10 tys.

Wypowiadając się przed wyjazdem O''Keefe oskarżył prezydenta
Busha i premiera
Blaira o to, że prą do wojny, i uznał, że nie wystarczą
tradycyjne formy
antywojennego protestu.

"Nikt naprawdę nie chce tej wojny z wyjątkiem tych, którzy mogą
na niej
zarobić sprzedając broń" - powiedział na wiecu przed wyjazdem.

Dwutygodniowa trasa podróży do Iraku prowadzi przez Paryż,
Genewę, Mediolan.

Joe Letts, który odpowiada za zorganizowanie transportu, liczy
na to, że po drodze
do 50 ochotników dołączą tysiące przeciwników wojny z innych
krajów europejskich,
a opinia publiczna okaże swoje poparcie.

"Nie ma usprawiedliwienia dla tego, co w Iraku chcą zrobić Bush
i Blair.
Irakijczycy dość już wycierpieli.

Nasze bomby już cofnęły ten kraj w rozwoju o sto lat.
Zbombardowaliśmy im drogi,
system łączności, urządzenia do oczyszczania wody i nie
pozwalamy im nawet naprawić
tego, co im zniszczyliśmy" - powiedział Letts.

"The Truth Justice Peace Human Shield"
A 50-strong group of British and American peace activists who
plan to act as
a human shield in the event of war in Iraq has set off for

The Truth Justice Peace Human Shield accuse US President George
Bush and Prime
Minister Tony Blair of preparing to start a war the world does
not want.

They have pledged to stay in Iraq if air strikes begin, forcing
the US and Britain
to bomb their own citizens.

The group will make the journey to Baghdad in three double
decker buses and hope
to pick up more supporters as they travel across Europe.

Hunger strike

Former US marine and Gulf War veteran Ken Nichols-O'Keefe,
from Hawaii, who founded the organisation said "We need to act
if our Government
doesn't reflect our interests for peace, we need to be do more
than just protest.
"Nobody really wants this war except those who stand to gain
from this by selling guns."
He said he would be going on hunger strike in Iraq until 10,000
people joined their cause.
Joe Letts, of Shaftesbury, Dorset, a bus operator who organised
the transport
and is also taking part in the project, said they expected
thousands to join them as
they travelled through Europe and he hoped the public would
show their support.
'Suffered enough'"What Bush and Blair are preparing to do in
Iraq is totally unjustified.
The Iraqi people have suffered enough already," Mr Letts said.

He added that he didn't believe they would find themselves in
danger in Iraq because a
cting as human shields would make it impossible for any
military campaign to begin.
Mr Letts said their first stop in the double-decker buses would
be in Paris on Sunday
at a well-known nightclub called Batofar and they hoped to be
in Geneva on Monday before
travelling on to Milan.The journey is expected to take around
two weeks and if war
did break out before they arrived Mr Letts said they
would "drive into the conflict".

Temat: "Sunday Times": "żywe tarcze" wracają z Iraku d... Śmiac się można tylko z podż
Śmiac się można tylko z podżegaczy woj. (lub płakac nad ich
Drogi Stanisławie. oto adres:
"The Truth Justice Peace Human Shield"

Jeśli chcesz pomóc; If you'd like to join this campaign, donate
sorely needed funds for vehicles
and expenses, or you'd just like to know more please visit:
50 "żywych tarcz" wyjechało do Iraku
PAP, mat /2003-01-25 17:05:00

50-osobowa grupa przeciwników wojny z Irakiem wyjechała w
sobotę trzema
autobusami z Londynu do Bagdadu. Osoby te zapowiedziały, że w
ewentualnych amerykańskich i brytyjskich nalotów wystąpią tam
jako żywe tarcze.

Faktycznie grupa liczy na to, że sama jej obecność zapobiegnie
wojnie i zmobilizuje
międzynarodową opinię publiczną do wystąpienia przeciwko niej.

Grupę "żywych tarcz" założył były żołnierz amerykańskiej
piechoty morskiej
i weteran wojny w Zatoce Perskiej z 1991 roku, Ken Nichols

Po przybyciu do Iraku zamierza przystąpić do głodówki i
zapowiada, że będzie ją
kontynuował do czasu aż do swojej sprawy nie przekona 10 tys.

Wypowiadając się przed wyjazdem O''Keefe oskarżył prezydenta
Busha i premiera
Blaira o to, że prą do wojny, i uznał, że nie wystarczą
tradycyjne formy
antywojennego protestu.

"Nikt naprawdę nie chce tej wojny z wyjątkiem tych, którzy mogą
na niej
zarobić sprzedając broń" - powiedział na wiecu przed wyjazdem.

Dwutygodniowa trasa podróży do Iraku prowadzi przez Paryż,
Genewę, Mediolan.

Joe Letts, który odpowiada za zorganizowanie transportu, liczy
na to, że po drodze
do 50 ochotników dołączą tysiące przeciwników wojny z innych
krajów europejskich,
a opinia publiczna okaże swoje poparcie.

"Nie ma usprawiedliwienia dla tego, co w Iraku chcą zrobić Bush
i Blair.
Irakijczycy dość już wycierpieli.

Nasze bomby już cofnęły ten kraj w rozwoju o sto lat.
Zbombardowaliśmy im drogi,
system łączności, urządzenia do oczyszczania wody i nie
pozwalamy im nawet naprawić
tego, co im zniszczyliśmy" - powiedział Letts.

"The Truth Justice Peace Human Shield"
A 50-strong group of British and American peace activists who
plan to act as
a human shield in the event of war in Iraq has set off for

The Truth Justice Peace Human Shield accuse US President George
Bush and Prime
Minister Tony Blair of preparing to start a war the world does
not want.

They have pledged to stay in Iraq if air strikes begin, forcing
the US and Britain
to bomb their own citizens.

The group will make the journey to Baghdad in three double
decker buses and hope
to pick up more supporters as they travel across Europe.

Hunger strike

Former US marine and Gulf War veteran Ken Nichols-O'Keefe,
from Hawaii, who founded the organisation said "We need to act
if our Government
doesn't reflect our interests for peace, we need to be do more
than just protest.
"Nobody really wants this war except those who stand to gain
from this by selling guns."
He said he would be going on hunger strike in Iraq until 10,000
people joined their cause.
Joe Letts, of Shaftesbury, Dorset, a bus operator who organised
the transport
and is also taking part in the project, said they expected
thousands to join them as
they travelled through Europe and he hoped the public would
show their support.
'Suffered enough'"What Bush and Blair are preparing to do in
Iraq is totally unjustified.
The Iraqi people have suffered enough already," Mr Letts said.

He added that he didn't believe they would find themselves in
danger in Iraq because a
cting as human shields would make it impossible for any
military campaign to begin.
Mr Letts said their first stop in the double-decker buses would
be in Paris on Sunday
at a well-known nightclub called Batofar and they hoped to be
in Geneva on Monday before
travelling on to Milan.The journey is expected to take around
two weeks and if war
did break out before they arrived Mr Letts said they
would "drive into the conflict".

Temat: odpowiedz na gadke busza
odpowiedz na gadke busza

From: | This is Spam | Add to Address Book
Subject: Anti-war response to Bush's State of the Union address
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 23:33:24 -0500

A.N.S.W.E.R.'s response to Bush's State of the Union
*Emergency Response to February 5 declaration of war

- Message from the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition on the State of
the Union -

It is clear from George Bush's "war speech" (a.k.a. the
State of the Union address) that February 5 has been
selected as the "go date" for a declaration of war against
Iraq. Thousands of people have expressed their intentions
to descend on the White House in Washington DC the
Saturday after the U.S. government begins laying siege to
Iraq. The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition is preparing for an
emergency response mobilization.

On January 29, thousands of people in more than 100 cities
will answer the call issued by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
to demonstrate their opposition to Bush's plans for war.

On February 15, millions of people in Europe will take to
the streets with the same message and they have asked the
people of the U.S. to join in a display of international
solidarity. There will be mass actions in New York City
and Chicago on February 15, in San Francisco on February
16, and in hundreds of other cities that weekend.


A listing of January 29 protests can be found at the
website of the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition at
Altamonte Springs, FL
Ann Arbor, MI
Arcata, CA
Baltimore, MD
Bernalillo, NM
Binghamton, NY
Boone, NC
Boston, MA
Boulder, CO
Bridgeport, CT
Burlington, VT
Cadillac, MI
Charleston, SC
Charlotte, NC
Chicago, IL
Coos Bay, OR
Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY
Crossville, TN
Dallas, TX
Detroit, MI
Durango, CO
Edwardsville, IL
Fort Bragg, CA
Glendora, CA
Goleta, CA
Grand Rapids, MI
Greenville, SC
Gulfport, MS
Haverford, PA
Holland, MI
Honesdale, PA
Hyannis, MA
Indianapolis, IN
Iowa City, IA
Irvine, CA
Jackson, MS
La Crosse, WI
Las Cruces, NM
Lawrence, KS
Los Angeles, CA
Louisville, KY
Machias, ME
Madisonville, KY
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
Naples, FL
New Richmond, WI
New York City, NY
Orlando, FL
Ormond Beach, FL
Owensboro, KY
Park City, UT
Philadelphia, PA
Poughkeepsie, NY
Providence, RI
Richmond, VA
Santa Fe, NM
Santa Rosa, CA
Seattle, WA
St. Louis, MO
St. Petersburg, FL
Tampa, FL
Terre Haute, IN
Tiffin, OH
Trenton, NJ
Tulsa, OK
University, MS
Urbana, IL
West Palm Beach, FL
Williamsport, PA
York, PA
& many more!

At your local January 29 event, hand out information about
the February 13-21 Week of Resistance, including the
February 15 mass mobilization for New York City. A
double-sided half sheet is available at:
Other downloadable resources for distribution, including a
"myth and fact" sheet, can be found at

Temat: E-mail brytyjskiego dyplomaty obraża Polskę
Amerykanie naprawde obrazliwie o FRANCUZACH

Jak chcecie wiedziec, jakie prawdy moga NAPRAWDE obrazic, to poczytajcie opinie
znanych amerykanskich generalow, politykow i osobistosci publicznych o Francji
i Francuzach....

"France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart from these drawbacks it
is a fine country. France has usually been governed by prostitutes." Mark Twain.

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind
me." General George S. Patton.

"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without your
accordion." Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

"We can stand here like the French, or we can do something about it."
Marge Simpson.

"As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure" Jacques Chirac, President
of France "As far as France is concerned, you're right."- Rush Limbaugh.

"The only time France wants us to go to war is when the German Army is sitting
in Paris sipping coffee." Regis Philbin.

"The French are a smallish, monkey-looking bunch and not dressed any better, on
average, than the citizens of Baltimore. True, you can sit outside in Paris and
drink little cups of coffee, but why this is more stylish than sitting inside
and drinking large glasses of whisky I don't know." P.J O'Rourke (1989).

"You know, the French remind me a little bit of an aging actress of the 1940s
who was still trying to dine out on her looks but doesn't have the face for
it." John McCain, U.S. Senator from Arizona.

"You know why the French don't want to bomb Saddam Hussein? Because he
hates America, he loves mistresses and wears a beret. He is French, people."
Conan O'Brien

"I don't know why people are surprised that France won't help us get Saddam out
of Iraq. After all, France wouldn't help us get Hitler out of France either"
Jay Leno.

"The last time the French asked for 'more proof' it came marching into Paris
under a German flag." David Letterman

Only thing worse than a Frenchman is a Frenchman who lives in Canada.
Ted Nugent.

War without France would be like ... uh ... World War II.

"The favorite bumper sticker in Washington D.C. right now is one that says
'First Iraq, then France.'" Tom Brokaw.

"What do you expect from a culture and a nation that exerted more of its
national will fighting against Disney World and Big Macs than the Nazis?"
Dennis Miller.

"It is important to remember that the French have always been there when they
needed us." Alan Kent

"They've taken their own precautions against al-Qa'ida. To prepare for an
attack, each Frenchman is urged to keep duct tape, a white flag, and a three-
day supply of mistresses in the house." Argus Hamilton

"Somebody was telling me about the French Army rifle that was being advertised
on eBay the other day

Temat: Misnomers, that get on your nerves?
waldek1610 napisał:

> Russh napisal;
> > Why have you not anwered the last point, especially where on the one hand
> you
> > are pointing to the Political closeness of the three countries (Poland, t
> he UK
> > and the USA) which which would also suggest a cultural closeness, and on
> the
> > other hand 99% of your posts suggest that they are so far apart.
> They (USA, UK and Poland) should be close given the their political ideals, but
> this closness of ideals don't often translate into cooperation and real
> friendship. Poland has made an effort to stand by those common ideals of
> freedom by standing by USA and UK in Iraq...Poland took the responsibility of
> the military alliance and has send 3rd biggest contingent of troops into Iraq,
> one of the reasons for this move was to prove that Poland is realiabe ally,
> unlike the GB who in 1939 failed it's Polish Allies when Nazis invaded.

Waldek, we all know the 'truth' about the pre-war appeasement of Hitler by
Chamberlain, the lack of preparation by Poland France and Great Britain, the
start of WW2 (the invasion of Poland by the Germans), and the inevitable delays
in assisting Poland afterwards (in rality due to the lack of preparation etc.).

We also know the outcome, both in terms of an Allied victory against the
Germans, and the cession, often thought inexcusable, of the 'Eastern European
Nations' (and I say Eastern not to rile you, but in the context of the Yalta &
Potsdam Agreements). I personally, especially after gaining more knowledge since
living here, feel very sorry for Poland and its people, and have been horrified
to learn of the atrocities committed of the Russians in the aftermath of the war
(my previous ignorance of them is down my lack of previous education, or
learning). There were many reasons (which are still being debated), for the
decisions taken at those summits. The blame for the war cannot be put at the
hands of the British; only the Germans were to blame.

The point is that neither you or I, or the British / American /Polish people can
do anything about the past, anymore than you can. We can learn (hopefully) from
our mistakes and those of others and analysing history, to create a better
future. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Poland now has the chance to make an economic & social comeback, and it is the
EU's moral duty, I believe, to ensure that this happens. Much has already been
done, but it will take generations to fully rid the country of 50 years of pain.

Poland is now my country as well, for I live and work here with my family. We
must not forget the past, but we cannot live in it, as you sometimes seem to do.
We (in Poland) can have a great future if we want to.

> If you lived in Poland long enough I'm sure you can sence the same anglo-
> american liberitarian ideals among Poles, and the general distrust towards
> authorities.

I think this has much to do with having been under a totalitarian regime for so

> > To sum up, I would again refute your perennial message that Poland is
> > eternally criticised by the UK (I do not read American papers, so cannot
> have an opinionon their treatment of Poland).
> Not as much "critisized" but dismissed as less-important. Besides it takes to
> be polish to see clearly all negative stereotypes and highly selective memory
> of the UK regarding Polish state...but if you look at both countries, they have
> a lot in common only with the exception that the times of expansionist Poland
> and UK came at the different times, but if you look back to 1400-1700's it was
> Polish Comonwealth that was the eastern european empire, comprising of at least
> 7 different nations; Poland, Belarus, Lituenia, Latvia, Western Ukraine, and
> even bits of Russia, Balkans, Romania...
> > I would also point out, in reponse
> > to an older post of yours where you intimated that the UK did not value t
> he
> > effor
> ?? You didn't finish the sentence.

I did, but it would seem that there is a maximum length of post. What I wrote
has been covered elsewhere.



(Part 5 of 6)


Draft Articles of Impeachment of President George W. Bush and other named
officials of the United States charge the most serious crimes known to law and
history. Nothing in the experience of the impeachment power under the
Constitution compares. The conduct charged threatens the Constitution, the
United Nations, the rule of law and the lives of unknown thousands, or millions
of people by their act and example.

The alleged impeachable acts of President George W. Bush include:

1. Ordering and directing "first strike" war of aggression against Afghanistan
causing thousands of deaths;

2. Removing the government of Afghanistan by force and installing a government
of his choice;

3. Authorizing daily intrusions into Iraqi airspace and aerial attacks
including attacks on alleged defense installations in Iraq which have killed
hundreds of people in time of peace;

4. Authorizing, ordering and condoning attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq on
civilians, civilian facilities and locations where civilian casualties are

5. Threatening the use of nuclear weapons and ordering preparation for their

6. Threatening the independence and sovereignty of Iraq by belligerently
proclaiming his personal intention to change its government by force;

7. Authorizing, ordering and condoning assassinations, summary executions,
murder, kidnappings, secret and other illegal detentions of individuals,
torture and physical and psychological coercion of prisoners;

8. Authorizing, ordering and condoning violations of rights of individuals
under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eight Amendments to the Constitution
and of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights, and other international protections of human rights;

9. Authorizing, directing and condoning bribery and coercion of individuals and
governments to obtain his war ends;

10. Making, ordering and condoning false statements and propaganda and
concealing information vital to public discussion and informed judgment to
create a climate of fear and hatred and destroy opposition to his war goals.

President Bush is accused of Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes
Against Humanity. No crimes are greater threats to the Constitution of the
United States, the United Nation Charter, the rule of law or the future of

Temat: klasyka terroryzmu i ludobójstwa

The War That Entailed Another War

The old saying comes to memory: history teaches us that it teaches nothing

Eighty four years ago, on November 11, 1918 an armistice was signed in
Compiegne, which put an end to an unprecedented conflict, WWI. On the whole,
the word “conflict” isn’t quite suitable here as WWI death toll was ten million
people, and 20 million more were wounded in the military operations.

It may sound blasphemous but in 84 years these figures are not so much
impressive at all. And it’s probably clear why it happens this way: the much
time passes since even the most tragic incident and less witnesses of it remain
alive, the less the incident is recollected. And the matter in this case
concerns just common people, national enterprise are not counted. If you try to
stop any Russian, French, Turk, German or Englishman right in the street and
ask him about November 11, 1918, there will be just few who mention the
Compiegne armistice.

Meanwhile, the WWI was one of the key reasons why the four empires, the
Russian, the Osman, the Austro-Hungarian and the German, broke up. It is still
a moot point whether the break-up was predetermined, or it’s no use to dispute
who was right or wrong in that situation. Currently, these disputes are of any
interest to scientists only. It’s much more interesting to know what
consequences WWI brought to the humanity on the whole and to Europe in

The first idea is rather trite: as soon as WWI was over, preparation for the
second world was immediately started. It is quite natural that defeated
Germany, that aspired at the world’s leading role, couldn’t reconcile itself to
the humiliation it suffered. The winners, England, France and the USA, were so
much excited about the triumph that they couldn’t predict further activities
neither of their own, or the actions of defeated Germany for several next
years. And the result of it was quite natural: in fifteen years Germany got a
new chancellor which it elected itself, that was Adolph Hitler. And Russia,
although it was one of the key participants of the WWI, in fact remained aloof
from decision-making in the after-war period. The 1917 revolution struck Russia
out of the international affairs for some period.

Another consequence of WWI was that the European community became accustomed to
the idea that contemporary wars bring lots of victims, even including the civil
population. Certainly the idea was shocking, and it took quite a lot of time to
reconcile to it. And upsurge of the Pacifist movement is a good example to it.
But was anything done to prevent incidents of this kind in the future? Nothing,
in fact. All kinds of declarations on weapons restrictions and disarmament on
the whole remained just declarations, as they had no considerable backing. No
effective mechanisms were created to avoid mass victims among the civil
population during military operations. That is why Europeans remained
indifferent when the Fascist aviation bombed Spanish cities in 1936-1939. And
they remained so until the bombs started dropping in Holland, France, Great

To tell the truth, currently there are no guarantees at all that civil
population won’t suffer during military operations. As it turned out, all
conventions reached in this connection are effective only in peaceful time.

We inherited one more thing from WWI: there is no hope that nothing of the kind
won’t happen in the future. Certainly, the world has considerably changed over
the past years. Until now, nobody, including the civilized countries, has
invented a more effective way for defending its own interest, with the
exception of usage of military force. The phraseology used at that hasn’t
considerably changed as well: the slogans on protection of freedom and
democracy always go first. To tell the truth, German Kaiser Wilhelm II wasn’t
an active supporter of democracy when he waged the war. But he spoke so much
about freedom that it bored even patriotically inclined Germans.

So, the old saying comes to memory: history teaches us that it teaches nothing.
And the WWI history isn’t an exception here as well.

Oleg Artyukov



(Part 5 of 6)


Draft Articles of Impeachment of President George W. Bush and other named
officials of the United States charge the most serious crimes known to law and
history. Nothing in the experience of the impeachment power under the
Constitution compares. The conduct charged threatens the Constitution, the
United Nations, the rule of law and the lives of unknown thousands, or millions
of people by their act and example.

The alleged impeachable acts of President George W. Bush include:

1. Ordering and directing "first strike" war of aggression against Afghanistan
causing thousands of deaths;

2. Removing the government of Afghanistan by force and installing a government
of his choice;

3. Authorizing daily intrusions into Iraqi airspace and aerial attacks
including attacks on alleged defense installations in Iraq which have killed
hundreds of people in time of peace;

4. Authorizing, ordering and condoning attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq on
civilians, civilian facilities and locations where civilian casualties are

5. Threatening the use of nuclear weapons and ordering preparation for their

6. Threatening the independence and sovereignty of Iraq by belligerently
proclaiming his personal intention to change its government by force;

7. Authorizing, ordering and condoning assassinations, summary executions,
murder, kidnappings, secret and other illegal detentions of individuals,
torture and physical and psychological coercion of prisoners;

8. Authorizing, ordering and condoning violations of rights of individuals
under the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Eight Amendments to the Constitution
and of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights, and other international protections of human rights;

9. Authorizing, directing and condoning bribery and coercion of individuals and
governments to obtain his war ends;

10. Making, ordering and condoning false statements and propaganda and
concealing information vital to public discussion and informed judgment to
create a climate of fear and hatred and destroy opposition to his war goals.

President Bush is accused of Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes
Against Humanity. No crimes are greater threats to the Constitution of the
United States, the United Nation Charter, the rule of law or the future of

Temat: ____________DROGA______ISLAMU_____________________
21/01/03. Kuwejt, 1 osoba zamordowana
Ambush Kills One American, Wounds Another in Kuwait
30 minutes ago Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Ghaida Ghantous and Andrew Marshall

KUWAIT (Reuters) - An American working for the U.S. military was shot dead and
another was wounded in an ambush on their car Tuesday near a U.S. base in
Kuwait where Washington is preparing for a possible war on Iraq.

Reuters Photo

The U.S. Embassy condemned the incident as a terrorist attack. It was the third
time since October that Americans have been killed or injured in attacks in

The men were ambushed at around 9:15 a.m. while driving on a highway north of
Kuwait City near Camp Doha, the main U.S. army base in Kuwait. The U.S. embassy
said they were contractors with a firm working for the Defense Department.

Kuwaiti police said one or more attackers had opened fire from trees and bushes
at the side of the road before escaping by car. Cartridge cases believed to be
from rounds fired from a Kalashnikov rifle or rifles were found at the scene.

Reuters journalists at the scene said the dead man's body was removed from a
tan-colored four-wheel-drive vehicle about two hours after the attack. Dozens
of police sealed off roads in the area, and Kuwait's interior minister visited
the scene.

One side of the vehicle was riddled with more than 20 bullets, and the
windshield was also fractured. Some of the side windows had been shot out
completely. A pool of blood was visible on the road, until police covered it
with sand.

"We condemn this terrorist incident which has tragically cost the life of an
innocent American citizen," the U.S. ambassador to Kuwait, Richard Jones, said
in a statement.

"We have full confidence that the Kuwaiti authorities will pursue their
investigation of the incident vigorously and professionally."

The embassy said the injured man had been shot in the shoulder and thigh and
was in hospital in Kuwait City.


More than 15,000 U.S. soldiers are in Kuwait and more are arriving every week
ahead of a possible war with Iraq. The military also employs a large number of
U.S. civilian contractors to help run its camps.

Last November, a Kuwaiti policeman shot and seriously wounded two U.S. soldiers
on a highway south of Kuwait City and the previous month two Kuwaitis attacked
U.S. Marines training on an island, killing one. There have also been several
reports of shots fired at U.S. troops training in the Kuwaiti desert.

Kuwait Parliament Speaker Jassem al-Kharafi said the latest attack was not the
work of organized groups.

"These are individual acts which do not reflect the feelings of Kuwaiti
society," he said. "These acts are the work of ignorant, destructive people."

Earlier this week Kuwaiti officials said they had arrested a Kuwaiti soldier
suspected of spying for Iraq. Kuwaiti newspapers have said the man had been
plotting attacks on U.S. targets in Kuwait, including a possible attempt to
poison U.S. troops.

Kuwait is likely to be a launchpad for a U.S. invasion of Iraq if Baghdad does
not satisfy Washington's demand that it prove itself free of weapons of mass
destruction. Iraq insists it has no chemical, biological or nuclear arms.

Kuwait is a key U.S. ally and the government is publicly grateful to Washington
for leading the 1991 Gulf War (news - web sites) that drove out occupying Iraqi
troops from the oil-rich country.

But many Kuwaitis

Temat: Letni Zjazd Muzułmanów w Polsce - zaproszenie
Ochydna prowokacja! Terroryzm w Palestynie zaczeli zydzi, nie Muzulmanie!
"...the long history of the Jewish terrorism, which started roughly in 1940
when Jewish terrorists from the Lehi group murdered at least 15 moderate Jews,
and in 1944 assassinated Lord Moyne, the British minister for Middle East. In
1946 Lehi and another Jewish terrorist group Irgun bombed the King David Hotel
in Jerusalem (the headquarters of the British civil administration in
Palestine), killing over 90 persons, many of whom were Jewish. Those two groups
were also “famous” for the attack on Palestinian village Deir Yassin, where at
least 250 innocent civilians were murdered . Thus Gordon and Lopez clearly
indicate that Jews, not Palestinians, were the first modern terrorists in the
Middle East".

Menachem Begin (1913-1993)
Begin was a Polish-born Jew, later a Zionist leader and Prime Minister of
Israel from 1977 to 1983. He was born as Mieczysław Biegun in Brześć (Brest­
Litovsk) in 1913, the last year of Russian occupation of this city. As a child
he was forced to flee with his family to escape the fighting between the German
and Russian army in World War I. He was a Zionist from an early age. Begin
joined so-called Ze’ev Zabotinski’s “Betar” youth movement in his teens, and
rose quickly to important administrative and leadership positions (he was thus
a Zionist “apparatchik”). In 1935 he graduated at the Faculty of Law of Warsaw
University. By 1936 he was in charge of Betar Czechoslovakia, and in 1938 he
became the head of Betar Poland, an organisation with up to 100,000 members who
engaged in weapons training (officially to “defend Polish Jewry”), preparation
and transport of illegal immigrants to Israel (Britain, which administered then
Palestine, did not wish to create ethnic and religious tensions by allowing
large numbers of Jews), agricultural training, and military communications.

Begin was the co-recipient, with Egyptian president Anwar el-Sadat, of the 1978
Nobel Prize for Peace, similarly to Arafat, who received his Nobel Prize in
1994. As Arafat, Begin was initially a terrorist, fighting from 1943 a
terrorist campaign against the British. Begin found himself in Palestine after
escaping from Poland to Soviet Russia (USSR) in 1939, fearing (as a Jew) of
German prosecutions. He was sentenced by the Soviets to eight years in a slave-
labour camp for his Zionist activities, but released in 1941 to fight in the
Polish army, which units were formed in Soviet Union after this state was
invaded by the Germans. Begin entered Palestine in 1942 and became a commandant
of a paramilitary terrorist unit fighting the British, who then controlled the
Palestine. He has contacted the (then) dormant Jewish underground organisation
Irgun Zvai Leumi. Using this organisation he began planning a Jewish terror
campaign against the British authorities. This began in 1944, but increased in
pace and scope immediately after World War II and continued until late 1947.
Begin ordered many of the Irgun's operations, including the Akko prison
breakout and the destruction of the central British administrative offices in
the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, that caused many deaths among the British as
well as the Jews. Following the unilateral proclamation of the State of Israel
in 1948, Begin disbanded the Irgun, which became part of Israeli military and
intelligence (Mosad).

From 1948 to 1977, Menachem Begin was the leader of Israel's opposition. In
1965 Begin merged his Herut Party with the Liberals to form Gahal, which later
served as the foundation of the right-wing Likud Party. The crisis atmosphere
in 1967 saw the establishment of a National Unity Government, which finally
brought Begin and other Gahal leaders to the Israeli Cabinet. The National
Unity Government continued until 1970. In 1977, Begin was elected Prime
Minister of Israel. As a Premier, he helped initiate the peace process with
Egypt, which resulted in the Camp David Accords and in 1979 in the Peace treaty
between Israel and Egypt. In 1981, Begin ordered the Israeli Air Force to bomb
the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq, where the Iraqis were allegedly developing
nuclear weapons. For this clearly terrorist action Israel was roundly condemned
by the international community. He was forced to resign from the post of a
prime minister of Israel after Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, and died
eleven years later.

His terrorist past (as a “subnational” and “state” terrorist) was mostly
forgotten, in large extent due to the Nobel Peace Prize, he received in 1978.
However, Israeli state terrorism, that received a new and strong impetus during
his rule, continues to exist into the 21st century, and this can be regarded as
his major inheritance.

Temat: A więc wojna panie Valdemaras...
Gość portalu: Tomasz napisał(a):

> Gość portalu: JOrl napisał(a):
> > Ciekawe, czy to sie odbedzie. Ta wojna z Irakiem. Chociaz podobno Bush z P
> utine
> > m
> > ostatnio ustalili sfery wplywow. I to by sie zgadzalo. Ale co dostana w za
> mian
> > Rosjanie?
> > Mowi sie ze Polske.

Nie sądzę JOrl, żeby Rosja wchodziła w takie układy. Pewne, że gdyby Irak miał
granicę z Rosjanami mógłby drwić sobie z USA, a pozycja Rosji na bliskim
wschodzie byłaby bardzo silna. Ale Rosjanie i tak mają dość wygodną pozycję, bo
mogą spokojnie przypatrywać się co z tej awantury wyniknie. Obecność Polski w
tej antyirackiej "koalicji" (na 100 % są w niej też Angole - patrz poniżej)
raczej nie pozwala sądzić, iż Jankesi rezygnują z nas jako wasala numer 1 na
świecie. W przyszłym tygodniu Kwaśniewski jedzie z b. mocną delegacją do USA
(wraz ze Szmajdzińskim i jeszcze innymi ministrami). Temat wojny będzie na pewno

> NIe sadze, ze dokonuje sie teraz nowy podzial swiata. Rosja jest zbyt slaba.
> Putinowi zalezy na wspolpracy z Zachodem a nie na konfronatcji. Rosja nie
> ma ani mozliwosci ani ochoty na nowa "zimna wojne".

Wojna między Rosją i USA trwa cały czas i zawsze będzie trwać. Z jednej strony
będą to uściski dłoni i wspólne balanżki na rancho w TX, a z drugiej tysiące
ludzi z obu stron będą walczyć bezwzględnie o wpływy na świecie.

> Dlatego stara sie wspolpracowac z kazdym, ale na jednych im zalezy bardziej
> niz na innych. Polska nalezy do tej drugiej grupy.
> W Europie srodkowej nadal bedzie duzo zalezec od Rosji i Niemiec. I wynika
> to z tradycji ktore siegaja dalej niz Rapallo.
> Polska ktorej polityka polegala na odsuwaniu Rosji mozliwie najdalej od siebie,
> odgradzajac sie lancuchem panstw powstalych z rozpadu ZSRR, a ktore sa wrogie
> wzgledem Rosji moze sie czuc w tej polityce osamotniona. My nie mamy srodkow,
> ktore moglyby pomoc np. Ukrainie w zerwaniu jej powiazan z Rosja.

Nie ma, nie było i nigdy nie będzie żadnej szansy na to by wejść pomiędzy Rosję
i Ukrainę. To była tylko obsesja Piłsudskiego - której Rosjanie przyglądali się
raczej z rozbawieniem. Czy naprawdę sądzisz, że Ukraina albo Białoruś są wrogie
Rosji ?


Iraq talk fuelled by Kosovo pull-out

Britain is to withdraw most of its 2,400 troops from Kosovo, fuelling talk it is
preparing to provide support to any US military attack against Iraq.

A senior Nato official in Brussels said the Ministry of Defence in London "was
mentally preparing for new challenges". When asked if this would involve Iraq,
he retorted: "Well what do you think?" suggesting that the British Army was
readying itself for a possible war in the Middle East. A British diplomat agreed
that there would be speculation about future deployments - "plans further east -
but not too far east", indicating that he himself was surprised by the
suddenness and scale of the withdrawal.

British officials insisted, however, that London was withdrawing troops from
Kosovo for purely practical reasons. Rumours of US plans for a possible attack
on Iraq have been building in Washington for several weeks but the Bush
administration has given no information about deployment of troops in the region.

"We are reviewing our troops deployed abroad," said a British official. "We are
simply overstretched at the moment. We have troops serving in over 80 countries."

The extent of the phased withdrawal, expected to begin in a few weeks, has also
surprised some of Britain's European allies, particularly France and the
Netherlands. Only a few hundred British troops will remain in Kosovo.

"The US does not hide the fact that it may well need its troops serving in the
Balkans to be reduced in number and deployed in the fight against terrorism
further afield," said a Nato diplomat. "What are we to make of the British
reductions?" he asked rhetorically.

Pewne jest, że stoper już zaczął odmierzać czas. Ale trzeba dłuższej chwili na
osiągnięcie gotowości bojowej w tym rejonie. Amerykanie muszą przełamać impas w
jakim się znaleźli. Na dodatek Bush`owi zaczyna się przyglądać prokurator
(nieprawidłowości w obrocie akcjami) zatem warto przy okazji upiec pieczeń "wag
the dog". Ciekawe czy sprowadzili już De Niro....

Temat: Zydzi zastrzelili chlopca bez powodu .Helikoptery
lepiej by bylo, gdyby wzielismy przyklad z Arabow i sie od nich nauczyli jak sie
robi prawdziwe ludobojstwa, oni maja XIV wievczne doswiadczenie, z ktorego
chetnie korzystali Hitler i Stalin nie mowiac juz o Leninie. Araby to umieli
zacierac slady, kulture, jezyk, religie...i przerobic fakty.

Dihya al-Kahina
Resources and background
on a Jewish Berber leader

About This Page:
I hope to compile the most complete resource in English on the Web for
information about the seventh-century Jewish Berber warrior queen, Dihya
al-Kahina. Dihya is also called Dahia, Damia, and Diah, and Kahina is frequently
spelled Kahena or Cahena, or altered to A-Cahina, so if you're searching for any
of those names, you have come to the right place! I base the spelling I use on a
combination of contemporary Amazigh convention and common use in English, it is
not necessarily the 'correct' way to romanize al-Kahina's name.
My primary interest in al-Kahina is as a Jewish woman in North African history
who was a warrior, tribal leader, and religious figure. If you're looking for
references to al-Kahina's significance as an icon of Amazigh culture or
nationalism, some of the links below may help you find what you want.

Right, a modern Berber woman in a traditional headdress, and left, an artist's
imagined portrait of al-Kahina, wearing a similar arrangement of coins and

Who was al-Kahina?: Dihya al-Kahina was a woman born into a Jewish Berber tribe
in the Aures Mountains some time during the 600s CE. During her lifetime, Arab
generals began to lead armies into North Africa, preparing to conquer the area
and introduce Islam to the local peoples. The Berber tribes fiercely resisted
invasion, and decades of war resulted.
Very little is known about Dihya's family, or her early life. Her father's
name was Tabat, or Thabitah. The name al-Kahina is a feminine form of "Cohen",
and it may indicate that her family or tribe were cohanim. It could also have
been a title given to her personally, meaning something like 'priestess' or
'prophetess'. Her followers, and their enemies, credited her with prophesy and
magical knowledge. She married at least once, and had sons. Beyond that, almost
nothing is known.
The Berbers of the seventh century were not religiously homogenous.
Christian, Jewish and pagan Berbers were spread through the region that is now
Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya. They shared a common language and culture,
however, and the invasion of the Arabs presented them with a common cause, to
drive out the invaders. Al-Kahina emerged as a war-leader during this tense
period, and proved amazingly successful at leading the tribes to join together
against their common enemy. Her reputation as a strategist and sorceress spread,
and she managed to briefly unite the tribes of Ifrikya, the Berber name for
North Africa, ruling them and leading them in battle for five years before her
final defeat.

Temat: Bush krzyczy
Bush krzyczy
A fe, nieladnie sie tak zloscic .

WASHINGTON - Facing the darkest days of his presidency, President Bush is
frustrated, sometimes angry and even bitter, his associates say.
With a seemingly uncontrollable insurgency in Iraq, the White House is
bracing for the political fallout from a grim milestone that could come any
day: the combat death of the 2,000th American G.I.

Last week alone, 23 military personnel were killed in Iraq, and five were
wounded yesterday in a relentless series of attacks across the country.

This week could also bring a special prosecutor's decision that could shake
the foundations of the Bush government.

The President's top political guru, Karl Rove, and Vice President Cheney's
right-hand man, Lewis (Scooter) Libby, are at the center of a two-year
criminal probe into the leak of a CIA agent's identity. Many Bush staffers
believe indictments are likely.

"He's like the lion in winter," observed a political friend of Bush. "He's
frustrated. He remains quite confident in the decisions he has made. But this
is a guy who wanted to do big things in a second term. Given his nature,
there's no way he'd be happy about the way things have gone."

Bush usually reserves his celebrated temper for senior aides because he knows
they can take it. Lately, however, some junior staffers have also faced the
boss' wrath.

"This is not some manager at McDonald's chewing out the help," said a source
with close ties to the White House when told about these outbursts. "This is
the President of the United States, and it's not a pleasant sight."

The specter of losing Rove, his only truly irreplaceable assistant, lies at
the heart of Bush's distress. But a string of political reversals, including
growing opposition to the Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina's aftermath and Harriet
Miers' bungled Supreme Court nomination, have also exacted a personal toll.

Presidential advisers and friends say Bush is a mass of contradictions:
cheerful and serene, peevish and melancholy, occasionally lapsing into what
he once derided as the "blame game." They describe him as beset but unbowed,
convinced that history will vindicate the major decisions of his presidency
even if they damage him and his party in the 2006 and 2008 elections.

At the same time, these sources say Bush, who has a long history of keeping
staffers in their place, has lashed out at aides as his political woes have

"The President is just unhappy in general and casting blame all about," said
one Bush insider. "Andy [Card, the chief of staff] gets his share. Karl gets
his share. Even Cheney gets his share. And the press gets a big share."

The vice president remains Bush's most trusted political confidant. Even so,
the Daily News has learned Bush has told associates Cheney was overly
involved in intelligence issues in the runup to the Iraq war that have been
seized on by Bush critics.

Bush is so dismayed that "the only person escaping blame is the President
himself," said a sympathetic official, who delicately termed such self-
exoneration "illogical."

A second senior Bush loyalist disagreed, saying Bush knows "some of these
things are self-inflicted," like the Miers nomination, where Bush jettisoned
contrary advice from his advisers and appointed his longtime personal lawyer.

"He must know that the way he did that, relying on his own judgment and
instinct, was not good," another key adviser said.

Despite the turmoil, Bush is determined to soldier on, already preparing for
two major overseas trips in November and helping shape next year's
legislative agenda.

"I've got a job to do," he told reporters last week. "The American people
expect me to do my job, and I'm going to."

Temat: Jankesi są coraz bardziej żałośni... ;o}
Amerykanie musieli miec ta wojne ku chwale buszewikow, tak jak i ta poprzednia.

US 'snubbed last-minute effort to avoid war'

Thursday November 6, 2003

Just days before the invasion of Iraq US representatives rebuffed a last-ditch
attempt to avert the war by officials claiming to represent a frantic Iraqi
regime, according to reports.
Richard Perle, an influential adviser to the Pentagon, received a secret
message from a Lebanese-American businessman indicating that Saddam wanted to
make a deal, ABC News and the New York Times reported last night.

The chief of the Iraqi intelligence service and other Iraqi officials had told
the businessman that they wanted Washington to know that Iraq no longer had
weapons of mass destruction and offered to let American troops and experts do
an independent search, the New York Times said.

Mr Perle reportedly met in London with the businessman, Imad Hage, who laid out
the Iraqis' position and pressed for more meetings. Mr Perle said the CIA
authorised his meeting with the Iraqis but CIA officials eventually told him
they didn't want to pursue the channel.

The messages from Baghdad via Mr Hage were part of an attempt by Iraqi officers
to persuade the Bush administration to open talks through a clandestine
channel, those involved in the discussion told the newspaper. The attempts were
portrayed by Iraqi officials as having Saddam's endorsement, but it was not
clear if American officials viewed them as legitimate.

There were also claims that Iraq offered to hand over a man accused of being
involved in the 1993 World Trade Centre bombing who was being held in Baghdad,
as part of their overtures to Washington.

The reports follow claims that emerged in the Washington Post at the weekend
that Saddam was convinced by the French and Russian governments that he could
avoid or survive a US-led assault and so failed to respond to the initial
ground thrust in March, thinking it was only a ruse.

Meanwhile today, Britain's special representative in Iraq warned that US-led
forces faced difficult months ahead due to guerrilla attacks.

The prime minister's envoy to Iraq, Sir Jeremy Greenstock, told the
Times: "[The guerrillas] want to try and close Baghdad down and make it look as
though Iraq can't work with coalition forces. I believe we are in for a rough

Sir Jeremy added that he believed British troops could still be in Iraq in 2005.

Guerrillas launched a series of attacks on US troops in northern Iraq
yesterday, killing three Iraqis and wounding at least 12 people - including
five American soldiers in Mosul. Meanwhile US officials said the Pentagon would
begin ordering thousands of fresh troops to prepare for service in Iraq.

In other developments, the US military said yesterday that two former generals
of Saddam Hussein were captured by US troops in a raid on the volatile town of
Falluja, west of Baghdad. The raid, on Tuesday, also netted a large weapons

Temat: Czy Palestyńczycy uczą się od Prawdziwej IRA?
Czy Palestyńczycy uczą się od Prawdziwej IRA?
Nie do konca na temat ale wazne.Dedykuje wszystkim, ktorzy swego
czasu wrzeszczeli pod niebiosa o masakrze w Dzeninie.

Palestinians confirm no massacre in Jenin - study
In a study to be released next month by the Jerusalem Center for
Public Affairs and provided exclusively to The Jerusalem Post,
Palestinian sources confirm that at least 34 Palestinian armed
terrorists were killed fighting in the battle for the Jenin
Refugee Camp.

The total number of Palestinian causalities in the battle was
52, a sharp contrast from the claims of Palestinian propaganda
professionals who have openly stated that thousands had died.

The battle, which was a part of Israel's Defensive Shield
Operation against terrorism, took place between April 4 and
April 11 of 2002.

The research was conducted by Jonathan D. HaLevi and the JCPA
utilizing a wide and comprehensive variety of Palestinian
written testimony and material which was recently published in
Palestinian newspapers, books and Websites.

The study reveals that for the first time that Palestinian
terror organizations saw themselves as "armed combatants" and
not as civilians who died in a deadly massacre.

The 35 page study, which is based on primary sources, clearly
illustrates that Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas prepared
themselves thoroughly with automatic weapons, grenades, anti-
tank missiles and explosives and perceived the confrontation
with IDF troops as nothing less than a "military to military

The study refutes claims by PA leaders at the time that IDF
forces were attacking innocent civilians and that the only
Palestinians who had perished in the battle of Jenin were
innocent, unarmed Palestinian men, women and children.

"The study directly contradicts the baseless charges made by PA
leaders including Saeb Erekat, that Israel had massacred 500
Palestinians in Jenin," former UN Ambassador and JCPA director
Dore Gold told The Jerusalem Post. "That blatant lie made its
way from the screens of CNN to the UN security council".

Among other revelations that the study illustrates is that a
joint military operations room had been established by Fatah,
Hamas and Islamic Jihad in preparation for the battle of Jenin.

In addition the research indicates that Fatah, Islamic Jihad and
Hamas had created a joint bomb making facility in Jenin which
produced over two tons of explosives.

The JCPA paper states that civilians were intentionally used as
human shields and that both women and children were deployed by
Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad to divert IDF troops into
ambushes and booby-trapped areas.

The Jenin Refugee Camp was prepared as a "reinforced fortress"
where nearly 200 Palestinian terrorists had gathered for the
battle, the JCPA research states.

Israel was effectively cleared of charges
that it committed a massacre in the Jenin refugee camp in a UN
report submitted last year.

The 42-page report, half of which was made up of
submissions from Arab representatives seeking to prove that
Israel's actions in Jenin constituted war crimes, also blasted
Palestinian 'militants' for operating inside civilian refugee
camps and termed their methods 'breaches of international law
that have been and continue to be condemned by the United

The report was handed to the UN by Secretary-General Kofi Annan
more than two months after the General Assembly passed a
resolution requesting
documentation on what transpired in the Jenin camp and other
West Bank cities during Israel's military operation to root out

In May 2002, the Conference of Presidents of Major American
Jewish Organizations submitted a 150-page report to Annan, and
the Anti-Defamation League submitted a shorter report refuting
allegations that a massacre took place in Jenin.

"The myth of a massacre at Jenin was the 'crown jewel' of a
sophisticated effort to delegitimize the State of Israel," Gold

Temat: Weapons inspectors turn fire on Britain and US
Weapons inspectors turn fire on Britain and US
Weapons inspectors turn fire on Britain and US
By Rupert Cornwell in Washington and Andrew Grice
21 December 2002

George Bush was under intense pressure yesterday to give UN weapons
inspectors intelligence data that the US says proves Iraq is lying when it
claims to have given up its weapons of mass destruction.

Hours before Mr Bush was to meet the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, and
senior Russian and European representatives, Hans Blix, the chief weapons
inspector, delivered a stinging attack on the US and Britain, accusing them
of failing to co-operate with his team.

"If the UK and the US are convinced and they say they have evidence, then one
would expect they would be able to tell us where is this stuff," Mr Blix
said. Asked if he was getting enough co-operation from Western intelligence
agencies, he said: "Not yet. We get some, but we don't get all we need."

Mr Blix spoke as inspections moved into a new, more intense phase. The
Security Council has asked his team of weapons inspectors to provide a
detailed assessment of Iraq's arms declaration on 9 January. Two days ago,
Washington declared that omissions in the 12,000-page inventory submitted by
Baghdad constituted a "material breach" of its obligations to the UN.

That phrase, in American eyes, clears the way for the use of force, though
the Bush administration has indicated it will wait a few weeks before
launching an attack. Mr Bush said last night the Iraqi declaration was "a
disappointing day for those who long for peace".

Tony Blair told British troops yesterday to prepare for possible military
action in Iraq – in an attempt to increase pressure on Saddam Hussein to give
up his weapons of mass destruction. In a Christmas message that was broadcast
to British forces around the world, the Mr Blair heaped praise on
their "amazing" work in the past year but warned them: "I am afraid the
expectation is there will be a lot more to do in the upcoming year." The US
is doubling its troop strength in the Gulf to 100,000.

Mr Blair said: "When we are dealing with someone like Saddam Hussein, unless
you do have the capability to use force if necessary, it is very hard to make
the world a more secure and more peaceful place. And sometimes I think the
best, indeed the only way, of avoiding war is to be prepared for one if you
have to have it."

The first hint of any intelligence sharing came on Thursday when the US
Secretary of State, Colin Powell, having lambasted Iraq's "total failure" to
comply with UN resolution 1441, promised "additional support" that
would "make the inspections process ... more targeted and effective".

Britain said it would give UN inspectors details of telephone calls from Iraq
that had been intercepted. One senior British official said: "We are giving
him [Mr Blix] intelligence and we will be giving him more over the next few

Mr Blair said Britain would aid the weapons team in its search for Iraqi

Temat: Gaza, vendetta i dwie prawicowe ekstremy
Gaza, vendetta i dwie prawicowe ekstremy
W dzisiejszym Haaretz artykuł Gideona Levy'ego poświęcony sytuacji w
Gazie i szansom na wszczęcie rozmów, które mogłyby prowadzić do
zakończenia konfliktu.

Tytuł: "Like gang warfare". Dokładnie tak. Vendetta. Niekończący się
cykl przemocy i tożsamość czerpana z wymiany aktów przemocy.

Levy pisze:

<<On both sides of the fence locking in the Gaza Strip, there is a
war of desperation going on. Hamas is fighting against the
insufferable siege that the Gaza Strip has been under for many
months, and the Israel Defense Forces is mostly preoccupied with
avenging Hamas' actions. Both sides are busy with displays of power
and retaliation. It was sufficient to hear last week the commander
of an IDF company, which lost three of its men, who called on his
troops to kill as many terrorists as possible and to destroy the
area from which the attacks came, to understand that the differences
between the two opposing sides are increasingly becoming distorted.>>

I o wzajemnym usztywnianiu stanowisk [koniecznym, jesli komunikacja
ogranicza się jedynie do wymiany aktów przemocy]:

<< Advertisement

This cycle of despair can never be broken by force. We will kill and
be killed, and our security will suffer, and the chances for
reaching a settlement will grow more distant than ever. The belief
that the siege of the Gaza Strip will cause the support for Hamas to
drop is crazy: Our experience has shown us that the opposite is
true. Whenever the threat of increased terrorist attacks rose,
Israeli public opinion moved to the right. Every attack only
intensified our nationalism and hatred for Palestinians, so why
should we believe that the siege and the killing will affect the
other side differently? The thought that if we starve 1.5 million
civilians, and we prevent them from having enough water, medical
treatment and a livelihood, we shall influence their views in our
favor, has already proved to be silly. Since the siege was put in
place, there are no signs that Hamas has weakened.>>

Co dalej? Czy Izrael może sobie pozwolić na ignorowanie cywilnego
skrzydła Hamasu jako potencjalnego partnera w rozmowach dotyczących
przyszłości regionu?

<<Menachem Begin, Yasser Arafat, Nelson Mandela or the IRA
leadership - they did not resemble their past selves when they sat
down to talk. The terrorists of yesterday all became the statesmen
of tomorrow, once they came to power or became partners in

It is a fair guess that most of us know that this will also be the
case here. The question is when? Or, in other words, how many more
cycles of bloodshed will we see? Hamas will not let up, the
Palestinians will not disappear, they will only become more
extremist if we continue to talk to them only in he language of
force, as is done in gang warfare.

If the prime minister really wanted to secure quiet for the
residents of the Negev; if he really wanted to achieve a significant
breakthrough, Ehud Olmert would call Carter this morning and ask him
about what Khaled Meshal told him. He would tell Carter that he is
ready to meet with Meshal at any time, unconditionally, and in the
meantime he would prepare for a mutual cease-fire in the West Bank
and the Strip.>>

Superuzbrojenie niczego nie załatwi. Rozmowy - mogą. Jeśli jest wola
zawarcia trwałego, opartego na solidnych podstawach pokoju.

Temat: Prognoza pogody: Europa nie lubi Izraela
Palestinians confirm no massacre in Jenin
Palestinians confirm no massacre in Jenin –

In a study to be released next month by the Jerusalem Center for Public
Affairs and provided exclusively to The Jerusalem Post, Palestinian sources
confirm that at least 34 Palestinian armed terrorists were killed fighting in
the battle for the Jenin Refugee Camp.

The total number of Palestinian causalities in the battle was 52, a sharp
contrast from the claims of Palestinian propaganda professionals who have
openly stated that thousands had died.

The battle, which was a part of Israel's Defensive Shield Operation against
terrorism, took place between April 4 and
April 11 of 2002.

The research was conducted by Jonathan D. HaLevi and the JCPA, utilizing a
wide and comprehensive variety of Palestinian written testimony, and material
which was recently published in Palestinian newspapers, books and Websites.

The study reveals that for the first time that Palestinian terror
organizations saw themselves as "armed combatants" and not as civilians who
died in a deadly massacre.

The 35 page study, which is based on primary sources, clearly illustrates that
Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas prepared themselves thoroughly with automatic
weapons, grenades, anti-tank missiles and explosives and perceived the
confrontation with IDF troops as nothing less than a "military to military

The study refutes claims by PA leaders at the time that IDF forces were
attacking innocent civilians and that the only
Palestinians who had perished in the battle of Jenin were innocent, unarmed
Palestinian men, women and children.

"The study directly contradicts the baseless charges made by PA leaders
including Saeb Erekat, that Israel had massacred 500 Palestinians in Jenin,"
former UN Ambassador and JCPA director Dore Gold told The Jerusalem
Post. "That blatant lie made its way from the screens of CNN to the UN
security council".

Among other revelations that the study illustrates is that a joint military
operations room had been established by Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in
preparation for the battle of Jenin.

In addition the research indicates that Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas had
created a joint bomb making facility in Jenin, which produced over two tons of

The JCPA paper states that civilians were intentionally used as human shields
and that both women and children were deployed by Fatah, Hamas and Islamic
Jihad, to divert IDF troops into ambushes and booby-trapped areas.

The Jenin Refugee Camp was prepared as a "reinforced fortress" where nearly
200 Palestinian terrorists had gathered for the battle, the JCPA research

Israel was effectively cleared of charges that it committed a massacre in the
Jenin refugee camp in a UN report submitted last year.

The 42-page report, half of which was made up of submissions from Arab
representatives seeking to prove that
Israel's actions in Jenin constituted war crimes, also blasted
Palestinian 'militants' for operating inside civilian refugee
camps and termed their methods 'breaches of international law that have been
and continue to be condemned by the United Nations.'

The report was handed to the UN by Secretary-General Kofi Annan more than two
months after the General Assembly passed a resolution requesting documentation
on what transpired in the Jenin camp and other
West Bank cities during Israel's military operation to root out terror.

In May 2002, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish
Organizations submitted a 150-page report to Annan, and the Anti-Defamation
League submitted a shorter report refuting allegations that a massacre took
place in Jenin.

"The myth of a massacre at Jenin was the 'crown jewel' of a sophisticated
effort to delegitimize the State of Israel," Gold said.

Temat: Czy Palestyńczycy uczą się od Prawdziwej IRA?
Ale wiarygodne źródło-zacytuj jeszcze Rumsfelda..
Gość portalu: Ojejku napisał(a):

> Nie do konca na temat ale wazne.Dedykuje wszystkim, ktorzy swego
> czasu wrzeszczeli pod niebiosa o masakrze w Dzeninie.
> Palestinians confirm no massacre in Jenin - study
> In a study to be released next month by the Jerusalem Center for
> Public Affairs and provided exclusively to The Jerusalem Post,
> Palestinian sources confirm that at least 34 Palestinian armed
> terrorists were killed fighting in the battle for the Jenin
> Refugee Camp.
> The total number of Palestinian causalities in the battle was
> 52, a sharp contrast from the claims of Palestinian propaganda
> professionals who have openly stated that thousands had died.
> The battle, which was a part of Israel's Defensive Shield
> Operation against terrorism, took place between April 4 and
> April 11 of 2002.
> The research was conducted by Jonathan D. HaLevi and the JCPA
> utilizing a wide and comprehensive variety of Palestinian
> written testimony and material which was recently published in
> Palestinian newspapers, books and Websites.
> The study reveals that for the first time that Palestinian
> terror organizations saw themselves as "armed combatants" and
> not as civilians who died in a deadly massacre.
> The 35 page study, which is based on primary sources, clearly
> illustrates that Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas prepared
> themselves thoroughly with automatic weapons, grenades, anti-
> tank missiles and explosives and perceived the confrontation
> with IDF troops as nothing less than a "military to military
> battle."
> The study refutes claims by PA leaders at the time that IDF
> forces were attacking innocent civilians and that the only
> Palestinians who had perished in the battle of Jenin were
> innocent, unarmed Palestinian men, women and children.
> "The study directly contradicts the baseless charges made by PA
> leaders including Saeb Erekat, that Israel had massacred 500
> Palestinians in Jenin," former UN Ambassador and JCPA director
> Dore Gold told The Jerusalem Post. "That blatant lie made its
> way from the screens of CNN to the UN security council".
> Among other revelations that the study illustrates is that a
> joint military operations room had been established by Fatah,
> Hamas and Islamic Jihad in preparation for the battle of Jenin.
> In addition the research indicates that Fatah, Islamic Jihad and
> Hamas had created a joint bomb making facility in Jenin which
> produced over two tons of explosives.
> The JCPA paper states that civilians were intentionally used as
> human shields and that both women and children were deployed by
> Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad to divert IDF troops into
> ambushes and booby-trapped areas.
> The Jenin Refugee Camp was prepared as a "reinforced fortress"
> where nearly 200 Palestinian terrorists had gathered for the
> battle, the JCPA research states.
> Israel was effectively cleared of charges
> that it committed a massacre in the Jenin refugee camp in a UN
> report submitted last year.
> The 42-page report, half of which was made up of
> submissions from Arab representatives seeking to prove that
> Israel's actions in Jenin constituted war crimes, also blasted
> Palestinian 'militants' for operating inside civilian refugee
> camps and termed their methods 'breaches of international law
> that have been and continue to be condemned by the United
> Nations.'
> The report was handed to the UN by Secretary-General Kofi Annan
> more than two months after the General Assembly passed a
> resolution requesting
> documentation on what transpired in the Jenin camp and other
> West Bank cities during Israel's military operation to root out
> terror.
> In May 2002, the Conference of Presidents of Major American
> Jewish Organizations submitted a 150-page report to Annan, and
> the Anti-Defamation League submitted a shorter report refuting
> allegations that a massacre took place in Jenin.
> "The myth of a massacre at Jenin was the 'crown jewel' of a
> sophisticated effort to delegitimize the State of Israel," Gold
> said.

Temat: Dżenin: palestyński pomnik nadziei z izraelskic...
Komentarz nt zajsc w Dzenin (niestety dostępny tylko w

Palestinians confirm no massacre in Jenin –

In a study to be released next month by the Jerusalem Center
for Public Affairs and provided exclusively to The Jerusalem
Post, Palestinian sources confirm that at least 34 Palestinian
armed terrorists were killed fighting in the battle for the
Jenin Refugee Camp.

The total number of Palestinian causalities in the battle was
52, a sharp contrast from the claims of Palestinian propaganda
professionals who have openly stated that thousands had died.

The battle, which was a part of Israel's Defensive Shield
Operation against terrorism, took place between April 4 and
April 11 of 2002.

The research was conducted by Jonathan D. HaLevi and the JCPA,
utilizing a wide and comprehensive variety of Palestinian
written testimony, and material which was recently published in
Palestinian newspapers, books and Websites.

The study reveals that for the first time that Palestinian
terror organizations saw themselves as "armed combatants" and
not as civilians who died in a deadly massacre.

The 35 page study, which is based on primary sources, clearly
illustrates that Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas prepared
themselves thoroughly with automatic weapons, grenades, anti-
tank missiles and explosives and perceived the confrontation
with IDF troops as nothing less than a "military to military

The study refutes claims by PA leaders at the time that IDF
forces were attacking innocent civilians and that the only
Palestinians who had perished in the battle of Jenin were
innocent, unarmed Palestinian men, women and children.

"The study directly contradicts the baseless charges made by PA
leaders including Saeb Erekat, that Israel had massacred 500
Palestinians in Jenin," former UN Ambassador and JCPA director
Dore Gold told The Jerusalem Post. "That blatant lie made its
way from the screens of CNN to the UN security council".

Among other revelations that the study illustrates is that a
joint military operations room had been established by Fatah,
Hamas and Islamic Jihad in preparation for the battle of Jenin.

In addition the research indicates that Fatah, Islamic Jihad
and Hamas had created a joint bomb making facility in Jenin,
which produced over two tons of explosives.

The JCPA paper states that civilians were intentionally used as
human shields and that both women and children were deployed by
Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, to divert IDF troops into
ambushes and booby-trapped areas.

The Jenin Refugee Camp was prepared as a "reinforced fortress"
where nearly 200 Palestinian terrorists had gathered for the
battle, the JCPA research states.

Israel was effectively cleared of charges that it committed a
massacre in the Jenin refugee camp in a UN report submitted
last year.

The 42-page report, half of which was made up of submissions
from Arab representatives seeking to prove that
Israel's actions in Jenin constituted war crimes, also blasted
Palestinian 'militants' for operating inside civilian refugee
camps and termed their methods 'breaches of international law
that have been and continue to be condemned by the United

The report was handed to the UN by Secretary-General Kofi Annan
more than two months after the General Assembly passed a
resolution requesting documentation on what transpired in the
Jenin camp and other
West Bank cities during Israel's military operation to root out

In May 2002, the Conference of Presidents of Major American
Jewish Organizations submitted a 150-page report to Annan, and
the Anti-Defamation League submitted a shorter report refuting
allegations that a massacre took place in Jenin.

"The myth of a massacre at Jenin was the 'crown jewel' of a
sophisticated effort to delegitimize the State of Israel," Gold

Temat: Izraelski odwet na Zachodnim Brzegu
sunday napisał:

> Rok temu w Jeninie byla masakra? Kolego, Goebbels bylby z Ciebie dumny:
> sie jak on wierzyc, ze wielokrotnie powtarzane klamstwo staje sie prawda.

Niestety tylko po angielsku,przepraszam, ale nie mam czasy, zeby ten tekst

Palestinians confirm no massacre in Jenin –

In a study to be released next month by the Jerusalem Center for Public
Affairs and provided exclusively to The Jerusalem Post, Palestinian sources
confirm that at least 34 Palestinian armed terrorists were killed fighting in
the battle for the Jenin Refugee Camp.

The total number of Palestinian causalities in the battle was 52, a sharp
contrast from the claims of Palestinian propaganda professionals who have
openly stated that thousands had died.

The battle, which was a part of Israel's Defensive Shield Operation against
terrorism, took place between April 4 and
April 11 of 2002.

The research was conducted by Jonathan D. HaLevi and the JCPA, utilizing a
wide and comprehensive variety of Palestinian written testimony, and material
which was recently published in Palestinian newspapers, books and Websites.

The study reveals that for the first time that Palestinian terror
organizations saw themselves as "armed combatants" and not as civilians who
died in a deadly massacre.

The 35 page study, which is based on primary sources, clearly illustrates that
Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas prepared themselves thoroughly with automatic
weapons, grenades, anti-tank missiles and explosives and perceived the
confrontation with IDF troops as nothing less than a "military to military

The study refutes claims by PA leaders at the time that IDF forces were
attacking innocent civilians and that the only
Palestinians who had perished in the battle of Jenin were innocent, unarmed
Palestinian men, women and children.

"The study directly contradicts the baseless charges made by PA leaders
including Saeb Erekat, that Israel had massacred 500 Palestinians in Jenin,"
former UN Ambassador and JCPA director Dore Gold told The Jerusalem
Post. "That blatant lie made its way from the screens of CNN to the UN
security council".

Among other revelations that the study illustrates is that a joint military
operations room had been established by Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad in
preparation for the battle of Jenin.

In addition the research indicates that Fatah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas had
created a joint bomb making facility in Jenin, which produced over two tons of

The JCPA paper states that civilians were intentionally used as human shields
and that both women and children were deployed by Fatah, Hamas and Islamic
Jihad, to divert IDF troops into ambushes and booby-trapped areas.

The Jenin Refugee Camp was prepared as a "reinforced fortress" where nearly
200 Palestinian terrorists had gathered for the battle, the JCPA research

Israel was effectively cleared of charges that it committed a massacre in the
Jenin refugee camp in a UN report submitted last year.

The 42-page report, half of which was made up of submissions from Arab
representatives seeking to prove that
Israel's actions in Jenin constituted war crimes, also blasted
Palestinian 'militants' for operating inside civilian refugee
camps and termed their methods 'breaches of international law that have been
and continue to be condemned by the United Nations.'

The report was handed to the UN by Secretary-General Kofi Annan more than two
months after the General Assembly passed a resolution requesting documentation
on what transpired in the Jenin camp and other
West Bank cities during Israel's military operation to root out terror.

In May 2002, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish
Organizations submitted a 150-page report to Annan, and the Anti-Defamation
League submitted a shorter report refuting allegations that a massacre took
place in Jenin.

"The myth of a massacre at Jenin was the 'crown jewel' of a sophisticated
effort to delegitimize the State of Israel," Gold said.

Temat: Lekarze pomagali maltretować irackich więźniów
Pomimo wysilkow Bialego Domu i Pentagonu trudno nie dostrzec jak bardzo
strategia i metody amerykanskiej okupacji Iraku przypominaja to co sie dzieje w
Gazie i na Zachodnim Brzegu. Z torturami wlacznie. Zamieszczony fragment
artykulu z magazynu "The New Yorker" wyjasnia jak duza role odgrywaja w Iraku
tzw. doradcy "izraelscy", ktorzy ucza swoich amerykanskich sojusznikow jak
nalezy postepowac z "arabusami". Maja przeciez doswiadczenie.
Jest oczywiste, ze Irak juz stal sie dla Amerykanow druga Palestyna. I podobnie
jak w Palestynie, jedynym wyjsciem jest zaprzestanie okupacji i pozostawienie
Irakijczykom decyzji o ich wlasnym losie.

"One step the Pentagon took was to seek active and secret help in the war
against the Iraqi insurgency from Israel, America’s closest ally in the Middle
East. According to American and Israeli military and intelligence officials,
Israeli commandos and intelligence units have been working closely with their
American counterparts at the Special Forces training base at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina, and in Israel to help them prepare for operations in Iraq. Israeli
commandos are expected to serve as ad-hoc advisers—again, in secret—when full-
field operations begin. (Neither the Pentagon nor Israeli diplomats would
comment. “No one wants to talk about this,” an Israeli official told me. “It’s
incendiary. Both governments have decided at the highest level that it is in
their interests to keep a low profile on U.S.-Israeli coöperation” on Iraq.)
The critical issue, American and Israeli officials agree, is intelligence.
There is much debate about whether targeting a large number of individuals is a
practical—or politically effective—way to bring about stability in Iraq,
especially given the frequent failure of American forces to obtain consistent
and reliable information there.

The American-Israeli liaison on Iraq amounts to a tutorial on how to dismantle
an insurgency. One former Israeli military-intelligence officer summarized the
core lesson this way: “How to do targeted killing, which is very relevant to
the success of the war, and what the United States is going to have to do.” He
told me that the Americans were being urged to emulate the Israeli Army’s small
commando units, known as Mist’aravim, which operate undercover inside the West
Bank and Gaza Strip. “They can approach a house and pounce,” the former officer
said. In the Israeli view, he added, the Special Forces units must learn “how
to maintain a network of informants.”

“The only way we can win is to go unconventional. We’re going to have to play
their game. Guerrilla versus guerrilla. Terrorism versus terrorism. We’ve got
to scare the Iraqis into submission.”

Temat: Al Kaida pokazała film z zabójstwem Amerykanina

Pomimo wysilkow Bialego Domu i Pentagonu trudno nie dostrzec jak bardzo
strategia i metody amerykanskiej okupacji Iraku przypominaja to co sie dzieje w
Gazie i na Zachodnim Brzegu. Z torturami wlacznie. Zamieszczony fragment
artykulu z magazynu "The New Yorker" wyjasnia jak duza role odgrywaja w Iraku
tzw. doradcy "izraelscy", ktorzy ucza swoich amerykanskich sojusznikow jak
nalezy postepowac z "arabusami". Maja przeciez doswiadczenie.
Jest oczywiste, ze Irak juz stal sie dla Amerykanow druga Palestyna. I podobnie
jak w Palestynie, jedynym wyjsciem jest zaprzestanie okupacji i pozostawienie
Irakijczykom decyzji o ich wlasnym losie.

"One step the Pentagon took was to seek active and secret help in the war
against the Iraqi insurgency from Israel, America’s closest ally in the Middle
East. According to American and Israeli military and intelligence officials,
Israeli commandos and intelligence units have been working closely with their
American counterparts at the Special Forces training base at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina, and in Israel to help them prepare for operations in Iraq. Israeli
commandos are expected to serve as ad-hoc advisers—again, in secret—when full-
field operations begin. (Neither the Pentagon nor Israeli diplomats would
comment. “No one wants to talk about this,” an Israeli official told me. “It’s
incendiary. Both governments have decided at the highest level that it is in
their interests to keep a low profile on U.S.-Israeli coöperation” on Iraq.)
The critical issue, American and Israeli officials agree, is intelligence.
There is much debate about whether targeting a large number of individuals is a
practical—or politically effective—way to bring about stability in Iraq,
especially given the frequent failure of American forces to obtain consistent
and reliable information there.

The American-Israeli liaison on Iraq amounts to a tutorial on how to dismantle
an insurgency. One former Israeli military-intelligence officer summarized the
core lesson this way: “How to do targeted killing, which is very relevant to
the success of the war, and what the United States is going to have to do.” He
told me that the Americans were being urged to emulate the Israeli Army’s small
commando units, known as Mist’aravim, which operate undercover inside the West
Bank and Gaza Strip. “They can approach a house and pounce,” the former officer
said. In the Israeli view, he added, the Special Forces units must learn “how
to maintain a network of informants.”

“The only way we can win is to go unconventional. We’re going to have to play
their game. Guerrilla versus guerrilla. Terrorism versus terrorism. We’ve got
to scare the Iraqis into submission.”

  • Strona 2 z 3 • Wyszukiwarka znalazła 82 wypowiedzi • 1, 2, 3