Czytasz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: Priest Live

Temat: Judas Priest - kto lubi?
To już nie te czasy kiedy młodzież zdobywała nagranie tzw. klasyczne.
"Nie lubię" "archaiczne"... za takie stwierdzenia można było dostać pstryczka w
noc. Dziś? Czasy się zmieniają.
Gdyby pociągnąć taki łańcuszek.. to bez Judas Priest nie byłoby np. Slayer, a
bez Slayer choćby Vader, czy nawet Slipknot. Ci panowie to potęga riffów.
Zgadzam się z przedmówcami: "British Steel" oraz "Painkiller" to chyba dwie
największe potęgi tego zespołu. Ale polecam też koncertówki, na których
brzmienie nie jest takie sterylne, jak zdarzało się na studyjnych płytach. I tak
z dwanego okresu: "Unleashead In The East", a z ostatnich "Meltdown". Jeśli ktoś
woli koncert z obrazem to gorąco polecam DVD "Live In London". Te dwa ostatnie
tytuły nagrane zostały z Owensem (czyli następcą słynnego Roba Halforda), ale
woklanie jest on równie doskonały (w przecieństwie do np. Blaze'a, który
zastępował w Iron Maiden Bruca swego czasu, on nie wyrabiałna koncertach (choćby
"The Trooper")).
Judas Priest należy się szacunek. Taki sam jak Black Sabbath choćby. Oni już
dawno wpisali się na metalowe karty historii rocka!

Temat: tradycyjnie juz:czego sluchaliscie w lipcu?
Judas Priest - "British Steel", "Screaming For
Vengeance", "Defenders Of the Faith"
Iron Maiden "Poverslave"
Black Sabbath "Paranoid"
Jimi Hendrix "Live at Woodstock" i "Live at Isle Of Wight"
King Crimson "USA"
SBB "Karlstad Live"
FNM "Angel Dust", "Real Thing", "King For the.."
The Clash - "London Calling"
Genesis "Nursery Cryme"
Free - praktycznie całej dyskografii
The Police - jw.
Roxy Music - "Concert Classic"


Temat: Czego słuchaliście w październiku ??
Same nudy
Porcupine Tree - In absentia - po dlugiej przerwie daje 5/5
This Mortal Coil - Blood - tez po przerwie 4/5
King Diamond - Deadly lullabyes live - 4/5
King Diamond - The Puppet Master - 6/5
Danzig - Danzig - 2/5

Judas Priest - Angel of retribution (with bonus DVD) - 4/5

Flotsam and Jetsam - Live in phoenix - 1/5
Anthrax - Anthology: no hit wonders (1985-1991) The videos - 6/5 -jazda po
Danzig - archive de la morte - 2/5 - za pomysl kilku wersji i nic wiecej

Na wiecej nie mialam czasu...

Temat: W Auguscie sluchalismy
Saint Vitus - Born Too late
Judas Priest - Screaming for vengeance
Laibach - Rekapitulacja
Queen - Jazz
Deep Purple - At the wings of the russian foxbat
Killing Joke - hosannas from the basement of hell
Rose Tattoo - Rock n' roll outlaw
Gary Moore - Still got the blues
Voivod - Dimension Hatross
Voivod - The outer limits
Voivod - Phobos
Voivod - Nothingface
Thin Lizzy - Live and dangerous
Exodus - Another lesson in violence
Exodus - Shovel headed kill machine
Cathedral - Carnival Bizarre
Rainbow - long live rock'n'roll
Brekout - blues
Demon - night of a demon
Angel Witch - S/T
Bram Stoker - Heavy rock spectacular
Genesis - We can't dance
Neuropathia - Satan is a cunt
Misfits - Walk among us
Tankard - Kings of beer
My Dying Bride - Turn loose the swans
Carnivore - S/T
Agent Steel - Skreptics Apocalypse
Exciter - Heavy metal maniac
DRI - Thrash zone
Nile - black seeds of vengeance
Lou Reed - Rock'n'roll animal
KAT - 38 minutes of life
MC5 - Kick out the jams
Immolation - unholy cult
Black Sabbath - The Dio Years
Saxon - Power and the glory
Armia - Przystanek Woodstock 2004
Death - Leprosy
Audycje muzyczne radia Kraków:)

P. Larkin

What are days for?
Days are where we live.
They come, they wake us
Time and time over.
They are to be happy in:
Where can we live but days?

Ah, solving that question
Brings the priest and the doctor
In their long coats
Running over the fields.

Temat: "Generation JP2 doesn't exist"
Catolic religion is riddled with guilt by its very nature. The church
continues to show no concern to investigate its abusers (priests) - a case
after case, after case. The Catholic church is in need of huge reform. I think
the younger people in Poland will SOON find out for themselves what matters and
what needs changing. From what I know only about a quarter of young Poles
worship regularly. I wouldn't expect those changes overnight but I have a
feeling it's coming real soon. Already attendances at mass are falling,
contraceptives are being widely used, people are starting to ask questions. The
Catholic church before the end of communism was a huge part of Poland's
national identity.The church was against the former communist regime and people
listened. They were poor and they were scared. Nowadays the church's position
is being redefined and scrutinized. I would really wonder if the RC church can
survive democracy in Poland. Polish Catholicism will soon look like any other
western religion. You can't keep people in the dark the whole time. The church
needs to come out clean and become accountable. that's really important.

I have a few Dave Letterman jokes that I really like:

""The Catholic Church is finally cracking down. Here's the deal now: if a
priest is transferred to another parish, he cannot take his live-in boyfriend."

"I read this in the paper this morning: New York City has a priest shortage. So
you see, there is some good news in the world. ... To give you an idea how bad
it is, earlier today in Brooklyn an alter boy had to grope himself."

Temat: W marcu słuchaliśmy
Quo Vadis - S/T 8/10
Devil's Whorehouse - Howling(MCD) - 6/10
Judas Priest - Meltdown live - 7/10
Exodus - Bonded by blood - 10/10
Exodus - Schovel headed kill machine - 12/10
NOFX - The war on errorism - 6/10
Dragon - Sacrifice - mocne 6/10
Tankard - kings of beer - 9/10
Corruption - Virgin's milk - 7/10
Hammer - terror - 5/10
Hammer - Hammer - 9/10
Open Fire- lwy ognia - 6/10
nile - black seeds of vengeance - 8/10
King Crimson - Vroom - 8/10
Partia - Dziewczyny kontra chłopcy 7/10
Ramones - Anthology - 10/10
Sodom - Mortal way of live - 7/10
Moskwa - 1984 koncert - 5/10(ze względu na jakość)
Slaughter and the dogs - singles collection - 6/10

Głównie tego.

Temat: Judas Priest
Zasadniczo lubię metal. Judas Priest zacząłem słuchac od końca, czyli
od "Demolition". Uważam ją za "czadową" płytę, pełną mocnych rytmów i energii.
Potem kupiłem DVD "Live in London". Kocert trzeba przyznać jest dość oszczędny.
Żadnych fajerwerków, image sceniczny grupy jest raczej przeciętny. Nowy
wokalista Tim Owens w niektórych utworach prezentuje wręcz irytujący brak
wyczucia melodii, żeby nie powiedzieć że fałszuje. Za przykład posłużyć tu
może "Painkiller", który z Owensa wypompowuje ostatni oddech, cóż z tego kiedy
wokalista w połowie utworu gubi melodię. Potem cofnąłem sie wstecz ("Defenders
of the Faith", "Ram it down", "Screaming for Vengeance", "British Steel").
Jeśli ktoś poszukuje szybkiego tempa to w JP znajdzie spełnienie. Umówmy się,
że heavy metal nie jest muzyką wysokich lotów. ma jedynie dostarczyć
słuchaczowi emocji wynikających z hałasu i tempa. Oczywiście jeśli porównywać
zespoły ze sobą to np. koncert Iron Maiden w Rio de Janeiro ma nieporównywanie
lepszą oprawę niż ten JP z Londynu. JP mają swoich fanów i to po prostu wynika
z gustu. Każdy może posłuchac i ocenić.

Temat: Z serii: Od czego zacząć
Judas Priest
Zasadniczo lubię metal. Judas Priest zacząłem słuchac od końca, czyli
od "Demolition". Uważam ją za "czadową" płytę, pełną mocnych rytmów i energii.
Potem kupiłem DVD "Live in London". Kocert trzeba przyznać jest dość oszczędny.
Żadnych fajerwerków, image sceniczny grupy jest raczej przeciętny. Nowy
wokalista Tim Owens w niektórych utworach prezentuje wręcz irytujący brak
wyczucia melodii, żeby nie powiedzieć że fałszuje. Za przykład posłużyć tu
może "Painkiller", który z Owensa wypompowuje ostatni oddech, cóż z tego kiedy
wokalista w połowie utworu gubi melodię. Potem cofnąłem sie wstecz ("Defenders
of the Faith", "Ram it down", "Screaming for Vengeance", "British Steel").
Jeśli ktoś poszukuje szybkiego tempa to w JP znajdzie spełnienie. Umówmy się,
że heavy metal nie jest muzyką wysokich lotów. ma jedynie dostarczyć
słuchaczowi emocji wynikających z hałasu i tempa. Oczywiście jeśli porównywać
zespoły ze sobą to np. koncert Iron Maiden w Rio de Janeiro ma nieporównywanie
lepszą oprawę niż ten JP z Londynu. JP mają swoich fanów i to po prostu wynika
z gustu. Każdy musi się przekonać.

Temat: Ciekawe/oczekiwane płyty 2008
Gość portalu: Jacek napisał(a):

> Judas Priest "Nostradamus" - oczekuję. Poprzedni album był lekko
> nużący, choć pewnie doceniłbym wersje live kawałków, gdyby
> świętoj..liwie nie odwołano koncertu.

Są w necie dwa kawałki z tego albumu do odsłuchu, i jak narazie zapowiada sie
straszna kaszana, niestety.

Temat: Manniak Czwartkowy
Witam Pan Panie Wojtku. Śledzę od jakiegoś czasu Pańskie
artykuły w Wyborczej. Również interesuję się muzyką, bardzo
różną. Pamiętam Pańską audycję w Trójce "Metalowe tortury",
prowadzona razem z Romanem Rogowieckim. Stąd wciąż słucham Iron
Maiden i Judas Priest. Ale również od czasu do czasu
słuchałem "Muzycznego manniaka". Generalnie lubię jak opowiada
pan o muzyce. Może jedynie Piotr Kaczkowski mógłby sie z Panem
równać ... dykcję ma lepszą. Styl prezentowany przez stacje
komercyjne mnie mierzi. Ostatnio wpładła mi w ręce płyta króla
bluesa Muddy Watersa "Live in Chicago, 1979". Przyzwyczajony do
mocnych rytmów nie spodziewałem się niczego wielkiego. I otóż
sam sie sobie dziwię. Ta płyta po prostu przyciągęła mnie jak
magnes. Nie umiem wyrazić tego właściwie, ale wyrażę to
prozaicznie, że jest coś w tym głosie i tym rytmie. Szczególnym
utworem pod względem rytmu wydał mi się "Manish Boy". Poszukuję
jego transkrybcji. Czy jest możliwe by zajął się Pan tym utworem
w jednym ze swoich "wyborczych" felietonów?
Marcin "Mississippi" Lipiński

Temat: Swiete krowy w Polsce i ...
i.p.freely, ewunia, do piekla pojdziecie, o jezu. but don't expect to meet a
priest down there yet: them bastards think they live in heaven on earth under
the protection of rc and your own (especially polish) (mis)government.

but why talk about it just in english? this way we could be talkin' all the way
till doomsday... to ourselves, for most ciemnogrodzian knows not what it's been
said here. i pray to zeus them magicians outmagic themselves out of this god-
dog business.

Temat: Ciekawe/oczekiwane płyty 2008
Def Leppard "Songs From Sparkle Lounge"- nareszcie przebojowo i
gitarowo. Może nie jest to poziom "Pyromanii" ale panowie
przypomnieli sobie do czego służą gitary. Oby na następnej płycie
było jeszcze lepiej. Niepotrzebnie tylko moim zdaniem zaprosili
wokalistę country Tima McGraw, ale chyba chodziło o bycie
zauważonym przez amerykańską publiczność.

Portishead "Third" - już nie wierzyłem że nagrają płytę.
Uwielbiałem album Beth Gibbons i sądzę że do Third też się wkrótce
przyzwyczaję. Na razie jestem na etapie oswajania się ze skutkiem

Judas Priest "Nostradamus" - oczekuję. Poprzedni album był lekko
nużący, choć pewnie doceniłbym wersje live kawałków, gdyby
świętoj..liwie nie odwołano koncertu.

Temat: Burton on Trent prosba o lekcje polskiego
Burton on Trent prosba o lekcje polskiego
Dostalam taki email dzisiaj. Jezeli ktos z tamtych okolic jest chetny prosze
o kontakt. A tak przy okazji to jeszcze jeden dowod na to, ze warto sie
upierac zeby dzieci urodzone w UK uczyc polskiego :-)

My father was born in Bialystok, Poland. He was demobbed in Scotland after
the 2nd World War. He eventually settled in Manchester where he met and
married my mother who is English.
His parents and sister followed him here and also settled in Manchester. My
Grandfather was a Russian Orthodox Priest and set up a Church in Manchester,
his congregation comprised of many nationalities, including Polish and
I now very much regret, that at that time I did not embrace the culture and
languages I was a part of.
I spoke English at home but during my visits to my Grandparents and attending
the Church services I can only think that I was overwhelmed and consequently
learned none of the languages that I could have.
I am now in my 50's and would very much like to speak some Polish, just
conversational. I am not interested in reading or writing Polish.
I am wondering if there are any books or CD's that you could recommend.
I live in the Burton on Trent, Staffordshire area and there are a lot of
Poles living here now. Idealy I would have someone that would be prepared to
teach me Polish while at the same time I could help them improve their
English. I don't know how to go about this though.
Can you help or advice, it would be appreciated.

Temat: Czego słuchaliście w listopadzie ?
Z nowopoznanych:
Bruce Dickinson - Balls To Picasso 4/5
A poza tym:
Ewa Demarczyk - Live 5+/6
Death Angel - The Art Of Dying 4+/6
Genesis - Foxtrot 5/6
Genesis - Nursery Cryme 4+/6
Genesis - Selling England By The Pound 5/6
Peter Gabriel - II 5/6
Peter Gabriel - III 5/6
H-Blockx - Discover My Soul 4/6
H-Blockx - Fly Eyes 3+/6
Iron Maiden - Brave New World 5/6
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast 4+/6
Judas Priest - Painkiller 5/6
Metallica - Ride The Lighting 5+/6
Mr. Bungle - California 5/6
Poza tym FNM, jakaś składanka Tiny Turner i pewnie jeszcze kilka innych płyt
których nie pamiętam...

Temat: NAJLEPSZE okładki PŁYT
Temat powraca już chyba po raz trzeci...ale co mitam. Powtórzę to co zawsze:
"Angel Dust" - Faith No More
"Live" - Colosseum
Niezła jest także okładka "Californi" Mr Bungle. Pasuje do zawartości płyty (a w
środku fajne kwiattki ).
W kategorii okładek potworków - za całokształt twórczości (z wyjątkiem "British
Steel") przyznałbym Judas Priest.

Temat: Rok 2004 - najlepsze płyty
Ten rok był słaby
Ale na szczęście poza zalewem kiczu i pseudorockowego grania pokazała się nowa
płyta Megadeth (nawet niezła), świetne DVD Slayer i ostatnia niestety płyta
live Kata z Kostrzewskim. To moje typy. Wyszło też Iron Maiden, ale po
przesłuchaniu stwierdzam że poczekam na lepszą płytę tego zespołu. No i czekamy
teraz na Judas Priest w 2005...

Temat: Najbardziej przereklamowane płyty w historii rocka
hmmm Machine head to w większości świetne kawałki,które jednak lepiej wypadają w
wersjach "Live", a już na pewno znacznie lepszym albumem jest "In rock", co do
Floydów to ewentualnie moge się zgodzić co do The Wall, bo DSOTM to jednak dla
mnie arcydzieło, "Czarny album" - faktycznie, są tam świetne kawałki, ale nie
brak też wypełniaczy, a inne przereklamowane płyty(moim zdaniem oczywiście):
"czwórka" Led Zeppelin, "Sabbath bloody sabbath" Black Sabbath, "Painkiller"
Judas Priest, "For those about to rock" AC/DC... dużo tego jest

Temat: Czego słuchacie w tej chwili ?
Judas Priest - Diamonds, diaaaaaaaaamonds and rust

W wersji z płyty "Meltdown 98' live"

Temat: Jakich płyt słuchaliście DZISIAJ?:-)
Budgie - In for the kill
Candlemass - Candlemass
Ozzy - Live and loud
Nocturnus - the key
Nocturnus - Thresholds
Nocturnus - The ethereal tomb
Judas priest - Screaming for vengeance

Dziś miałem "ciężki" dzień:)

Temat: Muzyczne dekady
Ten watek, pomyslalem sobie, moze byc niezla okazja aby siegnac do katalogu plyt
(1000 all-tme top by Colin Larkin) uporzadkowanego wedlug glosow fanow muzyki z
calego swiata. Lista jest odnawiana co dwa lata. Sprawdzilem daty wydania tych
znanych albumow. Rezultaty byly zaskakujace. W kazdej dekadzie dzialali artysci
najwyzszej klasy i nie brakowalo wspanialych albumow. To cecha wspolna. Co jest
odmiennego, to ilosc wydanych, "wielkich" albumow oraz roznorodnosc gatunkow do
ktorych nalezaly. Do listy z ksiazki dodalem filtr mojego wlasnego gustu i z
listy tasiemcowej zrobila sie troche krotsza. Porownalem albumy z 60-tych, 70-
tych, 80-tych i 90-tych. Wybor byl dosc prosty. A oto dlaczego numer jeden sa
dla mnie lata 70-te. (Kolejnosc zespolow przypadkowa)

1. Led Zeppelin 2,3,4,5,6.
2.Pink Floyd, The Dark Side of the Moon, the Wall
3. Fleetwood Mac, Rumours
4. The Eagles, Hotel California
5. Queen, A Night at the Opera
6. Van Hallen, Van Hallen
7. Mike Oldfield, Tubular Bells
8. John Lennon, Imagine
9. Yes, Close to the Edge
10. Aerosmith, Toys in the Attic
11. Boston, Boston
12. Santana, Abraxas
13. The Grateful Dead, Live Dead
14. Supertramp, Breakfast in America
15. Stevie Wonder, Songs in the Key of Life
16. ELO ,Out of the Blue
17. Black Sabbath, Paranoid
18. The Who, Live at Leeds
19.The Allman Brothers Band, Live at Fillmore
20. The Police, Reggata de Blanc
21. Talking Heads, Talking Heads 77
22. Bob Marley and the Wailers, Live !
23. Roxy Music, Country Life
24. David Bowie, Young America
25. ZZ Top, Tres Hombres
26. Jethro Tull, Songs from he Wood
27. Jimi Hendrix, Band of Gypsies
28. Deep Purple, Machine Head
29. Judas Priest, Unleashed in the East
30. Frank Zappa and Mothers of Invention, One size fits all
31. Janis Joplin, Pearl
32. Tangerine Dream, Phedra
33. Thin Lizzy, Jailbreak
34. Styx, The Grand Illusion
35. Dire Straits, Dire Straits
36. Kiss, Destroyer
37. Jean Michel Jarre, Oxygen
38. The Doors, Morrison Hotel
39. T.Rex, Electric Warriror
40. Genesis, The lamb lies down on broadway
41. E. Clapton, Cocaine

40-tu wykonawcow, a kazdy inny, bardzo charakterystyczny, bardzo rozpoznawalny.
Skad ta roznorodnosc ? Wedlug mnie wzielo sie to stad, ze w 70-tych kasa nie
rzadzila jeszcze w 100% branza muzyczna, tak jak to zaczelo miec miejsce w 80-
tych i trwa do dzis. Grupy , chocby takie jak Led Zep, czy Dire Straits mialy
swoj oryginalny, niepowtarzalny styl i zaden gosc nie byl w stanie im
powiedziec: macie grac tak jak grupa X, to wtedy wam sprzedamy plyty. To
dopiero przyszlo pozniej.

Temat: Hosannas In The Basement Of Hell - Live
Hosannas In The Basement Of Hell - Live
Było tak. Jechałem se londyńskim metrem i wziąłem do ręki darmową gazetę.
Sama się otworzyła na "events", a mój wzrok dostrzegł od razu "Killing Joke,
Koko, Camden, tonight 19.30". Myślę sobie, że to pomyłka, bo to już miało być
miesiąc temu - ale Jaz się rozchorował czy coś, no i jest teraz.
Pojawiłem się więc pod rzeczonym Koko ok. 19 i rozglądam się za okienkiem, na
którym byłoby napisane "tickets". Nie było. Pojawił się gość i "sixty pounds"
mi zapodał. A "tickets" były po 22,50! Ostatecznie sprzedał za 25, bo
ostatnio dużo negocjuję ze związkami, to mam wprawę:))))).
Dwa supporty. Pierwszy był mocno Nitzer Ebb'o podobny, z koncertowym
klawiszowcem KJ na wokalu i z panną na padach Simmonsa. Drugi grał a la
Damage Manual i szybko zszedł ze sceny. Nie grali źle jakby ktoś pytał.
Killing Joke zaczęli tak jak poprzednio (czyli 14 m-cy temu) od "Communion".
Potem polecieli "Wardance" (i tutaj solidnie zbudowani Angole około 50-tki
raczyli przepchnąć mnie w trakcie pogo parę rzędów do tyłu). Niestety, nie
zagrali nic z moich ulubionych trzech płyt ("Brighter Than Thousand
Suns", "Democracy" i "Night Time"). Tylko 3 z nowej. Niespodzianką
było "Money Is Our God" z dawno nie granej na koncertach "Extremities....",
ale Ben Calvert najwyraźniej nie ma problemów z upododobnieniem się gry
któregokolwiek z poprzednich perkusistów KJ (do Martina Atkinsa jest to
najtrudniejsze). Nowe kawałki sprawdzają się koncertową, chociaż "singel" w
refrenie jechał w sekcji (o dziwo) starym Judas Priest:)))).
Grali prawie dwie godziny, a w sumie najlepiej z zestawu
wypadły "Unspeakable", "Money is our God" i "Primitive".
Brzmieniowo wszystko bez zarzutu. Publiczność liczna o średniej wieku 37 lat.

Temat: Czy jest ktoś, kto jeszcze pamięta?....
Czy jest ktoś, kto jeszcze pamięta?....
Wczoraj zupełnie przypadkiem trafiłam na naszą lokalną stację radiową („Radio Tak” i zorientowałam się, że prezenter prowadzi jakąś dziwną listę przebojów. Po chwili usiadłam i wsiąkłam zupełnie, z kretesem... To były moje przeboje, moje lata. To były moje wieczory. Za oknem ciemno, na zegarku grubo po północy, w „Trójce” Piotr Kaczyński. Nikt nie potrafił stworzyć takiego nastroju, jak On. W moim małym pokoiku tylko maleńka lampka nocna i światełko ze starego (nawet jak na tamte czasy) radia. A w radiu drut od robótek ręcznych, zamiast anteny... I muzyka, ta muzyka. Wszystko do mnie wróciło. Cały tamten nastrój. Pierwsze marzenia, pierwszy chłopak, bunt przeciw dorosłemu światu, przekonanie, że ja będę inna, że jestem inna. Black Sabath, King Crimson (czy to się tak pisze???), Led Zeppelin i zupełnie odlotowy Robert Plant, Ozzy Osbourne, którego przejmujący głos budził we mnie dreszcze; nowe doznania i nowa muzyka, całkiem nowa, która zrewolucjonizowała i całkiem zamąciła mi w głowie – Cocteau Twins (czy ktoś pamięta jakim pierwszym utworem zawitał ten zespół w Trójce? No?, zgadnijcie!), pamiętam wycie psów w utworze „Psy” Pink Floyd`ów, pamiętam moją rozpacz i łzy, gdy nie mogłam pojechać na koncert zespołu Tangerine Dream, czy jeszcze jednego geniusza muzyki elektronicznej (Boże, nie pamiętam nazwiska – może mniej znany, ale naprawdę genialny, potwornie przejmująca muzyka)....pamiętam, pamiętam....A czy jest jeszcze ktoś, kto pamięta? Płakałam wczoraj. Siedziałam, słuchałam Roberta Planta i płakałam. Nawet nie wiem, czemu. Czy jest jeszcze ktoś, kto tak kochał Black Sabath i Ozzy`ego? Led Zeppelin i moją wieczną miłość – trzy utwory bluesowe, nie pamiętam na której płycie – albo na jedynce, albo na trójce: utwór drugi, trzeci i czwarty ("I`m gone live you baby")...Zawsze czułam się przy nich jak naćpana...(nigdy nie zażywałam, ani nawet nie próbowałam narkotyków, sądzę jednak, że chyba tak się po nich człowiek czuje, jak ja słuchając Zeppelin`ów), Dep Purple, Judas Priest (nie znam pisowni niestety, 20 lat temu nie rozpieszczano nas takimi szczegółami), Genesis... Czy jestem sama? Czy ktoś to jeszcze pamięta?... Gosia

Panna Maria, osada w południowej części USA, w stanie Teksas, na południowy
wschód od miasta San Antonio. Najstarsza na obszarze Stanów Zjednoczonych
polska osada, założona w 1854 przez emigrantów ze Śląska Opolskiego.

Panna Maria

The Oldest Polish Settlement in America is in Panna Maria (which means the
Virgin Mary), Texas. The first mass was celebrated there on December 24, 1854
where Father Leopold Moczygemba (Pioneer Priest) and his followers purchased
land near a junction between the San Antonio and Cibolo Rivers. Up on top of
a hill they found a few large live-oak trees where they dumped their
belongings and set up camp. On that first midnight they held Panna Maria's
first mass under the biggest of the oaks. It was said to not only be a mass
of Thanksgiving, but also for strength and enlightment to face the task ahead
of them.
These services continued until the first church in Panna Maria was started in
1854. Before and while the church was being built, if it was raining or
something of that sort, they would have mass in a shack.

The first church that was built no longer stands because it was built of a
very poor stone and inferior lime. The church began deteriorating and the
walls began to crack; finally in 1877 it was struck by lightning so it had to
be torn down. Part of the reason the walls were cracked was because of a bell
the Immigrants brought. When it was rung the church shook so it had to be
placed outside on a platform.

The second church that was built was enlarged and then remodeled in 1937 to
meet the growing population. The church that stands today was built in 1882.
This church though has been rebuilt in parts many times. Restoration of the
church is still going on.

Temat: Pomocy!!!

Moj syn.

google - Richard Gawlas

April 8, 20001 Toronto Canada

Dear Assyrians:

Today I write on behalf of my Mother.

My mother has devoted three years of her natural life to the rebirth of Assyria.
I am very proud of her work and devotion because I have never in my entire life
seen someone so dedicated, someone so in love, someone so strong, take on a
mission like this one. Not even the heroes of today and yesterday can do what
she is doing right now. She is throwing all her love and life into this so that
she can live to see the new birthday of Assyria. She wants to see at least a
little piece of land on the map, named Assyria, and I'm astonished at what she
has done thus far. This morning, Sunday April 8th 2001, she went to an Assyrian
church and she asked for the priest's and bishop Mar Emmanuel's blessing.
However also today later in the afternoon, my mom fell deeply ill to high blood
pressure and had to go the hospital. Why? Because she loves Assyria and the more
she sees how people aren't supporting her, the more she dies inside because she
wants to see every Assyrian rise up and shout for Assyria. She wants to see more
people as devoted as she is. She is literally killing herself so that a nation
can be reborn. I stand by her side, proud to be her son. She is also, however,
killing herself TOO much... and because of this, I am forbidding her to write on
ANY Assyrian forum until she has fully restored good health. I'm sure she'd want
to be healthy and fully alive to see Assyria back on the map. So, for now, she
will take a break and let nature take its course, and hopefully, one day, even
without her help, enough positive energy can be brought upon all Assyrians so
that they may rise and realize what is to be achieved in the end. Don't
disapoint her loving heart.

Deepest regards, *Richard Gawlas*

710 Trethewey Dr. Apt# 503 Toronto Ontario, CANADA M6M 5A4

Temat: Gliwickie Podium jeszcze lepsze od Spodka?
spodek to zabytek? moze , ale ciagle zywy! :)))
i dalej nie szans zeby cokolwiek go zdetronizowało z pozycji lidera.

Ze względu na rozmiary i warunki techniczne w hali organizowane są największe
imprezy kulturalne, sportowe i muzyczne.

W Spodku występowali między innymi: Helena Vondráčková, Anna German, Anathema,
Apocalyptica, Avril Lavigne, Behemoth, Black Sabbath, Bloodhound Gang, Boney M.,
Cannibal Corpse, Celtic Frost, Coma, The Cure, Death, Delirious?, Deep Purple,
Depeche Mode, Dimmu Borgir, Dream Theater, Dżem, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Gary
Moore, Genesis, Green Day, Helloween, Hey, Iron Maiden, Jean-Michel Jarre,
Jethro Tull, Jimmy Page, Judas Priest, Kaliber 44, Katatonia, KoЯn, Kraftwerk,
Kult, Lacuna Coil, Mark Knopfler, John Mayall, Metallica, Morbid Angel, My Dying
Bride, Mike Oldfield, Myslovitz, Napalm Death, Opeth, Ozzy Osbourne,
Paktofonika, Paradise Lost, Pearl Jam, Perfect, The Prodigy, Rammstein,
Riverside, Robbie Williams, Robert Plant, SBB, Slayer, Slipknot, Smashing
Pumpkins, Sting, System of a Down, Tadeusz Nalepa, Testament, The Offspring,
Therion, Tiamat, Tina Turner, Tool, Urszula, Vader, WestBam i The Kelly Family

periodyczne – muzyczne [edytuj]

* 15 i 16 czerwca 2000 grupa Pearl Jam zarejestrowała w Spodku dwa albumy
* Po koncercie w Spodku, grupa Smashing Pumpkins wykonała zdjęcie wewnętrzne
do okładki albumu Adore
* W 1994 grupa Hey nagrała album Live!, dając pierwszy w historii polski
koncert z udziałem MTV; koncert został uznany za wydarzenie roku 1994

periodyczne – sportowe [edytuj]

* Halowe Mistrzostwa Europy w Lekkoatletyce 1975
* Mistrzostwa Świata grupy A w Hokeju na Lodzie 1976
* Finał Ligi Światowej w siatkówce mężczyzn 2001, 2007
* Mistrzostwa Europy w koszykówce 2009

cykliczne [edytuj]

* Międzynarodowa wystawa psów rasowych
* Festiwal Piosenki Szantowej TRATWA
* Mayday Festiwal (2000-2008)
* Metalmania
* Metal Hammer Festival
* Mystic Festival
* Festiwal Odjazdy (1989-2000)
* Rawa Blues Festiwal (1980-2006)
* Międzynarodowy Turniej Bokserski Czarne Diamenty

Temat: dobry Samarytanin
dobry Samarytanin
planowane są akcje ratowania (przywracania do pierwotnej wiary) z-
islamizowanych i z-chrystianizowanych
jak myślicie czy to się uda?

ten odłam Żydów, wyznający w zasadzie czysty judaizm, Jahudat Ha'Torah
bez Talmudu i tradycji powstałej w galucie
jest praktycznie esencją żydostwa, na równi z Żydami niesamarytańskimi

było ich 2 miliony......
teraz kilka tysięcy (te dane są nieprawdziwe w art.)

czy da się odnaleźć którzy "Arabowie" są byłymi Samarytaninami i przywrócić
ich do korzeni?

Levi Ben Abisha Ha'Cohen

High Priest of the Samaritans, 1920-2001

The High Priest of the Samaritans, Levi Ben Abisha Ha'Cohen, has died
at Mount Gerizim, on the West Bank, aged 81.

The 639 Samaritans, of whom 309 live with their High Priest on the West
Bank and the remainder near Tel Aviv, are one of the smallest ethnic
sects in the world. They are the remnant of the Israelite tribes Manasseh
and Ephraim, which broke with the Jewish majority in the fourth century
BC and constructed a temple on Mount Gerizim.

At its peak, the Samaritan community, which extended from southern
Syria to northern Egypt, numbered 1,200,000, but persecution and forced
conversions to Islam and Christianity brought it to the brink of extinction.
By 1917, there were just 146 Samaritans.

Throughout history, the Samaritans have clung to their traditions. They
have their own writing, the ancient Hebrew script, and speak their own
language, the ancient Hebrew dialect.

Levi Ben Abisha was born in Nablus in 1920, one of six children of the
High Priest.

For many years he worked as a chief clerk in a bus company in Nablus.
After his retirement, he devoted himself to the study of Samaritan
traditions and became deeply involved in directing the small community.

In 1993 he was the first Samaritan priest to visit the United States. In
1998, after the death of High Priest Yosef Ben Ab-Hisda, Levi Ben
Abisha succeeded him.

Recognising that his community was living in one of the most volatile
regions of the world, and split between Israel and the West Bank, he spent
much time establishing contacts abroad, particularly in America and
Britain, to safeguard the Samaritans' religious and social rights.

This became painfully relevant during his last year in office. With the
Intifada, the Palestinian uprising, in full swing, his followers near Tel
were cut off from the West Bank and were often unable to travel to
Gerizim, the cornerstone of their faith and where they still practise animal
sacrifice, killing a lamb at the annual festival of the Passover.

Last December Levi Ben Abisha sent emissaries to the Foreign Office in
London, urging intervention with the Israelis and the Palestinian Authority
to enable his community free passage.

The British efforts were successful and the Samaritans were granted
relative freedom of movement.

Regarding himself as a true Jew, High Priest Levi Ben Abisha was bitterly
disappointed the Orthodox Rabbinate, Israel's governing religious authority,
did not recognise him as a rabbi. He had lodged an appeal at Israel's High
Court of Justice on behalf of himself and other priests in an attempt to
make their position equal in law to that of the rabbis in Israel.

He was an excellent writer of liturgical pieces, displaying a great gift of
expression and a rich knowledge of tradition.

Levi Ben Abisha Ha'Cohen is survived by his wife, son and three daughters.

The Daily Telegraph, London

Temat: Troche wyspiarskiego humoru =)
Troche wyspiarskiego humoru =)
A Rangers and Celtic fan get into a nasty car accident. Both vehicles are
really wrecked, but amazingly neither of them are hurt.

After they crawl out of their cars, the Celtic fan says, "So you're a Rangers
fan, that's interesting. I'm a Celtic fan... Wow! Just look at our cars.
There's nothing left, but fortunately we are unhurt. This must be a sign from
God that we should meet and be friends and live together in peace the rest of
our days."

The Rangers fan replied,"Totally agree - this must be a sign from God!" The
Rangers fan went on, "And look at this - here's another miracle. My car is
completely demolished but this bottle of whisky didn't break. Surely God
wants us to drink it, to celebrate the fact we are alive and kicking?"

He hands the bottle to the Celtic fan who nods his head in agreement, opens
it and takes few big swigs from the bottle, then hands it back to the Rangers
fan. The Rangers fan takes the bottle, immediately puts the cap back on, and
hands back to the Celtic fan. The Celtic fan asks, "Aren't you having any?"
The Rangers fan replies, "Nah...I think I'll just wait for the police......"

A Celtic supporting van driver used to amuse himself by scaring every Rangers
fan he saw by swerving towards them and at the last minute, swerve back . One
day as he was driving along the road, he saw a priest hitch-hiking. He
thought he would do his good deed for the day and offer the priest a
lift. "Where are you going, Father?" he asked. "I'm going to say Mass at St
Joseph's, about 2 miles down the road," came the reply. "No problem," said
the driver, "Jump in and I'll give you a lift." The happy priest climbed into
the van and they set off down the road. Suddenly the driver caught site of a
Rangers fan on the pavement, and instinctively swerved as if to hit him, but
just in time, remembering the priest in his van, swerved back to the road
again, narrowly missing the Rangers fan. Although he was certain that he
didn't hit him, he still heard a loud "Thud"! Not understanding where the
noise came from, he glanced in his mirrors, and seeing nothing, said to the
priest, "Sorry Father, I almost hit that Rangers Supporter walking down the
road there." The priest replied, "don't worry my son, I got the bastard with
the door!".

Alex Ferguson is the one of the guests of honour at the Miss World Beauty
pageant. During the interval all the guests and contestants are ingling over
drinks. Sir Alex is besieged by three of the most beautiful women in the

Miss Venezuela pops the first question. "Sir Alex, I admire your management
skills and all you have achieved and the trophies you have won." Sir Alex
acknowledges her flattering remark, but she then lowers the left strap of her
dress and reveals her left breast and says, "Can you autograph this please?"
Sir Alex now bemused, duly obliges.

Miss Croatia pops the second question. "Sir Alex, I admire the way you play
psychological games with your opponents even before you play them." Sir Alex
acknowledges her flattering remark, but she then lowers the right strap of
her dress and reveals her right breast and says, "Can you autograph this
please?" Sir Alex, again bemused, duly obliges.

Miss Argentina pops the third question. "Sir Alex, I admire the way you
motivate your players and shield them like they were your own sons." Sir Alex
acknowledges her flattering remark, but she then lifts up her dress and
reveals the fact she is wearing no underwear at all and is completely shaved,
and says, "Can you please autograph this please." Sir Alex totally gobsmacked
by now says, "Hang on a minute love, no, no, no! Last time I signed a bald
Argentinean c**t it cost me Ł28 million!"

Temat: Help save the Rospudy Valley!
Hi ejmarkow,

I hope I haven't upset anyone n my second post!

My views on the village priest are not meant to be too critical of the Catholic
Church but rather a reflection on how many youngsters view the countryside and
the role of the village priest.

I have many friends and family living in the former PGR-owski lands of
Zachodnie Pomorskie where rural abandonment is a fact of life. The youngsters I
meet are very cynical about what they view as the new "szlachta". Like yourself
most of the village priests I have met have been remarkably intelligent and
understanding of the social changes facing the villages. However, my concern is
about the perception of the young people in these villages. Believe me there is
a consistent, clear, and historical anti-clerical movement in many villages.
Unfortunately this is also linked to the common Polish "social hypocrisy" where
people give you the information they think you want to recieve rather than what
they really think.

In this respect I can't give you specific examples about this "tyranny" but
would ask you to reflect upon your own experience. The church may well be full
on Sunday but this is no reflection on the "quality" or "strength" of belief on
display. Many young people feel that they have no alternative but to attend
mass and pay lip service to the semons of the priest. The tyrrany i'm talikng
about is that view of many young people that the priest does not understand the
feelings of the disadvantaged and the unemployed but rather sees their role as
maintaining the status quo. I'm sorry but I have to be honest about this - if
my children did not "revolt" against their upbringing (i.e me) I would be
seriously concerned!

I am surprised about your comments that most of the young people in our village
do not wish to leave. The same is true of Zach Pomorskie and Dolny Slask. Most
of the young kids dont wan't to leave BUT... they do leave. I can no longer
count the number of young people from a rural background I meet in England who
tell me that they did not wish to leave. Of course my parents also wanted to
return after a period earning real money!

In regards to the percentage of people living in rural areas I think its clear
that since the seventies the majority of Poles do live in an urban environment.
I would love to see a movement back to the villages but at the moment I can
only see a continuing drain from the villages and the gradual resettlement by
wealthy city folk who contribute nothing to the local community. This would
follow the same pattern as most Western countries.

As to your valley. If anyone should even consider a highway through it please
let me know. We may well disagree on certain things but i would give you my
wholehearted support. I've also got lots of experience in these things and I'm
sure we could arrange a few surprises!

All the best,


Temat: odpowiedz Izraleczyka na "znawcy " izraela
Tu, dla równowagi, inne podejście,
z pewnością warte przemyślenia.

The task of the ethicist

By Sefi Rachlevsky

Contrary to the view espoused by the philosopher Asa Kasher ("Those who cry with one eye," Haaretz, Feb. 29), the occupation is not a matter of a Palestinian "narrative." The occupation is not a story of one side or a story of another side. The occupation is a fact.

For nearly two-thirds of its existence, Israel has chosen to be an occupying power. The heart of the matter, the "problem," is its choice to hold on to Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip as occupied territories. Moreover, Israel chose not only military occupation but moved a million of its ethnic citizens into the territories and thereby turned it into an apartheid zone. The Jewish ethnic group has civil rights, the others do not. Occupation and apartheid are never ethical.

The reality that Israel has chosen for nearly two-thirds of its existence is not compatible with an ethical humanist world, but with the status of the "ger toshav" - the "resident stranger" - the precept regarding the existence of non-Jews in the Holy Land as despised subjects with no rights, and not as citizens. Even if the ethicist has embraced this approach, there is no reason for him to drag ethics into it.

Even for those who believe in the divine Israeli hold on extensive territories - which must be in Israel's hands, even those between the Euphrates and the Tigris - only one somewhat legitimate path is open, which is to grant civil rights to all the strangers residing in the coveted area. Having failed to do this, Israel was obliged to leave the area immediately. Either full citizenship or withdrawal. There is and never was a third ethical path. Israel chose not to do this. Even in "unified" Jerusalem, the non-Jews did not receive citizenship, only permanent residency. "Resident strangers."

It's not a matter of quantity. The occupation is not justified in absolute terms. Not as a security means, either. An occupation with apartheid cannot exist for even one day, even one hour; certainly not for 37 years.

So thoroughly has the occupation corrupted Kasher, apparently, that from where he sits the "left" seems to him to think that the end of the occupation means the end of terrorism. As though the hypothetical left, too, must be afflicted with an ethnic-based utilitarian morality - as though occupation must be stopped only so others will leave us alone, and not because the occupation is not ethically possible.

In this connection, the Israeli left has, indeed, gone astray, but differently. The root of the moral problem lies in the slogan "territories for peace," which had its genesis during the period of the negotiations with Egypt. Sinai is, indeed, territory; but Judea, Samaria and Gaza are not "territories." Some 3.5 million Palestinians live there. The Israeli ethnic ear hears the Palestinian extortion latent in the slogan: We will be given peace only if we get out of the territories. However, the real extortion here is the reverse of this. Until the Palestinians don't agree to peace, and on our terms, we will continue to occupy them, and by means of an occupation accompanied by ethnic apartheid.

Yes, leaving the territories will also contribute to Israeli ethnic security. Yes, the "enlightened" world of occupation, nongranting of civil rights and the creation of a regime in which the Jews have rights and others don't, preceded the first intifada by 20 years. But that's not the point. Even as a means of security, there was not and never will be ethical justification for the occupation.

What, then, is the ethicist to do, and especially one who is in charge, from his perspective, of the unchanging military ethical values? What is the ethicist who advises the Israel Defense (!) Forces to do? There is only one thing for the ethicist to do. To make it clear to the chiefs of the army that, ethically, they must demand from the country's leaders the immediate termination of the abnormal and unethical situation of occupation and apartheid.

Once that situation has ceased to exist, even technical matters, which are so important to Kasher, will become simpler. The terrorist will no longer be intermixed with the State of Israel. Citizens and noncitizens will no longer live in physical proximity that privatizes terrorism, and the warplanes will not be sent into territory for which Israel is responsible.

The so-called ethicist, who instead of calling for the end of the occupation has chosen a different route and offers "ethical" technical advise to the occupation, is going far beyond his professional field and appears to be entering the world of a "priest anointed for war," whose mission is to direct Israel in the wars of commandment of its holy conquests.

In a debate on the Camp David Agreement in the Knesset, Menachem Begin tweaked Moshe Shamir, the writer. We know you are not a historian, he said to Shamir, but not a historian on such a scale? True, Kasher's world is familiar to a large public, but still, not a philosopher on such a scale?

The writer is the author of "The Messiah's Donkey."

Temat: Bardzo ciekawy artykul o Mennonitach w Paragwaju
Bardzo ciekawy artykul o Mennonitach w Paragwaju
Przypomne ze spora grupa Mennonitow osiedlila sie na Zulawach Wislanych w
siedemnastym wieku i doprowadzila do gospodarczego "boomo" regionu dzieki
przeniesionym z Holandii technikow irygacyjnym.

Mennonites find a place in modern Paraguay
By Benedict Mander

Published: August 8 2006 03:00 | Last updated: August 8 2006 03:00

You might think it hard to find a more isolated, disconnected community than
a Mennonite colony in the middle of Paraguay's empty Chaco desert. Certainly,
when the first of the settlers arrived in the late 1920s, many fleeing
Stalinist Russia, they were escaping the pressures of the modern world and
seemed to have found the perfect place to practise their traditions in peace.

But 80 years on, the long arm of globalisation has caught up with the
Mennonites in these remote and inhospitable scrublands.

When they arrived the region was considered uninhabitable. Even so, it was
claimed by neighbouring Bolivia and soon became the scene of a bloody war.
Paraguay's government was only too happy to guarantee their religious freedom

Life was hard at first. Crops failed. One in 10 of the first settlers died
and as many gave up and left. Water is scarce in the Paraguayan Chaco,
otherwise known as the "green hell", and temperatures regularly exceed 45°C.

It has about 2 per cent of the country's 6.5m population but well over half
its land mass.

But through solidarity and an unfaltering Christian work ethic, the followers
of the insular Anabaptist movement have turned this hostile wilderness into
one of the thriving agricultural hubs of the otherwise depressed Paraguayan

"For 50 years we lived in isolation," recalls Gerhard Razla, a historian.
That forced them to set up co-operatives to collect their own taxes to
provide schools, hospitals, infrastructure and security. "It was like a state
within a state," he says.

The completion of the Trans-Chaco highway, opening a link to the outside
world, at the end of the 1980s catalysed rapid expansion that gave the
Mennonites control of four-fifths of Paraguay's dairy industry. More recently
they have established a prospering business exporting beef to markets around
the globe - ranging from Angola, Israel and Russia to Brazil, Chile and Peru -
that today accounts for the bulk of their income.

Their own labour force has been unable to support the pace of their economic
growth. But with an average wage in the flourishing Mennonite colonies at
least three times the national average, outsiders have streamed in looking
for work. In Filadelfia, the largest settlement in the Chaco, with more than
6,500 inhabitants, the original German-descended Mennonites are now
outnumbered almost two to one. Street signs, once in German, are now in

"We are somewhat overwhelmed with the many people that have come here," says
Teodoro Unruh, a priest, in a German accent tinged with the now rare
Plattdeutsch dialect that the Mennonites have preserved since the 16th
century, when they began to disperse from the Low Countries across northern

"There is a fear that we are losing our old Mennonite traditions and way of
life; some fear we are even losing our identity," he says, acknowledging that
they have been victims of their own success. "Our economic development has
been so strong that we are responsible for what we are experiencing. I would
have wished that we had gone slower to give us time to reflect and guide
certain developments."

Some later settlements in the milder eastern half of Paraguay have been
slower to adapt. They forbid the use of cars, for example, and although they
have finally succumbed to tractors, rubber wheels are replaced with metal
ones to prevent people from driving to nearby towns, thus limiting the
influence of modern society.

"That's not necessarily going to save your soul," says Helmut Goerzen, the
secretary of the co-operative organisation that runs the Fernheim colony
whose capital is Filadelfia. He frowns on the more traditional
Mennonites. "We have to be able to live with other people. We can't remain
isolated all our lives," he says.

Mennonites, who believe in baptism only by consent, pacifism and a literal
interpretation of the Bible, are now even participating in national politics.
Key people in the current government - the finance minister, the tax minister
and the president's economic adviser - are Mennonites, whose honesty is
highly valued in a country plagued by corruption.

The Mennonites in the Chaco are integrating into Paraguay, and the world. "In
the past, when Mennonites were in a situation where changes happened too fast
and when outside pressures became too strong, groups left for other countries
to continue our way of life," says Mr Unruh. "But today we have nowhere to
go, so we have to live with changes while maintaining our way of life. That
is our biggest challenge."

Temat: Dzieci Holocaust odkrywaja ciagle swa przeszlosc.
Dzieci Holocaust odkrywaja ciagle swa przeszlosc.
Hidden children of the Holocaust

By Rosie Goldsmith
BBC Radio 4's Crossing Continents

In Lublin in Poland signs of Catholicism are everywhere
During World War II the Nazi's built several concentration camps and murdered
three million Jews on Polish soil.

Today, 60 years after the war, astounding stories of survival are beginning
to emerge, and a growing number of Poles are having to come to terms with a
new identity.

The city of Lublin, in the south east of Poland, is a showcase for
Catholicism. Churches dominate the skyline, while nuns, monks and priests
mingle with shoppers and students on the streets.

The city boasts a world famous Catholic university and one of its professors
was Karel Woytila, who became Pope John Paul II. Ninety per cent of Poland is

It was like being born again

Father Romuald Jakub Weksler-Waskinel

It is hard to believe that Lublin was once home to 40,000 Jewish people, and
the city was a centre of Jewish life and learning.

Now there are barely a handful of Jewish families left; and a nearby
concentration camp - Majdanek - is a constant reminder of the Holocaust.

But Poland is trying to come to terms with its tragic history, and to
reconcile Jewish people and Catholics.

One remarkable man has come to embody the two cultures. His name is Father
Romuald Jakub Weksler-Waskinel, a Catholic priest, academic and writer.

But as his name suggests, there is more to his story.

Raised as a Catholic by a Polish couple, he followed his faith into the
priesthood. It was only after he had been a priest for 12 years that his ill
mother revealed to him that he was not her son, and that he was in fact

Father Romuald is one of Poland's "hidden children"

"It was like being born again," Father Romuald explained, the tears still
flowing at the memory.

His Polish mother told him that his true parents were to be transported to
the death camps.

His Jewish mother handed her the baby and said, "You are a Christian. You
believe Jesus was a Jew. In the name of that Jew, save this child. Bring him
up a Catholic. One day", she prophesied, "he will become a priest."

This story of Catholic families saving and raising Jewish children is being
repeated many times in Poland, stories which are only now being revealed, as
the older generation feels able to unburden themselves of long-held secrets.

With Poland's own suffering in the war, and with its reputation for anti-
Semitism, these acts of heroism are a source of pride to Poles.

Father Romuald has two photos on display at home, one of his Polish mother
and one of his Jewish mother.

When he discovered his true origins, he had to mourn not only the deaths of
his Jewish parents and brother Samuel, but also the loss of decades of his
true identity.

He was now both Catholic and Jewish.


It was not until after communism collapsed in Poland in 1989, and after
democracy and free speech arrived, that Father Romuald could share his story.

Crossing Continents will be broadcast on Thursday, 13 November, 2003 at 1100

Read the programme billing

Before that, Poland's remaining Jewish families had suffered political purges
and defamation. Many left for the US or Israel. Others chose to live
incognito as Catholics. Some - like Father Romuald - were not told they were
Jewish to protect them.

Today they are called the "hidden children", although most of them are adults
in their 60s or 70s.

In 1990, a group was formed in Warsaw to help them, The Association of the
Hidden Children of the Holocaust.

When it started there were four members, now there are 800.

The Director, Elzbieta Ficowska, herself a "new Jew", says its members often
need therapy to cope with their changed identity so late in life.

They come here to share their stories and to mix with others in a similar
dilemma. She adds that many "secret Jews" will go to their graves not knowing
the truth.

We have had death bed confessions... But often parents and grandparents
will not talk

Rabbi Shudrich

One Pole is so scared that his family secret will get out that he asks to
remain anonymous.

For 60 years he has kept to himself the fact that the brother he grew up with
is Jewish.

As a baby, his brother was thrown from a train transporting Jews to the death

The baby was rescued by a woman who raised him as her own son, and as a

His brother believes it is too late to tell him, as it would disrupt his life
and destroy his memories.


Rabbi Michael Shudrich is devoting his life to Jewish revival

The first tentative steps in a reconstruction of Jewish life in Poland have
been made. Since 1989, Jewish people have been free to practice their
religion and explore their culture. But it is still early days.

No one is quite sure how many Jewish families now live in Poland. It is
perhaps 20,000, a quarter of whom are living in Warsaw.

There is a Jewish school and kindergarten; a travel agent; restaurants; and a

The focus of Jewish life in Warsaw is the one remaining synagogue. The
community is led by the charismatic Chief Rabbi Michael Shudrich, an American
who has devoted 10 years of his life to the revival of the community in

He admits the situation is chaotic but exciting.

"Every permutation you can think of has happened," he said.

"We have had death bed confessions. We have had conversions; young people
interested in finding out whether they might be Jewish.

"Sometimes they only have a name to go on, no documentary evidence. Often
their parents and grandparents still will not talk."

Rabbi Shudrich also spoke about reconciliation between Jewish people and

"A lot of Polish non-Jews come to the synagogue too. They want to learn about
this minority group that has lived amongst them for centuries.

"This process has been supported by Pope John Paul II who declared that Jews
were the older brother. When their Pope speaks, Poles listen.

"He is the most important figure in bringing together Catholics and Jews.
What is happening today in Poland is a normalisation."

BBC Radio 4's Crossing Continents will be broadcast on Thursday, 13 November,
2003 at 1100 GMT.

The programme will be repeated on Monday, 17 November, at 2030 GMT.

Temat: do zydow o pasji.... :)
.... the Jewish priests "spit, slap and verbally abuse him (Jesus)," to Jewish
guards of the High Priest "brutally beating Jesus, at one point throw him over
a bridge where he is seen dangling by his chains and then yanked back up by the
brutish guards." It's violent. It's brutal. It certainly makes the Jews seem
a bit barbaric. The only problem is, the scene depicted is not found in the
New Testament. It's based on a vision of a 19th century mystic nun, Ann
Catherine Emmerich, who labeled Jesus' death "the c rime of the Jews." Mel
Gibson had a lot of ways in which he could have depicted this scene. He chose
the way that now goes against his church's own teachings; a way that makes the
Jews look as bad as possible. Whenever there is a historic doubt about what
happened to Jesus, Gibson never gives the Jews the benefit of the doubt! This
and much more led the movie critic of the New York Daily News to describe the
movie as being "the most virulently anti-Semitic movie since the German
propaganda films of WW II. It is sickening ..."

Does that mean that Mel Gibson is an anti-Semite? I really don't know, and to
tell you the truth, I really don't care. One more - or one less - is not going
to make much of a difference in this world. Does he think all Jews are going to
go to hell? He thinks his own wife, who is a Protestant, is going to go to
hell! If she can put up with him .. so can I! Is his father an anti-Semite?
Well, he considers the Second Vatican Council "a Masonic Jewish plot." And as
to the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust, well, they are alive and well
and living in Brooklyn and the Bronx. Does this make him an anti-Semite?
Absolutely! If not him, then who? He is an emesdicker, Holocaust denying,
anti-Semite. Like father, like son? Look at me and Jonathan;
both "theologians!"

How Christians are going to handle this movie remains to be seen. It will put
to test a lot of the good will that has been established by way of Interfaith
relations since the second Vatican Council. Christians are going to have to
deal with this movie. We Jews? If anything, I think we've already spent too
much time and money dealing with it, leaving many Jews with the impression that
after people see this movie, they're going to run out of the theatre and
crucify every Jew they can get their hands on. But that's not the world in
which we live. And it's important for us to remember that. Sometimes we are
so focused on the threats of anti-Semitism that we overlook the true gospel.
The word "gospel" means "the good news." And while Jewish agencies have been
so focused on the possible negative fallout from Gibson's movie, there has been
lots of good news for the Jews in recent weeks. It begins right with my having
seen the movie. Who did I see it with? I was invi ted by the Institute for
Christian/Jewish Studies; a group specifically dedicated to improving relations
between Christians and Jews. My father didn't live in a world that had such
organizations. But it's much more than that. In recent weeks, as Joseph Aaron
pointed out in a column in the Chicago Jewish Times:

- France announced that it will provide more than $18 million to beef up
security at Jewish institutions. Prime Minister Jean Pierre Raffarin announced
that during a meeting of his new Cabinet committee on anti-Semitism. President
Chirac warmly greeted Israel's President Katsav.

- Malaysia's former Prime Minister called for greater tolerance between
Muslims and non-Muslims. Yes, this is the same nut who said Jews run the
world. That got all kinds of play in the Jewish community. But now he
says, "Muslims should accept other people's religions." How come we don't pay
attention to that? Why isn't that as significant, if not more?

- A controversial Canadian Indian leader was rejected as a candidate for a
national committee because of a remark he made last year praising Hitler.

- Thirty countries have written to the International Court of Justice
opposing a hearing on Israel's West Bank security fence. The U.S., the
European Union, Canada, Russia and South Africa are among the countries that
opposed this week's hearing at the International Court of Justice.

- European Commission President Romano Prodi proposed that the European
Union adopt an annual Holocaust Remembrance Day. "The memory of the Shoah," he
said, "a unique and unprecedented tragedy, is a universal value."

- A new poll shows that 73% of Americans oppose U.S. aid to the Palestinians.

Were any of you aware of any of this? No, we've been too focused on a movie;
overlooking the fact that the world depicted in the movie and the world in
which we're living is very different. Sure, there is anti-Semitism in the
world, plenty of it! But in Jesus' time the government was against us. The
government that killed Jesus killed tens of thousands of Jews as well. Today,
the governments are not where the anti-Semites are. The governments are
punishing the anti-Semites. Not enough! There's still a long way to go, but
let us not lose sight of the fact.
For Christians, this is a solemn, ascetic season; a season that began with Ash
Wednesday, the day on which Mel Gibson chose to unveil his movie, and continues
with Good Friday and Easter Sunday. But for us, this is a good time of the
year; a time for rejoicing and celebrating. If ever there's a time of year
when a movie that can do us harm should come out, it is now. Now, when we
prepare to celebrate Purim and Pesach. Now, when we are reminded, "sheb'chol
dor v'dor omdim aleinu l'chaleisenu." In every generation there have been
Gibsons; if not the son, then surely the father - those who would love to see
us destroyed. "V'Hakodosh borchu matzeilinu miyodom - but Almighty God redeems
us from their hands." That's the greatest sto ry ever told. And for that
"Modim anachnu loch ... we give thanks to Thee, O Lord." Amen.

Temat: Sudan - łagodny urok Islamu
Okrucienstwa jihadu- Islamu-caly swiat cierpi !!!
Ale jakos cisza w ONZ o zbrodniach ISLAMU .

Victims of jihad to rally at U.N.
Coalition wants world body to condemn militant Islam

By Art Moore
© 2002

Muslim and non-Muslim victims of radical Islamic attacks around the world plan
to demonstrate at the United Nations in New York tomorrow.

An umbrella group called the Coalition for the Defense of Human Rights wants
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan to appoint a special rapporteur to assess the
status of non-Muslim and moderate Muslim minorities in nations plagued by jihad

The coalition also wants the United Nations to condemn "radical Islamism's
jihad ideology," which "divides humankind into 'Muslims' and 'infidels.'"

"The message that the world should hear is that there are victims of jihad
other than the victims of Sept. 11," Walid Phares, a spokesman for the group,
told WorldNetDaily. "It's the same persecution. Now, finally, Americans who
were shielded from jihad terrorism because of American power unfortunately have
been victimized."

The coalition's general secretary, Keith Roderick, an Episcopal priest, noted
that the U.S. government has been careful to say that Americans are not in a
war against Islam.

"But I think they need to understand, and be realistic, that a good portion of
the Islamic population in the world perceives it as a holy war against the
West," said Roderick. "It doesn't necessarily mean we have to respond in the
same way, to make a holy war ourselves, but we have to draw attention to the
fact that these instruments of jihad ? have had detrimental results on the
indigenous societies which have come in contact with Islam over the centuries."

At the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza across the street from the U.N. building, victims
from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia, the Philippines, India,
Bangladesh, Egypt and Sudan will speak, along with Americans who suffered in
the Sept. 11 attacks.

Maria Sliwa, a representative of the coalition, said she is one of five people
who plan to block the U.N. entrance shortly after noon on Wednesday. She
expects to be arrested along with Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, chaplain for the New
York City Fire Department. The speakers will begin at about 11:30 a.m.

The coalition includes nearly 60 groups, including the Ibo tribe of Nigeria,
where northern states are imposing Islamic law, and Christians of the Maluku
islands in Indonesia, where a group called Laskar Jihad is trying to eliminate
Christianity from the region. Muslims in the coalition include people of the
Nuba Mountains in Sudan who are under threat from the militant Islamic regime
in Khartoum.

Other members include the American Coptic Association, advocates for Egypt's
Orthodox Coptic Christians, and the Egyptian Human Rights Association.

In a declaration presented in September at the controversial U.N. World
Conference on Racism in Durban, South Africa, the coalition called on Islamic
scholars to condemn the violent interpretation of jihad held by many groups and
movements worldwide. Phares, a Lebanese-born professor of Middle East studies
at Florida Atlantic University, said that for many Muslim scholars, rejecting
groups such as al-Qaida, Islamic Jihad, Hamas and Hezbollah is not difficult.

But wrestling with the theological interpretation of jihad is a challenge,
Phares said, because its violent manifestations are found in the early Muslim
conquests, going back to the Prophet Muhammad.

"So there should be at this point a reinterpretation of the events that took
place in the early (centuries of Islam) by modern Muslim scholars," Phares
said, "so that they are readjusted with international law and relations."

But defining jihad, which can include the concept of a personal
spiritual "struggle," is a task for Muslims, he points out. "What we can do
together ? non-Muslims and Muslims ? is to reject terror based on jihad."

The Council on American-Islamic Relations told WorldNetDaily, however, that it
tried to join the coalition, but was rejected. Roderick confirms that the
Washington, D.C.-based Muslim advocacy group was not accepted because of its
defense of militant Islamic regimes such as Sudan's.

"The groups didn't want them," said Roderick. "I think (CAIR) has been at least
tacitly supporters of radical positions that are contrary to our perspective
and what we are trying to do."

Roderick said that in a phone conversation CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper denied
that the Khartoum regime had anything to do with slavery, contrary to the
claims of human rights groups.

"There are human rights abuses all over the world, including the Muslim world ?
these are done in spite of Islam, not because of it," Hooper told

"Muslims are more than willing to cooperate with those who are sincere and
don't have political and religious agendas to carry out, which I believe these
people do," said Hooper, referring to Roderick's coalition.

Roderick believes the definition of Islam is for the Islamic community itself
to decide.

"What the victims of jihad have to deal with is how to survive and how to
resist, and that's what we're concerned about," he said. "We can't define Islam
for Muslims, but what we can do is define what is necessary for a strong
Jewish, Hindu or Christian community in an Islamic culture."

The Episcopal priest insists that "Christianity has always understood how to
make accommodations in places where Islam has found itself in the minority."

But when the roles are reversed, he contends, "Islam has never been able to
make those accommodations. There is a built-in triumphalism, and I think that
becomes a serious issue."

Hooper disputes that view of history, pointing to Christian communities that
have lived at peace under Islamic regimes.

The coalition's declaration at Durban got no response from the United Nations,
according to Roderick.

"I just don't think it was on their agenda," he said. "I think in fact it was
contrary to the movement of the whole meeting and probably would have provoked
even more controversy."

The coalition hopes in two years to hold a congress of "dhimmi," the term for
minority groups that live under an Islamic regime. It would invite politicians,
economists, religious leaders and human rights activists to talk about how the
minority communities can "build a sense of cultural integrity, which is the
best form of resistance, and how to build the instruments that will preserve
your society."

Temat: Philip Anselmo (of PANTERA)
Philip Anselmo (of PANTERA)
* Ikona prawdziwego metalu.
* Sceniczny Demolition Man
* Twórca tysięcy muzycznych projektów
* Heavymetalowy ARTYSTA

Ladies and Gentleman... PHIL ANSELMO !!!

Na początku lat 80tych w teksasie, dwóch nastoletnich synów znanego lokalnego
muzyka country: Darrel i Vincet Abbottowie, założyli wspólnie z basistą Rexem
Brownem i wokalistą Terrencem Lee power-metalowy zespół Pantera. Ich
repertuar składał się początkowo z coverów znanych i powszechnie cenionych
zespołów metalowych jak np. Judas Priest, by później na własną rękę
tworzyć "własne", niewiele różniące się, choć duuużo słabsze kompozycje.
Nosili obcisłe, kolorowe spodnie, tapirowali z lekka włosy, ich teksty
traktowały o żeczach nieistotnych i nieważnych. Po wydaniu 3 nieistotnych
albumów, nastąpiła pierwsza i jak dotąd jedyna zmiana w składzie. Wokalistę
Lee zastąpił Phil Anselmo. Pantera nagrała jeszcze jeden power-metalowy LP,
po czym, na skutek absolutnego braku sukcesów, oraz oddziaływania nowego
wokalisty, nagrali swoją piąta płytę, przez wielu uważaną za ich... debiut.


"CFH" okazał się być najczystszym thrash-metalowym dziełem, a dzięki takim
utworom jak "Cementary gates", "Domination", czy tytułowemu "Cowboys...",
Pantera zyskała rzeszę wiernych i oddanych fanów. Kolejny album okazał się
prawdziwym hitem i jest przez wielu uważany za najlepsze osiągnięcie
grupy. "Vulgar display of power" stał się znakiem firmowym Pantery i
równocześnie wyznaczył zupełnie nową ścieżkę rozwoju muzyki metalowej (która
zwieńczona została powstaniem nu-metalu). Pantera stała się megagwiazdą
metalu, ich obydwa (pierwsze albumy zyskały miano platynowych. Pantera
zagrała między innymi u boku Metallicy i AC/DC w Rosji, słynny koncert na
lotnisku wojskowym (nie pamiętam nazwy...) dla kilkuset tysięcy fanów.
Trzecia płyta "Far beyond driven" to największy sukces komercyjny(sic!)
zespołu. Debiut na 1szym miejscu listy Billboardu był tym bardziej
zaskakujący, gdyż 3ka była najcięższym i najtrudniejszym w odbiorze
tytułem Pantery. Po tym sukcesie pojawiły się pierwsze poważne problemy
osobiste Phila (o czym poniżej), które miały zasadniczy wpływ na tworzenie
4tej płyty "The great southern trendkill". Dwa miesiące później Philip
Anselmo umarł... na 4 minuty. Śmierć kliniczna spowodowana była
przedawkowaniem heroiny. Mimo tego, grupa nadal dużo koncertowała, była
wiodącą gwiazdą nowopowstałego festiwalu metalowego Ozzfest. Dowodem tego był
album koncertowy "Official Live: 101 Proof " wydany w 1997roku. 3 lata
później Pantera wydała ostatni do tej pory album "Reinventing the Steel". Od
tamtej pory Pantera milczy, lecz nie milkną bynajmniej jej członkowie, a
przede wszystkim Phil...

Phil Anselmo to wyjątkowy wokalista. Jego sposób ekspresji, można przyrównać
tylko do Mike`a Pattona (który ma oczywiście o wiele lepszy głos). Kolejne
słowa: krzyczy, szepce, wrzeszczy i jęczy, wydając w międzyczasie serie
nieartykułowanych dźwięków. Wielu to męczy. Na szczęście mają Bruce`a

Anselmo jako pierwszy tak otwarcie i szczerze mówił w tekstach o swoich
problemach. Utwory takie jak: "25 years", "Throes of rejection", czy przede
wszystkim "Suicide note pt. 1/2" mogą być z powodzeniem wykładane w szkołach
na równi z "Cierpieniami młodego Wertera". To autentyczny ból i rozpacz.
Nienawiść i frustracja. Szczerość. I niezwykle okrutna prawda...

Anselmo przez wiele lat walczył ze swoimi demonami: ojcem pijakiem,
uzależnieniem od alkocholu i narkotyków (co zwieńczone zostało śmiercią). To
wszystko miało swoje odzwierciedlenie w muzyce Pantery, niezwykle agresywnej,
ale równocześnie ciężkiej i melancholijnej ("I`m broken", "10s"). Negatywnych
emocji było jednak tak wiele, że nie starczało na nie miejsca w Panterze.
Phil zaczął szukać innych miejsc...

Oto lista projektów, które PA stworzył, współtworzył, bądź których był
jedynie członkiem:

Body and blood
Christ inversion
DOWN !!!
House of shock
Nodferatus lair
Southern isolation
Viking crown
i kilka innych:

Prócz tego wszystkiego Philip pozostaje wzorem do naśladowania dla rzesz
młodych adeptów metalu, reprezentując przywiązanie i wierność głównej
zasadzie heavy metalu: NEVER SELL YOURSELF UP!

Ktoś może zarzucić Panterze, że od pewnego czasu nagrywa tak samo i to samo.
Że w imię zasad stanęli w miejscu i nie podążyli tym świetlanym torem, którym
podążyła np. Metallica. Że zamiast nagrywać kolejne "Cementary gates",
czy "This love", nagrywali ciężkie i trudne kompozycje, z niemożliwym do
słuchania wokalem... Jednakże jak słusznie zauważył to Jason Birchmeier z
portalu, Pantera to jedyny zespół metalowy obok Slayera, który
pozostał przez całą karierę wierny swojej koncepcji grania muzyki ostrej,
bezkompromisowej i przeznaczonej dla stosunkowo wąskiego w perspektywie
czasu, grona odbiorców.

Phil eksperymentował również sporo z efektami gitarowymi i wokalem, ale
opiszę to szerzej w wątku poświęconym zespołowi DOWN.

PS: Wątek ten chciałbym zadedykować "malinie", wiernej funkcjonariuszce TWA,
która zarzuciła mi, iż moja działalnośc na forum opiera się wyłącznie na
nieuzasadnionych atakach na jej ugrupowanie (które to notabene jest

PS2: o DOWN będzie trochę później, bo troche zjebany jestem po dzisiejszych
wzruszeniach związanych z moją byłą JUŻ szkołą...