Czytasz wypowiedzi wyszukane dla słów: Prima Life sama

Temat: Prima Life Karawan Sousse z Exim Tours
Prima Life Karawan Sousse z Exim Tours
Witam, kilka dni temu wróciłam z Sousse z Hotelu Prima life karawan z biura
Exim Tours. Postanowiłam, ze napiszę o swoich wrażeniach, gdyz to co przed
wyjazdem czytałam zarówno o biurze, hotelu jak i przewoźniku (fisher air) w
moim odczuciu w znacznej mierze mija się z prawdą. Być może punkt widzenia
zależy od grubosci łańcucha na szyi, czy też złotej branzoletki. W każdym
razie ja, ani mój móż takowych nie posiadamy.
Otóż, przewoźnik jak najbardziej ok. Samolot, wbrew licznym opiniom, moim
zdaniem ok. Po przeczytaniu niektórych wypowiedzi na forach byłam przerażona
lotem. Opóźnienie zarówno tam, jak i z powrotem wynosiło ok. 1 godziny, więc
przyzwoicie. Obsługa była miła, cały lot przebiegał bez zadnych problemów.
Ktoś te samoloty w koncu dopuszcza do lotu. W kazdym razie ja nie leciałam
nigdy klasa busines i jak dla mnie samolot Fisher air był ok.
Co do hotelu, to tez miłe zaskoczenie. Hotel jak na trzy gwiazdki bardzo
przyzwoity. Ładne pokoje, łazienki dosyć stare, ale czyste. Baseny super,
czyste. jedzenie ok, chociaż w drugim tygodniu wydawało się za bardzo
jednostajne. co do organizatora nie mam zastrzeżeń.
Mam 27 lat, mieszkam w miescie powyzej 800 tys. Myślę, ze jest to istotne
gdyż w znacznej mierze determinuje ocenę.
My spędziliśmy super wakacje, czego wszystkim życzę i pozdrawiam.

Temat: Prima Life Karwan - Polecam!!!!
Prima Life Karwan - Polecam!!!!
Własnie wróciłam do Warszawy i zastanawiam się co ja tutaj robię i
najchętniej wróciłabym tam znowwu...
W każdym razie, jeśli ktoś się wybiera mogę z czystym sumieniem polecić,
super odpoczęłam, świetne animacje baseny fakt trochę małe ale za to morze
Jeśli chcecie dodatkowych informacji chętnie poopowiadam:)
Chyba wybiorę się w październiku jeszcze raz

Temat: Prima Life Karawan - od 02 września
Prima Life Karawan - od 02 września
Lecimy do tego hotelu z W-awy (o 8.30 rano - wstępnie jak nic sie nie zmieni).
Wyruszamy na 14-dniowe wojaże. Ciekawe czy ktoś wybiera się tam rownież w tym
(lub pokrywającym się) terminie? Jesteśmy z Lublina - chętnych do wymiany
poglądów zapraszamy do rozwinięcia wątku.

czesc. czy ktos moze pracowal albo pracuje w tej firmie? (dziala ona w wlk
br). chcialbym poznac wasze opinie o nich: jak tam sie pracuje; jak
pracodawca traktuje polakow; jakie sa warunki zamieszkania ktore zapewniaja i
wszelkie inne spostrzezenia ktore macie. prosilbym o opinie tylko tych ktorzy
naprawde moga cos o tej firmie powiedziec.

Temat: Siemanko. Lece 29.07.06 do Prima Life Karawan.
hej, jeżeli chodzi o procenty to oficjalnie nie mozna dużo przywieźć, ale jak
jedziesz z biurem podróży - zorganizowana wycieczka, to nikt Cie na lotnisku nie
sprawdzi, ja oststnio pare dobrych litrów wwiozałam . Przelicznik 1 euro to 1,6
dinara, a 1 dolar to 1,3 dinara więc ławto się zorientować ile co kosztuje.
wycieczka na Sahare kosztuje ok 120 -130 DT. Ja w tym otelu nie byłam, ale
podobno dobry- wszystkie z sieci Prima Life sa w dobrym standardzie, ja byłam na
Djerbie i naprawde w porzadku. Z Eximtours lecisz?

Temat: Prima Life Garden Park (***) - Djerba
Prima Life Garden Park (***) - Djerba
Bylismy z chlopakiem na tydzien z opcja all i jestesmy bardzo zadowoleni. Byl
to nasz pierwszy wyjazd i bardzo sie obawialismy ale niepotrzebnie. Hotel ma
3 gwiazdki i w pelni zasluguje na ten tytul. Jedzenie bylo smaczne i bylo go
bardzo duzo, swietne sa slodycze ciasta, torty (podawane do kazdego posilku
razem z owocami). Najbardziej nieprzyjemny jest fakt ze jest bardzo duzo much
(w jadalni!) ale nic dziwnego gdyz jest to Afryka. Pokoj mielismy z widokiem
na morze i byl to jeden z nowszych wiec byl na prawde swietny. Ogromne loze i
toaletka. W lazience wanna i ma sie wrazenie ze zostala zrobiona na szybko:)
ale codziennie ja sprzataja wymieniaja na zyczenie reczniki i co
najwazniejsze nie bylo zadnych robali. Klimatyzacja dzialala bez zarzutu.
Hotel swietnie przystosowany dla dzieci. Jest dla nich duzo atrakcji.
Polecamy dla ludzi pragnacych spedzic milo czas na piaszczystej plazy
(sprzatana codziennie) w pelnym sloneczku. Nigdy nie bylo problemu z lezakami
bo jest ich tam bardzo duzo.

Autor: papi83

Temat: Siemanko. Lece 29.07.06 do Prima Life Karawan.
Siemanko. Lece 29.07.06 do Prima Life Karawan.
Czytałem na forum że warto wziążć ze sobą naszą polską wódeczkę na problmy
żołądkowe:))))))))Chciałem sie dowiedzieć ile jej mozna zabrac do torby?????A
tak wogule to napiszcie cos o tym Hotelu i ile kosztuje wycieczka na Sahare 2-
dniowa i jaki jest teraz przelicznik z 1DT na złotówki? Z góry DZIĘKUJE

Temat: Sousse-prima life Karavan
Sousse-prima life Karavan
Sam hotel położony przy samej plaży, wyżywienie bardzo dobre warunki w hotelu
tez w porzadku polecam ten hotel zwłaszcza dla małżeństw z dziećmi gdyż na
terenie hotelu znajdują się dwa baseny przy których zabawę organizuje grupa
animacyjna robią to naprawde super.Polecam ten hotel naprawde warto.


ksanta 2006-04-12 Skasujcie ten post - zgłoszenie do moderacji

z dziećmi!!!!!!!!!!nigdy w życiu.Wróciłam dzisiaj i dziękowałam Bogu,że to
koniec.Byłam z 10-cio m-cznym dzieckiem,które raz dziennie wpadało w panikę
z powodu samolotu.To co się tam dzieje to koszmar ,absolutnie piszę do
mam ...żadnych wakacji w Prima Life.Przedwyjazdem dzwoniłam do Warszawy z
zapytaniem czy wszystko będszie ok(tu mowa o warunkach dla
maleństwa)zapewniano mnie bardzo więc spokojnie pojechałm,niestety już w
pierwszy dzień miałam dość!Hotel 5km od lotniska a dostałam się tam po
3.5godzinach.Dziękuję EXIMOWI za wspaniałe wakacje i obiecuję,że tak tego nie

Temat: Prime Life Rihana / Rihana Sharm
Prime Life Rihana / Rihana Sharm
Czy ktoś zna te hotele? I bardzo mnie nurtuje pewna sprawa.
Mianowicie przetrzepałam już oferty biur podróży i z opisu obu hoteleli i
zdjeć wnioskuję, że jest to jeden i ten sam hotel... Oczywiście oferty różnią
się cenami.
Chciałabym uzyskać informację na ich temat gdyż wyczytałam i zasłyszałam ze
Rihana ma boską rafę przy plaży. No więc której Rihany sprawa dotyczy? :))
Dzięki za wszelkie info,

Witam serdecznie !!!
wykupiłem wczasy w tym własnie hotelu
Bardzo był bym wdzięczny za jakieś informacje.
Jest to nowy hotel - otwarcie było podobno na świeta bożego narodzenia w 2004
r. i wiedze ze narazie nie ma żadnych inf.
Jeśli ktos był osobiscie to fajnie jak by podał GG lub e-maila
Pozdrawiam - Tomek !!!

Prima Life Sharm Rehana 4*
anella 25.06.08, 04:39 Odpowiedz

Super hotel,na plus bardzo ładny ogród z kompleksem
basenów.Ogrodnicy codziennie o niego dbają.Pokoje duże
przestronne,wszystkie z balkonami lub tarasami.Codziennie
sprzątane.Bliska odległość od lotniska ok 6 km.Czasami przelatują
samoloty ale to nie utrudnia wypoczynku,raczej ciekawostka.Opcja all
bogata,dużo dań gorących,zimnych,warzyw i ciast.Wszystko się
niestety powtarza więc w drugim tygodniu juz masz dość.Ale to chyba
normalne we wszystkich hotelach.Na powietrzy grill i naleśnikarnia.
Monotonnie z owocami bo tylko banany,pomarańcze,daktyle i parę razy
melon.( byłam w maju może to ma jakieś znaczemnie jeśli chodzi o
owoce)Plaża mniej ciekawa,Tzn mała ,podzielone są na hotele więc
spacer brzegiem morza wykluczony.Jak tylko wyjdziesz za swój teren
gwizdek i przeganiają.Szkoda ale taki ich zwyczaj.Woda w morzu długo
płytka a potem uskok na parę metrów,albo więcej.Rafa cudna super
ryby,woda czysta.Bajka.Przy plaży bar z napojami.Animacje codziennie
inne.Mini klub dla dzieci i mini disco.Dwa baseny albo nawet trzy
dla dzieci z płytką wodą.Super pobyt jednym zdaniem.

Właśnie wróciłam z 2-tygodniowego urlopu w SSH - Hotel Prima Life
Sharm/Rehana. Jestem bardzo zadowolona. Hotel jest naprawdę warty
polecenia. Cały kompleks budynków położony jest w dużym kwitnącym
ogrodzie. Znajdują się tu cztery baseny, zjeżdżalnie, basen dla
dzieci, bary, kawiarnia, SPA. Jest czysto i przyjemnie. Posiłki
urozmaicone, pokoje ładne i przestronne.

No niestety nie znałam nikogo z tego pokoju.
I niestety w moim pokoju wymieniono pościel RAZ przez 2 TYGODNIE, dopiero kiedy
ubłagałam tego co sprząta i powiedziałam, że zgłosze do do recepcji.
Druga sprawa to reczniki, smieszne jest to co piszesz. Zapewne na plaży
widziałeś ręczniki z hotelu, któpry był obok. Były całe i czyste, miały kolor.
Nasze to stare, sprane szmaty.
Ponieważ byłam już czwarty raz w Egipcie, to mam jakieś porównanie i ze zgrozą
mogę ten fakt stwierdzic, ze w Prima Life Rehana jedynie baseny zasługiwały na
5 gwiazdek oraz jedzenie na 4+ gwiazdki, ale tylko w pierwszym tygodniu, potem
to była tragedia.
Poza tym było fajnie, bo było fajne towarzystwo.
A rafa to sprawa indywidualna, masz rację. Ja widziałam ładniejsze i może
dlatego tę uważam za starą i zniszczoną. Ryby za to the best.

Temat: Uwaga na EXIM
my z zoną wrocilismy tydzien temu z hammamet w tunezji hotel safa ,za pośr.
exim bylo fantastycznie pod kazdym wzgledem ,polecam gorąco b. Exim,tunezje i
hotel prima life safa,oprocz tego ze wszystkie warunki umowy zostaly dotrzymane
to jeszcze telewizor w pokoju i leżaki na basenie które miały być płatne
okazały sie zupełnie gratis, hotel polecam dla ludzi młodych(nie chodzi o wiek)
szukajacych rozrywek i lubjacych głośna muzyke na basenie ,gry i zabawy bo
animatorzy bardzo super wszystko organizuja.W przyszłym roku bardzo
chcielibyśmy odwiedzic następny zakątek świata,oczywiście z Eximem.Wszystkich
wyjeżdzających z nimi uspokajam ,oni naprawde sie starają. Życzymy
niezapomnianych cudownych wakacji

Temat: Jinene z Eximem, było OK
Wybieram się prawdopodobnie do Jinene za 2 tyg. Mam wielką prośbę - czy
mogłabyś przesłać fotki na . Będę wdzięczny.
Mam do wyboru jeszcze hotel "Prima Life Karawan" w tej samej cenie w centrum
Sousse i do jutra muszę się zdecydować. Czy masz może jakieś informacje na
temat tego hotelu?
Z góry dzięki za wszelkie info.

Temat: Hammamet - wszystko o mieście, miejscach, cenach
Wrocilismy z Hammamety tydzien temu i jestesmy baaardzo zawiedzeni. W
Hammamecie nic nie ma, tylko hotele!!! Mam namysli miejsc do zabawy. Nie
znalezlismy jakiejkolwiek dyskoteki czy fajnej knajpy. Na szczeście bylismy
tylko tydzien wiec wystarczylo nam wylegiwanie sie na sloneczki i saczenie
browarkow. Za to bylismy bardzo zadowoleni z hotelu-Prima Life Imperial Park-
nice! :)

Temat: Które biuro organizuje najlepiej Safari 2dniowe?
Które biuro organizuje najlepiej Safari 2dniowe?
Chce wybrac sie 7 badz 9 wrzesien do Tunezji na tydzien,mam kilka opcji hotel
Savana z Kopernikem, Safa lub prima life imperial park z Eximem,zastanawiam
sie jeszcze nad Oasisem lub Sun fun. Chcialbym dowiedziec sie ktore biuro
robi najlepsze safari i jak to cenowo wychodzi,z pewnoscia pomogloby mi to w
wyborze oferty, bo juz chyba czas najwyzszy sie zdecydowac
dziekuje za wszystkie odpowiedzi

Temat: Gwiezdne wojny - chcę zobaczyć plenery
Byliśmy z EXIMEM na Dżerbie (hotel Prima Life Garden Park). Wycieczka na
Saharę jest super, (poniedziałek - wtorek) dużo ciekawych miejsc no i plenery
Gwiezdnych Wojen). NAPRAWDĘ WARTO!!! CENA WYCIECZKI - 125DT (dinarów
tunezyjskich.) Dzieci do lat 12 pół ceny. Na tej wycieczce nie zobaczysz
plenerów z Mrocznego Widma.
To inna wycieczka, inny rejon. Wycieczka 1 dniowa do Tatouine, Chenini domki
możesz zobaczyć w Ksar Hadada. Po drodze mnóstwo filmowych plenerów. Też warto,
tyle że terminy się nakładają ponieważ ta wycieczka jest we wtorek. Cena 40DT
1 dinar to 2,30zł
1 euro to 1,65 dinara
takie ceny są w hotelowym kantorze.

Temat: Tunezja jakie miasto,hotel i biuro podróży?
Dwa razy jechalam z eximem, bez zastrzezen, sprawnie i bez problemow, niedawno
wrocilam z Prima Life Imperial Park(Hammamet) Hotel bardzo dobry, jak na
Tunezyjskie warunki, moim zdaniem, super:) Dodadam, ze nie jestem zbyt wybredna
i w roznych miejscach nocowalam ale hotel sam w sobie wart polecenia

Temat: szukam Towarzyszki na wyjazd do Tunezji
Witaj!Wybieram sie do Tunezji. Szukam wyjazdu między 28-30 sierpnia. Planuje 7
lub 11 dniowy pobyt.Zależałoby mi na miejsciowości Sousse. Znalazłam już dwa
hotele Prima Life Karavan i El Hana Beach oba w cenie około 1.350 pln ,
położone w centrum i blisko plaży.
Czekam na odzew i pozdrawiam.

Temat: Safa-Hammamet Yasmine
właśnie wróciliśmy z wakacji w prima life safa bylo cudownie jeśli znacie
tytuły utworow puszczanych na basenie w tym hotelu prosimy napiszcie.Animatorzy
rzeczywiście niesamowici ,jedzenie troszke monotonne, ale pokoj z widokiem na
morze rekompensowal wszystko,acha w szczycie sezonu nie bylo tloku na basenie
mimo ogromu hotelu ,pokoje czyste ukwiecone,obsluga mila,ocena ogolna b.dobra

Temat: długi weekend w Egipcie
długi weekend w Egipcie
Zarezerwowałam wspólnie z koleżanką i jej córką pobyt w Egipcie od 2 do 9 maja
Sharm hotel Prima Life Rehana all inc organizator Exim wylot z Warszawy.
Niestety ona straciła pracę i nie może jechać w związku z tym szukam mamy z
dzieckiem chętnej na wspólny wyjazd. Mój synek ma 6 lat mieszkamy w Gdańsku.

Temat: Stany czescia Osi Zla-niestety po angielsku
> 1950's Chou En-lai, Prime Minister of China, several attempts
> on his life
> 1951 - Kim Il Sung, Premiere of North Korea
> 1961 - Francois "Papa Doc"Duvalier, leader of Haiti
> 1961 - Patrice Lumumba , Prime Minister of Congo (Zaire)
> 1961 - Gen. Rafael Trujillo, leader of Dominican Republic
> 1960s - Fidel Castro, President of Cuba, more than
> 15 attempts on his life
> 1960s - Raul Castro, high official in government of Cuba
> 1965 - Pierre Ngendandumwe, Prime Minister of Burundi
> 1967 - Che Guevara, Cuban leader
> 1970 - General Rene Schneider, Commander-in-Chief of Army, Chile
> 1972 - General Manuel Noriega, Chief of Panama Intelligence
> 1975 - Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire
> 1983 - Miguel d'Escoto, Foreign Minister of Nicaragua
> 1984 - The nine commandantes of the Sandanista

Tell me who of above did not commit crimes justifying assasination?

> 1960 Brigadier General, Abdul Karim Kassem, Leader of Iraq
> 1980-86 Muammar Qaddafi, Leader of Libya, several plots and
> attempts upon his life
> 1982 Ayatullah Khomeini, Leader of Iran
> 1985 Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadllallah, Lebanese Shiite Leader
> 1991 Saddam Hussein, Leader of Iraq
> August 24, 1999. Mullah Mohammad Omar, in Kandhar, Afghanistan.

Which of this "leaders" whould you liek to protect?

Temat: Propagujemy kino polskie na Zachodzie (4)
Propagujemy kino polskie na Zachodzie (4)
ADVENTURE TO MARIENSZTACIE year 1953 premiums 1954. 01. 25 grade Comedy ,
Motion picture moral yield Poland Technical data : Variegated ( prime polish
motion picture variegated ). m. min. designation Prime pełnometrażowy ,
variegated polish motion picture. Comedy custom of life as well pacific
odbudowujących capital bricklayer. Hanki Ruczajówna arrive ex trip until
Warsaw. Zakochuje yourselves on capital as well bricklayer Yankee , wherewith
spends night when entertainment to Mariensztacie. Returns until people wsi ,
whereas very yearns as well repetition arrive until Warsaw. Engages
apprenticeship as well working space. Meets by accident Yankee przodownika
working space , who receives it until homelike " troikas murarskiej ". A bias
against woman bosses Ciepielewskiego prompts , with vindicate until dispute
between young. Hanki transfers yourselves to inną texture as well ex
colleague brickwork throws defiance crew virile. Duration lively currency
emulations working space , and young people , when many perypetiach godzą
yourselves as well begins wspólne renascence.

Temat: Wybuch pod Mosulem - 31 żołnierzy USA rannych
rzadko kiedy sie zdarza, aby ludzie ktorzy potrafia dostrzec
przyszle niebezpieczenstwa, cieszyli sie wielka popularnoscia...

"At age 60, Winston Churchill spoke about the dangerous rise of
German military power under the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler. But
most Britons were focused on domestic affairs, because of the
depression, and Churchill's warnings about Hitler went unheeded.
When Baldwin became prime minister again in 1935, Churchill was
not given a cabinet post.
Churchill’s national popularity declined. At age 62, he wrote
the four-volume historical work Marlborough: His Life and Times.
When he was 64, he continued his unpopular warnings about
Germany and Hitler in his newspaper columns. He also wrote
another a book called Step by Step. These were depressing times
for Churchill, and perhaps the lowest point of his career."

Temat: POMOCY!!!!
You obviously don't get it. I will try to explain in English, perhaps you will
read more carefully.
Helping is not bad. CHEATING is bad. You cheated people here, on this forum,
leading them to believe that you really are looking for a job. In reality you
just wanted others to do your job. You also intended to CHEAT your teacher,
saying that you wrote it yourself. You also are CHEATING your class mates
because you are probably going to get a better grade than you diserve (but
that's ok as they probably do the same).

So in this wonderful country of ours we have people (with funky girl 18 being a
prime example) who don't understand that CHEATING is a bad thing. They start
CHEATING at school, and do it later on in their life. AND THEY DON'T EVEN
this is really a Dritte Welt!


And on this note I shall retire.

Good night.

Temat: wakacje do końca życia

tak dla odmiany, wyglada to nie zle i nie znam nikogo kto tam byl, takie
miejsca lubie najbardziej. :)

Drink the best coffee in the world (so they say). Experience a culture that is
a mix of African and Portuguese with a touch of Latin duende and rhythm thrown
in. Escape the hordes. Snorkel in crystalline waters. Climb ancient volcanoes.
Check out amazing bird life found nowhere else in the world. Lush jungles,
untouched beaches and fabulously decaying colonial architecture rub shoulders
on these tiny equatorial islands, formerly possessed by Portugal.

Greener and wilder than the Cape Verde islands, they're also safer than most
of the hotspots in Africa, more beautiful than most of the mainland countries
nearby, and more friendly than the Friendly Islands. It's easy to run out of
superlatives. So go chill with a stiff drink next to a soft sunset.

Full country name: Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe
Area: 964 sq km (376 sq mi)
Population: 130,000
Capital city: São Tomé (pop 35,000)
People: Descendents of Angolan slaves and Europeans
Language: Portuguese
Religion: Roman Catholic
Government: Republic
President: Fradique de Menezes
Prime Minister: Maria das Neves

GDP: US$164 million
GDP per head: US$1100
Annual growth: 2.5%
Inflation: 21%
Major industries: Fish processing, textiles, soap, beer, timber, cocoa
Major trading partners: Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, France, Belgium,
Japan, Angola

Temat: Metodyka pisania powiesci !!!
Echa Eco
W eseju "Jak piszę" (Come scrivo) pisze, że autor (a przynajmniej on) musi
dokładnie poznać lub zaplanować to, o czym pisze. Dla "L'isola del giorno
prima" pojechał *oczywiście* na południowe morza, na dokładnie tę pozycję
geograficzną, aby widzieć kolor morza, nieba, ryb i korali - i to w różnych
porach dnia. Dlatego też powieść musiała rozgrywać się w tej samej porze roku.
To samo dotyczy planu statku - nawet, jeżeli pewne obiekty i pomieszczenia nie
będą odgrywać roli w akcji, on musi wiedzieć, gdzie co jest, jakie jest duże

Chętnie bym przygotował się do powieści o Hawajach ;-)

Z drugiej strony właśnie wpadła mi w rękę "Life of Pi" Yanna Martela. We
wstępie pisze o planowanej, nienapisanej powieści. Pisze, że miał rozprcowane
wszystkie detale, postacie tak tętniły życiem, że brakowałi im tylko świadectw
"Really, your story can only be great. But it all adds up to nothing"
(Ale na nic się to nie składa)

Weźmy "Komu bije dzwon". Hemingway był w Hiszpanii, OK. Ale samo to, bez tej
akcji, bez postaci, które nas poruszają, byłby to referat.

I o to niestety też chodzi.

Temat: trich w TV
trich w TV
We wtorek 5 czerwca, g.19:30, BBC Prime, będzie coś o osobie z trich w
programie "A Life Coach Less Ordinary" (z polskimi napisami).

Ostatnio ukazała się książka "Jak pozbyć się złych nawyków. Trening" [The
Habit Change Workbook - How to Break Bad Habits and Form Good Ones], James M.
Claiborn, Cherry Pedrick, wyd. sensus (, 35 zł. Omawia również
trich, ale nie jest tam dużo.

Pozdrawiam wszystkich.

Temat: czy byl ktos w hotelu prima life karawan?
czy byl ktos w hotelu prima life karawan?
czy byl ktos w hotelu prima life karawan? mam zamiar sie tam wybrac czy
mozecie napisac jakie są warunki w tym hotelu jak to wyglada z wyzywieniem, no
i czy ktos z was wybiera sie tam 17.08 piszcie:)

Temat: Prima life garden park czy soviva?
Prima life garden park czy soviva?
Witam który hotel polecacie dla rodziny z rocznym dzieckiem soviva w Tunezji
czy Prima life garden park na Dżerbie? Wybieramy się na początku września.
Będę wdzieczna za wszelkie sugestie. Pozdrawiam Monika.

Temat: Kto Leci 26.08 z Katowic??? do PRima Life Safa
Kto Leci 26.08 z Katowic??? do PRima Life Safa
Tak jak w Temacie :-) do Hotelu Prima Life Safa

Temat: 25.08 Prima Life Garden Park
25.08 Prima Life Garden Park
Czesc! Lece z Wrocławia 25.08.06 na Djerbe do Prima Life garden park.Lece z
13-letnia córka.

Temat: 14.09 - do Prima Life Imperial Park
14.09 - do Prima Life Imperial Park
Kto jedzie do Prima Life Imperial Park z Wrocławia ???

Temat: Karawan i Prima Life Karawan
Ten ten sam hotel na bank. W Sousse nazywa sie po prostu Karawan, może Prima
Life to nazwa jakiejs organizacji bo jest tez np. Prima Life Safa.

Temat: kto 19.08 do Sousse do Prima Life Karawan?
kto 19.08 do Sousse do Prima Life Karawan?
My lecimy z Poznania z eximu. Szukamy chetnych do polezenia na plaży czy
wyskoczenia na jakieś piwko:) pozdro

Temat: od 26.08.2006 z Katowic do Prima Life Safa
ja lecę 26.08 z katowic do hammametu - Prima life safa

Temat: klimatyzacja w Prima Life Garden Park- Djerba ?
klimatyzacja w Prima Life Garden Park- Djerba ?
Lece 4.08 z Wrocławia na Djerbe.Może ktoś wie jak to jest z klimatyzacja w
w/w hotelu? Kiedy jest właczana itp. ? No i jak ogolne wrażenie co do
warunków w hotelu i co do wyspy?

Temat: Hammamet Hotel Prima Life Safa
Hammamet Hotel Prima Life Safa
Kto leci końcem sierpnia do Tunezji z Eximem?Wylatuję 26.08 z katowic - szukam
ekipy do zabawy:)

Temat: kto 19.08 do Sousse do Prima Life Karawan?
CZesc:)My lecimy do Prima Life Karawan 26.08 :) Na dwa tygodnie:)Więc jak
jeszcze tam bedziesz to by było miło:)

Temat: Czy warto do Prima Life Imperial Park?
Czy warto do Prima Life Imperial Park?
Czy warto jechać do tego hotelu? Czego (negatywnego) mogę się tam spodziewać ewentualnie?

Temat: 25.08 Prima Life Garden Park
czesc!ja tez lece z Wrocławia do Prima LifE!

Temat: Był ktos w hotelu Prima Life Karawan 3* ??
Był ktos w hotelu Prima Life Karawan 3* ??
Szukam jakiegos fajnego hotelu blisko centrum co sadzicie o tym??

Temat: hotel Prima Life Safa w Hammamet
hotel Prima Life Safa w Hammamet
jak w temacie, czy możecie podzielić się wrażeniami z pobytu w tym hotelu??

Temat: czy jacyś młodzi ludzie lecą do Tunezji we IX ?
Prima Life Safa?

Ja lece z zoną 14.09 do Prima Life Safa w Hammamecie, mozesz cos wiecej o tym
miejscu napisac? Jak obsluga, warunki i tp. Z tego co sie w necie zorientowalem
hotel jest w poblizu parku rozrywki :-)


Temat: od 26.08.2006 z Katowic do Prima Life Safa
od 26.08.2006 z Katowic do Prima Life Safa
:-) jest ktoś o podobnych parametrach :-)

Temat: Prima life safa Hammamet był ktoś ??
Prima life safa Hammamet był ktoś ??
Jakie macie opinie mam do wyboru skanes el hana w Monastirze ?? Poradzicie cos proszee :)) >jade z dzieckiem 4,5 i mężem :))

Temat: Karawan i Prima Life Karawan
Karawan i Prima Life Karawan
Czy to jest jeden hotel w Sousse, czy dwa rozne?

Temat: Karawan i Prima Life Karawan
W biurze podróży poinformowano mnie, że to ten sam hotel:-)i od 21.09 będziemy
w Prima Life Karawan...

Temat: Prima Life Makadi Resort&spa Makadi Bay(****)
Prima Life Makadi Resort&spa Makadi Bay(****)
Proszę o informacje na temat hotelu

Temat: 14.09 - Wtocław - Prima Life Imperial Park
14.09 - Wtocław - Prima Life Imperial Park
kto leci

Temat: kto do Prima Life makadi resort 5- wylot 30.12.07
kto do Prima Life makadi resort 5- wylot 30.12.07
Hej, jade sama z synkiem na 2 tyg.poleniuchowac. Moze ktos tez sie
tam wybiera? piszcie- w grupie weselej :-)
pozdrawiam ciepło

Temat: Prima Life Safa - Hammamet, Tunezja
Prima Life Safa - Hammamet, Tunezja
Na fotki z tego hotelu zapraszam na stronkę

czy prima life rehana to jest ten sam hotel co rehana sharm resort?

Temat: 02.09 Prima Life Imperial Park
02.09 Prima Life Imperial Park
Czy ktoś leci z Wrocławia???

Temat: wellcome in Tunisia!
bardzo proszę o w miarę szczególowe informacje dotyczace hotelu prima life
safa w hamm. oraz prima life karawan w sos.

Temat: kto leci 21.09 ???
My leciemy tego dnia do Sousse, hotel Prima Life Karawan. Wylot z Poznania.
Pozdrawiam cieplutko i życzę wszystkich udanych wakacji:-)

Temat: Byliśmy na Djerbie i polecam ...
Byliśmy na Djerbie i polecam ...
klimat ciekawy, hotel Prima Life Garden Park, jak na 3 gwiazdki i klasę
turystyczną to całkiem całkiem. Zrobiliśmy mnóstwo zdjęć, wycieczki to rzecz
której się nie omija.

Temat: jaki alkohol jest najlepsze w Tunzji?
Widzisz, wcześniej nie trafiłam na tą stronę forum i zaczynam żałować, bo sama
podjęłam decyzję co do hotelu... Hammamet Prima Life Imperial Park, są różne
opinie...a ja pomału tracę chęć do wylotu...:(

Temat: 26.08-09.09
czy ktos jedzie w tym terminie do Sousse??? Hotel Prima Life Karawan. Dajcie
znac:) mozna tez mailem:

Temat: Kto Leci 24.08 z Katowic chętnie poznamy pare
Kto Leci 24.08 z Katowic chętnie poznamy pare
Witajcie Lece z kobietą do Tunezji dokładnie do Prima Life Karawan czy ktoś
leci tego samego dnia ???

Temat: sousse 24.08-07.08 Eh hana beach-ktos leci ??????
bedziemy od 26.08-09.09, prima life karawan, dwie kobitki z Poznania, jakby co

Temat: Kto do Sousse od 21.09 z Poznania?
Kto do Sousse od 21.09 z Poznania?
Lecimy z Eximtours z Poznania 21 września do Prima Life Karawan. Czy ktoś
może ma tez zaplanowany wyjazd w tym terminie?

Temat: kto leci do Monastiru 17/18 sierpień
Pewnie że lecę, w kraju pada, a ja chce do słońca lecę 17.08 z Wrocławia do Hammamet hotel Prima Life Imperial Park, może ktoś jeszcze tam się wybiera????

Temat: Mahdia 26 sierpnia 3:50 wylot :)
ja też lecę tego dnia i o tej godzienie do monastiru,a stamtąd do
hammametu!Wybiera się ktoś jeszcze do tej miejscowości-hotel prima life safa?

Temat: Zdjecia z Safy?
Zdjecia z Safy?
Witam czy ktos moze posiada zdjecia z hotelu Prima Life Safa? Jeli nie byloby
problemu bardzo prosze o przesłanie!

Z góry dziękuję
pozdrawiam ASia

Temat: O której lot z Poznania do Sousse?
do Prima Life Karawan:))) super, dobrze ze bedzie nas wiecej :))) w razie czego
moj gg: 302212

Temat: imperial park 31.08-7.09 ??
imperial park 31.08-7.09 ??
czesc, bedzie moze ktos w prima life imperial park miedzy 31.08 a 7.09 ??

Temat: 26.08-09.09
Mariusz + Teresa 02-16.09 - Prima Life Karawan - tak więc tydzień się pokrywa

Temat: Club Bousten-Oasis 27.07-03.08
nie żle to odebrałeś,ja nie muszę na szczęście spłacać kredytu,pisałam to o
tych którym wszystko nie odpowiada.Wybieram się 27.08 do Egiptu i martwi mnie
to że znowu będę musiała tego wszystkiego wysłuchiwać.Hotel PRIMA LIFE SAFA ***

Temat: po wakacjach godne polecenia miejsca
Prima Life Imperial Park - świetny hotel,
z jakiego biura?Dzieki!

Temat: Kto leci z Katowic w sierpniu do Tunezji??
ja lecę 26.08 do Hammametu - hotel prima life safa

Temat: Kto leci na Dżerbe 25.08??
ja lece do hotelu prima life garden park z wawy z biurem eximturs.
do zobaczenia przy odprawie w piatek po 6.00 hej
bede z synem 10 lat.

Temat: po wakacjach godne polecenia miejsca
Tunezja- wrzesień- Prima Life Imperial Park - świetny hotel, moja 4 - latka
była zachwycona, dużo dobrego jedzenia i brak kłopotów żołądkowych.

Temat: Club FARANA - Sharm el Sheikh (****)
Co wy tak z tymi Włochami...
trzeba było jechać do Prima life Rechany tam byli ludzie z różnych krajów a
najmniej ( dzięki Bogu ) z Polski....

Temat: który hotel w SSH z własną ładną rafą
A o którą Rihane chodzi??

O Prime Life Rihana czy Rihana Sharm???

Bo właśnie rafa to dla mnie priorytet, zastanawiałam się nad Faraną,
ale skoro jest coś lepszego..... :)

dzięki za info

Temat: piosenka z egiptu BASKETBALL
piosenka z egiptu BASKETBALL
czy ma ktos piosenke BASKETBALL??
leciala w hotelu PRIMA LIFE RIHANNA na przelomie lipca i sierpnia!!

Temat: Kto do Sousse 29.07 ??????
Witam. My też lecimy 29.07 i bedziemy w Hotelu Prima Life Karawan. Wylot z
Wawy. Pozdrawiam

Temat: SAFA Hammet - wróciłam:)))
ZNacie RIO z Safa ? Jest boski no nie ? Nie wiecie czy będzie w przyszłym
roku ? Macie jakieś wspomnienia ? Wogóle na temat animatorów z Prima Life
Safa ???

Temat: czy jacyś młodzi ludzie lecą do Tunezji we IX ?
Ja zdecydowalam sie na Djerbe, hotel Prima Life Garden Park, 08.09.-22.09.,
Exim Tours. Leci tez ktos, jeszcze sa miejsca;) Pozdrawiam, Malwina(20).

Temat: czy jacyś młodzi ludzie lecą do Tunezji we IX ?
Witam. chyba sie djerbe lecimy z wroclawia 15.09.2006 (ja i moj
chlopak). na tydzien.rowniez prima life garden park.

Temat: 14 września do Imperial Park - Hammam- Wrocław
14 września do Imperial Park - Hammam- Wrocław
Witam .
Lecimy z Wrocławia 14 IX do Prima Life Imperial Park w Jas. Hammamet w 2 rodziny
my z 4 latką i druga rodzina z 12 latkiem (Biuro Exim) MOże ktoś wybiera się
tam w tym terminie?

Temat: Tunezja jakie miasto,hotel i biuro podróży?
My wybraliśmy Exim i Prima Life Imperial Park w Hamammet -Yasmine HB 14 września
z Wrocławia za 1419 od osoby dor. Hotel w miarę nowy i podobno nizłe jedzenie...

Temat: Kto leci na Dżerbe 25.08??
Zarzis to nie Djerba tylko Zarzis. Warto przed wyjazdem spojrzeć na mapę gdzie
się jedzie. Byliśmy na Djerbie (Prima Life Garden Park) z EXIMEM. Było fajnie.

Temat: Kto lecio do Sousse 17.08.06r. ?
Lecimy prawdopodobnie 17.08 do Sousse, z p-nia, hotel Prima Life karawan lub el
chana beach

Temat: wylot 19.08.
a tak dokladnie to do hammamet hotel prima life imperial park moze ktos leci w
tym czasie rowniez . Prosze piszcie .

Temat: czy jacyś młodzi ludzie lecą do Tunezji we IX ?
wszystkim młodym polecam hotel prima life safa w hammamet yasmine ,rozrywka

Temat: Englishman- Stereotypes
bbc prime shows Yes,Minister + The Good Life + Keeping Up Appearances, and also
u can read more in Culture Vulture published by MacMillan, or just type in
'stereotypes of the english' in your browser and u get some results. happy searches!

Temat: Prima Life Karawan (***) - Sousse
Prima Life Karawan (***) - Sousse
W niedziele wrociłam z Sousse. Jeśli chodzi o samo biuro, to wszystko było
ok, wyloty w jedna i druga stronę bez żadnych opóźnień, a nawet wcześniej.
Lot tez trwal krócej niż to bylo przewidzine. Hotel bardzo ładny, dostaliśmy
pokój z widokiem na morze, bez wreczania dinarów:) Codziennie wymieniane
ręczniki, opróżniany kosz. Tylko nie zamiataja, a podloge umyto po 13
dniach... ale poza tym czysto i schludnie. Hotel dosłownie 2 kroki od morza:)
Można iśc na plażę hotelową (leżaki - 4 dinary za 2 osoby), albo na tzw.
dzika plażę, pomiędzy plażami hotelowymi. Tez całkiem przyjemną:)Można tu
spotkac tubylców, łapiących różne tamtejsze morskie stworzonka:)A właściwie
to można zostawać na basenie, a iśc do morza tylko sie wykąpać. Woda jest
przejrzysta, ale masakrycznie słona. Rybki pływaja między nogami. Na
pobliskich skałkach można łapać kraby:)W morzu mnóstwo pięknych muszelek:)
Jedzenia jest mnóstwo:) Tamtejsze jedzenie jest naprawde nieobre, ale zawsze
znajdzie się cos strawnego:)Oprócz tego mnóstwo arbuzówi melonów, prawie
codziennie lody. My mielismy opcje hb i właściwie starczało:)A jak nie to
chodzilismy na pizze:)Nie ma tam podziału na małe, średnie i duże, dostaje
sie po prostu wielką pizze, my jedlismy zawsze wegetariańskie, i spkojnie 1
wystarczała:)A kosztuja od 3,5 - 6 dinarów. Zależy gdzie:) Naprawde bardzo
tanio:)Do mediny niedaleko:)Arabowie po jakims czasie nam zbrzydli, są
strasznie natretni...Wieczorami właściwie nie wychodziliśmy, 1 wyjscie nam
wystarczyło i mieliśmy dość. Ciągłe zaczepki, propozycje narkotyków itp. Ale
są tam tez naprawde bardzo mili ludzie:) Targować sie trzeba ile się da, ajak
nie chca sie zgodzic na Twoja cene to pożegnaj się i od razu płacisz tyle ile
Ty chcesz:) Ogólnie miałam świetne wakacje:)Hotel jak najbadziej polecam:))
Jeśli macie jakies pytania, piszcie na

Temat: Safa-Hammamet Yasmine
Prima Life Safa (***) - Hammamet Yasmin
autor opinii:

Byliśmy tam przez 2 tyg. z biurem Exim Tours z opcją ALL był to wyjazd
rodzinny z dwójką dzieci. ogólnie jest tam bardzo fajnie i milutko, dla
dzieci są dwa małe baseny dla dorosłych też dwa , jeden posiada zjeżdzalnię w
kształcie słoniowej tromby, są także zjeżdzalnie dla dzieci ( takie zawijane
kręcone zresztą nie tylko dla dzieci) ale do nich mam duzy minus co do
jakości ich wykonania , po prostu czuć pod pupą łączenia i nie jest to zbyt
przyjemne( jak się zjeżdza na brzuchu to parę osób paluszki u nóg
pozdzierało). tam samo jest co do jej otwarcia.czynna jest od 10-12 i od 15-
17 tak więc sami widzicie że niezbyt długo przy pieknej pogodzie. jest tam
bezpiecznie są ratownicy którzy faktycznie pilnują dzieci jak zjeżdzają a nie
zbijają bąków. poza tym sam hotel jest bardzo dobrze umiejscowiony,w samym
środku Yasmin Hammamet , do Mediny jest jakieś 400m. ( z baseny widać
medinę). sam hotel jak się do niego wchodzi sprawia wrażenie bogatego i
większego niż 3***, ale czar troszkę pryska jak się wchodzi do pokoju
hotelowego. my nie mieliśmy dużych wymagań i najbardziej mi zależalo żeby
było czysto i tak było.ale łazienka jest wykonana poniżej pozimu tzn.
kafelki, łączenia , odpływ z wanny ( długo zchodzi woda) pani sprzątająca
pojawiała się codziennie ale nie zależało jej na ozdabianiu naszego pokoju
kwiatkami dlatego po 2 razach pozostawienia dla niej po dinarku zrezygnowałam
z tegoż napiwku dla niej. co doło go dużo i było
urozmaicone ale przez 2 tyg. codzienie było TO SAMO!!! przez pierwszy tydzień
spoko ale w drugim tygodniu to już nie mogliśmy patrzeć na jedzenie
zresztą tam obiad i kolacja niczym się nie różnił tam więc codziennie 2 razy
dziennie jedliśmy obiadki. ale ogólnie smczne jedzonko jest niepowiem żeby
nie tylko mogliby zróżnicować jego zawartośc.poza tym wyjazd uważam za bardzo
udany. w hotelu codziennie wieczorem o 21 jest mini disco dla dzieci ale
codziennie takie samo więc maluszkom może się po paru dniach troszkę
znudzić . dla dorosłych o 22 zaczynają się animacje typu. pokaz fakirów,
pokaz różnych tańców, skecze, i inne przedstawienia.
za darmo są także leżaki na basenie jak i na plaży oraz można korzystać z
telewizira w pokojach tylko że prawie codziennie zmieniają kanały ale
generalnie mielismy Polonię ew. Polsat 2

Temat: Dialog izraelsko-arabski (Burzymy mury?????)
"NIE DLA MURU!"- rozsyłajcie dalej
Dear All!

I am writing to express my outrage over Israel construction of a Separation and
Apartheid Wall in the Occupied Territories of Palestine. The Wall is being
built entirely on Palestinian land, on the Palestinian side of the Green Line
(since 1967, the internationally recognized border between Israel and the
Occupied Territories of Palestine). All Palestinian property between 60-100
meters on either side of the Wall is destroyed to make the Wall. In the Wall
first phase, over 100,000 Palestinian olive trees have been destroyed. Olives
and olive oil are the backbone of the Palestinian agricultural economy.
Furthermore, in the Wall's first phase, Israel has destroyed over 35,000 meters
of water pipes, and over 20,000 Palestinian people have been separated from
their agricultural lands, which have been annexed by Israel.

This Wall is a political move, not a security decision. While Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon assures the world publicly that the Wall will have
minimal infringement on Palestinian life, in reality the opposite is true.
Thousands of Palestinians can now barely move outside their villages; dozens of
new checkpoints have been created since the Walls first phase was completed.
Over a dozen villages are now trapped between the wall and the Green Line. The
Israeli government does not plan, however, to grant the residents of these
villages Israeli citizenship.

The construction of the Wall is in breach of International Law and Conventions
to which Israel is a formal signatory, including the Geneva Conventions and the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These laws arose out of the atrocities
of World War II, so that the world community would never again allow such
crimes against humanity to happen.

Yours sincerely

Temat: Szwedzka MSZ,Anna Lindh zasztyletowana !!!!!!!!!!!
Swedish foreign minister stabbed

Lindh is among Sweden's most popular politicians
Swedish Foreign Minister Anna Lindh has been repeatedly stabbed in an attack in
a Stockholm department store.
She is undergoing surgery for serious knife injuries.

"She has stab wounds in the chest, stomach and arms and is being operated on
now, but the wounds are not life-threatening," police spokeswoman Stina
Wessling told Reuters.

There has been no comment from the Karolinska hospital, where she is being

God, he has stabbed me in the stomach

Anna Lindh, quoted by eyewitness
Ms Lindh, one of Sweden's most popular politicans, was carried from the
Nordiska Kompaniet store on a stretcher. The attack happened at around 1600
local time (1400GMT).

"She laid on the floor and it looked as if a tall man, wearing a peaked cap,
was hitting her," eyewitness Hanna Sundberg told AP news agency.

"But when he ran away, he threw away a knife."

There is nothing pointing at a political motive right now

Police spokesman Bjoern Pihlblad
Ms Lindh told her: "God, he has stabbed me in the stomach", the shopper said.

Police were said to be searching for a man wearing a camouflage jacket who fled
from the store, and denied reports that a man was being held.

"There is nothing pointing at a political motive right now," said police
spokesman Bjoern Pihlblad.

A government spokesman confirmed Ms Lindh was in hospital, but gave no further


A registered nurse told AP she had found Ms Lindh on the store's floor,
apparently in shock, with cloth wrapped around her right wrist.

Police seal off the scene of the crime
Ms Lindh has been playing a leading role in attempts to win a Yes vote in
Sunday's referendum on membership of the euro, which the government appears set
to lose.

The Social Democrat has been foreign minister since 1998. She is married with
two children.

In 1986 Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was shot dead as he walked home with
his wife in Stockholm.

The killing has never formally been solved, although a man cleared of the crime
later wrote to a newspaper confessing.

Temat: Zabalasowany czy nie jestes jeden z nich ?
Zabalasowany czy nie jestes jeden z nich ?
Australians sentenced on terror charges in Beirut

By Reuters

CANBERRA - Two Australian brothers have been convicted in absentia and
sentenced to 10 years' jail in Beirut for terror-related offences, the
Australian government said on Monday, adding it would extradite the men if

Former Qantas baggage handler Bilal Khazal and his brother Maher, who are
living in Sydney, were convicted and sentenced by a Beirut military court on
Saturday, a spokesman for Justice Minister Chris Ellison said.

The spokesman would give no details on the case.

The Australian newspaper reported on Monday the men were convicted of helping
finance a militant Muslim group accused of bombing a McDonald's restaurant in
Beirut in April.

The newspaper said the Beirut military court had convicted a total of 27
people of carrying out a series of anti-American attacks across Lebanon
between late 2002 and April 2003, handing down sentences from three months to

"My advice is there's been no extradition request received by Australia, but
if there was one received we will naturally respond positively," Australian
Prime Minister John Howard said.

Bilal Khazal has been linked by the United States to al Qaeda suspect Imad
Eddim Barakat Yarkas, also known as Abu Dahdah, who has been detained in
Spain since November 2001 on suspicion of a role in the September 11, 2001,
airliner attacks.

But Khazal, whose passport was confiscated last year by Australian
authorities who deemed him a security threat, has denied any terror links.

The brothers' Australian lawyer, Adam Houda, said they did not accept the
verdict of the Beirut military court and criticized the Australian
government's willingness to grant any extradition request from Lebanon.

"[The government] are fully aware that military courts do not operate
according to rules of fairness and what the government should be doing is
taking a stand and saying: 'we won't be letting one of our citizens be
subject to that kind of forum'," Houda told Australian radio.

Temat: BOZE co zrobiles z USA
Ty tez
Czesc, XYZ

Poznaj moje dobre serce: zebys nie musial sie niepotrzebnie przeprowadzac:

Z internetu o Maine:

All about Maine, famous people from Maine
Victoria Rowell (czarna, widac na zdjeciu)


Prior to her role in Diagnosis Murder, Victoria Rowell was best known for her
portrayal of Drucilla in the daytime drama The Young and the Restless, on CBS.
A professional dancer since the age of 17, Victoria received scholarships to
the School of American Ballet, the American Ballet Theatre, and the Dance
Theatre of Harlem. She also danced with the American Ballet Theatre II.
Bill Cosby discovered her while she was auditioning for The Cosby Show, and she
landed a recurring role in the series. She was later cast by him in Leonard
Part VI. Other television credits include guest appearances in the prime time/
series The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Herman's Head, and the daytime dramas As
the World Turns, on CBS, and One Life to Live. She also appeared with Eddie
Murphy in the feature film The Distinguished Gentleman.
Victoria, who was a foster child, founded the Rowell Foster Children's Fine
Arts Scholarship Fund, which provides ballet classes for foster children.
She was born in Portland, Maine. Her birth date is May 10.

I dalej:
The question of black citizenship was further complicated by the fact that
although many states obviously precluded it, others did not. Before 1820, free
black men in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Maine, Vermont,
Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire voted on an equal basis with white

Podsumowujac: co najminej jedna czarna mieszka(la?) w Maine a biorac pod uwage
jak dobrze byli tam od dawna traktowani, watpie szczerze, ze sie wszyscy


Nie musze szukac w internecie, bo osobiscie znam trzech, ktorzy tam na stale

XYZ, ja Ci naprawde dobrze zycze, radzac przeprowadzke na jakis biegun. Gdzie
indziej jest zle a bedzie jeszcze gorzej. Wierz mi, dla Ciebie naprawde
najlepsze bedzie “biale do bialego”, czyli marsz do wiecznych sniegow.

Xurek, ktory mysli za Ciebie

Temat: Stany czescia Osi Zla-niestety po angielsku
American assasinations
Following is a list of prominent foreign leaders whose assassination
(or planning for same) the United States has been involved in since
the end of Second World War. The list does not include several
assassinations in various parts of the world carried out by anti-Castro
Cubans employed by CIA and headquartered in the United States:


1949 - KIm Koo, Korean opposition leader
1950's - CIA/Neo-Nazi hit list of numerous political figures in
West Germany
1955 - Jose' Antonio Remon, President of Panama
1950's Chou En-lai, Prime Minister of China, several attempts
on his life
1951 - Kim Il Sung, Premiere of North Korea
1950s (mid) - Claro M. Recto, Philippines opposition leader
1955 - Jawar Lal Nehru, Prime Minister of India
1959 and 1963 - Norodom Sihanouk, leader of Cambodia
1950s-70s - Jose Figueres, President of Costa Rica,
two attempts on his life
1961 - Francois "Papa Doc"Duvalier, leader of Haiti
1961 - Patrice Lumumba , Prime Minister of Congo (Zaire)
1961 - Gen. Rafael Trujillo, leader of Dominican Republic
1963 - Ngo Dinh Diem, President of South Vietnam
1960s - Fidel Castro, President of Cuba, more than
15 attempts on his life
1960s - Raul Castro, high official in government of Cuba
1965 - Francisco Caamanao, Dominican Republic opposition leader
1965 - Pierre Ngendandumwe, Prime Minister of Burundi
1965-6 - Charles de Gaulle, President of France
1967 - Che Guevara, Cuban leader
1970 - Salvadore Allende, President of Chile
1970 - General Rene Schneider, Commander-in-Chief of Army, Chile
1970s and 1981 - Gen. Omar Torrijos, leader of Panama
1972 - General Manuel Noriega, Chief of Panama Intelligence
1975 - Mobutu Sese Seko, President of Zaire
1976 - Michael Manley, Prime Minister of Jamaica
1983 - Miguel d'Escoto, Foreign Minister of Nicaragua
1984 - The nine commandantes of the Sandanista
National Directorate
1980's - Dr. Gerald Bull, Canadian Ballistics Scientist
assassinated by Mossad in Belgium.

Partial List of Muslim Leaders Assassinated or
Attempted Assassinations
1950's Sukarno, President of Indonesia
1957 Gamal Abdul Nasser, President of Egypt
1960 Brigadier General, Abdul Karim Kassem, Leader of Iraq
1980-86 Muammar Qaddafi, Leader of Libya, several plots and
attempts upon his life
1982 Ayatullah Khomeini, Leader of Iran
1983 General Ahmed Dlimi, Moroccan army Commander
1985 Sheikh Mohammed Hussein Fadllallah, Lebanese Shiite Leader
(80 people killed in that attempt)
1991 Saddam Hussein, Leader of Iraq
Reference: Blum, William, "KILLING HOPE - U.S. Military and
CIA Interventions Since World War II," Appendix III
U.S. Government Assassination Plots, page 453,
Common Courage Press, Monroe, Maine 1995. ISBN 1-56751-052-3

Very likely Victims :
April 4, 1979 - Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Leader of Pakistan, for pursuing
Nuclear Bomb.
August, 1988. General Ziaul Haq, Military Leader of Pakistan.
1995 - Murtaza Bhutto, Son of ZUlfiqar Ali Bhutto, Anti-American
would-be Leader - Pakistan.
March 25, 1975 - King Faisal of Saudi Arabia through his Nephew, Saudi
for imposing 1973 Oil Embargo.
August 24, 1999. Mullah Mohammad Omar, in Kandhar, Afghanistan.
"?List of Known Assassination Plots
1950's Sukarno, President of Indonesia
1957 Gamal Abdul Nasser, President
2001 Since early this year more than 40 Palestinian leaders
through surrogate Israel.

Temat: Pocztówka ze slonecznego Izraela
Inciting against peace advocates

From the day it became known that contacts between
leftists and Labor Party MKs with senior
Palestinian personages had yielded a model for a
permanent agreement, the members of that group
became targets of unbridled criticism from the
right. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon gave the signal
for the attacks, charging them with working with
the enemy to undermine the government on the
evening the details were hammered out in the
document dubbed the Geneva Understandings. At a
Bat Yam municipal election rally, Sharon said
"while we are here in a difficult campaign against
the terrorism, there are those who are
coordinating activity with the Palestinians behind
the government's back."

Since the participants in the
Geneva initiative began
enlisting public support for
the understandings, the
criticism of the propriety of
the move has turned from
crude attacks to genuine
incitement. Some MKs are
promising to make it illegal
for elements outside the
government to conduct any political dialogue
with the other side of the conflict.

Politicians from the right, who acquired a
wealth of experience inciting against the Oslo
accords, whose initiators they call
"criminals," are now leading the new campaign.
Minister Benny Elon from the National Union
called former minister Yossi Beilin "an enemy
collaborator." MK Shaul Yahalom, a senior
member of the National Religious Party, made
public a letter he wrote to Attorney General
Elyakim Rubinstein in which Yahalom says that
by proposing to the Palestinians territory now
under Israeli sovereignty, the Geneva team
violated Article 97 of the penal code. He made
sure to note that the law specifies the death
sentence or life in prison for a conviction on
that article on treason.

In his response to Yahalom and other elements
who asked him about the same issue, Rubinstein
said the proper place for dealing with the
issue is in the public and political arena and
not the criminal field. His letter, which was
given to the press for publication, also noted
that it was inappropriate to mention the
article on treason and to quote the language of
the law specifying death or a life sentence.
The attorney general notes that Yahalom's
comments unnecessarily contributed to inflaming
the public debate.

Yahalom is not the first right-wing personage to
hide behind pseudo-legalisms to deny legitimacy
to people of the peace camp, to the extent that
it places their lives in danger. Already eight
years ago Adir Zik, a broadcaster on the
settlers' pirate radio station Arutz Sheva,
read out the definition of "traitor" from the
dictionary to his listeners and reminded the
audience that death or a life sentence was the
sentence for conviction. "And what do you think
of Rabin?" Zik ended that broadcast. A few
weeks later, right-winger Yigal Amir
assassinated the prime minister of Israel.

The political debate in Israel is going to turn
sharper again as it becomes evident that the
rightist government headed by Ariel Sharon is
not moving any closer to ending the conflict
and is even contributing to its worsening.

The political leaders of the right must be
restrained in their reactions and should stick
to the point in public debate. Those who now
undertake a campaign of delegitimizing a
person or group will bear responsibility for
any act of political violence or thuggery that
takes place when things get out of control. We
are, after all, experienced in these matters.

Temat: """Zastraszanie"""dziennikarzy""palestyndemokracja
Zawsze tak bylo i to jest arabska norma ,zastraszanie
dziennikarzy ,konfiskowanie materialow i naklanianie do pisania
klamliwych artykulow o Izraelu przez palestynow Arafata.
Groza smiercia , torturuja i potem morduja opornych dziennikarzy
Czytaj jeden z wielu prawie codziennych reportazy na ten temat ,
"arabska demokracja" :

Sep. 24, 2002
I was threatened by a Palestinian official for a story in the 'Post'

A senior aide to Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker Ahmed Qurei was
arrested Monday by Jerusalem police for allegedly making threats to
Jerusalem Post reporter Khaled Abu Toameh over a news report.

Salah Elayan, an Israeli Arab who is head of Qurei's bureau, was detained by
police at his Beit Safafa home yesterday afternoon after Abu Toameh, the
Post's Palestinian affairs correspondent, complained to police on Sunday
night that Elayan repeatedly threatened him over the telephone.

Abu Toameh had reported that, in a telephone conversation, Qurei requested a
meeting with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to discuss the IDF's siege of
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah.

Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said Elayan was released on bail
last night, and warned not to approach Abu Toameh or his home. Here is Abu
Toameh's story, in his own words:

It all started with a news story in Sunday's Jerusalem Post about a phone
conversation between Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker Ahmed Qurei and
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The conversation, which dealt with the crisis
in the Ramallah offices of Yasser Arafat, took place on Saturday.

One of Qurei's senior aides, Salah Elayan, phoned me to protest the story.
He said it was untrue that Qurei had asked to see Sharon, and immediately
started abusing me and threatening to harm me. Elayan... refused to listen
to anything I had to say.

But that was not all. Even after I hung up the phone, refusing to hear the
abuse and threats, he made several more calls to my mobile phone, repeating
his threats and curses.

An hour later, another one of Qurei's aides, Firas Yaghi, also called to
threaten, this time under the pretext that the story had "harmed Qurei's
dignity and presented him as someone who is humiliating himself in front of
the Israeli prime minister."
After consulting with many of my Palestinian colleagues, I was encouraged to
file a complaint with the Jerusalem police. Many told me of similar threats
they have also received from certain PA officials and their assistants.

Intimidation of journalists in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is not a new
phenomenon but not all choose to tell the story.

Through this experience, I have once again been reminded of the risks
involved in working as a newsman in the PA-controlled territories.

Journalists covering events in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are sometimes
faced with life-threatening situations, especially over the past two years.
That's why many of them, particularly foreign TV crews, prefer to use
armored vehicles. A stray bullet fired by an over-cautious IDF soldier or a
Fatah gunman is the nightmare of many journalists driving around in these

But what many don't realize is that the real danger comes not from the
bullets of an M-16 or AK-47 assault rifle. Rather, it comes from attempts by
certain elements in the PA to intimidate journalists who are only trying to
carry out their jobs in a professional manner.

There has been a slight improvement over the past few years in the PA's
record regarding the freedom of the press. But there are still some in the
PA who believe that a journalist's job is first to be "loyal to the cause"
and then to report the truth.

It becomes even more complicated and dangerous if, like myself, you are an
Arab journalist working with the foreign or Israeli media. Then you are
expected to be an "obedient servant" or a "soldier" in the war of
propaganda. You are expected to tell the truth only if it sounds and looks
convenient and appropriate. Otherwise, you could be risking your life.

Unfortunately, some PA officials (especially those who returned from Tunis
and Lebanon), have almost no understanding of the real role of the media. As
far as they are concerned, the Palestinian media should not be different
from those in the Arab world official organs for the rulers and their

Last night, Qurei's office claimed that he had nothing to do with the
threats. Many PA officials and Palestinian journalists, who are in touch
with me on a daily basis, phoned me to express their disgust at the threats.
It is this kind of support that keeps me running and gives me hope that
things may yet change for the better.
Previous article Next articl

Temat: ""Zastraszanie""dziennikarzy"'palestyndemokracja""
Zawsze tak bylo i to jest arabska norma ,zastraszanie
dziennikarzy ,konfiskowanie materialow i naklanianie do pisania
klamliwych artykulow o Izraelu przez palestynow Arafata.
Groza smiercia , torturuja i potem morduja opornych dziennikarzy
Czytaj jeden z wielu prawie codziennych reportazy na ten temat ,
"arabska demokracja" :

Sep. 24, 2002
I was threatened by a Palestinian official for a story in the 'Post'

A senior aide to Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker Ahmed Qurei was
arrested Monday by Jerusalem police for allegedly making threats to
Jerusalem Post reporter Khaled Abu Toameh over a news report.

Salah Elayan, an Israeli Arab who is head of Qurei's bureau, was detained by
police at his Beit Safafa home yesterday afternoon after Abu Toameh, the
Post's Palestinian affairs correspondent, complained to police on Sunday
night that Elayan repeatedly threatened him over the telephone.

Abu Toameh had reported that, in a telephone conversation, Qurei requested a
meeting with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to discuss the IDF's siege of
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah.

Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said Elayan was released on bail
last night, and warned not to approach Abu Toameh or his home. Here is Abu
Toameh's story, in his own words:

It all started with a news story in Sunday's Jerusalem Post about a phone
conversation between Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker Ahmed Qurei and
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The conversation, which dealt with the crisis
in the Ramallah offices of Yasser Arafat, took place on Saturday.

One of Qurei's senior aides, Salah Elayan, phoned me to protest the story.
He said it was untrue that Qurei had asked to see Sharon, and immediately
started abusing me and threatening to harm me. Elayan... refused to listen
to anything I had to say.

But that was not all. Even after I hung up the phone, refusing to hear the
abuse and threats, he made several more calls to my mobile phone, repeating
his threats and curses.

An hour later, another one of Qurei's aides, Firas Yaghi, also called to
threaten, this time under the pretext that the story had "harmed Qurei's
dignity and presented him as someone who is humiliating himself in front of
the Israeli prime minister."
After consulting with many of my Palestinian colleagues, I was encouraged to
file a complaint with the Jerusalem police. Many told me of similar threats
they have also received from certain PA officials and their assistants.

Intimidation of journalists in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is not a new
phenomenon but not all choose to tell the story.

Through this experience, I have once again been reminded of the risks
involved in working as a newsman in the PA-controlled territories.

Journalists covering events in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are sometimes
faced with life-threatening situations, especially over the past two years.
That's why many of them, particularly foreign TV crews, prefer to use
armored vehicles. A stray bullet fired by an over-cautious IDF soldier or a
Fatah gunman is the nightmare of many journalists driving around in these

But what many don't realize is that the real danger comes not from the
bullets of an M-16 or AK-47 assault rifle. Rather, it comes from attempts by
certain elements in the PA to intimidate journalists who are only trying to
carry out their jobs in a professional manner.

There has been a slight improvement over the past few years in the PA's
record regarding the freedom of the press. But there are still some in the
PA who believe that a journalist's job is first to be "loyal to the cause"
and then to report the truth.

It becomes even more complicated and dangerous if, like myself, you are an
Arab journalist working with the foreign or Israeli media. Then you are
expected to be an "obedient servant" or a "soldier" in the war of
propaganda. You are expected to tell the truth only if it sounds and looks
convenient and appropriate. Otherwise, you could be risking your life.

Unfortunately, some PA officials (especially those who returned from Tunis
and Lebanon), have almost no understanding of the real role of the media. As
far as they are concerned, the Palestinian media should not be different
from those in the Arab world official organs for the rulers and their

Last night, Qurei's office claimed that he had nothing to do with the
threats. Many PA officials and Palestinian journalists, who are in touch
with me on a daily basis, phoned me to express their disgust at the threats.
It is this kind of support that keeps me running and gives me hope that
things may yet change for the better.
Previous article Next articl

Temat: ""Zastraszanie"

Sep. 24, 2002
I was threatened by a Palestinian official for a story in the 'Post'

A senior aide to Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker Ahmed Qurei was
arrested Monday by Jerusalem police for allegedly making threats to
Jerusalem Post reporter Khaled Abu Toameh over a news report.

Salah Elayan, an Israeli Arab who is head of Qurei's bureau, was detained by
police at his Beit Safafa home yesterday afternoon after Abu Toameh, the
Post's Palestinian affairs correspondent, complained to police on Sunday
night that Elayan repeatedly threatened him over the telephone.

Abu Toameh had reported that, in a telephone conversation, Qurei requested a
meeting with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to discuss the IDF's siege of
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah.

Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said Elayan was released on bail
last night, and warned not to approach Abu Toameh or his home. Here is Abu
Toameh's story, in his own words:

It all started with a news story in Sunday's Jerusalem Post about a phone
conversation between Palestinian Legislative Council Speaker Ahmed Qurei and
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. The conversation, which dealt with the crisis
in the Ramallah offices of Yasser Arafat, took place on Saturday.

One of Qurei's senior aides, Salah Elayan, phoned me to protest the story.
He said it was untrue that Qurei had asked to see Sharon, and immediately
started abusing me and threatening to harm me. Elayan... refused to listen
to anything I had to say.

But that was not all. Even after I hung up the phone, refusing to hear the
abuse and threats, he made several more calls to my mobile phone, repeating
his threats and curses.

An hour later, another one of Qurei's aides, Firas Yaghi, also called to
threaten, this time under the pretext that the story had "harmed Qurei's
dignity and presented him as someone who is humiliating himself in front of
the Israeli prime minister."
After consulting with many of my Palestinian colleagues, I was encouraged to
file a complaint with the Jerusalem police. Many told me of similar threats
they have also received from certain PA officials and their assistants.

Intimidation of journalists in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is not a new
phenomenon but not all choose to tell the story.

Through this experience, I have once again been reminded of the risks
involved in working as a newsman in the PA-controlled territories.

Journalists covering events in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are sometimes
faced with life-threatening situations, especially over the past two years.
That's why many of them, particularly foreign TV crews, prefer to use
armored vehicles. A stray bullet fired by an over-cautious IDF soldier or a
Fatah gunman is the nightmare of many journalists driving around in these

But what many don't realize is that the real danger comes not from the
bullets of an M-16 or AK-47 assault rifle. Rather, it comes from attempts by
certain elements in the PA to intimidate journalists who are only trying to
carry out their jobs in a professional manner.

There has been a slight improvement over the past few years in the PA's
record regarding the freedom of the press. But there are still some in the
PA who believe that a journalist's job is first to be "loyal to the cause"
and then to report the truth.

It becomes even more complicated and dangerous if, like myself, you are an
Arab journalist working with the foreign or Israeli media. Then you are
expected to be an "obedient servant" or a "soldier" in the war of
propaganda. You are expected to tell the truth only if it sounds and looks
convenient and appropriate. Otherwise, you could be risking your life.

Unfortunately, some PA officials (especially those who returned from Tunis
and Lebanon), have almost no understanding of the real role of the media. As
far as they are concerned, the Palestinian media should not be different
from those in the Arab world official organs for the rulers and their

Last night, Qurei's office claimed that he had nothing to do with the
threats. Many PA officials and Palestinian journalists, who are in touch
with me on a daily basis, phoned me to express their disgust at the threats.
It is this kind of support that keeps me running and gives me hope that
things may yet change for the better.
Previous article Next articl

Temat: Ku pamieci Prima
Z 2157 (!) moich postow wybralem ten. Facet na forum Praca wachal sie, czy
sobie w Stanach poradzi, wiec mu napisalem epistole:

"Ponizsze sa mniej lub bardziej chaotyczne refleksje, ktore przyszly mi do
Byc moze brzmia dziecinnie i naiwnie, tudziez radosnie-optymistycznie, ale
robie to z premedytacja ;)

Stany nie stanowia powaznego szoku kulturowego (dla ludzi inteligentnych o
otwartym swiatopogladzie), asymilacja jest latwa i szybka.
The lack of rigid, stiff, and strange societal rules makes States easy to adapt
for you. There is really not much to adapt to.

You can move into any apartment of your choice (your wallet permitting) just
like that. There is no such a nonsense as "meldunek". People here never heard
about such a thing. Everybody moves from time to time, as a matter of fact I
have moved five times since I’ve arrived here. You can do whatever you want -
as long as you don't break the law - and nobody cares. Nobody will comment your
actions. Your neighbors will acknowledge your existence and that's about all.
They will keep their noses out of your business.

Contrary to what average opinion holds Americans are not that stupid.
They just know what they need to know, what they want to know, and how much
they want to know.
If you choose to socialize with blue collar people, chances are you'll drink a
lot of Budweiser, watch a lot of football and baseball, and talk small politics.
If you choose white collars, chances are you'll drink microbrewery beers, fine
wine, watch some football, baseball, quality movies, go to the Symphony Hall,
talk international politics etc.
That, however, can be reversed at any time, so don't be surprised and don't

Depending on where you live the flow of time will prove Einstein's theory right
and be relative.
It will be very fast in places such as New York City, LA, and other huge
cities, much faster than in Poland.
It'll be quite fast in medium size cities such as Boston, where I live. But it
will be slow in small towns, especially in the South. In general the pace of
life in America is fast.

There is a theory that we work more than Europeans. It all depends.
If your profession is non-production one, research or creative for instance,
you'll put in long hours, you already know that. Everything else is pretty much
8-5, one hour lunch, one, two, or three weeks vacation.
Most likely you'll get paid weekly.
Right now the unemployment rate is @ 7%, comparing with 20% in Poland - that's
You should have no serious problems finding jobs, you should start looking now,
that's what the Internet is for.
You can also arrive here and get any kind of job and look for the one you
really want. Do it "American way".
Social Security Number is our PESEL and this is where it stops. We don't
have "dowod osobisty".
Your ID is your Driver's License. The only country - wide identification
document is US passport.

Most Americans are honest, hard working, nice people.
It is normal to hear people say "hello” and "thank you" to the driver of a
local bus, I do it myself.
We say: "how are you?" as Poles say: "dzien dobry", but we are not necessarily
interested in the state of your affairs.
It's just a greeting. That is pretty simple comparing to something in Africa.
In some cultures they ask about every major family member and everybody
is "fine". That's official part of greeting. The unofficial part spills the
truth. But that's in Africa.

Only some Americans show flair in fashion, and like everything of high quality,
it cost more. Same goes for food, regular supermarket will cost you less, but
food won't be that good. There are farmers co-op markets with excellent food,
and European-style supermarkets with prime quality. The choice is yours and you
will afford it, too.
Basically, you can find anything you want, anything.

Typical American apartment or family architecture is different from polish one.
It comes from a traditional colonial architecture, imported from 17-th century
England. Those who are not familiar with this, think that it sucks. Let them
think so. The architectural evolution in America went its logical way, the same
happened in Europe, and in Poland it went concrete bunker way.

The bureaucracy here is better organized than in Poland. You are treated as a
customer, not as an unwanted obstacle on "biurwy" way to the cup of tea and a
I should stop now, there is so much more to say.
Use the Internet, go to the US Embassy and join the library.
Keep your goals high and your hopes low.
Good luck and welcome to America!"

Temat: Terry Man w GCK - znowu fajny koncert !!!
Terry o sobie po angielsq ;-)
Most biographies are written by musicians pretending to be someone else. My
name is Terry Mann. Writing about my favorite artist. Terry Mann. Who is Terry

Terry, (born in Mississippi, transported to New York as a child), has hung out
and played with a few famous and or notorious people. Actually, if we're going
to drop names, I once got to hang out with Katherine Hepburn for a half hour! I
was very honored and impressed. I guess a close second was working with, (or
for ) John Lennon. He was a lot of fun, but I was still more impressed with
Miss Hepburn.

Living and playing in New York became tedious. Sessions, tours, smokey clubs,
the same old samo. Soooo…….pack your bags and come to Europe! Where I
discovered street playing! Bought a V.W.van, (named Bluebelle), and traveled
back and forth across the continent playing the blues. Clubs, Streetcorners,
Dirty bars, wherever, for whomever would listen. I had a great time, and saw
the best of Europe in it's prime. I wouldn't have traded the experience for a
million bucks. Well……………..maybe.

Anyhow, believe it or not, accidents do happen. A century ago, a single I put
out on my own label, ( FLY BY NIGHT RECORDS…. which is what we did. ), and got
on the British indie charts. For a while I was in vogue, but alas……..fame is
fleeting. More recently, I accidentally became a script writer, music score
maker, and theme song creator on a soon to be filmed Hollywood movie. Ain't
life just full of surprises. A new talent to amuse me in my twilight years.
Still no money, but a lot of fun. Check out CLAMBAKED at Brilligs Productions.

Occasionally I put together a band when I feel like rocking out. This time
around, I'm joined by Jeroen Van Niele on bass, and Ramon Hamel on drums.
They're very good players and always complaining that I'm not paying them what
they're worth. This is true. For the first time, in print I admit it! There!
Feel better now? If you get a chance you should see us. These guys are really
great. Underpaid, but great.

We never know what we're going to play or do on stage, but I hear we're always
fun. Actually…….we seem to be developing a following. At least in Holland.
Well… least in Amsterdam.

I'm living in Amsterdam now, and playing in clubs and dives all over Europe.
Until I starve to death or become famous, I guess I'll keep it up. It's a lot
of fun watching people boogie all night……..even if it get's a little tiring.

Hopefully, I can talk some independent label into putting us in the studio so
we can record an album. Guess I'm kind of old fashioned. I like recording on
tape instead of computer tracks droning on in my headphones.

Anyhow…….I'm getting a little tired of typing. Since I have a lot of time on my
hands, feel free to drop me a line. I'll probably write you back. Unless of
course I've become a big star, In which case I'll have my seductive and
inefficient secretary write you. "Til then, have a good life with fun lovers
with warm feet, and may all good things come to each and every one of you.

Love and kisses…………Terryman

Temat: Atak Izralea jest smiertelnym krokiem ku wojnie
Atak Izralea jest smiertelnym krokiem ku wojnie
Israel's attack is a lethal step towards war in Middle East
Robert Fisk in Beirut

Israel received the Green Light. It came from what is called the Syria
Accountability Act, moving through the United States Congress with the help
of Israel's supporters, that will impose sanctions on Damascus for its
supposed enthusiasm for "terrorism" and occupation of Lebanon.

Speaker after speaker in the past week has been warning that Syria is the
new - or old, or non-existent - threat previously represented by Iraq: that
it has weapons of mass destruction, that it has biological warheads, that it
received Iraq's non-existent weapons of mass destruction just before we began
our illegal invasion of Iraq in March.

The Israeli lie about "thousands" of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in the
Bekaa Valley in Lebanon has been uncloaked yet again. In reality, there
hasn't been an Iranian militant in Lebanon for 20 years. But who cares? The
dictatorial Syrian regime - and dictatorial it most decidedly is - has to be
struck after a Jenin woman lawyer, who has probably never visited Damascus in
her life, blows herself and 19 innocent Israelis up in Haifa.

And why not? If America can strike Afghanistan for the international crimes
against humanity of 11 September 2001, when 15 of the 19 hijackers were
Saudis, and if America can invade Iraq, which had absolutely nothing to do
with 11 September, why shouldn't Israel strike Syria?

Yes, Syria does support Hamas and Islamic Jihad. But in Iraq is based the
Mujahideen Khalq, which bombs Iran, and the Americans have not bombed them.
In Jerusalem exists a government that openly threatens the life of Yasser
Arafat but no one suggests action should be taken against the Israeli

In Jerusalem lives a prime minister, Ariel Sharon, who was adjudicated to
be "personally responsible" by Israel's own Kahane commission of enquiry for
the massacre of up to 1,700 Palestinian civilians at the Sabra and Chatila
refugee camps in Beirut in 1982. But he is not going on trial for war crimes.

Of course, Syria is going to take the air strikes on the 'training base" of
Islamic Jihad to the United Nations. Much good will it do Damascus. When the
United States cannot bring itself to support a resolution condemning Israel's
threat to murder Arafat, when it will not stop the Israelis building 600 more
houses - for Jews and Jews only - on Palestinian land, air raids on Syria
simply don't matter.

Perhaps Lebanon will benefit. Perhaps Lebanon can now be spared Israel's
retaliation for Palestinian violence - unless, of course, Israel decides to
strike a Palestinian "training base" in Lebanon.

No one asks what these "training bases" are. Do Palestinian suicide bombers
really need to practice suicide bombing? Does turning a switch need that much
training? Surely the death of a brother or a cousin by the Israeli army is
all the practice that is needed.

But no. Yesterday, we took another little lethal step along the road to
Middle East war, establishing facts on the ground, proving that it's
permissible to bomb the territory of Syria in the "war against terror", which
President Bush has himself declared now includes Gaza.

And the precedents are there if we need them. Back in 1983, when President
Reagan thought he was fighting a "war on terror" in the Middle East, he
ordered his air force to bomb the Syrian army in the Lebanese Bekaa Valley,
losing a pilot and allowing the Syrians to capture his co-pilot, who was only
returned after a prolonged and politically embarrassing negotiation by Jesse
Jackson. In an era when America is ready to threaten the invasion of Syria
and Iran - part of that infamous "axis of evil" - this may seem small beer.
But Syria itself has seen what has happened to America's army in Iraq, and is
emboldened by its humiliation to avenge the attacks of Israel or America,
whatever the cost.

If America cannot control Iraq, why should Syria fear Israel?

Temat: Read this, correct and comment...
Camp David Myth
The myth of then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak's "generous
offer" and "Israel's painful concessions" in the summer
of 2000, and the consequent portrayal of Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat as a rejectionist in the media is a
The question "Didn’t Barak offer 95 percent of the
occupied territories to Arafat at Camp David?" is
exploited to the fullest and enters the mythology of
Israeli propaganda. Repeated enough, people believe it.
So just what was the offer made by Mr. Barak in July 2000?
Barak wanted to bypass interim agreements and present
Arafat with an all-or-nothing proposal, with no fallback
options. He presented nothing in writing; proposals were
stated verbally.
Conclusions of what proposals might be were drawn from
maps. Israel would not return to its 1967 borders.
Barak's offer would have left the main Israeli
settlements and their Jewish-only bypass roads intact.
Palestinian villages would continue to be islands
isolated from each other, Bantustans completely
surrounded by Israeli military, who could and would
blockade entire villages from travel. Except for three
villages, Barak excluded the 28 Palestinian villages
Israel illegally annexed to Jerusalem. Israel would
accept no responsibility for the Palestinian refugee
Clinton promised Arafat that if the talks failed, Arafat
would not be blamed. Yet, when the talks failed, Clinton
placed all of the blame on Arafat and contributed to the
misleading, simplistic propaganda of the "generous offer"
by Barak, which was then picked up by and carried on in
the media. Given the history of broken promises and
increased land confiscation and accelerated settlement
expansion under Barak, Arafat didn't trust these verbal
promises. He wanted proof of Israel's seriousness in
implementing the agreements previously made (and negated
by Netanyahu), and feared that in accepting an
all-or-nothing final status proposal, the entire basis of
international legitimacy would be undermined.
In the 1993 Oslo Agreement, by recognizing Israel's right
to exist, Palestinians already gave up 78 percent of
their land and accepted the formula "land for peace"
within the context of U.N. Security Council Resolution
242, which calls for the withdrawal of Israel from the
occupied territories. This meant Palestinians were
willing to settle for 22 percent of originally mandated
Palestine. To put it bluntly: You take $100 from me and
later offer to repay $22. I cut my losses and give up
$78. Still later you want more of my remaining $22. In
short, Arafat felt Palestinians had made real concessions
in settling for the territories occupied since the 1967 war.
Even a cursory look at a map of the settlements and their
bypass roads amidst Palestinian cities and towns
strikingly reveals the impossibility of a viable
sovereign Palestinian state. Sovereignty presupposes
contiguous territory. How many of us would agree to
travel 40 miles from one town to another when the actual
distance between them is only five miles?
Jeff Halper, a professor at Ben Gurion University, calls
it a "matrix of controls" a system of facts on the
ground, settlements, military checkpoints, permits for
travel, permits for building, closure political control
over every aspect of Palestinian life. Israeli military
decide if and when one can go to work, to market, to
school, to the doctor or hospital, to church/mosque, or
to visit relatives, leave one's home or one's village.
Control means when and how much water will be allowed
Palestinians. In a sense, control is as important as
territory. A member of the Israeli peace group
Gush-Shalom says, "Prisoners may occupy 95 percent of
prison space, but it is the other 5 percent that
determines who is in control."
There is no way Arafat or the Palestinian people could
have or should have accepted Barak's offer. Palestinians
are not asking Israel for concessions, but compliance
with international law not to give up, but to give back land.

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